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Protection Civile Paris Seine Protection Civile Paris Seine

2000 volunteers mobilized in Paris and its small crown to help - rescue - Train! Civil protection Paris Seine is an association law 1901 affiliated with the FNPC (National Federation of Civil Protection) recognized as a public utility. Created in 1997, it currently brings together more than 1,600 volunteers, divided into 41 branches in Paris and its small crown. Its main areas of intervention are: • Rescue operations: Implementation of emergency systems and strengthening the public emergency service; • training in first aid from the general public and vocational training (DAE, PSC1, PSE1, PSE2, SST, Monitorat Picf Paefpsc, PAE 3 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

15 2 14 310
GHU Paris psychiatrie & neurosciences GHU Paris psychiatrie & neurosciences

1st Mental Disease Hospital and Nervous System #Neneuroscience #SyCychiatry #mentalhealth The Paris Psychiatry University Hospital Group & Amp; Neuroscience was created on January 1, 2019, born from the merger of the House White House, Perray-Vaucluse and Sainte-Anne. It brings together 170 structures spread over 94 sites, the 25 sectors covering the entire health territory in the capital. With a total active line of 60,000 patients, 1 in 40 Parisian uses its services. Psychiatry, neuroscience, mental health, hospital, Paris, health, psychiatrist, and neuro

Type: Public

29 13 4 1,741
Société Philanthropique Société Philanthropique

Association since 1780 Founded in 1780, the company Philanthro-Pique is a non-lu-Cratific Association, recognized as a public utility in 1839. It worked in the field of health, social and medico-social action at the service of Ren-Does persons Vulnerable by the great age, disability, illness, so-cial precariousness or economic difficulties.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech healthtech

1 0 1 224
Préfecture de la Seine-Saint-Denis Préfecture de la Seine-Saint-Denis

State services in Seine-Saint-Denis Discover the action of state agents and services in #SineSaintDenis

Type: Public

54 19 40 184
Département de Seine et Marne Département de Seine et Marne

In the department of Seine-et-Marne, more than 5,000 women and men exercise their professions as close as possible to each Seine-et-Marnais while participating in the attractiveness of the largest territory in Ile-de-France. Social action, regional planning, culture, youth, education, our missions are rich and varied. We act and intervene on a daily basis with 1.4 million Seine-et-Marnais to provide them with quality public service. Private or public, whatever the sector you are from, you can reach our teams. Are you carrying a handicap? Many positions are accessible and we are keen to develop your work environment as soon as you …

Type: Public

62 35 15 1,402
What's up Doc What's up Doc

News, e-health, medical careers, political & amp; Health controversies! Welcome to the #Whatsupdoc universe! 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ What's up doc is the 1st magazine of doctors & amp; Health professionals dedicated to installation, medical exercise and e-health! Published since 2011 by a team of doctors and creative around Dr Matthieu Durand, What's Up Doc is a paper periodical drawn at 18,000 ex/num What's up doc is an energy bomb, in total rupture with the conventional medical press. His editorial line concerns all the subjects of interest of young doctors. It is mostly read by the 28-45 year olds who question their …

Type: Media

19 4 13 26
Ville de Saint-Denis Ville de Saint-Denis

Saint-Denis, by your side Welcome to the official page of the city of Saint-Denis. Located north of Paris, in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, in the Île-de-France region, the city of Saint-Denis is a local institution in the service of nearly 115,000 inhabitants. It is attached to the public territorial establishment in Plaine Commune and is part of the Metropolis of Grand Paris. The city supports Dionysians and Dionysian on everyday issues and in their life projects. Discover all our actions and news on Childhood, youth, sports, handicap, seniors, culture, health, social, housing, women's rights, citizenship, filming, security, living environment, …

Type: Public

86 58 19 573
OMEDIT Île-de-France OMEDIT Île-de-France

The observatory of medication 💊, medical devices 💉 and therapeutic innovation 🔬🧬 Omedit Ile-de-France is a regional support structure in the field of drugs, medical devices and therapeutic innovation.

Type: Public Activities: healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

18 2 17 11
Asso. Santé 77 Nord - DAC Santé 77 Nord Asso. Santé 77 Nord - DAC Santé 77 Nord

Health coordination specialist The system for supporting coordination supports people in a situation of fragility or loss of autonomy, without distinction of age or pathology, and their caregivers. We operate on the northern part of the Seine and Marne department. Health, coordination, and health coordination

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

2 0 1 37
Centre Hospitalier de Saint-Denis Centre Hospitalier de Saint-Denis

We are a public hospital center organized mainly around 2 hospitals: Delafontaine Hospital and Casanova Hospital. We thus ensure the medical care of any person, without any distinction, which requests it from our services. Installed in a department which has around 20% of foreigners, the CH of Saint-Denis has the particularity and the desire to welcome and treat patients of all origins with the constant concern to offer them the best care with medico teams -Social also multicultural. With a capacity of 845 beds and places, your hospital center, offers hospital and medical consultations, surgery, obstetrics, child psychiatry, but also …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

3 2 2 244
Ville de Cergy Ville de Cergy

Cergy, full of life, full of desires Cergy is located about thirty kilometers north-west of Paris, in the heart of the last loop of the Oise before its confluence with the Seine, and benefits from an exceptional site which explains its extraordinary urban destiny. The new city was built from east to west, from L'Orée du Bois to Hauts-de-Cergy. Cergy appears as a city-paysing with beautiful panoramas and perspectives. Cergy is now the 2nd city in Val d'Oise, with 68,000 inhabitants, and has become the main administrative, economic, student and cultural center. Communications knot and important employment pool, Cergy has …

Type: Public

28 8 15 259
URPS médecins libéraux Ile-de-France URPS médecins libéraux Ile-de-France

The URPS represents and supports the 21,000 liberal doctors practicing in Île-de-France. The Regional Union of Health Professionals (URPS) Liberal doctors Île-de-France represents the 21,000 liberal doctors in Île-de-France. Made up of 60 liberal doctors elected by their peers for five years, it contributes to the organization and the evolution of the health offer at the regional level. It is an association 1901 created by the law of July 21, 2009. Liberal medicine and Ile-de-France

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

14 7 7 26
Unafam Unafam

Faced with the mental disorders of your loved ones, you are not alone. With UNAFAM, find #Lorforcedavancer National Union of families and friends of sick and/ or mental disabled people. Schizophrenia, bipolarity, severe depression, OCD ... Faced with the mental disorders of your loved ones, you are not alone. With UNAFAM, find #Lorforcedavancer. #HandeNDAP #SSYCHIATRIE #Soutien #Formation des #AIDants, #DESTIGMATISME #Santémentale #Parlons Énauterment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

57 27 26 216
SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation SFAR - Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation

The French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation (SFAR) is a recognized learned society of public utility, governed by the law of 1901. It contributes to the study, advancement and teaching of anesthesia, resuscitation and peri-operative medicine. To these statutory objectives, the SFAR added in 1988 the security of all the gestures taken by the resuscitatory anesthesiologists.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

25 5 19 99

Digital health service FRENCH NON-PROFIT Organization that was created in 2008 and that aims to create synergies between (public and private-held) Healthcare structures or associations such as hospitals, radiology practices or gps association, in the world of information systems. - The purpose of health information systems of health systems in Ile de France is to improve the conditions of activity of its members by facilitating: • Interoperability and mutualisation within Ile-de-France health information systems, • Financial portage, • Project management. GCS members are public health establishments, PSPH, CLCCs, private establishments and liberal doctors. Healthcare, information system, e-health, coordination of care …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

30 5 25 133
Revue Chaud Froid Performance Revue Chaud Froid Performance

The review of climate engineering prescribers: thermal and fluid, engineers and installation companies. The Reference Technical Review of Climate, Aéraulic, Cold, Plumbing-Sanitary, Hydraulic Distribution and Renewable Energies Reference. Still on the lookout for the news of the efficient building with an audience of more than 50,000 captive professional readers per number, the CFP journal is the most read journal in the sector. Each month, in hot cold performance, find all the news of companies and the profession, discover our technical files, regulatory news, testimonies of experts and visit exceptional sites. Professional information of climate engineering. The highest distribution for prescribers, …

Type: Media

23 2 22 5
Renaloo: patients organization, kidney disease, transplant, dialysis Renaloo: patients organization, kidney disease, transplant, dialysis

The voice of kidney patients Renalo is the 1st French -speaking web community on kidney diseases, dialysis and transplants. It is also an association of patients, engaged in the field of health democracy, to improve the quality of life, support and management of people who live with kidney disease. Renaloo provides them with quality information and a large support and mutual aid network. With more than 1,300 unique visitors per day, a web TV, various and original content, a forum and ramifications to the main social networks, Renaloo is today the French -speaking reference site to learn about renal pathologies, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

26 11 14 10
Psycom (Officiel) Psycom (Officiel)

Psycom is a public organization that informs, directs and sensitizes on mental health. For more than 30 years, Psycom has been a public organization that informs, guides and raises mental health to help people act in favor of their mental health and that of others. We offer reliable, accessible and independent information on mental health (mental disorders, care, support, etc.) in different formats (brochures, videos, press reviews, etc.). We reference resources (listening lines, local directories, mutual aid associations, etc.) to support people in their search for help. We create educational tools (the Mental® cosmos, the garden of Dans ® etc.) …

Type: Public

57 8 53 17
Optic 2000 Optic 2000

We will meet again. 😉 History began in 1962 when a group of opticians decided to meet to create a group of purchasing from Opticians Glands (Gadol). Seven years later, the Optic 2oooo brand was born. The launch of pioneering actions such as "2 pairs for the price of 1" in 1988, distributor products in 1997 or titanium operations from 2000 contribute to the success and expansion of the brand. The group switches to a gear in 1999 by creating two subsidiaries: Audio 2000, hearing aid, and Optic 2000 Switzerland, which gives it an international dimension. Continuing its development, Optic …

Type: Media

88 18 57 2,368
ONCORIF - Dispositif Spécifique Régional du Cancer en Île-de-France ONCORIF - Dispositif Spécifique Régional du Cancer en Île-de-France

DSRC Île-de-France The specific regional cancer system in Ile-de-France, Oncorif, was created in 2006 in order to federate regional actors by ensuring their coordination, by harmonizing and improving means and practices, and by promoting exchanges and the reflection around cancer. In addition, the network is entrusted with specific missions by health authorities such as ARS IDF or Inca in order to improve the prevention of cancers and the quality of care.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

8 1 6 10
Ofpra - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides Ofpra - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides

Listening to the world The French Office for the Protection of Refugees and stateless (OFPRA) is a public establishment with administrative and financial autonomy and functional independence, responsible for the application of French and European texts as well as international conventions relating to the Recognition of the quality of refugee, statelessness and admission to subsidiary protection. Ofpra has two essential missions: - A mission to investigate international protection requests on the basis of Geneva Conventions on July 28, 1951 and New York of September 28, 1954 as well as CESEDA. He decides independently on the requests for asylum and statelessness …

Type: Public

28 9 15 494

Mental health in common The Falret Foundation puts its experience and know-how at the service People in psychic fragility for individualized support, respectful of the integrity of the person and promoting autonomy, towards recovery. Each year, it welcomes and supports nearly 4,500 people - Children, adolescents, adults - within fifty establishments, services and devices. Among its fields of intervention: social integration and exercise of citizenship, support towards and in employment, medico-social support, protection of minors. The Foundation campaigns to make the voice of those concerned heard and to recall that mental health is a common good of which it You …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

35 6 24 243
MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives MILDECA - mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives

Mildeca coordinates government action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors. Placed under the authority of the Prime Minister, the MILDECA (Interministerial Mission to Combat Drugs and Addictive Driving) animates and coordinates the government's action in the fight against drugs and addictive behaviors and develops the strategy Government in this area in the following areas: research and observation, prevention, health and insertion, application of the law, fight against traffic, international cooperation. The Mildeca supports the public, institutional and associative partners of public policy in the implementation of orientations, by providing them with methodological or financial support. health, prevention, public …

Type: Public

51 14 6 29
Mairie de Villeneuve-la-Garenne (92) Mairie de Villeneuve-la-Garenne (92)

City of 26,000 inhabitants located in the northern loop of Hauts-de-Seine, 15 minutes from Paris by the A86 motorway, the RER C, the RER D or the T1 tram, Villeneuve-la-Garenne combines dynamism and framework of privileged life. Fully engaged in an ambitious program of urban transformation, renovation of its heritage and modernization of its public action for more than 15 years, Villeneuve-la-Garenne is preparing with determination its future and that of Villenogarennois

Type: Public

20 8 13 237
Mairie de Garges Mairie de Garges

Garges strong and proud! Discover one of the youngest municipalities in France! Located halfway between Paris and Roissy, Garges-lès-Gonesse is a city of 43,000 inhabitants in the department of Val d'Oise. Rich by its diversity, it is teeming with projects to transform the daily life of its inhabitants. The City is a member of the Roissy-Pays de France agglomeration and thus benefits from shared infrastructure such as the inter-municipal media library, the Espace Emploi or the House of Justice and Law. Since 2020, its mayor, Benoit Jimenez (UDI), has been committed to make Garges a territory of inclusion and social …

Type: Public

20 10 11 216
Ville de Colombes Ville de Colombes

Colombes, capital of solidarity ecology! 👋 Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the city of Colombes. With its more than 88,000 inhabitants, it is the 4th city of Hauts-de-Seine and 11th from Ile-de-France. #Colombesrecru - Find our job offers here:

Type: Public

35 17 13 690
Petits Frères des Pauvres Petits Frères des Pauvres

No to the isolation of our elders Recognized of public utility, the association Small Brothers of the Poor Lutting since 1946 against the isolation and loneliness of the elderly, primarily the poorest. By our actions, we recreate links allowing them to regain a taste for life and be part of the world around them. It is the most important association, with its foundation and establishments, specializing in the issues of isolation of the elderly. The little brothers of the poor are also present internationally. Joining the little brothers of the poor is ✔ !!!! ✔️ Work on a more inclusive …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech silvertech

115 49 71 659
Agence Les Beaux Jours Agence Les Beaux Jours

With the heyday, we support actors of the social and solidarity economy, communities and responsible companies towards more social and territorial innovations. By mobilizing the collective intelligence, creativity and optimism of citizens, sunny days allow the co-creation of innovative solutions to the challenges of our time (inclusion, education, ecological transition, citizen empowerment, etc.). To summarize, beautiful days is the meeting of social innovation and design spirit. Innovation, design thinking, social innovation, territorial innovation, social and solidarity economy, social entrepreneurship, and CSR

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: consulting

19 1 18 6
La Fabrique RH _ Préfecture d’Île-de-France 🇫🇷 La Fabrique RH _ Préfecture d’Île-de-France 🇫🇷

Innovation laboratory for Ile-de-France public administrations, launched by the prefecture of Ile-de-France The HR factory is the laboratory for public innovations in the prefecture of the Île-de-France region. He accompanies, "from the idea to experimentation", all Ile -de -France agents, whatever their administration or their public service in their innovative projects. Innovation, HR, and Public

Type: Public

37 6 34 4

Together act in favor of the employment of disabled people in Ile de France. Handicap advice & amp; Employment of specialized investment organizations represents at the regional level in Employment Ile -de -France with public authorities and partners. Cheops IDF relies on a base of network and entrepreneurial values ​​of the network type. Cheops IDF also focuses on working in favor of the employment of professional development and employment of people with disabilities by developing its action in this direction. Cheops IDF brings together the 8 managing associations of CAP Employment Ile -de -France.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

13 1 11 1
EPS Erasme EPS Erasme

Humanism, sharing, quality of care The public health establishment Erasme specializes in the management of psychiatric disorders at any age of life. Its vocation is to primarily welcome the inhabitants of Hauts de Seine according to the principle of sectorization. Its missions are multiple: prevention, care, assistance in reintegration and rehabilitation, teaching and research. Since July 1, 2016, EPS Erasme has been a member of the Territory Hospital Group (GHT) PSSA Sud Paris, in which the Vallée Foundation (Gentilly 94) also participate, and the Paul Guiraud hospital group (Villejuif, 94). The Paris Sud University Hospitals "HUPS) of the AP-HP is …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 0 4 201
Institut national du cancer Institut national du cancer

Together, we will defeat cancers. Let's accelerate progress in the face of cancers The National Cancer Institute (INCA) is the State and Scientific Expertise Agency in Cancer of the State, responsible for coordinating actions to combat cancer. Created by the public health law of August 9, 2004, the Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The National Cancer Institute is made up of the form of a public interest group (GIP) which brings together the state within it, the major associations for …

Type: Public

89 38 45 195
ICM - Institut du Cancer de Montpellier ICM - Institut du Cancer de Montpellier

Our ambition, offer each patient a personalized and global care. The ICM, a regional Montpellier cancer institute, is one of the 19 Cancer Fighting Centers (CLCC) which constitute the Unicancer Federation. Private health establishment of collective interest (ESPIC), carrying out a public hospital public service and recognized as a public utility, the ICM is the center of reference and excellence at the regional level in research in oncology and in care Patients with cancer. All ICM staff have, like all CLCCs, common values, to provide optimal care to our patients: humanism, excellence, solidarity, innovation. #MARQUEEPLOYEUR #QUALITYDEVIEUTRAVAIL #QVT #Innovation #Recrutement #Recrutor …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

37 14 22 488
Hospitalia Magazine Hospitalia Magazine

Hospital innovation magazine Reference Newsmagazine, Hospitalia has been deciphering hospital news for over a decade. Recognized for his searched surveys, colorful reports, and his interviews with opinion makers, professional representatives and experienced experts, he without make -up the issues faced, on a daily basis, all those who bring the hospital. In particular renowned for its section devoted to health computer science, Hospitalia does not hesitate to rob its spotlights wherever the news requires it - laundry, pharmacy, biology, hygiene, imagery, traceability, catering, comfort, logistics. ., in order to highlight the business issues as close as possible to the players in …

Type: Media

50 3 45 5
Toulouse Ynov Campus Toulouse Ynov Campus

Learn to succeed Digital is now transversal. Business demand is booming. 80,000 jobs are said to not be filled for lack of suitable profiles. 85% of the professions by 2030 do not yet exist. The next generation will be above all digital and perfectly adapted to a changing world. For ten years YNOV has been training students in search of a professional diploma in digital and creative industries. A course adapted to each profile: Our students can adapt their course and choose their specialty among 19 bachelors and 28 masters: IT | Marketing & Digital Communication | Creation & Design …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech martech Technologies: Cybersecurity

39 0 20 204
Goods to Know Goods to Know

Advice, training and innovative awareness for an inclusive company! #HandeNDAP #EqualityFh #Mixity #Diversity Goods to Know is a structure dedicated to the awareness of employees on disability and equality between women and men in the world of work. Based on the observation that the traditional conferences and workshops mainly attracted convinced, Goods to Know relies on the interests of employees to offer innovative and fun awareness supports. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to fill up with good ideas for awareness and training in diversity and inclusion: Awareness advice, disability, training and workshops, professional equality, and communication: supports and events

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

38 6 30 16
GÉROND'IF, gérontopôle d'Île-de-France GÉROND'IF, gérontopôle d'Île-de-France

Enlighten, prevent, raise awareness, innovate around aging Gérond’if, the Gérontopôle in the Seniors service in Île-de-France! The Gerontopôle d'Imme-de-France is a non-profit association, created in 2016. It constitutes a regional pole to promote excellence and innovation in geriatrics and gerontology. Gérond’if collaboratively federates the actors of aging in order to boost research, innovation, industrial valuation and training in these fields. It thus brings together multidisciplinary skills around the problem of aging well. Gérond'IF is an association of general interest, certified qualiopi and elected European reference site for active and healthy aging by the European Commission. He was also carrying the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech silvertech

41 7 33 17
France Psoriasis France Psoriasis

All united in front of psoriasis and psoriatic rheumatism! Founded in 1983, recognized as a public utility in 1999, France Psoriasis is the only patient association in France, dedicated exclusively to the support of people with psoriasis and/or psoriatic rheumatism, and their loved ones. National telephone permanence at: 01 42 39 02 55, or by email: Listen from Tuesday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Association's website: Health, skin psoriasis, psoriatic rheumatism, and therapeutic education

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

17 2 17 6
France Lutte - Fédération Française de Lutte France Lutte - Fédération Française de Lutte

To the origins of Olympism, to the origins of the fight. The French Federation of Wrestling and Associated Disciplines (FFLDA) is an association law 1901 recognized as a public utility, founded in 1913. The FFLDA has 3 main missions: • Regulating and directing the practice of the Olympic struggle in its 3 styles (female struggle, free struggle and Greco-Roman struggle) and associated disciplines (Gouren, Sambo, Grappling). • Ensure the development and promotion of educational, social and cultural functions of the struggle and associated disciplines. • Complete executives training (diploma in coaches, referees, grades). Sport, Association, Development, Promotion, Training, Education, Performance, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

37 6 15 45
France Assos Santé France Assos Santé

A union of nearly 100 associations militant for rights & amp; Defense of the rights of health system users France Assos Santé is the name chosen by the National Union of approved associations for users of the health system in order to publicize its action as a reference organization to represent patients and users of the health system and defend their interests. With a mission officially recognized by its registration in the public health code via the law of January 26, 2016, France Assos Health was created in March 2017 on the initiative of 72 national founding associations, by registering …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

63 26 17 93
Fondation Ellen Poidatz Fondation Ellen Poidatz

Support * Care * Innovate The Ellen Poidatz Foundation, created in 1919 and recognized as a public utility in 1922 managed 29 health care health and pediatric rehabilitation establishments (welcoming children from a few months to 18 years old), medico-social establishments welcoming children, adolescents and adults with disabilities (engine, visual or auditory blindness, mental disorder, autistic, etc.) and reception structures of the young child, whether or not to have disability or chronic illness. The foundation allows children who can, to follow a schooling suitable for their care and their capacities. It develops research actions thanks to its research pole & …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 2 16 264
Fondation AIA Fondation AIA

Architecture - Health - Environment The AIA Life Designers business foundation is working on urban prospective on the architecture, health and environment relationship to live the city well. Architecture and health, well -being and health in the city, quality of urban life, environment and health, prospective and urban innovations, climate change and ecological transition, urban life expectancy, sustainable city, urban ecology, actions and public policies in matters of Spatial planning, cities resilience, smartcity in connection with architecture and health, living the city, positive health, and active design

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech healthtech smart city

29 3 26 2
Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF)

The French Hospital Federation represents hospitals and public medico-social establishments Created in 1924, the French Hospital Federation (FHF) brings together more than 1,000 public health establishments (hospitals) and as many medico-social structures (retirement homes and autonomous specialized reception houses), almost all of the public sector establishments. This legitimacy and its national dimension make FHF a leading player in the health world, an actor all the more listened to as it is truly trans-political, as evidenced by the composition of its council of 'administration. The FHF fulfills a triple promotion, information and representation function: 1. Promotion of the public hospital and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

102 54 49 3
Fédération Française de Gymnastique Fédération Française de Gymnastique

Together, let's create the movement. French Gymnastics Federation

Type: Media

21 9 11 263
Fédération Française de Badminton Fédération Française de Badminton

Human at the heart of the sports and social performance of badminton. The French Badminton Federation (FFBAD), founded in January 1979, is the body that managed badminton in France. The main objective of this federation is: - to pilot - to encourage - to organize - to regulate - and to develop badminton practice in France. The headquarters of the French Badminton Federation is located in Saint-Ouen (93). Sport, badminton, racket, federation, and cnosf

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

31 9 18 100
Espace éthique Ile de France Espace éthique Ile de France

The Île-de-France ethical space is a place of training, of research & amp; of debate on medical ethics and bioethics Created in 1995, the ethical space of public assistance - Paris hospitals is the first ethical space designed and developed within an institution (taken up in 2004 as a model of ethical reflection device within the framework of the law relating to bioethics). In 2013 it was appointed space for ethical reflection of the Ile-de-France region (ERE/IDF). In 2010 the ethical space/AP-HP was given the development of the national ethical reflection space on Alzheimer's disease (EREMA) as part of the …

Type: Public

28 5 19 12
Les Transmetteurs Les Transmetteurs

Community of retired medico-social and education professional volunteers for reinforcement and transmission. Association created by Doctor Xavier Emmanueli and Doctor Suzanne Tartière in 2005. Transmitters are volunteer retirees who have exercised in the fields of health, education and social. Retirement is not a cessation of activity, on the contrary, it opens up possibilities to act and engage on missions of general interest requiring their level of expertise and experience. Reservists of effective medico-psychosocial and mobilizable medico-psychosocial emergency at any time, transmitters come to reinforce over-controlled medico-psychosocial or extreme tension structures. Bearers of knowledge and experiences acquired over time, the transmitters …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 2 11 9
Ekopolis Ekopolis

Ile -de -France resource center for building and sustainable development. The mission of the Ekopolis association: accelerating the implementation of sustainable practices in the building and development, information and mobilization of Ile -de -France professionals. She continues this mission through four major actions: • Animate a network of committed professionals • Inform professionals by sharing qualified content on its online resource center and by organizing 100 events per year • Train in sustainable construction and rehabilitation through a qualiopi approved training center • Support construction and rehabilitation operations, on the building and development scale, with the durable Buildings of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

60 16 57 38
DRIEAT (Direction régionale et interdépartementale Environnement-Aménagement-Transports) DRIEAT (Direction régionale et interdépartementale Environnement-Aménagement-Transports)

The Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate of the Environment, Planning and Transport of Île-de-France (Drieat) is a decentralized service of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Cohesion of Territories and Relations with local authorities. It implements State policies in terms of transport, planning and sustainable development, environment, energy, town planning under the authority of the prefect of Île-de-France, prefect of Paris, the prefect of police and the prefects of the department. The Drieat participates in the construction of a living environment that best meets the needs of current and future generations of Ile -de -France residents, and brings …

Type: Public

33 12 2 493
Institut de la Vision Institut de la Vision

From knowledge movement to the therapeutic procedures of tomorrow Built at the heart of the National Hospital of 15-20, the Institute of Vision is one of the largest integrated research centers on vision diseases in Europe. Designed as a gathering and exchange place, it brings together on the same site the basic, clinical and industrial research, thus promoting the sharing of concepts and techniques, the meeting of skills and complementary expertise and the emergence of new Research tracks. Researchers, doctors and industrialists work there together to discover and validate new therapeutics, preventive solutions, as well as compensatory technologies for visual …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech

26 9 12 228
Département des Yvelines Département des Yvelines

Welcome to the official page of the Yvelines department. The Departmental Council, a local institution at the service of nearly 1.4 million inhabitants spread in 262 municipalities, supports all Yvelinois at different times in their lives. Social support, regional planning, mobility or even education through colleges constitute its major structuring projects. The department works to improve the daily life of the Yvelinois thanks to its deliberative assembly made up of 42 advisers and its 3,800 agents spread throughout the territory. With a budget of € 302 million in investments for 2016, the department is a major player in the revitalization …

Type: Public

103 53 38 1,791
Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis Conseil départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis

For employment, the Department mobilizes the actors and creates the conditions for implementing new initiatives and actions for the economic development of the territory to benefit the inhabitants.

Type: Public

90 60 20 2,902
Communauté d'agglomération de Cergy Pontoise Communauté d'agglomération de Cergy Pontoise

Common projects, a chance for everyone! The Cergy-Pontoise agglomeration community is located west of Île-de-France on the Paris-Rouen-Le Havre axis. It brings together thirteen municipalities, 200,000 inhabitants, and extends over 8,000 hectares, the equivalent of Paris Intramuros. The 13 municipalities: Boisémont, Cergy, Courdimanche, Eragny-sur-Oise, Jouy-le-Moutier, Maurecourt, Menucourt, Neuville-sur-Oise, Osny, Pontoise, Puiseux-Pontoise, Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône, Vauréal. ⚫ Economic development ⚫, ⚫ Planning of community space ⚫, ⚫ Social balance of housing on the territory ⚫, ⚫ City policy ⚫, ⚫ Creation or maintenance of roads of community interest and The creation or management of parking lots of community interest ⚫, ⚫ water ⚫, …

Type: Public

70 22 50 341
CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale

CLUBHOUSE : un lieu qui accompagne des personnes concernées par un trouble psy vers une réinsertion sociale et pro Peu de solutions existent pour passer de l’état de stabilisation d’un trouble psychique à un retour à une vie sociale et professionnelle stable, durable et épanouissante. Inspiré d’un modèle nord-américain crée en 1948, les CLUBHOUSE sont des lieux qui accompagnent des personnes concernées par un trouble psychique (bipolarité, schizophrénie, dépression, etc.) vers une réinsertion sociale et professionnelle. La méthode CLUBHOUSE, unique, innovante et efficace, s’articule autour d’une approche collective basée sur le « faire ensemble » et la pair-aidance, mais aussi …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

45 15 25 77
La Maison de l'autisme La Maison de l'autisme

Reception area for all those concerned, directly or indirectly, by autism. 🏠 The House of Autism informs and accompanies all the people concerned, directly or indirectly, by autism. In its physical or digital version, the House of Autism is a place that allows easy and simply access to reliable information and advice, tools and services. 👐🏻 Whether you are an autistic person, family, professional, association ... The House of Autism is a place of life and meeting for all. 📍 The House of Autism welcomes you at 10 rue Waldeck Rochet in Aubervilliers. 📞 0800 71 40 40 (Opening of …

Type: Public Activities: it services

16 3 13 17
Cercle de Réflexion de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique (CRIP Pharma) Cercle de Réflexion de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique (CRIP Pharma)

A collective of managers of pharmaceutical companies on a human scale. CRIP Pharma, a reflection group generating ideas to contribute to the evolution of the health environment. CRIP Pharma leads reflections on the central place of digital in the evolution and transformation of the pharmaceutical sector: - a means to develop the trades in the sector - its impact on health ecosystem at the service of the patient, but also to reinvent the interactions between the different actors - a tool to accelerate and maximize the efficiency of the sector, from R & Amp; D to the patient's course - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

35 5 31 13
Centre Hospitalier de Plaisir Centre Hospitalier de Plaisir

Care at the heart of our professions The Center Hospitalier de Plais is a public establishment on a human scale, the 2nd of the Territory Hospital Group (GHT) from the South Yvelines. It was born from the 2018 merger of two recognized public establishments: the gerontological and medico-social hospital known as "HGMS", and the Jean-Martin Charcot hospital center, specializing in the field of care of mental illness. Our hospital center offers a diversified and specialized 1/2 hour care range from Paris-Montparnasse station. The supply of care is divided between a hospital care for pleasure, and extrahospitable in the southern Yvelines …

Type: Public

4 0 3 314
Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France

Build for life A subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France develops a global competence for its customers through the specialties of all of its structures: private renovation, private construction, residential housing, public works, social housing and Brézillon. Linkcity Ile-de-France for real estate development, Elan in project management and COGEMEX in the maintenance of housing all trades complete its offer. This organization in specialties allows Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France to capitalize on its expertise to provide an optimized solution that meets the needs of each of its customers. If Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France is a reference company, our ambition is to become …

Type: Media

76 32 67 1,966
Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (ANIA) Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires (ANIA)

Supporting companies in France's leading sector towards healthier, safer, more sustainable and more accessible food for all. ANIA (National Association of Food Industries) is an association under the 1901 law that brings together 18 national sector federations and 23 regional associations, representing 15,789 food companies from all sectors and all sizes. It is chaired by Jean-Philippe Girard, CEO of Eurogerm. The agri-food sector is the leading French industrial sector with a turnover of 157.6 billion euros and the leading industrial employer with 493,272 employees. A privileged interlocutor for public authorities, institutions and the media on issues related to food, ANIA …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: foodtech

103 37 72 34
Association Nationale Compagnons Bâtisseurs Association Nationale Compagnons Bâtisseurs

Solidarity, a project to share The Compagnons Bâtisseurs network is a popular education movement that has been working for over 60 years to improve housing, promote economic integration in the construction sector and welcome young volunteers. Currently present in 14 regions in France, the Compagnons Bâtisseurs have developed a philosophy of intervention at the crossroads of social action and housing renovation: Accompanied Self-Rehabilitation. Accompanied Self-Rehabilitation, Volunteering, Accompanied Self-construction, and housing problems

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

73 15 56 19
Association Du Sport et Plus Association Du Sport et Plus

The world of sport at the service of hospitalized children. "The world of sport at the service of hospitalized children" The Association Du Sport et Plus aims to improve the daily lives of hospitalized children, thanks to the world of sport. It has been active since the end of 2012 and its headquarters are located in Vanves, in Hauts-de-Seine. Our association mainly carries out 4 types of actions: - We offer equipment to the hospitals that we support, - We take athletes to meet children in pediatric departments, - We also invite convalescent children to sporting events. - Since 2021, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment healthtech

48 1 49 2
Être-là Grand Paris Être-là Grand Paris

Association committed to offering a presence and listening to seriously ill people and their loved ones🤝 Être-là Grand Paris (formerly ASP Fondatrice) is a pioneering association in palliative care support since 1984 🌟 We bring together a community of committed volunteers 💪, offering listening, support and a caring presence to seriously ill or terminally ill people, as well as their loved ones. What do we do? ➡️ Accompany with humanity 🤝: Our specially trained volunteers provide valuable assistance in the most delicate moments, by being there for patients and their families in our partner establishments as well as at home, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

9 4 2 16
Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail (FSGT) Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail (FSGT)

The FSGT is a multi-sport federation with more than 200,000 participants and 5,000 clubs in more than 50 disciplines. The Fédération sportive et gymnique du travail, an affinity and multi-sport federation for popular education - approved by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and a member of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) - relies on militant volunteering to develop a lifelong associative sport, accessible to the entire population, particularly working-class backgrounds. The FSGT does not just organize sports practices, in more than 50 disciplines, for its some 4,500 clubs and more than 200,000 participants. It transforms sports …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

8 2 0 81
Anap Anap

Supporting healthcare and social-medical professionals in the development of their organizations. Since 2009, Anap has been supporting healthcare professionals in healthcare and social-medical institutions in the development of their organizations in order to improve the service provided to users. Its productions are always developed thanks to the expertise of professionals in the field. Its action aims to: - Improve the fluidity of people's healthcare pathways; - Facilitate knowledge of the healthcare offer, decision-making assistance and management dialogue; - Improve the organization of patient care and support activities; - Improve the organization of support and support functions. Our missions: - Support …

Type: Public

71 30 52 358
AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France) AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France)

Created in 1990, totally pluralist and meeting the expectations of the municipalities of the Paris region, a structure for consultation and information at the regional level, the Association of Mayors of Ile-de-France (AMIF) ensures a role of representation of local elected officials and participates in regional dynamism. In 2021, 80% of the municipalities of Ile-de-France are members of AMIF. Municipalities can join AMIF by responding to the call for contributions sent before the beginning of each year by AMIF. With its representativeness and its interdepartmental structure, which gives it a role as spokesperson for the Mayors of Ile-de-France in the …

Type: Public

96 44 64 21
Agence nationale du Sport Agence nationale du Sport

Doing better together, in the service of French sport The National Sports Agency's mission is to define and achieve common objectives in terms of developing sports practice in France and high performance. The National Sports Agency is a Public Interest Group (GIP), operator of the Ministry in charge of sport, which is made up of the State (Ministry of Sports), the sports movement (CNOSF, CPSF), local authorities (AMF, ADF and Regions of France) and economic and social stakeholders. President: Marie-Amélie Le FUR General Director: Frédéric SANAUR General Manager of High Performance: Yann CUCHERAT Sport, Paris 2024, Performance, digital transformation, Sports …

Type: Public

84 33 49 107

Organ, tissue and cell collection and transplantation. Human procreation, embryology and genetics. The Biomedicine Agency is a national public institution created by the bioethics law of 6 August 2004, reporting to the Ministry of Health. It carries out its missions in the areas of organ, tissue and cell collection and transplantation, as well as human procreation, embryology and genetics. Through its expertise, it is the reference authority on the medical, scientific and ethical aspects of these issues. The Agency does everything possible to ensure that each patient receives the care they need, in compliance with the rules of health safety, …

Type: Public

36 14 28 238

Promoting access to and maintaining housing for all The Association Francilienne pour Promoiser l'Insertion par le Logement (AFFIL) is a networking and meeting space that helps break down barriers and create fluidity between the accommodation and housing sectors and promotes the development of cooperation between stakeholders in the Paris region. AFFIL brings together around sixty members: associations for integration through housing and SIAO, social landlords, Action Logement, and local authorities. Through its vocation for reflection, mobilization and animation, AFFIL: - Facilitates acculturation and understanding between stakeholders in accommodation and housing - Contributes to fluidity from accommodation to housing by proposing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

25 6 17 5
AFAUP - Association Française d'Agriculture Urbaine Professionnelle AFAUP - Association Française d'Agriculture Urbaine Professionnelle

The head of the professional urban agriculture network AFAUP is a national association whose vocation is to unite professionals in urban agriculture and facilitate links with other city stakeholders, the agricultural world and the general public. AFAUP was created in 2016 at the initiative of historical French stakeholders in Urban Agriculture. urban agriculture, association, professionals, lobbying, public relations, promotion, and agriculture

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech smart city

45 4 35 17
FNEK - Fédération Nationale des Étudiant·e·s en Kinésithérapie FNEK - Fédération Nationale des Étudiant·e·s en Kinésithérapie

Association representing the 12,786 physiotherapy students in France. The FNEK, National Federation of Physiotherapy Students, brings together the various physiotherapy student associations in France. Created in 2002, it now brings together 47 local associations (Student Offices) and 19 advisory associations. The FNEK operates according to a bottom-up model, meaning that each student joins their local association (their BDE), which in turn joins the FNEK. Each association has a spokesperson, called a "FNEK administrator", who makes the voice of its members heard. The FNEK National Office, elected each year, represents the structure and ensures the coordination of the various projects implemented. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

26 3 22 18
PLAY International PLAY International

Activateur de changement social par le sport. Promoteur d'innovation sociale Acteur collectif sur tous les terrains. PLAY International is a pioneer among organizations using sport as a tool for education and social change. Since 1999, the NGO developped initiatives in over 12 countries, creating ways for children to learn, be included or overcome a trauma through play. Today, PLAY International aspires to increase the social impact of sport around the world by allowing a growing number of practitioners of the education, sport and humanitarian sectors to access new pedagogies and methods. By sharing its expertise, (co)creating new tools for changemakers, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech edtech

54 17 36 61
Airparif Airparif

Monitor the air breathed in the Paris Region with a robust, reliable measurement system, understand and support. Airparif is the approved association for air quality monitoring in the Paris region. [Our missions] > To monitor the air breathed by the people of Paris Region, thanks to a robust and reliable measurement system; > To understand air pollution and its impacts, by helping to improve knowledge; > To support citizens and all stakeholders, by informing, raising awareness and evaluating actions; > To innovate, by facilitating the emergence of new solutions to improve air quality. Airparif's work helps inform public decisions, associations …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

35 12 25 74

Progress in sport and health MAISON SPORT-SANTE accredited Specialized in the field of sport-health since 2002, MON STADE offers tailor-made solutions for INDIVIDUALS, PROFESSIONALS and COMPANIES. MON STADE is MAISON SPORT-SANTE accredited by the Regional Health Agency - ARS of Ile de France. From health communication campaigns to occupational health training, from physical condition assessments (stress tests, muscle tests, etc.) to personalized training programs, on our 800 m2 technical platform or in companies in the form of "health gyms", our solutions adapt to all audiences: FOR COMPANIES: a consulting and engineering firm for external and internal projects > Studies (research, …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

16 3 13 20
Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique (APPA) Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique (APPA)

Know - Inform - Gather - Act Association loi 1901, created in 1958, recognized as being of public utility in 1962, approved by the Ministry in charge of the environment APPA's activities are at the intersection of the fields of the environment, public health and climate. APPA is mobilized on all issues relating to air quality, both outdoors and indoors, from the global to the local level: climate change, urban and industrial pollution, allergic risk linked to pollen, carbon monoxide poisoning, domestic environment... As a national association, APPA benefits from regional anchoring through its regional committees. public health, prevention, air …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

14 4 13 30
WeLocArt : expositions et informations artistiques WeLocArt : expositions et informations artistiques

We Locate Art 🖼️ 🧑‍🎨📸 Artists: find your exhibition venue 🗿✍️ 🏨🏢 Welcoming: find your artist for your exhibition 🏩🏛️ 🆓 Free registration 🙂 🖼️ Participate in our exhibitions 👉 Register for free on our networking platform and we will discuss your application to our exhibitions 🎨 Platform and artistic media 🧑‍🎨 Networking | Showroom | Events | Web TV 🏙 Personalized artistic itineraries 🖌 Visits & Workshops art, painting, photography, sculpture, drawing, exhibition, workshop, visit, painter, photographer, and sculptor

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment arttech Technologies: SaaS

14 0 14 5
EPSM Lille-Métropole - GHT Psy NPdC EPSM Lille-Métropole - GHT Psy NPdC

Ets Public de Santé Mentale: 1,800 professionals for the care of more than 230,000 people/year in the Lille metropolitan area. The Lille-Métropole Public Mental Health Establishment includes 10 sectors (9 for general psychiatry, 1 for child and adolescent psychiatry). It has 182 beds (excluding medical-social) including an intersectoral structure for 16/25 year-olds with 10 beds, 110 beds in a Specialized Reception House with 10 day care places, 156 part-time hospitalization places in 9 day hospitals, 12 consultation branches, 15 Medico-Psychological Centers (CMP), 14 Part-Time Therapeutic Reception Centers (CATTP), 5 therapeutic apartments or 41 beds, 3 therapeutic workshops, 12 Therapeutic Family …

Type: Public

22 1 19 583

Première association de lutte contre le VIH/sida et les hépatites en France et en Europe. AIDES was set up 1984, by Daniel Defert and was state approved in 1990. It is the leading HIV/AIDS organisation in France and one of the most important in Europe. It has drop-in centres and premises in over 70 cities in France and has multiple partnerships with organisations abroad. AIDES is committed to respecting the cultural and sexual identity of each individual, their way of life, their ideological beliefs and their therapeutic choices. AIDES is independent of any religious, moral, political or scientific beliefs; it …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

46 17 16 641

LITDHOSPI is the first platform for accelerating patient pathways in psychiatry. LITDHOSPI is the first platform for accelerating hospitalization pathways. It allows the identification of available beds in downstream departments, digitalizes the relationship between stakeholders with efficient and productive tools, in real time, and accelerates patient transfers. LITDHOSPI is aimed at all types of prescribers - Emergency Reception Services, Acute Care Services, psychiatric sectors, private doctors -, in Hospitals & Clinics, with the following objectives: saving medical time, improving patient care and optimizing partner structures. mental health, tech, Web platform, Patient pathways, and Psychiatry

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

4 1 3 5
Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie

National Solidarity Fund for the Autonomy (CNSA) of the elderly, disabled people and their caregivers The CNSA is a fund, an agency and a public space for exchanges for the autonomy of the elderly and disabled people. The CNSA manages the Autonomy branch of Social Security. The Autonomy branch's mission is to secure the financing of autonomy aids and guarantee territorial equity to meet the needs of the elderly, people with disabilities and their caregivers.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech it services

48 23 29 270
Wimoov Wimoov

We support vulnerable groups towards sustainable and independent mobility. Association of the SOS Group Born from the carpooling organized at the University of Nanterre during the major transport strikes of 1995, the association, initially named Voiture & co, has gradually extended its scope of action. Wimoov's mission goes beyond the initial sphere of the car and is expressed through a wide range of systems. The association is now made up of a team of 250 mobility professionals present in nearly 100 platforms throughout France, who are united by the same philosophy of action: supporting all vulnerable groups (people with disabilities, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

84 25 64 213
Épinay-sur-Seine Épinay-sur-Seine

15 minutes from Paris, on the banks of the Seine, Épinay-sur-Seine is a dynamic city in Seine-Saint-Denis. 15 minutes from Paris, on the banks of the Seine, Épinay-sur-Seine is a city in Seine-Saint-Denis, bordering Val-d'Oise and Hauts-de-Seine. Belonging to the Public Territorial Establishment Plaine Commune, the city is served by many forms of transport: the RER C, the Transilien H, the T8 tramway and the T11 Express. Its population exceeds 55,000 inhabitants. It has many facilities spread across its 7 districts. public service, administration, and civil service

Type: Public

38 14 21 157

Handicap Prevention and Odontological Care Network of Ile de France RHAPSOD'IF is a medical practice company based out of 9 AV THEOPHILE GAUTIER, Paris, Îledefrance, France. Oral prevention, Continuing professional training, Dental care pathway, Medico-social establishments, Autism, Multiple disabilities, Oral health and disability, and Partnership development

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

5 2 4 12
URPS Sages-Femmes Ile-de-France URPS Sages-Femmes Ile-de-France

Defend, represent and promote the liberal practice of Midwives at the regional level The regional unions contribute to the organization of the regional health offer. They participate in particular: - In the preparation and implementation of the regional health project; - In the analysis of health needs and the provision of care, in particular with a view to developing the regional healthcare organization plan; - In the organization of professional practice, in particular with regard to the continuity of care, continuity of care and new modes of practice; - In actions in the field of care, prevention, health monitoring, health …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

6 1 5 6
Coallia Coallia

National association serving the most vulnerable. Coallia, an association alongside others to welcome, accommodate, house, support and care for them. Since 1962, our interventions have been the pride of the 5,000 professionals who work every day in seven fields of activity with 100,000 people: Asylum and integration, Supported housing, Shelter, emergency and integration, Old age and autonomy, Disabilities and inclusion, Child protection and Social support. With more than 900 systems (establishments and services), Coallia is a major player in the social projects of the State and local authorities in mainland France and overseas. We thank them for their renewed trust. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

19 11 2 1,857
ipso santé ipso santé

medical practices in Paris and Lyon: benevolence, continuous progress and interdisciplinary collaboration ipso is a network of local medical practices in Paris. We wish to contribute to the emergence of a better quality health system, accessible to all. medical practice, general medicine, infectiology, pediatrics, gynecology, hypnosis, nutrition, addictology, nursing, midwifery, and nursery medicine

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

8 2 4 63
L'Azimut L'Azimut

A project / 4 places In the heart of Hauts-de-Seine, L'Azimut offers a multidisciplinary program combining theater, dance, music and contemporary circus. Under the direction of Delphine Lagrandeur and Marc Jeancourt, the theater team is in charge of the animation of four places in the territories of the municipalities of Antony and Châtenay-Malabry: the Théâtre La Piscine and Le Pédiluve (concert hall within the Théâtre La Piscine) in Châtenay-Malabry, the Espace Cirque (National Circus Center) and the Théâtre Firmin Gémier / Patrick Devedjian in Antony.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

5 2 3 43
Fédération Paralysie Cérébrale France Fédération Paralysie Cérébrale France

Act for cerebral palsy The Fédération Paralysie Cérébrale France acts in favor of children, adolescents, and adults with cerebral palsy or with a predominantly motor disability and brings together 23 actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) located both in metropolitan France and in the overseas territories. Disability, Cerebral palsy, Federation, Actors of the ESS, and Head of network

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

13 1 13 3
Gapas Gapas

Supporting children and adults with disabilities in their citizenship every day Who are we? Gapas offers various forms of support for people with disabilities, children and adults, through the management of 40 social and medico-social establishments and services. Gapas is an association under the 1901 Law. The purpose of Gapas is to develop solutions so that people with disabilities can fully flourish and be actors in their lives in a just, inclusive, grateful and equitable society, just like any citizen. The association works to promote the self-determination of people with disabilities and a supported response for all. Gapas brings together …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

29 3 26 326
Droit d'Enfance Droit d'Enfance

Child protection foundation recognized as being of public utility since 1866: Born from the merger, in early 2018, of the Méquignon Foundation and the CFPE establishments, Droit d'Enfance welcomes and supports on a daily basis children and adolescents (from 3 months to 21 years old) facing multiple social and family difficulties: educational deficiencies, parental conflicts, addictive behavior of parents, abuse, etc. Droit d'Enfance aims to protect and support the children entrusted to it, to develop the emergence of new skills among professionals, and to effectively carry out advocacy actions in favor of child protection. Following the merger with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: kidtech

5 1 1 140
Hôpital National d’Instruction des Armées Percy Hôpital National d’Instruction des Armées Percy

Open to all insured persons, civilians and military personnel, 24/7 The National Army Training Hospital Percy (HIA Percy) is a French military hospital located in Clamart, southwest of Paris. A hospital establishment of the Ministry of the Armed Forces, it belongs to the Army Health Service and its priority mission is to support the armed forces. It also contributes to the public health service. A level 1 trauma center, it is a reference hospital for patients with severe multiple trauma (military injuries, victims of attacks, victims of major health crises, road trauma, domestic accidents). The activity of the Percy hospital …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

4 1 4 232
Cour d'appel de Paris Cour d'appel de Paris

Official account of the Paris Court of Appeal The Paris Court of Appeal is one of the 36 French courts of appeal. The Court of Appeal is a court of the second instance judicial order that re-examines cases previously submitted to a court in civil, commercial, social or criminal matters, when the judgment does not satisfy one or more parties to the trial. Appeals filed against decisions of the courts of first instance of the jurisdiction are brought before the Court of Appeal and distributed among the chambers according to the nature of the dispute. Each of the chambers belongs …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

11 5 6 684
Alliance du Diagnostic Immobilier Alliance du Diagnostic Immobilier

Alliance du Diagnostic Immobilier - Unique syndicat professionnel indépendant du diagnostic immobilier Alliance du Diagnostic Immobilier

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

20 0 14 16
Fondation Cognacq-Jay Fondation Cognacq-Jay

Serving the common good since 1916 The Cognacq-Jay Foundation, recognized as a public utility since 1916, works with people in difficulty at all ages of life. Its 2,000 employees, spread across 13 establishments, work in four sectors of activity: health, medico-social, child protection and education. The Cognacq-Jay Foundation establishments are mainly located in Paris and the Paris region. They are also found in Haute-Savoie (Annemasse) and in the Var (Giens). The Foundation has 4 healthcare facilities, 1 nursing home, 1 medical-educational institute (IME) for autistic adolescents, therapeutic coordination apartments (ACT) for people with chronic illnesses and in social insecurity, 1 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

22 11 13 243
Corasso Corasso

Support and inform people affected by cancer, or rare cancer, of the head or neck Head and neck cancers are little known and yet they are the 4th most common cancer location in France. For young patients or people with a healthy lifestyle, diagnosis is often late, limiting the chances of recovery and requiring heavy treatments. When remission is possible, patients must also often learn to live with serious functional and aesthetic after-effects. Corasso is a young association of patients with cancer, or rare cancers, of the head or neck. Its missions: - Provide support in the face of difficulties, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech biotech deeptech

25 2 19 9
Groupe Hospitalier Paul Guiraud Groupe Hospitalier Paul Guiraud

#JeDécouverteLeGHTPsySudParis The #GH_PaulGuiraud provides a #public service mission in #adult psychiatry in 11 general psychiatry sectors that serve more than 920,000 inhabitants in 30 municipalities. It also offers specialized care in #UMD #UHSA and #SMPR. psychiatry, mental health, care, public hospital, medical, health, hospitalization, hospital practitioner, nurse, nursing assistant, outpatient, social worker, care, GHT, psychologist, psychosocial rehabilitation, psychotrauma, family therapy, care, research, advanced practice nurse, UMD, UHSA, and sectors

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

12 2 11 621
Hôpitaux de Saint-Maurice Hôpitaux de Saint-Maurice

The HPEVMs are the result of the merger of the Saint-Maurice Hospitals and the Les Murets Hospital Center. The Paris Est Val-de-Marne Hospitals have the status of a departmental public hospital establishment. They are the result of the merger of the Saint-Maurice Hospitals and the Les Murets Hospital Center on January 1, 2024. They specialize in: follow-up care and rehabilitation for children, adults, and the elderly, in psychiatry and child psychiatry for the populations of central-eastern Paris and 25 municipalities in Val-de-Marne, in addiction medicine, in the treatment of chronic renal failure, and in gynecology, osteopathics, and neonatology (type IIA …

Type: Public

11 2 8 704
Département de l'Essonne Département de l'Essonne

Essonne, Land of the Future! The department has a unique position thanks to its major communication routes. At the heart of an international trade and transport network (Orly airport, A6 and A10 motorways, TGV stations), Essonne has benefited from a forward-looking economy. It is home to several competitiveness clusters, numerous research centres and laboratories such as the Synchrotron Soleil, the Genopole d'Evry, the CEA de Saclay and the University of Paris-Saclay. Its young population (more than 30% of Essonne residents are under 20) is a real asset. It also benefits from high-level universities and grandes écoles: the University of Paris-Saclay, …

Type: Public

76 42 29 947

Your public social housing solution From the merger of Côtes d’Armor Habitat and Terre et Baie Habitat, TERRES D’ARMOR HABITAT has been the benchmark public social landlord for the entire Côtes d’Armor territory since January 1, 2022. With 16,000 social rental housing units and 4,000 housing units and places in specific establishments, located in more than 250 municipalities, TERRES D’ARMOR HABITAT will implement a local policy with its tenants but also with communities to contribute to the development of the territories. TERRES D'ARMOR HABITAT is also a team of 250 professionals who individually and collectively uphold the values ​​of the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

3 0 3 97
Le Silence des Justes Le Silence des Justes

A future for autism! Since 1996, we have devoted our energy and passion to supporting the development of people with autism and related disorders. 🤝 Our Missions: ✨ Provide invaluable support to families affected by autism by offering quality services, from home help to daily support, whether at work, at school, on weekends or during school holidays. ✨ Establish living units and therapeutic apartments in Île-de-France to offer comprehensive support to adults with autism, promoting their independence, autonomy and social integration. ✨ Develop a solid network of partnerships to ensure the successful social and professional integration of our beneficiaries. 📍 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 3 8 204
Association d'Entraide Vivre Association d'Entraide Vivre

The journey together Support for training, employment and housing for people with disabilities. The people welcomed are subject to recognition as disabled workers. They are referred by the Departmental Houses for Disabled People. The Association d'Entraide Vivre also works directly with companies. Its relations with the public sector establish a framework for action nourished by political decisions relating to socio-professional inclusion. Social and economic innovation is a historical characteristic of the Association. The overall nature of the activities reinforces its culture: "the journey together", especially since it has been recognized as being of public utility since 1955. training, social support, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 0 0 93