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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
European Research Council (ERC) European Research Council (ERC)

The ERC funds top researchers in Europe, of any nationality, helping them pursue great ideas at frontiers of knowledge. Set up in 2007 by the European Union, the European Research Council (ERC) aims to stimulate scientific excellence in Europe by encouraging competition for funding between the very best, creative researchers of any nationality and age from anywhere in the world. As part of Horizon Europe, the EU programme for research and innovation for 2021 to 2027, the ERC has a total budget of over €16 billion. The ERC has an 'investigator-driven'​, 'bottom-up'​ approach, which allows researchers to identify new opportunities …

Type: Public

64 29 34 486
The Fields Institute For Research In Mathematical Sciences The Fields Institute For Research In Mathematical Sciences

Founded in 1992, the Fields Institute was initially located at the University of Waterloo. Since 1995, it has occupied a building designed and constructed for Institute activities on the campus of the University of Toronto. Our mission is to enhance mathematical activity in Canada by bringing together mathematicians from Canada and abroad, and by promoting contact and collaboration between professional mathematicians and the increasing numbers of users of mathematics. Thus the Institute supports research in pure and applied mathematics, statistics and computer science, as well as collaboration between mathematicians and those applying mathematics in areas such as engineering, the physical …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

61 22 10 54
Nanyang Technological University Singapore Nanyang Technological University Singapore

A research-intensive public university, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Engineering, Business, Science, Medicine, Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences, and Graduate colleges. NTU is also home to world-renowned autonomous institutes – the National Institute of Education, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Earth Observatory of Singapore, and Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering – and various leading research centres such as the Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute (NEWRI) and Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N). NTU’s campus is frequently listed among the Top 15 most beautiful university campuses in the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

53 16 31 10,407
eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd. eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd.

Open-access journal that works to improve research communication through open science and open technology innovation. eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. Our mission is to help scientists accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that encourages and recognises the most responsible behaviours in science. eLife publishes important research in all areas of the life and biomedical sciences. The research is selected and evaluated by working scientists and is made freely available to all readers without delay. eLife also invests in innovation through open-source tool development to accelerate research communication and discovery. …

Type: Media

8 2 3 89
Ruđer Bošković Institute Ruđer Bošković Institute

Croatia’s leading scientific institute in the natural and biomedical sciences, and marine and environmental research The Ruđer Bošković Institute is regarded as Croatia’s leading scientific institute in the natural and biomedical sciences as well as marine and environmental research, owing to its size, scientific productivity, international reputation in research, and the quality of its scientific personnel and research facilities. The Institute is the leading and internationally most competitive Croatian institute by virtue of its participation in international research projects, such as the IAEA and EC FP5-7 programs funded by the European Commission, NATO, NSF, SNSF, DAAD and other international scientific …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

7 0 5 758
analytica analytica

World's Leading Trade Fair for laboratory technology, analysis, biotechnology & analytica conference, March 24-27, 2026 analytica with analytica conference analytica is the leading international trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis and biotechnology and their users in research and industry. It has been held in Munich every two years since 1968. The fair is held in conjunction with the analytica conference, where the scientific community's international elite meets to discuss the latest topics that pertain to chemistry, biochemistry and laboratory medicine. Well-known suppliers of laboratory equipment and manufacturers of analysis devices from around the world present their latest products and …

Type: Event

29 1 28 9
European Spallation Source ERIC European Spallation Source ERIC

A collaboration of European nations to build the world's most powerful neutron source advancing science for generations. The European Spallation Source, or ESS, is state-of-the-art science facility being built in Lund, Sweden by a collaboration of 13 European nations. Almost like a giant microscope, ESS will allow scientists to use neutrons to look deep inside materia to see where the atoms are and what they are doing. This can help them design new materials which could lead to better batteries, greener plastics or stronger engineering materials. Or, it could help life science researchers develop new vaccines or more effective medicines. …

Type: Public

32 6 27 641
The French Institute in India The French Institute in India

Official page of the Education, Science and Cultural Section of the French Embassy in India. The French Institute / IFI (Institut français en Inde) is a section of the Embassy of France responsible for promoting and nurturing people-to-people ties between France and India. IFI performs numerous functions: from promoting academic and scientific exchanges between institutes of higher learning and research to enabling student mobility and promoting the French language. We also foster links between artists, scientists, NGOs, professors, enterprises, film professionals, publishers and more. We support partnerships in research and innovation, capacity building and interactions with civil society, vocational studies, …

Type: Public

35 3 44 44
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an international society of over 14,000 individual members, including applied and computational mathematicians and computer scientists, as well as other scientists and engineers. Members from 85 countries are researchers, educators, students, and practitioners in industry, government, laboratories, and academia. The Society, which also includes nearly 500 academic and corporate institutional members, serves and advances the disciplines of applied mathematics and computational science by publishing a variety of books and prestigious peer-reviewed research journals, by conducting conferences, and by hosting activity groups in various areas of mathematics. SIAM provides …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

12 2 9 173
Falling Walls Foundation Falling Walls Foundation

Falling Walls fosters discussion on research and innovation and promotes the latest scientific findings. The Falling Walls Foundation connects science, business and society to shape the future through impactful ideas. Inspired by the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989, the Foundation promotes breakthrough thinking and builds a global network of leaders in academia, business and the public sector. Our initiatives include: - Falling Walls Lab: A platform for emerging scientists to showcase innovative research. - Falling Walls Venture: Highlighting promising science-based startups. - Falling Walls Engage: Recognising outstanding science engagement. - Female Science Talents: Empowering women in …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

34 12 24 111
CSC - IT Center for Science CSC - IT Center for Science

ICT Solutions for Brilliant Minds CSC – IT Center for Science is a Finnish center of expertise in information technology owned by the Finnish state and higher education institutions. We provide internationally high-quality ICT expert services for higher education institutions, research institutes, culture, public administration and enterprises to help them thrive and benefit society at large. Scientific Computing and Software, Research information Management, Funet Network Services, Education Management and Student Admin Services, Identity and Access Management, Datacenter and Capacity Services, Training Services, and Consultation and Tailored Solutions

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services edtech

10 1 8 644
EGI Foundation EGI Foundation

Advanced Computing for a Data-Driven Future In the area of data intensive computing, the EGI Foundation connects research communities with the extensive services of the EGI Federation, providing essential support, and catalysing innovation and collaborative research efforts. The Foundation achieves this by providing a critical federation and management platform that allows service providers to harmonise their interfaces and seamlessly connect to a common hub, forming a federated layer that simplifies access to their services, resources and expertise. As a result, the EGI Federation delivers a scalable digital research infrastructure (e-infrastructure), empowering tens of thousands of researchers across diverse scientific disciplines. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

13 1 6 56

The IPCC is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts. In the same year, the UN General Assembly endorsed the action by WMO and UNEP in jointly establishing the IPCC. The IPCC is a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

101 74 9 413

IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. It supports scientific research, manages field projects all over the world and brings governments, non-government organizations, United Nations agencies, companies and local communities together to develop and implement policy, laws and best practice. conservation, environment, nature, and sustainable development

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

103 54 58 2,115
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)

Research for the World of Tomorrow The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) strives to find answers to the major challenges of our times. Our values encompass team spirit, respect and responsibility. As a member of the Helmholtz Assiciation with excellent collaborative partners in science and business we help to future-proof Germany and Europe. Our approach: application-based fundamental research in matter, health and energy. Science, Research, Innovation, Energy, Health, and Matter

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

15 3 12 771

ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics Founded in 1969, ACM SIGGRAPH has grown from a handful of computer graphics enthusiasts to a diverse group of researchers, artists, developers, filmmakers, scientists, and other professionals who share an interest in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Our community values excellence, passion, integrity, volunteerism, and cross-disciplinary interaction. We sponsor not only the annual SIGGRAPH conferences, but also focused symposia, chapters in cities throughout the world, awards, grants, educational resources, online resources, a public policy program, traveling art show, and the SIGGRAPH Video Review. When researchers, artists, and technologists collide, inspiration creates progress. SIGGRAPH …

Type: Media

38 13 28 149
ISTE Group ISTE Group

ISTE is an independent international publishing company based in London, with interests across sciences and technology. ISTE is a privately owned science and technology publisher based in London, with publishing interests across the science and technology sector. ISTE has a particular focus on science and technology content from France. Our three major editorial lines are : - Engineering, Technology and Materials Science - Environmental and Lifes Sciences - Human and Social Sciences All titles in English are published either by ISTE Ltd and Wiley, or ISTE Press and Elsevier. Publishing, Science, and Technology

Type: Media

8 1 8 34

CYBATHLON drives the development of assistive technologies & promotes inclusion. The CYBATHLON is a competition for people with disabilities, who, supported by the latest assistive technologies in various disciplines, compete against each other and solve everyday tasks. Founded at ETH Zurich in 2014 we are driven by the following goals - Promotion of research, development and implementation of assistive technologies for people with disabilities - Building a common platform for technology developers, people with disabilities and the general public - Promoting a lively exchange between technology developers, people with disabilities and the general public - Informing the public about the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 4 5 27
ECS - The Electrochemical Society ECS - The Electrochemical Society

Advancing solid state & electrochemical science & technology ECS is an international, nonprofit organization working to advance theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemistry, solid state science, and allied subjects. ECS encourages research, discussion, critical assessment, and dissemination of knowledge in these fields. The Society holds meetings, publishes scientific papers, fosters training and education of scientists and engineers, and cooperates with other organizations to promote science and technology in the public interest. ECS bridges the gaps among academia, research, and engineering—bringing together scientists from around the world for the exchange of technical information. This unique blend provides an unparalleled …

Type: Media

13 5 6 96
Sony CSL (Rome) Sony CSL (Rome)

Pushing forward an original approach in which humans and machines safely cooperate for the betterment of our planet. Pushing forward an original approach in which humans and machines safely cooperate for the betterment of humankind and the quest for sustainable solutions.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

5 1 3 31
CRIDES - UCLouvain CRIDES - UCLouvain

[Automatic translation follows] CRIDES offers you its news in economic, tax and social law. The Jean Renault Interdisciplinary Research Center - Law, Business and Society of UCLouvain offers you its news in economic and social law. The research conducted within CRIDES is based on the intrigue initiated by the concomitant invention of economic law (Sherman Act, 1890), labor law (end of the 19th century) and tax law (institution of income tax, end of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century) on economic activities. At stake, from this moment on, is the question of how to frame and guarantee, through regulation, protection …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

40 17 4 15
SPM Telecom SPM Telecom

SPM Telecom is a Telecommunications company located in France.

Type: SMB Activities: telecommunications

1 0 0 12
Pilier Sciences / Säule Wissenschaft / Science Pillar Pilier Sciences / Säule Wissenschaft / Science Pillar

[Automatic translation follows] Trinational Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine: Location for Research, Development and Innovation Knowledge & Technology Transfer in the Upper-Rhine Region: The Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine is characterized by a creative and successful economy based on excellent research & long tradition of cross-border cooperation. Discover the diversity of academic actors & opportunities of cooperation to boost innovation. Transfert de connaissances and de technologies dans la région du Rhin supérieur: The Région Métropolitaine du Rhin supérieur is characterized by a competitive economy based on a research d'excellence and a long tradition of coopération transfrontalière. Discover the diversity of scientific actors …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

5 1 3 1
QAI Ventures QAI Ventures

Empowering Quantum Technologies’ global transformation with startup investments and collaborative ecosystem building. We support Quantum Technologies Innovators from Lab to IPO through tailored acceleration programs and patient capital investments. Quantum Technologies, VC Funding, Startup Accelerator, Advanced AI, and Quantum Ecosystem Building

Type: Incubators & VCs

20 1 5 17
Digiworld Institute Digiworld Institute

Understanding digital to inspire progress. For over 47 years. Digiworld Institute is a European think tank that aims at economic, environmental and societal progress through digital. For over 47 years, we have been helping private and public players to take a step back in order move forward. We analyse, debate and question the potential and challenges of digital technology to enable our members to make informed decisions, make their voices heard and participate in the construction of a positive and responsible European digital project. Our aim? To feed the debate and inspire action. - Digiworld Institute est le think tank …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

36 4 33 9
Grupo Vanti Grupo Vanti

[Automatic translation follows] We are the energy present in the day-to-day life of society with solutions that generate progress and well-being. Our Purpose To be the energy present in the day-to-day life of society with solutions that generate progress and well-being. Our Mission We distribute and market natural gas and other services that generate progress, valuable experiences, promote the development of the sectors and improve the quality of life of the communities in which we operate. Our Vision To be leaders in Colombia in offering diverse energy solutions and sustainable services that are easily accessible, distinguishing ourselves by our responsible …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech energytech Technologies: Decarbonization

551 335 479 969
Photonics21 Photonics21

The European Technology Platform Photonics21 represents the photonics community of industry and research organisations Photonics21 is the European Technology Platform (ETP) for photonics – a technology encompassing all of the products and processes around the emission, manipulation and detection of light. It is integral to a wide range of industries that include the medical, healthcare, transport, manufacturing, and telecommunications sectors. In December 2005 "Photonics21"​ was set up to bring the community of photonics professionals and industries together. In September 2009, the European Commission defined photonics as one of five European Key Enabling Technologies (KET's) and shortly after the European Research …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

18 1 14 15
International AIDS Society International AIDS Society

Founded in 1988, the International AIDS Society (IAS) is the world’s largest association of HIV professionals. We convene, educate and advocate for a world in which HIV no longer presents a threat to public health and individual well-being. The IAS has been at the centre of the HIV response from the very start of the pandemic. We unite the global HIV response because progress happens when science, policy and activism come together. Today, the IAS galvanizes the scientific response, builds global solidarity and enhances human dignity for all those living with and affected by HIV. The IAS also hosts the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

12 5 8 190
Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi

Fremmer forskning. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi - fremmer og formidler fremragende forskning. The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Founded in 1857. DNVA is a non-governmental, nationwide body which embraces all fields of science. Its main purpose is to support the advancement of science and scholarship in Norway. The Academy is responsible for awarding the Abel Prize in mathematics every year, and the Kavli Prize in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience (bi-annually). The Kavli Prize came to be after an initiative from the industryleader Fred Kavli (1927-2013). Members The Academy has approximately 900 Norwegian and foreign members. The members are divided into …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

1 1 0 12
National Science and Technology Council National Science and Technology Council

A Zambian statutory body committed to the promotion of Science, Technology and Innovation for Industrial Development. The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) is a statutory body established by the Science and Technology Act No. 26 of 1997. The main function or mandate of the Council as prescribed in the Act is to ‘promote science and technology so as to improve the quality of life in Zambia’. Science Granting, Research Management, Innovation Management, Promotion and Advocacy, Science Research Regulation, Science Research Coordination, Advising Government, Resource Mobilisation, and Science Policy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

1 1 0 43
MedXCell SA MedXCell SA

The Cell Therapy Venture Builder MedXCell is a European cell therapy venture builder with a strong industrial mindset and a global perspective. Our focus is on technologies, techniques or novel applications in major diseases such as cancer, autoimmune, neurological and degenerative disorders. Established in 2018, we have offices in Switzerland, the EU (France) and the US (Cambridge, MA) and a multidisciplinary expert team with entrepreneurial, clinical, operational, business development and funding capabilities. Biotechnology, Cell Therapy, Immunotherapy, NK Cells, Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, Immuno-oncology, and Osteoarthritis

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

1 1 0 8
European Open Science Cloud Pilot European Open Science Cloud Pilot

The European Open Science Cloud will offer 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million professionals in science and technology a virtual environment with open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines by federating existing scientific data infrastructures, today scattered across disciplines and Member States. The EOSCpilot project has been funded to support the first phase in the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It will: 1. Propose and trial governance frameworks for the EOSC and contribute to the development of European open science policy and best practice; 2. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services deeptech

1 1 0 N/A
C4AI - Center for A.I. # USP+IBM+FAPESP Brazil C4AI - Center for A.I. # USP+IBM+FAPESP Brazil

C4AI of the USP University, sponsored by IBM & FAPESP, is committed to state-of-art research in Artificial Intelligence. The Center for Artificial Intelligence (C4AI) of the University of São Paulo, sponsored by IBM and FAPESP, is committed to state-of-art research in Artificial Intelligence (AI), exploring both foundational issues and applied research. The C4AI also supports studies on the social and economic impact of AI and carries activities aimed at technology transfer and knowledge diffusion, looking for ways to improve human well- being and to increase diversity and inclusion. The C4AI was established in 2020 through a large grant by IBM …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

1 1 0 43
French-American Cultural Foundation French-American Cultural Foundation

The French-American Cultural Foundation is committed to advancing and enhancing partnerships between France and America. The French-American Cultural Foundation is committed to advancing and enhancing partnerships between France and America through initiatives in the arts, business, and sciences. We celebrate our shared culture and a way of life that emphasizes independence, creativity, and excellence. La fondation pour la culture franco-américaine se dévoue au développement et l’amélioration des partenariats entre la France et les États Unis, à travers des initiatives dans les arts, les entreprises, et les sciences. Nous célébrons les valeurs culturelles que ces deux pays partagent et un mode …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 0 0 6
Universitat de Barcelona Universitat de Barcelona

La #UniBarcelona és la universitat pública principal i amb més estudiants de Catalunya. #SocUB The University of Barcelona (UB) is Spain’s leading research university, publishing more research than any other Spanish institution with the exception of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The UB has 106 departments and more than 5,000 full-time researchers, technicians and research assistants, most of whom work in the UB’s 243 research groups as recognized and supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya. In 2010 the UB was awarded 175 national research grants and 17 European grants and participated in over 500 joint research projects with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

42 14 12 9,377
Elkem ASA Elkem ASA

Advanced material solutions shaping a better and more sustainable future. Elkem is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced material solutions shaping a better and more sustainable future. The company develops silicones, silicon products and carbon solutions by combining natural raw materials, renewable energy and human ingenuity. Elkem helps its customers create and improve essential innovations like electric mobility, digital communications, health and personal care as well as smarter and more sustainable cities. With a strong track record since 1904, its global team of more than 6,800 people has a joint commitment to stakeholders: Delivering your potential. In 2020, …

Type: Large company

27 8 13 2,548
Embassy of France in China Embassy of France in China

Compte Officiel - Suivez l'actualité des relations franco-chinoises The Ambassador of France to the People's Republic of China is the official representative of the French government to the Chinese authorities. The French diplomatic network in China is composed of an Embassy in Beijing and six consulate-generals (Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenyang, Wuhan and Hong Kong). Diplomatie, Relations publiques, Politique, Français de l'étranger, Culture, and Chine

Type: Public

38 14 19 179
La Dépêche du Midi La Dépêche du Midi

[Automatic translation follows] For nearly a century and a half, La Dépêche du Midi defends humanistic, secular and republican values. She is the most eloquent spokesperson for the Greater Southwest and the culture of the South, thanks to a close proximity to the inhabitants of her region. It is located in ten departments of the Great South, in the heart of a dynamic economic and cultural region. Since 1870, La Dépêche has become a diversified group that today brings together many professions and skills in the service of plurimedia publications. In a constantly changing world of communication, La Dépêche du …

Type: Media

188 107 89 404
Institut français de Grèce (IFG) Institut français de Grèce (IFG)

[Automatic translation follows] The French Institute of Greece is a bridge of education, culture and educational exchanges between Greece and France. A space of cultural and intellectual effervescence, free thought, reciprocity, exchanges, innovation and cooperation. Since its establishment in 1907, the French Institute of Greece, the Cooperation and Cultural Action Service of the Embassy of France in Greece, has been the ideal link with France, offering its students and the public a unique French-speaking environment in Greece, rich in cultural events. With more than 100 years of active presence in the capital, it is among the most important French Institutes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

5 1 5 86
Centre for Quantum Technologies Centre for Quantum Technologies

We do basic research on quantum physics and build devices based on quantum phenomena The Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore brings together quantum physicists and computer scientists to explore the quantum nature of reality and the fundamental limits of information processing. Established in December 2007 as the city-state’s first Research Centre of Excellence, CQT is now home to more than 100 researchers. The Centre boasts a world-class research program with strong theory and experiment groups. Quantum Physics, Research, Technology, and Education

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Research & Education Activities: deeptech

11 1 10 156

The representative Association of Space SMEs within the ESA and the European Union Member States. SME4SPACE is the representative Association of Space SMEs in Europe both from the ESA Member States and ESA cooperating States as well as from the European Union Member States. SME4SPACE was founded in 2007 and officially launched on 19 June 2007 at the International Paris Air Show, Le Bourget. On that day ESA General Director J. J. Dordain signed a Memorandum of Agreement formalising cooperation between ESA and SME4SPACE. The aim of SME4SPACE is to voice Space SMEs’ viewpoint in a coordinated way and to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: spacetech

8 2 3 4
France Rugby France Rugby

[Automatic translation follows] Let's join us for the best The goal of the FFR is to promote, develop and organize rugby and sevens in France. The French Rugby Federation was declared a public utility in 1922. The headquarters of the FFR is the Bellejame estate located in Linas-Marcoussis., 🏉🇫🇷 French Rugby Federation | #RugbyAmateur | Teams of France, #XVdeFrance, # FranceU20 # France7 | Insta / 👻: ffrugby | #NewsXV, Sports

Type: Event

89 65 19 487
Imperial Business Imperial Business

Type: Large company Activities: entertainment

141 81 76 7
Energies Réunion Energies Réunion

[Automatic translation follows] ☀️ The regional energy and climate agency in Reunion Island 🍃 The regional energy and climate agency Energies Réunion was created in July 2013. It is a logical continuation of the arer association and is part of an approach to promoting local natural resources. Its role: to support local community shareholders in the development of concrete projects with energy issues. Its areas of action are: energy demand management, new energies, observation, governance, information and awareness-raising.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

12 2 11 46
IEA Hydrogen TCP IEA Hydrogen TCP

Global collaboration for research and innovation in hydrogen. The International Energy Agency's Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Program (HTCP) was established in 1977 to pursue collaborative hydrogen research and development and information exchange among its member countries. Through the creation and conduct of some forty tasks, the Hydrogen TCP has facilitated and managed a comprehensive range of hydrogen R&D and analysis activities. Hydrogen, Research, Collaboration, and International

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech deeptech energytech

34 1 26 11
University of Houston University of Houston

Founded in 1927, the University of Houston is the leading public research university in the vibrant city of Houston. Founded in 1927, the University of Houston is the leading public research university in the vibrant international city of Houston. Each year, we educate more than 46,000 students in more than 250 undergraduate and graduate academic programs, on campus and online. UH awards over 10,000 degrees annually, with more than 332,000 alumni. superconductivity, space commercialization, biomedical engineering, economics, education, petroleum exploration, virtual technology, hotel restaurant and management, creative writing, architecture, business, law, engineering, marketing, and communications

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

14 6 0 11,744
New York University New York University

Founded in 1831, NYU is one of the world’s foremost research universities and is a member of the selective Association of American Universities. The first Global Network University, NYU has degree-granting university campuses in New York and Abu Dhabi, and has announced a third in Shanghai; has a dozen other global academic sites, including London, Paris, Florence, Tel Aviv, Buenos Aires, and Accra; and sends more students to study abroad than any other U.S. college or university. Through its numerous schools and colleges, NYU conducts research and provides education in the arts and sciences, law, medicine, business, dentistry, education, nursing, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

49 8 5 25,141

[Automatic translation follows] ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development - ITALY Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. Its activities concern the following topics: Energy efficiency Renewable sources Nuclear Environment and climate Safety and health New technologies Electricity System Research. On these topics, the ENEA Agency: carries out basic, mission-oriented and industrial research activities using broad-spectrum skills and experimental plants, specialized laboratories, advanced instrumentation; develops new technologies and advanced applications; disseminates and transfers the results obtained, promoting their valorization …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

19 5 3 2,459
Toluna Toluna

Toluna empowers clients to deliver greater business impact through insights. Toluna is a leading global research and insights provider that empowers clients to make smarter data-driven decisions. Combining our flexible platform, cutting-edge technology, expansive portfolio, and passionate experts, we simplify our clients' work and enable them to deliver greater business impact. From DIY to full-service consultancy, Toluna's unique approach can be tailored to fit any time, budget, and resourcing needs. With over 40 offices across the globe, we are delivering research in 70+ countries to the world’s leading brands. Online Research Panel, Online Communities, Online Surveys, Research Technology, DIY Surveys, …

Type: Large company

31 9 20 1,876
Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo) Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo)

[Automatic translation follows] Human and social sciences research centre in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and the Palestinian Territories Ifpo is a research centre in human and social sciences (HSS) of the network of French Research Institutes Abroad (Ifre); it is placed under the dual supervision of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE). Present in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories and Syria (sites closed to the public), Ifpo covers all HSS research on the region and its cultures from prehistory to the present day. archaeology, human and social sciences, research, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

5 1 4 117
TRION-climate TRION-climate

The Network for energy and climate in the Trinational metropolitan region Upper Rhine The non-profit organization TRION-climate is a German-French-Swiss network of energy and climate actors. Networking, Environment, Umwelt, Energy, trinational, Energie, climat, and Klima

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

7 1 7 6
Labri Labri

Labri is a real estate company based out of 2301 W La Habra Blvd, La Habra, California, United States.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

10 4 4 27
The Smell & Taste Lab The Smell & Taste Lab

Consulting in Business Development & Science in Beauty & Health The Smell & Taste Lab is a Switzerland-based leading scientific expert and consultancy firm in the beauty and health industry. We are founded on three core pillars: science, business development, and education. With a vast and global network of partners, we seamlessly integrate sensory & consumer sciences with business & product development. Our approach is versatile, offering both strategy and hands-on implementation. Whether you need a comprehensive solution from research to product launch or just one aspect of the value chain, we offer expertise and flexibility tailored to companies of …

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech edtech

4 1 4 3
ICES - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea ICES - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is a global organization that develops science and advice to support the sustainable use of the oceans. ​​​​ICES is a network of more than 4000 scientists from over 350 marine institutes in 20 member countries and beyond. 1600 scientists participate in our activities annually. Our goal is to provide the best available science for decision-makers to make informed choices on the sustainable use of the marine environment and ecosystems. ICES Secretariat has been based in Copenhagen, Denmark, since 1902. ​​​​​​The Secretariat staff provides secretarial, administrative, scientific, and data handling support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

5 2 3 304

With, get instant access to relevant expert knowledge! Opt for responsible, high-performance AI, developed hand in hand with French research. With our solutions, improve the quality of work and learning of your audiences, thanks to cutting-edge technology that revolutionizes the way key knowledge is found, understood and mastered. #virtual knowledge assistant #automated MCQ #Adaptive learning AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Digital Transformation, Education, Professional Training, Technology, Innovation, DeepLearning, Learning, Generative AI, IA generative, Intelligence Artificielle, llm, Large Language Model, Formation, Entreprise, and EdTech

Type: Startup Activities: edtech it services Technologies: A.I. Generative A.I. A.I. - Machine Learning A.I. - Natural Language Processing A.I. - Deep Learning

26 12 13 27
Embassy of France in Singapore Embassy of France in Singapore

The Embassy of France in Singapore was first established on 18th September 1965, to build diplomatic relations between France and Singapore. It is currently headed by Ms. Minh-di Tang, Ambassador of France to Singapore. The Embassy operates several services and offices, liaising with the relevant Singaporean bodies and responsible for different areas of policy such as Economics, Trade, Defence, Science, Education and Culture. Diplomacy, French living abroad, Public relations, Politics, Culture, Science, and Education

Type: Public

40 5 35 47
Council of the European Union Council of the European Union

27 EU governments making decisions together in the European Council & the Council of the EU. Learn, participate, share. The Council is the main decision-making body of the European Union; it is composed of the ministers of the Member States. — The Council of the European Union passes laws (usually legislating jointly with the European Parliament). — The Council coordinates the broad economic policies of the Member States. — The Council defines and implements the EU’s common foreign and security policy, based on guidelines set by the European Council. — The Council concludes, on behalf of the Community and the …

Type: Public

114 77 18 2,210
Stanford Student Enterprises Stanford Student Enterprises

For students, by students. Stanford Student Enterprises is a young, dynamic organization which reflects the energy and talent of our student employees, but our close affiliation with the ASSU imbues SSE with a tradition as old as Stanford University itself. First organized in 1891, the ASSU is the designated representative of the student body. As a step towards financial independence, the ASSU stopped receiving funding from the University in 1995. In 1996, Financial Manager John Hall founded Stanford Student Enterprises in order to ensure the long-term financial viability and independence of the Association. Today, SSE has five enterprises with more …

Type: Incubators & VCs

178 97 6 23
The Franklin Institute The Franklin Institute

The Franklin Institute is one of the oldest and most renowned centers of science education in the U.S. Founded in 1824 in honor of Benjamin Franklin, The Franklin Institute is a museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and one of the oldest and premier centers of science education and development in the United States. It also houses the Benjamin Franklin National Memorial. In the spirit of inquiry and discovery embodied in its namesake, its mission is to inspire a passion for learning about science and technology through hands-on exhibits that include Your Brain, Franklin Air Show, SportsZone, Sir Isaac's Loft, Amazing Machine, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

12 3 8 269
Grand Est Transformation (GET) Numérique Grand Est Transformation (GET) Numérique

[Automatic translation follows] Resource and expertise center: regional accelerator for transformation, business and innovation. Resource and expertise center: regional accelerator for transformation, business and innovation.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting it services

33 6 29 2
Tech Policy Design Centre Tech Policy Design Centre

Reimagining fit-for-purpose tech governance frameworks to shape technology for the long-term benefit of humanity The challenge: Digital technologies are interwoven in the fabric of our society, culture, economy and security. Calls for enhanced public and private governance continue to grow. Existing policy structures and frameworks are struggling to address at pace the complexities and interdependencies presented by these technologies. Globally, there is an urgent and increasing demand for new approaches to technology policy. The mission Develop fit-for-purpose tech governance frameworks to shape technology for the long-term benefit of humanity. The method Foster mature public debate and conduct world-leading research in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

9 1 8 8
Ambassade de France en Norvège Ambassade de France en Norvège

[Automatic translation follows] The Embassy of France in Norway is the diplomatic representation of the French Republic in Norway. The Embassy of France in Norway is the diplomatic representation of the French Republic in Norway. Its ambassador is, since November 2022, Ms. Florence Robine. The French Embassy in Norway is the diplomatic representation of the French Republic in Norway. Florence Robine will be the French Ambassador to Norway in 2022. Site: Twitter: @AmbaFr_Norge Facebook: @AmbaFranceNorvege Instagram: @ambafrance_norvege

Type: Public

21 2 19 14
Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise

[Automatic translation follows] Joint Unit of French Research Institutes Abroad (Umifre 19, MEAE-CNRS) The Maison franco-japonaise in Tokyo, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2024, is a Franco-Japanese cooperation mechanism. It is composed of a foundation under Japanese law, the Fondation Maison franco-japonaise, which houses the French Institute for Research on Japan (Umifre 19) and the largest French-language public library in Japan with 54,000 volumes in literature and human and social sciences (HSS). The French Institute for Research on Japan is dedicated to research in HSS on modern and contemporary Japan, in a regional dimension including East Asia. The …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

2 1 1 7
Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos

[Automatic translation follows] 74 years of research in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Archaeology in the Andean countries The IFEA is both a research unit and a platform for supporting French and European research in collaboration with the Andean countries. It produces fundamental knowledge mainly in the Social Sciences and Humanities and in Archaeology. The in-depth analysis of social, economic, political and cultural processes enables it to fuel public debate thanks to its missions of disseminating knowledge through various media (scientific publications, colloquia and conferences, provision of a research library). It also serves as a support point for the training …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

4 1 2 25
Maison Française d'Oxford Maison Française d'Oxford

The MFO is associated with the University of Oxford to support the special link btw the French & British academic worlds The Maison Française d’Oxford (MFO) was founded at the end of the Second World War on the joint initiative of the Universities of Paris and Oxford. With the support of the Chancery of the Universities of Paris, it maintains close links with French universities and the other French institutes of higher education. Associated with the University of Oxford, it is a hub of Franco-British academic collaborations. As a member of the network of research institutes established abroad by the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

3 2 2 20
Centre Marc Bloch Centre Marc Bloch

Centre Marc Bloch is a company based out of 191 Friedrichstraße, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Type: SMB Activities: deeptech

4 1 4 53
Atypie-Friendly Atypie-Friendly

Accomplishing the inclusive university Making a success of the inclusive university is the major ambition of Atypie-Friendly, which extends the work and ambitions of Aspie-Friendly. As Aspie-Friendly takes a new step forward, expanding to include other Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD), we have chosen to change our name, while keeping intact the motivations behind our commitment to achieving an inclusive university. Atypie-Friendly is a program designed to make higher education inclusive. It is aimed at autistic people, and will gradually be extended to other conditions such as attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, and dyslexia. As part of the national strategy …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

16 1 12 8
Grand Est-Europe Grand Est-Europe

[Automatic translation follows] Representation of the Grand Est to the European Union. Join us on Twitter @GrandEstEurope Grand Est-Europe is the representation of the Grand Est (local authorities, consular chambers and universities) to the European institutions.

Type: Event

21 2 16 7

Preventing Zoonotic Disease Emergence PREZODE is an international initiative promoting prevention, early detection, and resilience to rapidly respond to emerging infectious diseases of animal origin (zoonoses). It fosters multilateral collaboration with and between countries and other initiatives, to improve ecosystems management and to strengthen surveillance, with a multi-actor dynamic, thus maximizing impacts. The PREZODE initiative is based on a One Health approach, linking human health, animal health and environmental health. PREZODE works closely with the UN organization "Quadripartite" (FAO, WHO, WOAH, UNEP) and the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP), to facilitate the development of recommendations for decision making. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

11 2 10 16
Hydrogène Québec Hydrogène Québec

Harnessing hydrogen to reduce carbon emissions. Hydrogène Québec, a coalition of like-minded companies, is committed to demonstrating leadership by increasing awareness among the Quebec population about hydrogen as a fuel solution to kickstart the energy transition today. We also work to motivate stakeholders to invest in hydrogen, for the future of mobility and infrastructure, and to understand its economic opportunities.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech transporttech energytech

11 1 10 6
Consulate General of France in Los Angeles Consulate General of France in Los Angeles

The Consulate of France in Los Angeles is in charge of French interests in 5 Southwest states of the U.S. The Consulate General of France in Los Angeles is in charge of French interests in Southern California, Southern Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico. Our LinkedIn Page focuses on the Business/Economic side of our mission. If you need any administrative support, please visit our website You can follow us on the following social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 3 6 30
Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers University of Technology is a highly progressive university situated in Gothenburg, Sweden. We are known locally and globally for education, research and innovation. The Department of Energy and Environment conducts leading research in energy and environment as well as sustainable development, at the industrial, construction, and product scale, and at the global scale. Our focus is on experimental and theoretical energy technology research, as well as on development, implementation, and evaluation of methods and tools for analysis of technical systems. In addition, we conduct theoretical and applied research on complex systems, ranging from biochemical to social systems. We offer …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: energytech greentech

29 8 11 3
Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) TU Dresden Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) TU Dresden

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

41 15 11 69