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LogoName Σ Employees
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Protect U.S. through criminal investigations and enforcing immigration law to preserve national security & public safety U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) protects America through criminal investigations and enforcement of immigration law to preserve national security and public safety. Created in 2003 through a merger of the investigative and interior enforcement elements of the U.S. Customs Service and the Immigration and Naturalization Service, ICE now has more than 20,000 law enforcement and support personnel in more than 400 offices in the United States and around the world. Privacy policies: Law Enforcement, DHS, Homeland Security, Cybercrime, Immigration, and Investigations

Type: Public

6 0 0 1,751
UN Innovation Network UN Innovation Network

The UN Innovation Network is an informal community of innovators interested in sharing their expertise and experience. The UN Innovation Network (UNIN) is an informal, collaborative community of UN innovators interested in sharing their expertise and experience with others to promote and advance innovation within the UN System. The UNIN is open to innovators from all UN Agencies as well as external partners and to date, representatives from 65+ entities in over 75 countries have joined the Network. Innovation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

8 1 7 7
ScaleUp Institute ScaleUp Institute

We are a private sector, not-for-profit company focused on making the UK the best place in the world to scaleup. The ambition of the ScaleUp Institute is that Britain becomes the most fertile ground for businesses, not only to start up but to scale up and grow. The ScaleUp Institute is a private sector led, not-for-profit organisation focused on collaborating with policy makers, corporates, finance players, educators and Government at a local and national level. Scaleups exist across the country and across all sectors. Increasing the number of firms reaching scale has the potential to deliver hundreds and thousands of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

24 6 14 30
Lapin liitto / The Regional Council of Lapland Lapin liitto / The Regional Council of Lapland

Positiivista potkua Lapille! We are responsible e.g. for the regional development and the land use planning in Lapland. Olemme innostunut, Lapille positiivista potkua antava tehemä pois -joukkue. Edistämme Lapin menestystä ja lappilaisten hyvinvointia. Lapin liitto eli Lapin maakuntaliitto on Suomen pohjoisimman ja maantieteellisesti laajimman maakunnan kehittäjä, kaavoittaja ja edunvalvoja. Lapin liitto on kuntayhtymä, jonka omistajia ovat kaikki Lapin 21 kuntaa. Lapin liitto johtaa kansallista ja EU:n rakennerahastoihin liittyvää aluekehittämisohjelmatyötä Lapissa. Liitto vastaa maakuntakaavoituksesta sekä toimii keskeisesti maakunnan kansainvälisessä yhteistyössä. Lapin liitossa toimii myös Lapin pelastuslaitos, joka vastaa maakunnan alueellisesta pelastustoimesta. ** Lapin liitto is called the Regional Council of Lapland …

Type: Public

4 1 2 46
Amcham Finland Amcham Finland

We are the voice of international business and home of transatlantic success in Finland. Amcham Finland is a non-profit, member-funded, and politically independent business community promoting a strong transatlantic economy and a healthy operating environment in Finland. We are the voice of international business in Finland, and we provide opportunities to members through best practices, unique insights, cross-industry collaboration, key introductions, and access to VIP speakers. Amcham believes collaboration and united advocacy are necessary to improve the Finnish business environment and help Finnish companies successfully enter the United States market. Business hub, Critical business information, Networking, Business networks, Startups, Ecosystems, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

31 3 30 18
Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality

A 360° View on Inequality/Home to the US Office of LIS The James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality—known as the Stone Center—was launched on September 1, 2016. It renames and expands the Graduate Center’s Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Center, which opened its doors at the Graduate Center in 2009. The mission of the Stone Center is to build and disseminate knowledge related to the causes, nature, and consequences of multiple forms of socio-economic inequality. Although the Stone Center’s associated faculty and students have diverse interests and utilize a range of methods, they share a commitment to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

17 9 7 14
Expo 2020 Dubai Expo 2020 Dubai

A World Expo that inspired people by showcasing the best of collaboration and innovation from around the world. Since the first Great Fair of 1851, World Expos have become one of the world’s largest and oldest mega-events, attracting millions of visitors who explore and discover pavilions, exhibits and cultural events staged by hundreds of participants including nations, international organisations and businesses. In winning the right to host Expo 2020, the UAE and its people set upon a journey that will place the country at the centre of the international stage on the eve of its Golden Jubilee, engaging the global …

Type: Public

67 36 15 2,414
Feria de Zaragoza. Feria de Zaragoza.

Al servicio de la innovación y el progreso SARAGOSSA ́S FAIR is a part of the leader fair organizations in Spain and the most of the performed contests are in the lead of the international outlook of the professional auditorium in Europe.. This pioneer Fair in the ferial world -that started its activity with a general contest at the beginning of the 40’s-, has been adapting its commercial strategy as its facilities to the needs demanded by the market and it has provided itself with all precise services for the organization for any type of event, as professional as recretional.. …

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

11 1 5 59
Afrobarometer Afrobarometer

Let the people have a say. Afrobarometer is a pan-African, non-partisan research network that conducts public attitude surveys on democracy, governance, economic conditions, and related issues in more than 35 countries in Africa. It is a network of researchers who do scientific citizen-attitude surveys aimed at ensuring that people's views inform the decisions of policy-makers, academics, activists and others. The project was launched in 1999 by three African professors, and now covers 35 countries. The network is managed by the Center for Democratic Development in Ghana, the Institute for Development studies at the University of Nairobi, Institute for Justice and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

9 0 3 88
BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.

Spitzenverband der Deutschen Industrie | The Voice of German Industry The BDI is the umbrella organisation of German industry and industry-related service providers. It represents 39 industrial sector federations and has 15 regional offices in the German federal states. The BDI speaks for more than 100,000 private enterprises employing around 8 million people. Industry is the basis of the German economy and plays a decisive role in determining the future competitiveness of our country. The BDI relays the interests of German industry to political representatives in Germany, Europe and worldwide.

Type: Media

60 18 28 192
Philea - Philanthropy Europe Association Philea - Philanthropy Europe Association

We are the voice of European philanthropy. Our purpose is to harness its immense multidimensional potential. We are the voice of European philanthropy. Our purpose is to harness its immense multidimensional potential. Nurturing philanthropy, Advancing the sector, Fostering peer-learning, Enhancing collaboration, Championing philanthropy, Being glocal, and Building as one

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

19 5 10 57
Export Council of Australia Export Council of Australia

Think Global Trade. Think ECA. The Export Council of Australia (ECA) is the peak Industry body for the Australian export community. The ECA is the next exciting step in the evolution of the Australian Institute of Export (AIEx) which, for over 50 years, has had the interests of Australian exporters at heart. Owned by its members and steered by a Board and a Council of Industry specialists, the ECA is a not-for-profit organisation that has the development of Australia’s resources via the promotion of Australian industry in international markets as its primary goal. The ECA represents all exporters: large, medium …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

9 1 7 18
The European Files The European Files

Read the latest news about Europe The European Files is published in English, in hard copy as well as a PDF version. We publish around 5000 hard copies, partly distributed throughout the European Institutions and the European governments. We deliver a hard copy to all MEPs and DG’s. The publication also has an important digital presence, via its website and social media. Over the past couple of years, the website attracts around 500 visits a week. When a new issue is published online, then this number goes up to 2,000 visits a week.​ Furthermore, the magazine is distributed to different …

Type: Media

13 4 11 1
The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets

Laat markten goed werken voor mensen en bedrijven, nu en in de toekomst. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (Autoriteit Consument & Markt) is an independent authority that creates opportunities and options for businesses and consumers alike. Consumers may contact the ACM for free information and advice. For example, you may run into problems with a company. You can report your problems to consumer information desk ConsuWijzer . ConsuWijzer will advise you on how you can solve those problems. Based on that advice, you will know what your rights are, and how you can exercise them. If it turns …

Type: Public

12 5 2 730
Tribunal de Contas da União Tribunal de Contas da União

O TCU tem a missão de aprimorar a Administração Pública em benefício da sociedade por meio do controle externo. Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) is the superior audit office of Brazil. It's mission is to "ensure regular and effective use of federal public funds, in society's benefit"​. There are near 3000 employees, with about 2000 directly involved in auditing activities. audit, external control, Controle Externo, and Governo

Type: Public

4 0 2 2,244
CNMC (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia) CNMC (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia)

La CNMC promueve y defiende el buen funcionamiento de todos los mercados en interés de los consumidores y de las empresa SPANISH NATIONAL MARKETS AND COMPETITION COMMISSION (CNMC in Spanish) is an entity that promotes and defends proper functioning of all markets, in the interest of consumers and businesses. It is a public entity with its own autonomous legal status. It is independent from Spain's central government but is subject to parliamentary control. It began its operations on 7 October 2013 The CNMC was created in 2013 by integrating the following six entities: The National Commission on Competition, the National …

Type: Public

28 8 10 425
INCIBE - Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad INCIBE - Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad

Cybersecurity for all The Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute, S.A. (INCIBE) is an organisation dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business, the Secretary of State for Digital Progress, and is the benchmark institution with regard to the development of cybersecurity, and of digital trust for the general public, for RedIRIS (the Spanish academic and research network), and for businesses, especially sectors of strategic importance. As a centre of excellence, INCIBE is a service offered by the Spanish Government to work towards the development of cybersecurity as an instrument for social transformation and for developing new fields of innovation. To …

Type: Public

38 12 14 279
Global Parliament of Mayors Global Parliament of Mayors

Empowering Cities as Drivers for Change The GPM is a global city rights movement. The Global Parliament of Mayors is a governance body of, by and for mayors from all continents. It builds on the experience, expertise and leadership of mayors in tackling local challenges resulting from global problems. At the same time, it brings local knowledge to the table and thus participates actively in global strategy debates and underscores the need for practical, action oriented solutions.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 2 3 7
International Neuroethics Society International Neuroethics Society

Our mission is to encourage and inspire research and dialogue on the responsible use of advances in brain science. We are a group of scholars, scientists, clinicians and other professionals who share an interest in the social, legal, ethical and policy implications of advances in neuroscience. In recent years we have seen unprecedented progress in the basic sciences of mind and brain and in the treatment of psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Now, neuroscience plays an expanding role in human life beyond the research lab and clinic. In classrooms, courtrooms, offices and homes around the world, neuroscience is giving us powerful …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

4 1 4 13
FTTH Council Europe FTTH Council Europe

Full fibre for a digital and sustainable Europe. The FTTH Council Europe is an industry association with a mission to advance ubiquitous full fibre-based connectivity to the whole of Europe. Fibre is the future-proof, climate-friendly infrastructure that enables an unparalleled fixed and wireless experience as well as new innovative digital technologies and services, empowering a leading Digital Society in Europe. This is a crucial prerequisite for safeguarding Europe’s global competitiveness while playing a leading global role in sustainability. Our vision is that fibre connectivity will transform and enhance the way we live, do business and interact, connecting everyone and everything, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 5 20 53
Diem Association Diem Association

We’re working to build a trusted and innovative financial network that empowers people and businesses around the world.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

39 8 13 4
Women of the Channel Women of the Channel

Build Connections. Master Leadership. Leave Inspired. Women of the Channel celebrates and fosters female leadership across the IT channel year-round, continuing and building on the conversations and ideas sparked at our industry-leading Women of the Channel events and brand new Women of The Channel Online site. We provide a forum for sharing perspectives on life and work, recognizing the unique contributions of the women shaping today’s channel, and finding the tools and knowledge to grow and advance both personally and professionally.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

22 5 19 8
Helsinki EU Office Helsinki EU Office

Representing Finland’s most innovative regions, cities, universities, and research institutions in Brussels. Representing Finland’s most innovative regions, cities, universities, and research institutions in Brussels. Facilitating smart partnerships. Making an impact. The Helsinki EU Office has been a key EU advisor and advocate for Finnish actors in Brussels since 1996. The Helsinki EU Office is a joint EU office of three Finnish regions, universities, universities of applied sciences, Finland’s largest cities and two national research institutes. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region acts as the host organisation of the office. Our member organizations are the City of Helsinki, City of Espoo, City of Vantaa, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

10 0 9 11
Euromines Euromines

We promote the responsible european raw materials mining industry and maintain its relations with European institutions European Association of Mining Industries Euromines is the recognised representative of the European metals and minerals mining industry. The association's main objective is to promote the industry and to maintain its relations with European institutions at all levels. Euromines provides services to its members with regard to EU policy and serves as a network for cooperation and for the exchange of information throughout the sector within Europe. The association also fosters contacts with the mining community throughout the world. Euromines represents an interface between …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

12 1 7 14
Pascal Smet Pascal Smet

#BrusselsForPeople Brussels deputy

Type: Public

16 8 6 12

Creating value for society The Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB) is the only multi-sector employers'​ organisation representing companies in all three regions of Belgium. Its members, Belgium's leading sectoral federations, represent companies in key industrial and service sectors. FEB is the voice of business in Belgium. It aims to: * work towards creating an optimal business environment; * promote business interests at federal, European and international level; * ensure consistency in the message entrepreneurs deliver and the actions they take. FEB aims to help create jobs for the future and ensure that these jobs complement each other, especially in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

25 10 12 188
GFCC | The Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils GFCC | The Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils

Accelerating competitiveness through collaboration The Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils is a global network of leaders from competitiveness councils around the world. The fundamental drivers of national competitiveness are being knitted together in networks that now underpin global economic growth. Innovation, sustainability and resilience—once the foundation for national competitiveness advantage—are now global platforms for prosperity. Acting globally is now a prerequisite to economic competitiveness nationally. In addition to the goals of sharing best practices among councils and creating a network of global leaders committed to their national prosperity and the prosperity of the world, the Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

12 0 10 44
The Millennium Project The Millennium Project

Global Think Tank for a Global Future The Millennium Project was founded in 1996 after a three-year feasibility study with the United Nations University, Smithsonian Institution, Futures Group International, and the American Council for the UNU. It is now an independent non-profit global participatory futures research think tank of futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities. The Millennium Project manages a coherent and cumulative process that collects and assesses judgments from over 3,500 people since the beginning of the project selected by its 57 Nodes around the world. The work …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

6 0 6 60
Denmark in Canada Denmark in Canada

The official representation of Denmark in Canada - Royal Danish Embassy in Ottawa and Danish Trade Council in Toronto Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of Denmark in Canada, representing the Royal Danish Embassy in Ottawa and Trade Council of Denmark in Toronto. The Trade Council of Denmark is a part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and assists Danish and international companies with export and investment promotion services. From our offices in Toronto and Ottawa, the Trade Council of Denmark in North America works to promote Danish exports in the U.S. and Canada and foster partnerships between Danish and …

Type: Public

12 1 11 16
HOTREC - Hotels, Restaurants & Cafés in Europe HOTREC - Hotels, Restaurants & Cafés in Europe

Hospitality is at the heart of the European way of life. HOTREC is the umbrella association of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Cafés and similar establishments in Europe. We bring together 47 associations in 36 countries. Together, we are the voice of the European hospitality industry. Vision: Hospitality is at the heart of European tourism. It grows the economy, creates jobs, and enables innovation by unlocking its potential. Mission: - Represent and champion our interests to EU and international institutions - Share knowledge and best practices with our members - Act as a platform of expertise for the European hospitality industry Current …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 2 6 57
SADC Secretariat SADC Secretariat

One region,16 member states, working towards a common future The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat is the principal executive institution of SADC and it is responsible for the strategic planning, coordination, and management of SADC programmes. It is also responsible for the implementation of decisions of SADC policy and institutions such as the Summit, the Troikas and Council of Ministers. It is headed by an Executive Secretary and has its headquarters in Gaborone, Botswana. The Secretariat is guided by the Institutional Vision and Mission. Established in 1992, SADC is committed to Regional Integration and poverty eradication in Southern Africa. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

4 1 0 241
United Nations Office at Geneva United Nations Office at Geneva

Working for Peace, Rights and Well-Being In the historic setting of the Palais des Nations, UN Geneva brings together individuals, organizations and nations to ensure a better future for all. As a diplomatic center, with near universal representation of states, Geneva is the ideal location for successful international cooperation. Over 12,000 meetings are held at the Palais des Nations every year, each in different ways touching the lives of people around the globe. Driven by a commitment to maintain international peace and security, we actively work to advance disarmament, implement the Sustainable Development Goals, protect and promote human rights, encourage …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

15 3 6 692

We are CEN and CENELEC. Making Standards for Europe. ABOUT CEN The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) is a business catalyst in Europe, removing trade barriers for European stakeholders such as industry, service providers, consumers and other stakeholders. Its mission is to foster the European economy in global trading, the welfare of European citizens, and the environment. Through its services CEN provides a platform for the development of European Standards and other specifications. ABOUT CENELEC The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization is officially responsible for standardization in the electrotechnical field. In an ever more global economy, CENELEC fosters innovation and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

46 9 32 571
JustActions JustActions

A handful of ideas will determine our future. Let’s make sure they’re the right ones. JustActions works with leading innovators to advance ten mutually reinforcing, measurable goals with the power to accelerate progress to a more just world rapidly, sustainably and irreversibly. Ranging from increasing women's incomes, to preventing early death, to reversing inequality, JustActions mobilizes the world's best and brightest talent from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors to make one or more of the JustActions integral to their work. Flagship JustActions initiatives include the Every Breath Counts Coalition, the Motherhood + Public Power Index, the #KnowHerName campaign, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

15 0 15 1
The Global Development Incubator The Global Development Incubator

Working to build and scale the next generation of social impact solutions. GDI takes a growth engineering approach to the creation and expansion of select ideas, organizations, and initiatives that address urgent global problems. We provide structured pathways over 2-3 years to support the achievement of critical step-changes necessary for ideas and organizations to move to the next level. We support the implementation of a strategic plan and then transition to a clear and responsible operational handoff, ensuring that the right engines for growth are built for continued transformative social impact. GDI goes beyond traditional consulting models, capacity builders, and …

Type: Incubators & VCs

15 2 7 82
ERTRAC - European Road Transport Research Advisory Council ERTRAC - European Road Transport Research Advisory Council

Bringing together road transport stakeholders to develop a common vision for road transport research in Europe. ERTRAC - European Road Transport Research Advisory Council - is the European Technology Platform (ETP) for Road Transport. ERTRAC is recognized and supported by the European Commission. The tasks of ERTRAC are to: • Provide a strategic vision for road transport research and innovation in Europe. • Define strategies and roadmaps to achieve this vision through the definition and update of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and implementation research roadmaps. • Stimulate effective public and private investment in road transport research and innovation. • …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

8 3 4 8
Empower Women Empower Women

Powerful network where women empower women. We are on our life’s journey and can lean on each other and support one another. We meet virtually and in real life where we find inspiration by being open and honest about the ups and downs, good and bad. We're all fantastic, just the way we are. Empowerment, Empower Women, Diversity, Equality, Pro-choice, Women help women, , Networking, Coaching, Mentoring, Life , Diversity, and Equality

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

25 4 12 2
Anglo American Anglo American

Anglo American is a leading global mining company and our products are the essential ingredients in almost every aspect of modern life. Our portfolio of world-class competitive operations, with a broad range of future development options, provides many of the future-enabling metals and minerals for a cleaner, greener, more sustainable world and that meet the fast growing every day demands of billions of consumers. With our people at the heart of our business, we use innovative practices and the latest technologies to discover new resources and to mine, process, move and market our products to our customers – safely and …

Type: Large company

25 7 9 25,684
European Society of Radiology European Society of Radiology

ESR's mission is to serve the healthcare needs of the general public through supporting the field of radiology. The European Society of Radiology (ESR) was founded in December 2005 by merging the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) and the European Association of Radiology (EAR), thus establishing a single house of radiology in Europe. It is an apolitical, non-profit organisation, exclusively and directly dedicated to promoting and coordinating the scientific, philanthropic, intellectual and professional activities of Radiology in all European countries.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 1 4 253
National Press Foundation National Press Foundation

We educate journalists in the U.S. and around the world and recognize journalistic excellence through awards. Thousands of journalists turn to the National Press Foundation each year for a deep dive into the complex issues of the day. Journalists are the bridge between decision-makers and the public, and NPF helps journalists improve public understanding. Our training programs are open to journalists of all formats. Our programs are conducted in the nation's capital, around the United States and overseas, bringing journalists together with experts to discuss significant issues ranging from politics and public health and criminal justice to international trade. NPF …

Type: Media

15 2 12 21
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC

The world’s largest volunteer–based humanitarian network. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian network. Founded in 1919, the IFRC has 191 member Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, a secretariat in Geneva and more than 60 delegations strategically located to support activities around the world. The International Federation, the National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross together constitute the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. humanitarian assistance, disaster response, disaster preparedness, heath and care, humanitarian diplomacy, organisation development, youth, volunteering, promoting peace, and international disaster response …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

48 16 27 3,591

European Agricultural Machinery Industry CEMA is the association representing the European agricultural machinery industry. With 11 national member associations, the CEMA network represents both large multinational companies and numerous European SMEs active in the sector. The industry comprises about 7,000 manufacturers, producing more than 450 different types of machines with an annual turnover of about €40 billion (EU28 - 2016) and 150,000 direct employees. CEMA companies produce a large range of machines that cover any activity in the field from seeding to harvesting, as well as equipment for livestock management. networking and lobbying

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

6 1 6 171
Chris Blattman's Blog Chris Blattman's Blog

Chris Blattman's Blog is a company based out of Manhattan, New York, New York, United States.

Type: Media

7 1 1 N/A
Brainport Eindhoven Brainport Eindhoven

Home of pioneers. Together we work on solutions to make the world better. Brainport Eindhoven is a world-class top technology region. High tech and design are combined with an advanced high-end manufacturing industry and entrepreneurship. Close collaboration and sharing knowledge are part of our DNA and characterise the open innovation culture which makes Brainport smart and strong. By quickly anticipating to rapid world-wide changes and continuously connecting to new people, we create new opportunities. For everyone. This attracts talent and enterprises from all over the world. Entrepreneurs, knowledge institutions and governments form a unique business climate in which we compete …

Type: Incubators & VCs

28 4 21 19
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

The global voice of the library and information profession. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession. IFLA is the main platform for formulating goals, exerting influence as a group, protecting interests, and finding solutions to global problems. IFLA offers you an international network to exchange ideas and to promote international cooperation, research and development in all fields. IFLA depends on the cooperation and active involvement of its members to reach its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

7 1 2 191
EURADA - European Association of Development Agencies EURADA - European Association of Development Agencies

Founded in 1992, EURADA is an association which gathers regional practitioners working on economic development The European Association of Development Agencies is a network of development agencies. Through our large network present in 23 countries of the European Union and beyond, development agencies and their economic development practitioners can network, advocate, and participate at a European Union wide level. A Development Agency is an entity created by a regional or local government to serve the public interest of economic growth in a certain territory mainly through the support of innovation, internationalisation, finance and support to entrepreneurs and startups. A development …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

23 5 15 21
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

Empowering people, minds, progress FGB is a network of change-makers. Our mission is to create real social impact and positive socio-economic progress across nations and cities. Empowered by a strong 50-year history and an unwavering belief in human potential, we strive to transform ideas into policy that paves the way towards better living for all.​ To do this, we publish research and content with an aim to inform policy across Italy and Europe. We build programs for stakeholders, businesses, entrepreneurs and students to advance their ideas for innovation and progress. We bring our political, economic and social expertise to support …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

11 4 4 113
European Liberal Forum European Liberal Forum

The political foundation and think tank of the European liberal family | Connecting Europeans with liberal ideas The European Liberal Forum (ELF) is the foundation of the European Liberal Democrats, the ALDE Party. A core aspect of our work consists in issuing publications on Liberalism and European public policy issues. We also provide a space for the discussion of European politics, and offer training for liberal-minded citizens. Our aim is to promote active citizenship in all of this. Our foundation is made up of a number of European think tanks, political foundations and institutes. The diversity of our membership provides …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

4 0 3 20
Tent Partnership for Refugees Tent Partnership for Refugees

We're an international network of 400+ major companies helping refugees access labor markets via job prep & employment. With more and more refugees displaced around the world, businesses have a critical role to play in helping refugees integrate economically in their new communities. Tent was launched in 2016 by Hamdi Ulukaya, the CEO and founder of Chobani – a multibillion dollar food company in the U.S. – to mobilize businesses across the Americas and Europe to fill this gap. Today, Tent is a network of over 400 major companies committed to helping hundreds of thousands of refugees access local labor …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

90 21 83 90
Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

CIGI offers expert research and policy analysis at the intersection of technology and international governance. The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) is an independent, non-partisan think tank committed to innovative policy making at the intersection of technology and international governance. Headquartered in Waterloo, Canada, CIGI has a global network of multidisciplinary researchers and strategic partnerships providing expert research and objective analysis with one goal in mind: to improve people’s lives everywhere. Global Governance, Public Policy, Global Economy, G20, and Global Security & Politics

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech govtech

12 1 5 158
ID4Africa ID4Africa

Identity for All in Africa Founded in 2014, ID4Africa is an NGO Movement that accompanies African nations on their journeys to develop robust and responsible identity ecosystems in the service of development and humanitarian action. The ID4Africa Movement is driven by the need to establish identity-for-all, not just as a legal right (consistent with SDG 16.9), but also as a practical necessity to enable inclusive access to services in Africa. ID4Africa believes that service-oriented identity ecosystems built on the respect of privacy and human rights are essential for the growth of digital economies. With a highly active identity community, ID4Africa …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

18 1 7 21
Helsinki Chemicals Forum Helsinki Chemicals Forum

Annual key gathering for chemicals safety professionals, next time 10-11 April 2024 #chemicalssafety #HCF Helsinki Chemicals Forum is promoting chemicals safety and chemicals management globally. The conference is built around high-profile panels and keynote presentations as well as related debates. The forum is organised yearly by the Chemicals Forum Association in co-operation with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Commission, The European Chemical Industry Council CEFIC, the City of Helsinki, the Chemical Industry Federation of Finland and the University of Helsinki. The next conference will take place 10—11 April 2024. Join us! chemicals, chemicals safety, chemicals management, chemicals safety …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

2 0 2 3
Quora Quora

A place to share knowledge and better understand the world. The vast majority of human knowledge is still not on the internet. Most of it is trapped in the form of experience in people’s heads, or buried in books and papers that only experts can access. Our mission is to share and grow the world's knowledge, and we're building a world-class team to help us achieve this mission. To do so, we have two knowledge sharing products: Quora: a global knowledge sharing platform with over 400M monthly unique visitors, bringing people together to share insights on various topics and providing …

Type: Large company Activities: it services

71 30 31 1,285
Urban Institute Urban Institute

Elevate the debate. The nonprofit Urban Institute is dedicated to elevating the debate on social and economic policy. For nearly five decades, Urban scholars have conducted research and offered evidence-based solutions that improve lives and strengthen communities across a rapidly urbanizing world. Their objective research helps expand opportunities for all, reduce hardship among the most vulnerable, and strengthen the effectiveness of the public sector. Policy research and analysis, Economic policy, and Social policy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: govtech

19 5 11 884
ADEGI - Asociación de Empresas de Gipuzkoa ADEGI - Asociación de Empresas de Gipuzkoa

[Automatic translation follows] "BETTER COMPANY, BETTER SOCIETY" The Association of Businessmen of Gipuzkoa (ADEGI) promotes the general defense of business interests, offers value-added services for the entrepreneur and agrees advantageous conditions for its associated companies. ADEGIk enquisariaren interes interest ororrak babestu, dezkatu et sustatzen ditu. Balio eratsia duten zerbitzuak eskaintzen dizkia entrepreneuri and bazkide diren enpresentzako barintza benefits hitzartzen ditu. Labor and Business Management Consulting, Reports, analysis and competitiveness studies, Collective Negotiation, Programs, Events and Training Actions, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and New Business Culture

Tags: H2020 Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

12 3 6 47
Ecologic Institute Ecologic Institute

Science & Policy for a Sustainable World | Voted the Top Think Tank for Environmental Policy Ecologic Institute is a transdisciplinary research organization focusing on environmental issues. The researchers at Ecologic Institute provide policy analyses and insights that matter. Ecologic Institute was voted the Top Think Tank for Environmental Policy in the University of Pennsylvania’s Think Tank Ranking ( Ecologic Institute has offices in Berlin, Brussels and Washington, DC. Follow Ecologic Institute (Berlin) on Twitter: Like Ecologic Institute on Facebook: Research, Environment, Sustainable Development, Climate and Energy, and Public policy

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

25 4 21 116

[Automatic translation follows] ZEIT ONLINE is one of the largest German-language platforms for sophisticated journalism and high-quality reader debates. On LinkedIn we publish current news and background information from business, science, digital, and our work and ZEITCampus departments. Journalism, social media, SEO, community, video, interactive, and graphics

Type: Media

96 44 43 565
Mercer Mercer

Preparing you for the future of work. Improving health and well-being. Reshaping retirement and investment outcomes At Mercer, we believe in building brighter futures. Together, our 25,000 employees in over 130 counties are helping redefine the future of work, reshape retirement and investment outcomes, and unlock real health and well-being. For over 75 years, we’ve provided trusted advice and solutions to build healthier and more sustainable futures for our clients, colleagues and communities. Balancing economics and empathy in our approach, we work side by side with you to find solutions to benefit your people and your business. By turning ideas …

Type: Large company

79 20 32 23,292
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

The USGS is a science organization that provides impartial information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, the natural hazards that threaten us, the natural resources we rely on, the impacts of climate and land-use change, and the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and useable information. science, geography, geology, biology, hydrology, geospatial, natural hazards, climate change, energy, and environmental health

Type: Media

20 7 4 7,871
Metropolis, World Association of the Major Metropolises Metropolis, World Association of the Major Metropolises

The global network of major cities and metropolitan spaces. Metropolis brings together the governments of over 150 urban agglomerations worldwide. Raising the voices of metropolises to the global agenda and building capacity to deliver public policies and services, Metropolis contributes to finding common answers to the challenges of metropolisation. urban diplomacy and metropolitan governance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city constructiontech

12 3 7 44
Center for Civilians in Conflict Center for Civilians in Conflict

CIVIC works with civilians and armed actors in conflict to prevent, mitigate, and respond to civilian harm. Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the protection of civilians caught in conflict. CIVIC’s mission is to work with armed actors and civilians in conflict to develop and implement solutions to prevent, mitigate, and respond to civilian harm. Our vision is a world where parties to armed conflict recognize the dignity and rights of civilians, prevent civilian harm, protect civilians caught in conflict, and amend harm. CIVIC was established in 2003 by Marla Ruzicka, a young …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

4 1 2 93
Oxfam Ireland Oxfam Ireland

Oxfam is a global movement of people who won’t live with the injustice of poverty. Oxfam is a vibrant global movement of dedicated people fighting poverty - together. Doing amazing work - together. People power drives everything we do. From saving lives and developing projects that put poor people in charge of their lives and livelihoods, to campaigning for change that lasts. That’s Oxfam in action. Oxfam fights poverty in three ways: Campaigning, Development and Emergency Response. Campaigning for change: Poverty isn’t just about lack of resources. In a wealthy world it’s about bad decisions made by powerful people. Oxfam …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

10 0 2 163
International Statistical Institute - ISI International Statistical Institute - ISI

Statistical Science for a Better World The International Statistical Institute is a professional members society, established in 1885. Our individual, institutional and affiliated members in partners are based in over 130 countries. Our mission is to promote the understanding, development and good practice of statistics worldwide. The ISI’s Permanent Office, located in The Hague in The Netherlands, supports the members of ISI and its Associations. Mathematical statistics and probability, official statistics, statistical computing, statistical education, survey statistics, business and industrial statistics, environmetrics, and artificial intelligence

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

11 2 11 42
Skellefteå kommun Skellefteå kommun

Here, there is room for both career and family life. About Skellefteå Skellefteå is alive, attractive and international. We have a history of entrepreneurship and creative thinking and many of our companies work internationally, with employees who live locally and work globally. This means that we also have many visitors and guests from around the world. The opportunity to live inexpensively and peacefully while at the same time stay connected and have the world as their field attract many young entrepreneurs and creative people to Skellefteå. Here, there is room for both career and family life.

Type: Public

7 5 0 3,308
The Parliamentary Review The Parliamentary Review

Type: Media

5 2 4 3
Americas Society/Council of the Americas Americas Society/Council of the Americas

Uniting opinion leaders to exchange ideas and create solutions to the challenges of the Americas today Americas Society (AS) is the premier forum dedicated to education, debate, and dialogue in the Americas. Council of the Americas (COA) is the premier international business organization whose members share a common commitment to economic and social development, open markets, the rule of law, and democracy throughout the Western Hemisphere. Stay up to date with our latest content and programmed events: follow us @ascoa & Public policy, Latin America, Western Hemisphere, South America, North America, and Central America

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

25 4 19 103
Istat Istat

Istituto Nazionale di Statistica è il principale produttore di statistica ufficiale in Italia. The Italian National Institute of Statistics, a public research organisation, is the main producer of official statistics in the service of citizens and policy-makers. It operates in complete independence and continuous interaction with the academic and scientific communities. The mission of the Italian National Institute of Statistics is to serve the community by producing and communicating high-quality statistical information, analyses and forecasts in complete independence and in accordance with the strictest ethical and professional principles and most up-to-date scientific standards, in order to develop detailed knowledge of …

Type: Public

17 5 10 1,591
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Fundamental rights are the life blood of the EU. Ultimately we exist to help everyone in the EU to live in dignity. The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is the EU’s centre of fundamental human rights expertise. We provide expert advice to the EU institutions and its Member States on a range of issues. In doing so we help ensure that the fundamental rights of people living in the EU are protected. We collect data on a wide range of fundamental rights, conduct research and analysis, provide independent advice to policymakers, network with human rights stakeholders from the …

Type: Public

11 4 6 127
Scottish National Party (SNP) Scottish National Party (SNP)

Scotland's largest political party and party of Government. Centre left and social democratic. The SNP is Scotland’s largest political party and party of Government. We are committed to creating a wealthier, more successful Scotland. We want Scotland to flourish, with opportunities for all as part of a fairer economy. Our vision is of Scotland as an independent country - equal to the very best. Connect with us:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

8 2 0 104
Toronto Finance International Toronto Finance International

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

23 6 19 14
Speakers for Schools Speakers for Schools

Empowering young people from state schools & colleges to reach their potential. Ready to find tomorrow’s talent today? We are a UK charity that empowers students from state schools and colleges to reach their potential by opening doors to life-changing and career-enhancing opportunities with over 1,300 leading UK employers. Our fully-funded work experience programme enables 14-19-year-olds to gain insights into the world of work so that they can feel more confident about their career prospects, increase their future earnings and feel better prepared for what lies ahead. Plus we offer inspirational talks and broadcasts with high-profile leaders, celebrities, and changemakers, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

29 3 24 153
The Good Economy The Good Economy

UK’s Leading, Independent Impact Advisory Firm From consultancy to collaborative field-building, The Good Economy (TGE) is a recognised thought leader and the ‘go to’ firm for organisations looking to deliver and report on their impact. Grounded in theoretical rigour, our team have worked at the frontiers of impact investing, impact measurement and management and sustainable development. The industry-shaping services we offer are designed to help clients meet the growing demand for greater confidence and credibility in strategies that create positive impact or pursue sustainability outcomes. TGE’s diverse clients include large-scale institutional asset managers, private equity investors, specialist social impact investors, …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization Data Analytics

10 1 10 31

America’s Labor Unions The AFL-CIO represents people who work. We are the umbrella federation for U.S. unions, with 57 unions representing more than 12.5 million working men and women. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations is an expression of the hopes and aspirations of the working people of America. We resolve to fulfill the yearning of the human spirit for liberty, justice and community; to advance individual and associational freedom; to vanquish ­oppression, privation and cruelty in all their forms; and to join with all persons, of whatever nationality or faith, who cherish the cause of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

34 5 20 675
Aluminium Association of Canada Aluminium Association of Canada

Canadian aluminium for a sustainable future The AAC takes an interest in current events to better position the Canadian aluminum industry and help strengthen its global competitiveness. The AAC plays an active role in various key issues such as market development, energy and climate change, environmental management, health and safety, research and development, as well as social responsibility.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

5 1 4 11

CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. The Corporation is a leader in reaching Canadians on new platforms and delivers a comprehensive range of radio, television, Internet, and satellite-based services. Deeply rooted in the regions, CBC/Radio-Canada is the only domestic broadcaster to offer diverse regional and cultural perspectives in English, French and eight Aboriginal languages. ___ Community guidelines: news, sports, documentaries, radio, television, and online

Type: Public

58 21 14 6,748

Applied research, technology and innovation SINTEF is one of Europe's largest research organisations, with multidisciplinary expertise in the fields of technology, the natural sciences and the social sciences. SINTEF is an independent foundation and has conducted contract research and development projects for the private and public sectors since 1950. SINTEF has 2000 employees from 75 countries and annual revenues of three billion Norwegian kroner. Vision: Technology for a better society Contract Research

Type: Incubators & VCs Large company

40 13 9 2,590
The King's Fund The King's Fund

Ideas that change health and care The King’s Fund is an independent charity working to improve health and care in England. We help to shape policy and practice through research and analysis; develop individuals, teams and organisations; promote understanding of the health and social care system; and bring people together to learn, share knowledge and debate. Our vision is that the best possible care is available to all. Health and social care policy research, NHS leadership training and development, Health care events and conferences, Health and social care service improvement, Venue hire, Publications on health and social care, and Health …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 2 7 223

We are one inclusive team – caring, connected and courageous – delivering great impact together across the world Be part of a leading global gold mining with an inspiring Purpose: To create enduring value beyond mining in the lives and places our company touches. You’ll find our nine operations in Australia, Chile, Ghana, Peru, and South Africa. We have also started a project in Canada. Gold Fields is listed on both the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Our 23,000+ people (including those from business partners) may be based across the world, but we are …

Type: Large company

11 1 6 7,903

We are UEFA - the governing body of European football, passionate about growing the game. Equal-Salary certified. UEFA – the Union of European Football Associations – is the game's governing body in Europe. It is a representative democracy, and is the umbrella organisation for 55 national football associations across Europe. Our objectives are, among other things, to deal with all questions relating to European football, to promote football in a spirit of unity, solidarity, peace, understanding and fair play, without any discrimination on the part of politics, race, religion, gender or any other reason, to safeguard the values of European …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: games

77 31 24 2,962

Early stage research platform sharing tomorrow's research today. SSRN is an online repository of scholarly research. It was founded to provide an alternative distribution vehicle for scholarly research, enabling work to be shared as quickly and efficiently as possible at the lowest cost - in effect, providing Tomorrow's Research Today. SSRN began in 1994 as one finance network; today it spans more than 60 distinct networks in health, applied, physical, life, social sciences and the humanities. The eLibrary currently houses more than 800,000 full-text papers from more than 500,000 authors worldwide. Papers are being downloaded at an annual rate of …

Type: Media Activities: fintech biotech deeptech

28 2 24 77
Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest)

We promote and facilitate Investment in Kenya and provide aftercare services for new and existing investments The Kenya Investment Authority is a government agency mandated to promote and facilitate investment in Kenya by both domestic and international investors. Our functions include; > Promoting available investment opportunities in investment in Kenya. > Assisting investors to obtain necessary licenses, permits and incentives or exemptions under various Acts and other regulations; > Reviewing the Investment environment and make recommendations to Government and other facilitators with respect to both policy and regulatory changes that would promote and facilitate investment. At KenInvest we aspire to …

Type: Public Activities: fintech

10 0 8 119
Mediafin Mediafin

Mediafin is a joint venture of Rossel and Roularta Media Group. The company was established in 2005 as an umbrella organisation for the respective publishers of De Tijd (°1968) and L'Echo (°1881). Mediafin houses the titles De Tijd, L’Echo, their respective websites and the magazines Mijn Geld/Mon Argent, De Belegger/L'Investisseur, and Sabato. The Mediafin titles reach the most influential and most affluent audience in Belgium with over 300.000 readers every day: entrepreneurs, managers and investors, decision makers with considerable spending power. Mediafin is een joint venture van Roularta Media Group en Rossel. Het bedrijf werd in 2005 opgericht als koepel …

Type: Media Activities: it services

32 1 33 351
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

The IET is a diverse home for engineering and technology across the world. The IET is one of the world’s largest engineering institutions with 154,000 members in 148 countries. The IET is working to engineer a better world by inspiring, informing and influencing our members, engineers and technicians, and all those who are touched by, or touch, the work of engineers. science, engineering, technology, policy advice to Government, online communitites, IET Discover, social bookmarking, magazine, journals, publishing, journal database, INSPEC, digital library, engineering industry news, webcasting, and

Type: Media

76 12 60 1,741
Charles Schwab Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab is a different kind of investment services firm – one that strives to disrupt the status quo of the traditional Wall Street approach on behalf of our clients. We believe today, as we did on Day 1, that when you find ways to improve the investing experience for your clients, then business results will follow. Follow our company culture at #SchwabLife and see how we give back at #Schwab4Good. Support hours: 7 a.m.–7 p.m. CT or 24/7 at Social Media Disclosures: (#0424-TM8W) Brokerage, Banking, Financial Consulting, Financial Products and Services, Portfolio Management, Advisor Services, Retirement Plan …

Type: Large company SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

20 3 17 31,057
Euroseeds Euroseeds

Euroseeds is the voice of the European seed sector. We are #GrowingTheFuture. Euroseeds merges national seed associations as well as individual companies into one single EU wide umbrella organization representing the totality of the European seed industry active in research, breeding, production and marketing of seeds of agricultural, horticultural and ornamental plant species. It was founded in November 2000 and is located in Brussels, Belgium. “Plants from seed are the origin of all food, provide innovative and environmentally friendly industrial products and beautify our landscape.” Euroseeds’s mission is to work for a fair and proportionate regulation of the European …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

5 0 5 21

REVOLVE is a communication group fostering cultures of sustainability. #EverythingIsChanging Fostering cultures of sustainability, REVOLVE is a communications group with offices and staff in Barcelona, Beirut, Brussels, Lisbon, Mumbai and Vienna. We are dedicated to communicating sustainability issues: water management, circular economy, mobility and urban development, land restoration, and challenges such as reforestation, and renewable energy deployment. We help you to discover new opportunities to transform unsustainable practices into more conscious lifestyles. We offer a variety of communication services and products that give voice to EU funded projects including Horizon Europe projects, Interreg and other international non-profit organizations. Our services …

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

20 2 19 60

Advancing evidence For every learner is hosted by Insights for Education, an independent non-profit foundation working to advance evidence and improve education for every learner. Its mission is to build resources for education leaders by synthesising and translating an inclusive range of evidence, and to enable these resources to be used by those who make education happen by building bridges between knowledge actors, policymakers and practitioners. Established in 2019 and registered in Zurich, Switzerland, the foundation is supported by a visionary co-investor collective and is growing partnerships across governments, agencies, NGOs, universities, businesses and foundations in Africa, Middle East, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

2 0 2 14
kris gopalakrishnan kris gopalakrishnan

Co-founder Infosys; Interests : education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship; Sharing interesting content; Trustee Pratiksha Trust

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

4 0 0 N/A
TDi Sustainability TDi Sustainability

The 360° perspective on sustainable business for the length and breadth of the natural resources value chains. OUR PURPOSE TDI Sustainability is an advisory firm that combines management and technical consultancy, project incubation and implementation expertise, as well as communications and public relations skills to add value to our clients’ businesses. Our track record spans 30 years in the minerals and metals resources, luxury brands, auto, electronics, retailing and investment industries. We enable businesses in the raw materials value chain - from mine to market, production to retail, site to shelf - to anticipate and manage risks, build resilient sourcing …

Type: SMB Activities: consulting Technologies: Decarbonization

5 0 3 29
CARE Climate & Resilience Academy CARE Climate & Resilience Academy

Learning resources based on CARE’s 20 years of experience in resilience, community-based adaptation and climate advocacy The CARE Climate and Resilience Academy is an endeavour by the CARE Climate Justice Center. It is an online e-learning platform that aims to increase development practitioners’ capacities to integrate resilience and tackle the causes and consequences of climate change in their programming, thereby increasing program quality and sustainability and increasing the resilience of the most vulnerable people. The CARE Climate and Resilience Academy offers 3 types of content: Learning Journeys, Self-Paced Courses and Trainer Packs.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

5 0 4 2
Forum for the Future of Agriculture Forum for the Future of Agriculture

Where agriculture & environment meet for an open dialogue. The Forum for the Future of Agriculture (ForumforAg) has been contributing to the debate on agriculture and the environment in Brussels since 2008. The ForumforAg is now firmly established as the premier event where agriculture and environment meet each year for an open dialogue. Why should you join us online for #FFA2021? Every year, the Forum brings together leading speakers to discuss the key areas affecting agriculture and the environment. Through inspiring speeches and thought-provoking panel sessions, you can discover more about the solutions and change that will be required to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech agritech greentech

6 0 4 3
National Standards Authority of Ireland National Standards Authority of Ireland

Innovating to shape a safer, better, and sustainable future As Ireland’s official standards body, the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) aims to inspire consumer confidence and create the infrastructure for products and services to be recognised and relied on, all over the world. NSAI is the state agency is responsible for standardisation, conformity assessment and measurement, and was established under the National Standards Authority of Ireland Act 1996. NSAI reports to the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment. Contact us: | Follow NSAI Twitter @NSAI_Standards | Watch NSAI Media | Subscribe to NSAI Ezine

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

4 0 0 236
Green America Green America

Harnessing economic power of consumers, investors, & businesses for a socially just & environmentally sustainable planet Our Mission Green America harnesses economic power—the strength of consumers, businesses and the marketplace—to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. We provide the economic strategies, resources and organizing power to make lasting, systemic change on a range of critical issues faced today, including renewable energy, climate change, fair trade and labor, safe food, and responsible banking. Our Vision We work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

24 1 22 97
Frontier Events Frontier Events

A certified B Corporation focused on producing impactful events aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are an international events business dedicated to Sustainability and Impact. Our portfolio supports brands to access new markets, target environmentally conscious consumers, and connect with responsible investors. We believe passionately in the power of human connectivity and focus on staging experiences that generate positive impact for people and planet. Events, UN SDGs, Impact, Development, Sustainability, Conferences, Exhibitions, Growth Markets, and ESG

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

10 0 10 7
Highline Beta Highline Beta

Build better ventures. Highline Beta is a hybrid corporate venture studio and VC firm that evolves the traditional management consulting model to put things into action, not just strategize in the clouds. We work with executives to build new ventures both inside and outside of their organizations to unlock new areas of growth. We bring a startup mentality and execution capabilities to our corporate clients to help them grow beyond their core. Highline Beta is led by entrepreneurial leaders with track records of starting successful businesses and building incredible value, and we work with some of the world’s best-known companies …

Type: Incubators & VCs

34 3 30 17
Jan Sahas Jan Sahas

We aim to eliminate sexual violence & forced labour, and create networks of support for survivors of such violence Jan Sahas was established in the year 2000 when a group of concerned individuals came together to address the issue of the deaths of a child labourer and two adults at a firecracker factory in Ujjain. Recognising the need for sustained regular intervention and a rigorous approach, Jan Sahas was formed with a vision for comprehensive systemic reform in the areas of forced labour and violence against women and children in marginalised communities. Over the years, the organisation has evolved a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

2 0 0 301
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)

UNIR - La Universidad en Internet UNIR, the University on the Internet, 100% online, has its own pedagogical model with a methodology that allows the development of quality and personal training. Students receive live online classes, more than 1,600 online classes are taught weekly. Students also have a tutor who support and assist them throughout their degree and a virtual campus with the most innovative technology and the academic resources they need. At present, UNIR has more than 32,000 students, of which 10,000 live outside of Spain; with more than 1,200 teachers and researchers, and 934 employees. UNIR teaches more …

Type: Large company

14 5 13 5,877
Business Plus Magazine Business Plus Magazine

Best for Business Business Plus is Ireland's largest circulation business magazine and has now joined DMG Media Ireland. Our aim is to provide quality coverage and analysis of Ireland’s business scene with a particular emphasis on entrepreneurs and SMEs. Business Publishing

Type: Media

69 2 68 5
SpainNAB SpainNAB

[Automatic translation follows] National Advisory Council for Impact Investment, member of @GSGimpinv National Advisory Council for Impact Investment in Spain, member of @GSGimpinv

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

17 3 11 13
Women in Food & Agriculture Women in Food & Agriculture

Driving positive change for gender equality and diversity within the agri-food industry. Be the change you want to see!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

12 0 12 N/A