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Association Class'Code Association Class'Code

[Automatic translation follows] Mastering computational thinking to transmit it Since 2015* Class’Code has trained thousands of teachers, facilitators and educators all year round who train and experiment with computer science and digital culture. Class'Code supports training in coding and computer thinking for teachers, educators, parents, but also for all curious people aged 7 to 107. Thanks to its national network, Class'Code allows the meeting of digital education stakeholders involved in the territories so that tomorrow, girls and boys, will have acquired these fundamental skills of the 21st century. Class’Code is based on an active and creative pedagogy: the participant is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

34 10 29 3
Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale

[Automatic translation follows] Two centuries of passion for industry and for the people who contribute to its development The Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie Nationale is an association founded in 1801 by the three consuls, Bonaparte, Cambacérès and Lebrun. Recognized as being of public utility since 1824, its aim is to stimulate the industrial development of France, to promote technological innovation and to promote entrepreneurship. It made a direct contribution to the economic development of France in the 19th century in areas ranging from the first railway networks to the creation of the first energy production and distribution infrastructures. Its action …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: energytech industry 4.0

108 14 95 29
Relais Culture Europe Relais Culture Europe

Structure publique nationale, Relais Culture Europe est une plateforme d’innovation sur l’Europe et la culture. Relais Culture Europe is a platform on Europe and culture. Its mission is to support the European cultural innovation practices of cultural and creative actors by supporting the development of capacities and projects, cooperation networks and European exchange and research communities. As Creative Europe Desk for France, Relais Culture Europe offers support in the mobilisation of the Creative Europe programme as well as information on other European funding available for culture. Relais Culture Europe is supported by the French Ministry of Culture, CNC and the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

28 6 16 22
Agglomération de Chaumont Agglomération de Chaumont

[Automatic translation follows] The Chaumont Agglomeration brings together a total of 63 municipalities, all in an area covering 927 km2. From Colombey-les-deux-Eglises to Chaumont, via Nogent, the area has nearly 47,000 inhabitants.

Type: Public

6 2 2 86
L'Essor Affiches Loire L'Essor Affiches Loire

[Automatic translation follows] The legal and economic information journal of the Loire #pressehebdo #news #information L'Essor Posters is the news journal covering economic, legal and local policy news in the Loire. Departmental weekly published on Fridays. To follow the news in real time

Type: Media

106 19 84 11
PLAY International PLAY International

Activateur de changement social par le sport. Promoteur d'innovation sociale Acteur collectif sur tous les terrains. PLAY International is a pioneer among organizations using sport as a tool for education and social change. Since 1999, the NGO developped initiatives in over 12 countries, creating ways for children to learn, be included or overcome a trauma through play. Today, PLAY International aspires to increase the social impact of sport around the world by allowing a growing number of practitioners of the education, sport and humanitarian sectors to access new pedagogies and methods. By sharing its expertise, (co)creating new tools for changemakers, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

43 13 30 61
Unhaj - Union nationale pour l'habitat des jeunes Unhaj - Union nationale pour l'habitat des jeunes

[Automatic translation follows] Habitat Jeunes - spaces, meetings... a “home” National popular education movement, bringing together Habitat Jeunes project leaders who promote socialization and access to autonomy for young people

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

35 4 25 27
Paris Terres d'Envol Paris Terres d'Envol

[Automatic translation follows] Located in the north-east of the capital, Paris Terres d'Envol is a French intermunicipal structure, created on January 1, 2016 as part of the creation of the Greater Paris Metropolis. It brings together eight towns in Seine-Saint-Denis: Aulnay-sous-Bois, Drancy, Dugny, Le Blanc-Mesnil, Le Bourget Sevran, Tremblay-en-France, Villepinte.

Type: Public

33 10 23 102
Mairie d'Aulnay-sous-Bois Mairie d'Aulnay-sous-Bois

[Automatic translation follows] Aulnay-sous-Bois is the third city in the Seine-Saint-Denis department in terms of demographic weight and economy. Its population is particularly young: 45% of residents are under 30 years old. Located 19 km northeast of Paris, Aulnay-sous-Bois allows its inhabitants, the Aulnaysiennes, to be at the heart of the Greater Paris Metropolis and the Paris Terres d’Envol territory. Since 2014, the Mayor of the city has been Bruno Beschizza.

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

22 15 3 391
LePoleS LePoleS

[Automatic translation follows] Established since its creation at the foot of the bar in the Caravelle district of Villeneuve-la-Garenne, LePoleS has been deploying economic integration activities for working-class neighborhoods for 28 years. social and solidarity economy, integration project, working-class neighborhoods, and labeled a major digital school

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

4 1 2 141
Association Nationale Compagnons Bâtisseurs Association Nationale Compagnons Bâtisseurs

[Automatic translation follows] Solidarity, a project to share The Compagnons Bâtisseurs network is a popular education movement that has been working for over 60 years to improve housing, promote economic integration in the construction sector and welcome young volunteers. Currently present in 14 regions in France, the Compagnons Bâtisseurs have developed a philosophy of intervention at the crossroads of social action and housing renovation: Accompanied Self-Rehabilitation. Accompanied Self-Rehabilitation, Volunteering, Accompanied Self-construction, and housing problems

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

59 9 47 69
Roissy Pays de France agglomération Roissy Pays de France agglomération

[Automatic translation follows] Roissy Pays de France is an intermunicipality bringing together 42 municipalities in Val d'Oise and Seine-et-Marne for more than 357,929 inhabitants. The agglomeration community has a diversified territory both in terms of demographics and urban density: - Strong urbanization in the south of the territory - A large concentration of activities around the Paris – Charles de Gaulle and Paris – Le Bourget airports - Large agricultural areas in the north and east Roissy Pays de France coordinates intermunicipal actions in terms of economic development, public services, collective investments and ensures a balanced distribution of resources, housing …

Type: Public

33 8 21 228
respect emi respect emi

[Automatic translation follows] Media education for everyone! Getting involved and taking action is no longer an option, it is a necessity. We all have a decisive role to play. respect is the new media that carries high the colors of respect for others and differences. Each quarter, respect magazine is embodied by faces, movements, aspirations and gives voice to unique, singular and collective voices. innovation, environment, social, solidarity, social tech, civic tech, transition, and conference

Type: Event Media

25 7 18 25

[Automatic translation follows] Real places of sport, life and learning 📍Paris 13 📍Aulnay-sous-Bois 📍Blanc-Mesnil The Boxer Inside club Boxing for all, in a real club spirit Boxer Inside Club is first and foremost an associative club open to all those who want to box, from 7 to 77 years old, from recreational practice to competitions for amateurs and professionals, at very affordable prices and in welcoming and well-equipped rooms. The club has three sites: Paris 13th, Aulnay-sous-Bois and Le Blanc-Mesnil in Seine-Saint-Denis. Through its various programs, the Club welcomes more than 1,500 people each year in a real club spirit. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: sporttech

13 2 8 9
Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Nancy Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Nancy

[Automatic translation follows] The National School of Architecture of Nancy is one of the 20 schools of architecture under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture. Located in the heart of an attractive European region, powerfully combining art and engineering, the school trains nearly 650 student architects and around fifty in other courses. For more than 45 years, the Nancy School of Architecture has developed two objectives of excellence: research in architecture and innovative pedagogies through projects. From the development of public spaces to the conversion of existing buildings, the project workshops, at the heart of the teaching, take place …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 3 3 101
Ville de Laon Ville de Laon

[Automatic translation follows] HISTORY HAS A FUTURE 1 hour 45 minutes from Paris and Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport, the city of Laon has the particularity of having a wooded city center. With more than 80 listed historic monuments, the medieval city, perched on a mound, is home to one of the largest protected areas in France. Eight kilometers of ramparts encircle this treasure and give the city its crowned mountain designation. Notre-Dame Cathedral, the jewel in this crown, is visible for miles around. Laon invites you to stroll and discover more than six centuries of history.

Type: Public

9 5 4 74
Altitude Infra Altitude Infra

[Automatic translation follows] Invest, build, operate. Altitude Infra is the leading independent telecoms infrastructure operator in France. In close collaboration with local authorities, who delegate their public very high-speed connectivity service to the Group, 10 million French people will be eligible for optical fiber at the end of the deployment carried out by Team AltitudeInfra. With its 500 employees, Altitude Infra generates more than 6,000 indirect jobs (subcontracting), invests nearly €3 billion in its projects and actively participates in the economic attractiveness of territories. Its growth is based on a state of mind shared by both its employees and its …

Type: SMB Activities: it services

26 6 22 761
Département de l'Aube Département de l'Aube

[Automatic translation follows] The Department at your side 👐 Welcome to the official page of the Department of Aube! 🗺️ Ideally located in the heart of Champagne and at the gates of Paris, Aube is a rural territory offering great wealth in terms of cultural, sporting and gastronomic activities. 📍 Troyes, historic capital of Champagne, is a city on a human scale, dynamic and with an exceptional heritage located 1h30 south of Paris by the A5 motorway or by train. 🙋 The department has experienced regular demographic growth for around ten years, particularly in connection with the rapidly developing university …

Type: Public

32 14 15 323
Smart by Design Smart by Design

[Automatic translation follows] Let's create the solutions of tomorrow Founded in October 2018 by Marie BAUDRY, Smart by Design is a consulting, assistance and management agency for innovative digital projects serving the sustainable Smart City based on collective intelligence. The Smart by Design agency offers you: • Advice and implementation of the Smart City and Innovation strategy in your territory: decryption and tailor-made support for elected officials, general management, agents and citizens; • Creation of consultation workshops with your end users throughout the project life cycle; • Monitoring and forecasting of new uses and digital transformation; • Design and deployment …

Type: SMB Activities: smart city it services Technologies: IoT VR

34 0 34 2
PARME Avocats PARME Avocats

[Automatic translation follows] Public Law at the heart of your projects! 🚀 Parme Avocats is an expert firm in public and private business law, with an identity affirmed by 25 years of experience and by a lasting relationship with its clients, whom it supports both in advice and in litigation 🤝 With more than 3,000 reference files, the firm offers its clients comprehensive expertise combined with a concrete and operational approach to their projects. Parma Avocats approaches each case with the same philosophy: to provide its clients with the best operational solution, whatever their situation. Based on an in-depth legal …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

31 4 27 45
CIVITEO-Conseil et stratégie CIVITEO-Conseil et stratégie

[Automatic translation follows] Data & strategies AI: putting data management at the service of the general interest CIVITEO supports public decision-makers and their partners in building their data and artificial intelligence strategies. Our team brings together data and artificial intelligence experts who put their experience at the service of public policies and the general interest. CIVITEO supports pioneering territories in data and Smart Cities, in France and abroad. We also support administrations and territories of all sizes which are taking their first steps in data management. Our methods of intervention combine perfect knowledge of the public world with mastery of …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting smart city Technologies: Data Analytics

37 7 22 8
Alpa Conseil Alpa Conseil

[Automatic translation follows] Let's optimize the potential of your territory together. Alpa conseil is an agency specializing in territorial and tourism engineering. We work in several fields of expertise in the construction, brick by brick, of a project that suits you and reveals the potential of your territory. Tourism, Territorial development, Organization - merger, Attendance studies, Audit, Tourism Quality Brand, Decision support, Evaluation, Economic benefits of tourism, Tourism strategy, and Diversification

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

5 0 5 7
BSE Electronic BSE Electronic

BUSINESS SUCCESS TOGETHER ! BSE Electronic propose à ses clients des solutions globales de conception et fabrication de cartes et d'équipements électroniques. La mission de BSE Electronic est de supporter ses clients dans la course au succès : « Building Success Together ».Pour cela, BSE Electronic s’appuie sur deux principes fondamentaux : EXCELLENCE et INNOVATION. Electronic Manufacturing Services

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing

7 0 7 33
Enlarge Your Paris Enlarge Your Paris

[Automatic translation follows] The media of great Parisians Enlarge Your Paris is the first online media dedicated to culture in Greater Paris. It is also a user-friendly advice and assistance agency for local stakeholders ( events, consulting, content production, town planning, and hiking

Type: Media

43 10 39 9
FACE Ille-et-Vilaine FACE Ille-et-Vilaine

[Automatic translation follows] The 1st network of companies committed to CSR in Brittany! Since 1998, the FACE Ille-et-Vilaine Business Club, a true laboratory of ideas and social innovations, has supported stakeholders in its territory to fight against all forms of exclusion and to promote equality and diversity. and diversity. Its expertise is materialized through CSR actions carried out by its network of companies for employment, training and education, with thousands of beneficiaries.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

27 2 20 29
Les entreprises pour la Cité Les entreprises pour la Cité

[Automatic translation follows] The network of committed companies A spokesperson for businesses with institutions for over thirty years, the Enterprises for the City network supports businesses (large businesses, mid-sized companies and SMEs) on three major CSR themes: Equal opportunities, Diversity and Patronage. We benefit from great territoriality with a presence in the following regions: Grand-Est, Ile-de-France, Pays de la Loire, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, PACA, Guadeloupe. Our support is provided through workshops, conferences, round tables and even events, organized all year round by our teams of experts, throughout France. As an approved training organization, we also offer varied and complementary training …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

65 9 46 50
BecomTech BecomTech

<Nous aspirons à un monde où chacune et chacun est libre de choisir son avenir/> #BecauseGirlsCan💪 The NGO Wifilles changes name to BECOMTECH! 2018 marks a major turning point in our ambitions to close the gender gap in Technologies Our core business is the introduction to digital and computer science, to open the field of possibilities, to junior and high school girls. More than 100 girls have taken the step. Through our signature program, they launch initiatives to address the issues of their community. They are solving problems, empowering their friends, and defining the future of our world. We’re thrilled …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

56 9 50 76

THERMOCOAX, global expert in thermal solutions for high-end markets. Thermocoax, part of Spirax Group, is built on nearly 70 years of proven expertise in our core technologies (including Mineral Insulated cable) and design of thermal solutions for critical mission applications. As we specialize in custom designs, we have a continual contact with our partners. It is essential in maintaining a strong level of added value and continuously improving our solutions.

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0

3 1 1 160

[Automatic translation follows] I have the solution with my CCI! The Touraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry serves 19,000 industrial, commercial companies and service providers in order to develop the economic assets of the Indre et Loire department. Starting a business is an exciting adventure, but it also means facing questions: - I have a creation-resumption project and I need advice - I want to advance my teams, I have difficulty recruiting employees, I am lost in employment support systems - I want to develop my presence on the web, on social networks - I need advice and tools to …

Type: Public

35 9 29 83
Chambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat Hauts-de-France Chambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat Hauts-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] CMA, artisans of the new economy The CMA Hauts-de-France, since 1925, has set itself a mission: TO MAKE THE CRAFTS SUCCESSFUL Led by local elected officials, all artisans, the CMA Hauts-de-France advises, supports and trains future generations of artisans, project leaders, business leaders and employees of the craft industry. Thanks to a pedagogy resolutely focused on the challenges of tomorrow, quality teaching, interventions by active craftsmen and modern technical platforms, the CMA Hauts-de-France trains in respect of artisanal values ​​and know-how, in professions as diverse as food, services, hotels and restaurants, automobiles, construction, commerce, etc. Aware of …

Type: Public

27 10 13 573
Paris International Agricultural Show Paris International Agricultural Show

The essential event for the agricultural sector #SIAPRO #SIA2020 The essential event for the agricultural sector is coming back this year from the 22nd february to the 1st march 2020. Every year, more than 30.000 professionals visitors are exploring the show to find out what's happening in the sector, meeting with their peers and assisting to the Concours Général Agricole.

Type: Event

114 92 20 47
Les Cités d'Or Les Cités d'Or

[Automatic translation follows] Popular education movement, Les Cités d'Or aims to identify and disseminate, particularly among people who have dropped out of school and society, knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills that can be used in personal and professional life. . The movement is developing an educational project inseparable from its civic project: allowing everyone to become more fully involved in their life (autonomy) and in society (desire and power to act) by simultaneously being taught AND teaching. This project is embodied through the Ecoles Buissonnières, an original concept intended for young people aged 16 to 25. A Buissonnière School is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 2 14 29

empowering children and teenagers Imagineo aims at promoting creativity, innovation abilities and empowerment in youths. Following its pedagogical orientation, Imagineo commits to building an active and responsible society and helps children and teenagers to become authors of a sustainable future. Inspired by Design Thinking, Imagineo follows a bottom-up approach, which allows children and teenagers to learn and thrive through experience. Through playful activities, they enjoy discovering, observing, thinking and co-creating. Our lab conducts pedagogical research on our projects, in order to develop cutting-edge educational methods, to measure their impact and to share them. creativity, innovation, and empowerment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

11 2 10 4
CoopaWatt CoopaWatt

[Automatic translation follows] Accelerate the energy transition How can we involve the greatest number of residents and a diversity of stakeholders in a region around renewable energy production projects? How can we give the keys to the territories so that they can take ownership of this vital economic activity? To answer these questions and build the energy model of tomorrow in the territories, CoopaWatt offers local engineering, specializing in helping the emergence and support of participatory and citizen renewable energy projects. Its team encourages the emergence of multi-stakeholder groups (citizens, businesses, associations, communities) and supports them in setting up local …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

11 1 9 12
Weavers France Weavers France

[Automatic translation follows] Weavers: after exile, access to employment through training and meetings Our school was created following an observation: in addition to the uprooting they experience, exiled people suffer from isolation, the lack of connection with local people and professional downgrading. While sectors are struggling to recruit, such as essential professions or the hotel and catering industry, a large number of exiled people have the necessary talents to meet this need. In Villeurbanne, Annecy, Grenoble and Paris, we facilitate the recruitment of exiled people. To do this, we train exiled people, but also all the stakeholders who have a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

28 8 24 29
Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer Les Scop et Scic Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Outre-Mer

[Automatic translation follows] Cooperative expert, solidarity partner The Regional Union of Scop and Scic of Ile-de-France Centre-Val de Loire, Overseas provides support and advisory missions for its member cooperative companies and assists with all creations of new cooperative companies in its regions. The Regional Union of Scop and Scic benefits from the financial support of the European Union (@European Social Fund +), the @Centre-Val de Loire Region, the @Île-de-France Region and the @City of Paris support, collective, communities, financing, cooperative management, training, association transformation, and social innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

44 1 42 8
ADELYA - Loyalty Operator ADELYA - Loyalty Operator

[Automatic translation follows] Your loyalty and marketing animation solution for Brands, Cities and Tourist Offices. For almost 20 years, ADELYA has offered brands, towns, retailers and tourist offices a loyalty and customer relationship solution. Based on NFC mobile and contactless technologies, the Loyalty Operator platform adapts to any type of market and is quick to set up. Customer loyalty, Relationship marketing, Mobile marketing, Interactive marketing, NFC, CRM, Emailing, Omnichannel solution, Marketing events, Loyalty program, Loyalty card, Dematerialized loyalty card, Cloud software publisher, Marketing Automation, mobile application, City Pass , Collective Loyalty, Territorial Marketing, and Tourism Pass

Type: SMB Activities: it services martech Technologies: NFC

5 0 2 29
Comm'une opportunité Comm'une opportunité

[Automatic translation follows] The first meeting site between project leaders and local authorities The Comm'une opportunity site helps project leaders and Territories to meet in order to establish new businesses and services in a sustainable manner in French city centers and town centers. Common Opportunity is our response to 2 distinct objectives: >Facilitating entrepreneurship for all audiences > Revitalizing French city centers and town centers Indirectly, we believe that Comm'une opportunity can also participate in the preservation of our architectural heritage & environmental, and preserve social ties within villages. That's all we want.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Startup Activities: civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

21 2 20 3
Le Journal du Palais de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Le Journal du Palais de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

[Automatic translation follows] Follow all the economic news from Dijon and Burgundy-Franche-Comté in an instant. Le Journal du Palais is an economic and legal news weekly with its headquarters in Dijon. Created in 1929, the newspaper is authorized to publish judicial and legal announcements in Burgundy Franche-Comté. It is part of the ForumEco group.

Type: Media

101 10 99 14
Oniris Nantes Oniris Nantes

[Automatic translation follows] Public higher education establishment located in Nantes on 2 campuses: food sciences and veterinary science Oniris is a higher education and research establishment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. Anchored in its territory and open to the European area, the establishment has a wide thematic range including animal health and public health, clinical, biomedical and biotechnology fields, food sciences and engineering. processes. Oniris aims to be a player in the fields of animal and human health, by actively contributing to the concept of “one medicine, one health”, and food. In addition to these two main …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 0 15 483
TeTra - Le tiers lieu de Carpentras TeTra - Le tiers lieu de Carpentras

[Automatic translation follows] Third place in solidarity with digital: mediation, FabLab, MediaLab, fight against the digital divide and electronicism. There you will find digital mediation, a Digital Manufacturing Workshop (Fablab), a medialab (citizen journalism), a training space, creative spaces. La Fabrique Gare Numérique is the name of the association which supports several Digital Third Places in Carpentras and Sorgues. We communicate via the names of Third Places or Digital Provence. The TeTra association (Third Places and Transitions) is developing third places in town centers and QPVs in order to provide collective responses to the challenges of transitions. FabLab, Scientific mediation, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

11 1 9 5
ADNormandie ADNormandie

[Automatic translation follows] AD Normandie is the one-stop shop for economic aid and development of Normandy businesses AD Normandie, the Development Agency for Normandy is the one-stop shop for economic aid and development of Normandy businesses support for Normandy businesses, export, real estate, innovation, fundraising, territories and networks, environment, strategy, and advice

Type: Incubators & VCs

49 19 46 54
Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat des Pays de la Loire Chambre de métiers et de l'artisanat des Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] CMA, artisans of the new economy ACT TOGETHER IN THE SERVICE OF CRAFTS IN THE PAYS DE LA LOIRE 📲 The Pays de la Loire Chamber of Trades and Crafts represents, defends and advises the 92,360 establishments whatever their size. 👤 Made up of elected artisans, it is an essential partner in the economic and social development of Pays de la Loire, serving the leading company 🔝 in France. Committed to training and the future of professions, 8,000 learners are welcomed each year in its training centers federated within CMA Formation, located in Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Angers, …

Type: Public Activities: entrepreneurship

37 15 24 305
100 Chances 100 Emplois 100 Chances 100 Emplois

[Automatic translation follows] A network of companies to recruit differently! The 100 Chances 100 Jobs initiative originated in 2004 when Jean Louis Borloo, Minister of Social Affairs, met Henri Lachmann, CEO of the Schneider Electric group. "What can companies do to help young people in Sensitive Urban Areas access employment?" In 2004, young adults living in ZUS experienced an unemployment rate twice as high as the national average. Following this meeting, Schneider Electric created the 100 Chances 100 Jobs process, which was successfully tested in September 2004 in Chalon sur Saône. The ambition of 100 Chances 100 Jobs is to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

49 3 3 18
Altice Media Ads & Connect Altice Media Ads & Connect

[Automatic translation follows] Alternative communications solutions Altice Media Ads & Connect represents and markets powerful media brands including the most emblematic, BFMTV (BFM Business, BFM Régions) and RMC (RMC Découverte, RMC Story, RMC Sport) which inform and entertain 50 million French people every month. These media cover varied territories such as continuous, national and local news, sport, economy, technology, history and discovery, and cultivate a strong close relationship with the public. This positioning makes it possible to address everyone, whatever their age, where they live, or their opinions. The agency is thus able to respond to all brand issues, from …

Type: Media

43 5 37 215
Domofrance Domofrance

[Automatic translation follows] Your home, our commitment Domofrance, a subsidiary of the Action Logement Immobilier Group, is a Social Housing Enterprise established in Bordeaux since its creation in 1958. Its vocation is to provide a set of diversified responses to the expectations expressed in terms of housing, and more generally housing. It provides responses adapted to the needs of the territories in New Aquitaine. It is present in more than 230 municipalities. developer, builder, social landlord, trustee, rental management, social innovation, technical innovation, CSR, and B Corp

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

41 9 1 506
Breizh Up Breizh Up

[Automatic translation follows] The Co-investment Fund of the Brittany Region for the economy of tomorrow Breizh Up is a fund created by the Brittany Region, with the support of the European Union, to strengthen the capital contribution of innovative Breton companies, promising in terms of value creation and jobs. With capital of €30 million and managed by UI Investissement, Breizh Up intervenes from the first fundraising, in co-investment with private players operating in the seed segment. fundraising, investment, innovation, finance, development, growth, health, digital, environment, agri-food, industry, economy, maritime, venture capital, technology, energy, agriculture, robotics, biotechnologies, and seeding

Type: Incubators & VCs

48 5 12 5
Bip Pop Bip Pop

[Automatic translation follows] Secure solution for coordinating local solidarity in favor of the autonomy of people in the territories Bip Pop is the solution developed by the Django Mesh Collective Interest Cooperative Society and its mission is to help coordinate local solidarity to provide mobility, prevent the isolation of the most vulnerable and help strengthen the social bond of people in need. loss of autonomy whether or not they have access to the internet/mobile. Bip Pop is a platform of local mutual aid services for communities wishing to expand their social offering in favor of preventing the isolation of disabled …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

32 4 29 5
CCI Essonne CCI Essonne

[Automatic translation follows] A local player serving the creation and development of businesses and businesses. The CCI Essonne represents the 40,000 companies in the department. Its core business is both to know and anticipate their needs and to support them at all stages of their development. Its major orientations are information, networking, the Paris-Saclay mission. Not to mention the two major axes of energy transition and digital transformation. Its major missions By providing businesses with services intended to facilitate their procedures and development, the Essonne CCI ensures a public service mission. For example, assistance with business creation formalities, the issuance …

Type: Public

56 19 37 145
Alfi Technologies Alfi Technologies

smarter simpler ALFI Technologies group has developed a unique expertise in the automation of logistics and the production of building materials. Intralogistics solutions : Postal and courier centers with a range of high-speed unloaders that comply with packages (U-Care range), Warehouse and order picking logistics with conveyor and handling solutions for heavy and large loads, the aircraft industry with multifunction robots which can also be adapted to hard working environments (handling parts in a hot atmosphere ...), The pneumatic industry, for the production of new tires or the sorting and recycling of tires for retreading, The paper industry with AGVs …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: New Materials Robotics

17 3 7 67
CMA Nouvelle-Aquitaine CMA Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Artisans of the new economy Led by elected craftsmen, the CMA Nouvelle-Aquitaine supports craft businesses throughout their life, from creation to the transfer of the business. It participates in the development of crafts in the territories in support of communities.

Type: Public

22 9 14 198
CMA Gironde - Nouvelle-Aquitaine CMA Gironde - Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Buying from a craftsman, a civic act! The Interdepartmental Chamber of Trades and Crafts – Gironde Delegation based in Bordeaux, supports Gironde craft businesses in the construction, food, services and production sectors. It plays an active role in the essential areas of company life and its competitiveness, participates in the sustainable development of our territories and supports the development of professions and skills. We train, support and advise artisans in Gironde in the creation, takeover, development and transfer of businesses, initial and continuing training, recruitment... The Interdepartmental Chamber of Trades and Crafts - Gironde Delegation manages the …

Type: Public

25 8 18 124
PETR Pays Portes de Gascogne PETR Pays Portes de Gascogne

[Automatic translation follows] The Pays Portes de Gascogne is a public institution committed to the development of the territories of the East of Gers. Supporting communities in putting together their files, managing the European LEADER program for subsidies for projects in rural areas, the Pays Portes de Gascogne is a partner for the communities in its territory, which extends throughout the East of Gers, from Lectoure to Samatan via Fleurance, Gimont, L'Isle-Jourdain, Mauvezin, Saint-Clar, etc. Our objective: technically and financially supporting project leaders in order to help them bring out a new way of experiencing rural life in our territory, …

Type: Public

14 2 13 5
Teréga Teréga

[Automatic translation follows] Accelerator of future energies For more than 75 years, thanks to our infrastructure, we have worked to facilitate the transport and storage of gas. Every day, we imagine, with our passionate and expert teams, new solutions that make gas an accelerator of the energy transition. Faced with the challenges of the energy transition, how can we make the link between the historical model, based largely on centralized and essentially fossil-based production, and the model of the future, with a zero carbon footprint thanks to the use of a diversified energy mix, renewable and local dominant? For Teréga, …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

68 25 48 478
Ancoris Ancoris

[Automatic translation follows] Ancoris offers operational solutions to promote employment and investment in the regions. Fervent defenders of territories, we define ourselves as activists serving the attractiveness and influence of communities. Born in 2020 from the merger of Acsan and Regional Partner, we bring together more than 30 employees mobilized to defend the interests of the territories. Investments in the territories, reindustrialization, job creation, business establishment projects, we are committed alongside economic and local players. We are members of the Axtom collective of entrepreneurs. Business prospecting, territorial promotion, attractiveness, reindustrialization and search for buyers, digital marketing, studies and consulting, events, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech

21 2 13 52
Lynxter SAS Lynxter SAS

Lynxter is an additive manufacturing machine tools manufacturer, open and industry 4.0 oriented. Lynxter is an additive manufacturing machine tools manufacturer, open and industry 4.0 oriented. A French start-up born in a garage under the sun of the Pays Basque (Bayonne), offering industry 4.0 open additive manufacturing machine-tools to industries (aerospace, biomedical, etc.), education and communities (technological platforms and fablabs). #versatility #performance #safety #productivity #reliability #specific We believe in creators. We are the right hand of demanding people who create and develop, by providing the best tools to materialise their ideas (rapid prototyping) and bring these ones to the market …

Type: Startup Activities: biotech deeptech edtech industry 4.0 manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing

20 9 15 25

[Automatic translation follows] All the economic news of Grand Besançon Métropole. Largest intermunicipal community in Franche-Comté, located in the heart of Western Europe on the Rhine-Rhône axis, a stone's throw from Switzerland, Grand Besançon Métropole occupies a privileged position less than 4 hours from the major European industrial regions with strong technological value. With a microtechnical know-how unique in the world, fruit of a long watchmaking tradition, Greater Besançon is constantly reinventing itself further, in sectors where miniaturization occupies a dominating place: watchmaking, luxury, aeronautics, biomedical, health, automotive… The most "Business Friendly" territory according to a recently awarded prize, Ville …

Type: Public Activities: arttech

30 9 20 111

[Automatic translation follows] Revealer of sustainable solutions APESA is a technological center in #environment and risk management, based on 4 sites in New Aquitaine (Pau, Lescar, Tarnos, Bordeaux), and carrying the values ​​of #SustainableDevelopment. With a team of around forty people, we offer tailor-made services and independent expertise to support the #ecologicaltransition (energy transition, circular economy, etc.). APESA aims to develop technological solutions and innovative methodologies, but also activities and training allowing socio-economic actors to quickly integrate the challenges of more sustainable development into their strategy. Four centers serving businesses and regions: - APESA Management, specialized in the field of …

Type: SMB Activities: civictech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

38 9 28 81
Numericatous Numericatous

[Automatic translation follows] For another digital, ethical and free Gain skills and become independent in your use of digital technology with our online resources and courses. Learn how to create office documents, get started with emails or even create your internet. And start with the GNU/Linux system. You will find resources on the site, many of which are freely accessible, to get you started in digital, with free tools. Discover alternatives to #gafam tools in order to benefit from digital technology without sacrificing your personal data. All without #gafam but with free and ethical tools, respectful of your privacy. linux, …

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: Data Analytics

30 4 25 1
Le Dôme - Centre de sciences Caen Normandie Le Dôme - Centre de sciences Caen Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] Here, imaginations come together. Caen Normandy science center, Le Dôme is a new place dedicated to collective innovation. It brings together minds and audiences to share knowledge, explore, imagine and build projects together that are directly linked to the challenges of our societies. Scientific and technical culture, Open innovation, and Digital manufacturing workshop

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

48 23 37 17
Euromontana Euromontana

Euromontana is the European multisectoral association for co-operation and development of mountain territories. It embraces regional and national mountain organisations throughout greater Europe, including regional development agencies, local authorities, agriculture organisations, environmental agencies, forestry organisations and research institutes. Euromontana’s mission is to promote living mountains, integrated and sustainable development and quality of life in mountain areas. In order to achieve this, Euromontana facilitates the exchange of information and experience among these areas by organising seminars and major conferences, by conducting and collaborating in studies, by developing, managing and participating in European projects and by working with the European institutions on …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

7 2 7 8
Réseau national Pimms Médiation Réseau national Pimms Médiation

[Automatic translation follows] 🏡 🖥 Connecting you to essential services for 30 years #PimmsMédiation #mediationsociale For 30 years, Pimms Médiation have been welcoming places open to all, a mediation interface between populations and public services. More than 300 points of contact in France, 90 Pimms Médiation labeled France Services and 10 partner companies engaged on a daily basis. Pimms Médiation are places of proximity and solidarity within which social mediators, professionals in social ties, facilitate people's access to the services necessary for daily life. They inform, guide and support users in their administrative procedures. They prevent and help resolve conflicts. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

71 15 58 8
Les Jeunes Européens - France Les Jeunes Européens - France

[Automatic translation follows] Committed to making Europe more democratic and closer to citizens! 🇪🇺 The Les Jeunes Européens-Bordeaux association, created in 2003, today has more than a hundred members from different universities and schools in Bordeaux. It is integrated into the JEF Europe network, with nearly 30,000 young people across Europe, resolutely committed to European integration. Campaigning for a more political, more democratic and united Europe, our objective at the local level is to inform and raise awareness among young people about European construction and offer them a space for quality, totally transpartisan debate. Our numerous activities, throughout the academic …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

40 9 20 37
Où sont les Dragons Où sont les Dragons

[Automatic translation follows] Where are the Dragons is a research-design agency for legal design, organizational design and strategy design Where are the Dragons is a research-design agency specializing in legal design, organizational design and strategy design. Between strategic vision, creative and scientific know-how, we we support our clients at all stages of their projects, from idea to completion, through three offers: research, design and training. Where are the Dragons was born from the meeting between Apolline Le Gall, teacher-researcher and Joachim Savin, designer. Together we have developed a unique research-design approach that combines theoretical rigor and creativity. Thus, we approach …

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

14 2 10 7
Centre International des Arts en Mouvement (CIAM) Centre International des Arts en Mouvement (CIAM)

[Automatic translation follows] Let the circus surprise you A reference place for circus arts in Pays d'Aix, CIAM works to share the diversity of these arts with as many people as possible, residents or artists, children or adults, initiates or novices. Installed on a 5-hectare estate on the edge of the city, it aims to be a place of meeting between the arts, of dialogue and discovery, where projects and vocations are born, without artistic or social boundaries. It is organized around four major axes: discovery, transmission, creation, diffusion, which feed each other. Every year, at the end of September, …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

23 3 21 25

The CITC-EuraRFID brings together the contactless technology skills and the existing experimentation platforms in the north of France and the Euro regions (Belgium, UK, Netherlands, Germany...) and is backed by over 250 members and partners. It is a centre for resources, experimentations and technical expertise in terms of identification, traceability, mobility and geolocation... It supports the appropriation of contactless technologies (RFID, NFC, Zigbee and wireless sensor networks), the standardized and innovative solutions and the development of new activities with high potential. Indeed, contactless technologies and wireless microsensor networks have been identified among the most important technologies for the 21st century …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

64 18 58 26

[Automatic translation follows] Afev mobilizes young people throughout France to create links in neighborhoods and fight against inequalities! Thanks to Afev, nearly 20,000 students commit each year to supporting young people experiencing academic difficulties and creating links in working-class neighborhoods. By fighting against educational and social inequalities, they act for a more just and united society via three programs: > Volunteer mentoring 2 hours per week Every week, a high school or student volunteer individually supports a child or young person who is encountering difficulties in their career (from kindergarten to university) for 1 or 2 hours per week. throughout …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

44 12 35 1,382
FEMTO-ST Institute FEMTO-ST Institute

Laboratoire de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'ingénierie et la communication FEMTO-ST (Franche-Comté Electronique Mécanique Thermique et Optique – Sciences et Technologies) is a joint research unit which is affiliated with the French National Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS), the University of Franche-Comté (UFC), the National School of Mechanical Engineering and Microtechnology (ENSMM), and the Belfort-Montbéliard University of Technology (UTBM). FEMTO-ST was founded in January 2004 from the merger of 5 different laboratories active in different fields of engineering science: mechanics, optics and telecommunications, electronics, time-frequency, energetics and fluidics. Within the CNRS, FEMTO-ST belongs to the Institute for Engineering …

Type: Public

21 16 4 290
Fédération Léo Lagrange Fédération Léo Lagrange

[Automatic translation follows] Non-profit popular education association recognized as being of public utility and active in the #ESS A non-profit popular education association, the Léo Lagrange Federation intervenes in the fields of animation, education, training and supports public actors in the implementation of educational, socio-cultural and integration policies. . Through the skills of its 5,000 employees, it aims to give everyone the means to flourish throughout life. Animation, Training, Popular education, Social economy, Early childhood, Childhood, Seniors, education, youth, Teenagers, and Mobility

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 8 13 1,189
Laboratoire Pacte Laboratoire Pacte

[Automatic translation follows] Pacte, social sciences laboratory, UMR of the CNRS, the University of Grenoble Alpes and Sciences Po Grenoble Pacte is a mixed research unit (UMR 5194) in social sciences from the CNRS, Sciences Po Grenoble and the University of Grenoble Alpes, spread over five different geographical sites in Rhône-Alpes. The UMR brings together 120 permanent researchers and teacher-researchers, 25 engineers and technicians and 150 doctoral students. It brings together political scientists, geographers and urban planners, as well as sociologists from the Grenoble site. It also welcomes economists, lawyers and historians. research and social sciences

Type: Public

28 5 18 89
Musée Exploradôme Musée Exploradôme

[Automatic translation follows] The Museum where it is forbidden not to touch! The Exploradôme is an interactive museum for the discovery of science, technology and digital technology. Exhibitions, experiments, workshops, activities: in this museum where it is forbidden not to touch, science is revealed in a fun, interactive and educational way! An associative museum As an associative museum managed by Savoir Learn, a non-profit association under the 1901 law, the Exploradôme has been working for more than 20 years to carry out a science initiation and awareness project. With the support of our public and private partners, the Exploradôme deploys …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

23 2 16 27
CREA Mont-Blanc -- Research Center for Alpine Ecosystems CREA Mont-Blanc -- Research Center for Alpine Ecosystems

Explore, Amaze, Educate CREA Mont-Blanc is a French scientific nonprofit whose mission is to study the effects of climate change on biodiversity and to share knowledge that will allow both decision-makers and the general public to take informed action. The Mont-Blanc range is internationally renowned and serves as a powerful symbol for understanding climate change and its effects. Specialists in alpine ecology, data science and citizen science, CREA Mont-Blanc brings together an extensive network of French, Swiss and Italian researchers and works closely with decision-makers across the trans-border region. With an emphasis on participation, CREA Mont-Blanc encourages everyone to get …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

22 4 19 17
Solstice - Coopérative d'Entrepreneur.e.s Solstice - Coopérative d'Entrepreneur.e.s

[Automatic translation follows] Starting a business in a CAE, Cooperative of Activities and Entrepreneurs, is above all joining a shared company and integrating a collective of entrepreneurs who pool services intended to promote the development and management of their activities. Solstice CAE brings together and legally hosts multiple economic activities, carried out by the associated salaried entrepreneurs who exercise their profession in complete autonomy and assume full economic responsibility for it. The status of associated salaried entrepreneur, offered only in CAE, combines the freedom of independent status with the security of employee status. Solstice CAE is a network, a place …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entrepreneurship

8 2 7 48
Fondation La main à la pâte Fondation La main à la pâte

Fondation de coopération scientifique pour l'éducation à la science The Foundation La main à la pâte aims at improving the quality of science and technology teaching in primary and middle schools. It is a foundation for scientific cooperation founded in 2011 by the Académie des Sciences, the École Normale Supérieure (Paris) and the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon. The Foundation’s activities are carried out within France and internationally, providing assistance and professional development for teachers. Programs are designed to help them implement inquiry-based learning which stimulates a scientific spirit in pupils, understanding of the world and capacities for expression. Science, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

28 5 17 52
Udimec Group Udimec Group

[Automatic translation follows] Union of entrepreneurs, Udimec brings together more than 600 industrial companies in Isère and Hautes-Alpes Udimec, a union of entrepreneurs, brings together more than 600 technological and industrial companies in Isère and Hautes-Alpes. Companies of all sizes, in fields as diverse as nuclear, aeronautics, railways, mechanical construction, electrical & electronic equipment and industrial service companies. - 600 member companies - 50,000 employees - world-renowned companies and more than 500 traditional and innovative SMEs. social and legal, Financing and Development of SMEs, Training and Skills Development, and Employment and HR Consulting

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

17 1 11 29
éolane éolane

Let’s build the future together... French leader in professional electronic services and solutions With 2,400 employees including 200 R&D engineers and highly qualified production teams, the éolane Group guarantees technological performance, proximity and customer intimacy with pragmatism and agility. Our profession is the design of advanced electronic PCBA produced in small, medium and large series, and their integration into a final product. We produce on 3 continents, as close as possible to the needs and markets of our customers. Concretely, we are an EMS (Electronic Manufacturer Services), designer, manufacturer, producer and maintainer of electronic assemblies and sub-assemblies, and we have …

Type: SMB Activities: it services manufacturing Technologies: Solar Technologies

36 13 20 927
Social Good Accelerator (SOGA) Social Good Accelerator (SOGA)

European network for People, Planet and Social Tech The Social Good Accelerator EU is a European movement for an acceleration of tech transition of EU non profits and foundations. We bring together more than 70 European networks, social organisations and committed citizens to empower social good organisations with new tech skills, advocacy, research. To build all together a strong european tech for good.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

35 5 30 9
Animafac Animafac

[Automatic translation follows] The network that supports student initiatives and promotes youth engagement. An experience exchange network and resource center for student initiatives, Animafac offers development tools and spaces for dialogue and collective development to more than 12,000 student associations. To inform student associations and support them in their projects, the network offers: - an interactive website, with numerous in-depth articles and practical resources - a collection of guides and practical sheets - training in community life and project management throughout France. The network also coordinates multiple awareness campaigns, such as the campaign to promote the Everyone Son Asso commitment, …

Type: Media

27 9 12 47
Dauphine Alumni Dauphine Alumni

[Automatic translation follows] Dauphine Alumni is Dauphine for life! Created in 1972, Dauphine Alumni is the association of all students and graduates of Paris Dauphine-PSL University. The Association develops and leads a community of more than 100,000 Dauphinois. Its aim is to be a true support network and to support alumni throughout their professional lives, by offering them adapted services. More than 100 events are organized each year by our twenty professional and leisure Clubs or as part of the Career Mobility Center. Dauphine Alumni is present throughout the world thanks to 20 Chapters spread between France and abroad. Have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

116 7 114 22
CNOUS (centre national des oeuvres universitaires et scolaires) CNOUS (centre national des oeuvres universitaires et scolaires)

[Automatic translation follows] Placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the National Center for University and School Work manages the CROUS network. Its objective is to give all students the same chances of access and success in higher education by supporting their daily lives. To accomplish its mission, the CNOUS benefits from an original positioning at the head of a network made up of 28 regional centers (CROUS), 16 local centers (CLOUS) and more than 40 branches which offer students, on the ground, services Proximity. The CNOUS ensures the coherence and management of the network, …

Type: Public

42 10 12 170
La Fabulerie La Fabulerie

[Automatic translation follows] La Fabulerie is a digital factory. A multidisciplinary team that supports the testing of scientific, cultural and/or educational content, facilitating access, in a creative way, to knowledge and the power to act. To do this, it relies on facilitators such as digital technology, art, creativity and participatory processes. The city and the digital and cultural transformations that are happening there are at the heart of our approaches. Each project, each creation is an opportunity to develop links with professionals who question, with their audiences, how to develop their services (public or private) and enrich their professions. La …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

18 7 5 7
La Rochelle Agglo La Rochelle Agglo

[Automatic translation follows] A competitive, attractive and innovative territory in terms of economy, employment and ecological transition La Rochelle offers an ideal setting for companies wishing to invest and innovate. With its dynamic ecosystem focused on ecological transitions, the territory offers an environment conducive to the creation of sustainable and innovative businesses. This combination of economic development and environmental responsibility makes La Rochelle a strategic choice for businesses wishing to prosper while actively participating in building a more sustainable future.

Type: Public

32 20 16 207

[Automatic translation follows] Public operator of digital services in Centre-Val de Loire Created in 2003, the RECIA Public Interest Group (GIP) brings together the State, the Center Val de Loire Region, the Departments of Cher, Eure-et-Loir, Indre, Indre- et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher and Loiret, the universities of Tours and Orléans, the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) Val de Loire, several hundred municipalities and communities of municipalities as well as various structures carrying out public service missions. There are 3 main missions: contribute to regional strategies, lead networks of digital players and develop operational services. Thus, it participates in the implementation, animation …

Type: Public

33 6 29 65
Aromates Relations Publiques Aromates Relations Publiques

[Automatic translation follows] Aromates offers its clients public relations solutions developed with a vision tested by the realities on the ground: media and digital relations, public affairs and events. Since its creation in 1987, Aromates has also initiated numerous institutional conferences on the different sectors of activity in which it operates, such as health, digital technology, telecoms and energy. These meetings are the ideal place for debates between politicians, experts, and economic players, and have become, in many cases, an important stage of certain parliamentary work. Aromates has also acquired particular expertise in the field of new technologies thanks to …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

27 3 27 5
European Urban Knowledge Network European Urban Knowledge Network

The only independent EU Member State-driven network in the field of urban policy, research and practice. The key objective of EUKN is to enhance the exchange of knowledge and expertise on urban development throughout Europe, bridging urban policy, research and practice. EUKN is characterised by a demand-driven approach, based on the needs of urban practitioners and policymakers. EUKN has developed an extensive, high-quality knowledge database, based on shared standards and protocols. This extensive e-library provides free access to case studies, research results, policy documents, context issues, network descriptions, updated news and meetings. Over the past five years, EUKN has proven …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

10 1 10 8

[Automatic translation follows] European information near you! Our Information Center, hosted by A.D.R.E.T. (Europe and Territories Rural Development Agency), is part of the Europe Direct network. The Europe Direct service includes: - a website: - a free telephone service: 0 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 - regional information centers (53 in France), intermediaries between the European Union and citizens at local level. Assignment : - enable local citizens to obtain information, advice, assistance and answers to their questions regarding European Union institutions, legislation, policies, programs and funding opportunities. - actively encourage local and regional debate on the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

34 1 31 6
Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

[Automatic translation follows] Le Carif-Oref Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - Employment • Training • Orientation WHO ARE WE ? Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté is a public interest group financed as part of the 2021-2027 State-Region plan contract: observe, understand, inform, professionalize. Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté provides relevant and essential elements promoting strategic choices by public decision-makers in the fields of employment, training and professional guidance. This expertise allows regional decision-makers to develop hypotheses and implement innovative actions to develop a policy adapted to regional specificities. UNIQUE PLACE FOR EXCHANGE AND EXPERTISE IN THE REGION Emfor Bourgogne-Franche-Comté relies on the skills of experienced professionals and specialists in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

15 0 11 27
Représentation permanente de la France auprès de l’Union européenne  🇫🇷🇪🇺 Représentation permanente de la France auprès de l’Union européenne 🇫🇷🇪🇺

[Automatic translation follows] Welcome to the official account of the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union! The Permanent Representation of France to the EU is the interface between the French authorities and the institutions of the European Union. It promotes and defends French positions with the European institutions, and informs the French authorities as best it can on the state of European issues.

Type: Public

33 15 10 115
Cédille Cédille

[Automatic translation follows] The network of third places in Drôme / Sharing and collective projects from Drôme collaborative actors. The network of third places in Drôme With Cédille, Drôme actors share their experiences, help each other and develop joint projects. Come work differently in Drôme! #coworking #teleworking #collaborative #community #users #participate #undertake #horizontality #collectives #welcome working differently, coworking, third place, solidarity, sharing, collaborative, mutual aid, alternative, fablab, workshops, culture, creativity, employment, territory, Drôme, attractiveness, commons, third places, rurality, and proximity

Type: Media

44 2 42 15
La Compagnie Générale des Autres La Compagnie Générale des Autres

[Automatic translation follows] Solidarity for all and by all The Compagnie Générale des Autres leads participatory approaches for more solidarity in the territories and in organizations. Subscribe to his podcast!

Type: Media

15 2 13 8

[Automatic translation follows] Inter-Networks of Urban Social Development professionals The Inter-Réseaux des Professionnel.les du Développement Social Urbain is an association which supports, mobilizes and represents professionals in territorial development and in particular urban social development. Its aim is to contribute to the promotion and evolution of territorial development, and in particular urban social development, by relying on the know-how of its members: ➡️ by formalizing and disseminating their professional practices ➡️through the development of information, collective reflection and training systems, ➡️ by proposing and representing its members to partner institutions.

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

4 1 3 3

[Automatic translation follows] Lozère Développement is the economic development agency of Lozère. She runs the Lozérien Digital Economy Cluster - POLEN - Digital technology resource center and innovative business incubator. Prospecting, reception, advice, monitoring, ... the agency provides expertise to support projects and businesses. The agency was created at the initiative of the General Council with the consular chambers (CCI, CMA) to boost the attractiveness of the territory. Lozère Développement provides support to anyone who wishes to study the implementation of an economic project in Lozère. It offers extensive expertise in the field of digital technologies but supports, in conjunction …

Type: Public Activities: martech

7 0 7 6
Open Source Politics Open Source Politics

[Automatic translation follows] We implement ethical digital tools to support meaningful participatory approaches. Open Source Politics is a company in the field of social and solidarity economy which develops free and open source digital platforms and runs collective intelligence workshops to support public, private and associative actors engaged in participatory approaches. Civic Tech, Consultation, Animation, Democracy, and open source

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

28 2 20 26
L'ObSoCo L'ObSoCo

[Automatic translation follows] Understanding changes in society and consumption, support adaptation strategies Understanding changes in society and consumption Support adaptation strategies Created in 2011 by Philippe Moati and Nathalie Damery, the Society and Consumption Observatory (L’ObSoCo) is a strategy research and consulting company. VISION We are in a period of profound transformation of society, the economy and commerce. Aspiration of individuals to live and consume “differently”, increasing fragmentation of public space and markets, generalized distrust of businesses and institutions, challenge of ecological constraints, technological disruptions, lasting tensions over the power of household purchases... the system of capitalist development is changing. …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Data Analytics

32 7 23 16
French National Parks French National Parks

Protect - Share - Discover - Welcome - Inspire - Observe French National Parks offer a network of 11 places considered remarkable for their natural and cultural diversity. They celebrate the harmonious balance between humans who have shaped landscapes through activities such as grazing, farming and forestry, and nature, including untouched environments in places ranging from Alpine summits to ocean depths and tropical forests. The National Parks are located across France to protect and promote numerous species, and a large number of natural and rural spaces. The network is a model of environmental protection and has received national and international …

Type: Public Activities: arttech

25 5 20 15
BougeTonCoQ BougeTonCoQ

[Automatic translation follows] The future is being written in the village! We find and activate solutions to live better in our countryside Everywhere in our countryside, many people are getting their villages moving to improve everyone’s daily lives. These initiatives need to be disseminated on a large scale, so that everyone benefits! So we travel across France, looking for the best solutions, those that change everyday life, and we do everything we can to activate them throughout the territory. Get moving, all together! Funding, Local, Movement, Members, and Community

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

16 3 8 11
Département de la Gironde Département de la Gironde

[Automatic translation follows] Our areas of expertise are vast but have the same objective: to be at the heart of the concerns of Girondins. Colleges, solidarity, integration, mobility and assistance for the elderly: the Department's areas of expertise are vast but they all respect the same objective: to be at the heart of the concerns of Gironde residents.

Type: Public

38 27 17 1,200
Communauté Urbaine d'Alençon Communauté Urbaine d'Alençon

[Automatic translation follows] Where Normandy and the Pays de la Loire meet, the Urban Community of Alençon benefits from a strategic position on the Calais - Bayonne and Paris - Brittany axis. It covers 31 municipalities, 2 departments (Orne and Sarthe), an employment area of ​​80,000 inhabitants and a catchment area of ​​150,000 inhabitants. The CUA exercises very complementary skills in setting up economic projects. It is competent in planning (PLUI), instruction (delivery of town planning authorizations) and economic development (implantation, technical and financial support, recruitment, etc.). Only a few territories in France of equivalent stratum present this same characteristic. …

Type: Public

27 2 26 95
Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment Vraiment

[Automatic translation follows] General interest design. Vraiment Vraiment is a general interest design agency. We work mainly with public and para-public stakeholders, throughout the territory and in all fields of public policy. public policy design, design, public innovation, creativity, prototyping, urban territories, rural territories, peri-urban territories, state reform, and social innovation

Type: SMB Activities: uxtech

79 11 63 40
Conseil économique social et environnemental Conseil économique social et environnemental

[Automatic translation follows] The economic, social and environmental council is a consultative constitutional assembly. By representing the main economic, social and environmental activities, the CESE promotes collaboration between different socio-professional categories and ensures their participation in the definition and evaluation of public policies. The CESE is mainly responsible for five missions: • Advise the Government and Parliament and participate in the development of economic, social and environmental policy; • Promote, through its composition, dialogue between socio-professional categories whose concerns, initially different, come together in the development of proposals of general interest; • Contribute to the evaluation of public policies of …

Type: Public

71 32 30 460