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Nooco Nooco

Making the carbon weight calculation systematic, transparent and efficient for all construction professions. Nooco is a SaaS software publishing company that allows you to know and then optimize the carbon footprint of a construction project from its study, by acting on the most impactful levers. The end-to-end platform, whose calculations are notably RE2020 certified, highlights the best low-carbon products on the market for all construction professions: - "Builder" users have a certified carbon calculation quickly and independently - The solution makes it possible to simply identify optimization levers - By listing the best products on the market on these levers …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech constructiontech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization SaaS

11 6 2 21

L’investissement durable dans les entreprises sociales & écologiques, dès 100 euros. 🇬🇧 (formerly 1001pact) was born out of the desire to address two major issues: the lack of transparency and meaning in traditionnal investment products and the strong need for financing companies with positive social and environmental impact and the lack of transparency and meaning in investments offered to retailers. Our mission is to participate in reducing social and environmental inequalities in the world by offering everyone the opportunity to invest in companies with a positive impact. That's why we offer people the ability to build a 100% responsible, …

Type: Incubators & VCs

126 60 59 97

Find all the latest news from Cniel and the collective approach to social responsibility France Terre de Lait The CNIEL (National Interprofessional Center for the Dairy Economy) is the interprofessional organization for the cow's milk sector. Created by dairy farmers and processors (cooperatives and private industries), it is the place where all stakeholders in the dairy sector can exchange ideas. Its role: to support the development of the French dairy sector. To achieve this, the Cniel acts in areas where collective action can amplify the action of operators. As a representative body for the dairy sector recognized by the French …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

49 15 28 112
Latitudes – Exploring Tech for Good Latitudes – Exploring Tech for Good

🌟 We help you contribute to the Tech For Good movement How do you contribute to creating responsible and meaningful technologies ? What makes your teams proud of their work? Whether you are an individual, a company or a university, Latitudes helps you build responsible and committed technologies. #TechForGood Our goal: bringing purpose to digital technologies. We help you get involved in Tech for Good projects and learn about the social and environnemental challenges of digital technologies: ☘️ sobriety 🌻 diversity 😇 human well-being 🎈 accessibility 📣 citizenship Our offers include: ✅ Trainings and consulting in order to raise awareness …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

97 40 63 52
La Ferme Digitale La Ferme Digitale

Promoting innovation and digital technology for efficient, sustainable and civic agriculture. #AgTech #FoodTech Founded by 5 start-ups, La Ferme Digitale is an association under the 1901 law whose objective is to promote innovation and digital technology for efficient, sustainable and civic agriculture. Association bringing together 126 companies & start-ups serving the agricultural and food world. Follow us on Twitter @FermeDigitale and Facebook: La Ferme Digitale

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

171 70 105 48
Label Emmaüs Label Emmaüs

e-shop activist At Emmaüs, we repair, we don't break. In a web landscape that has gradually been monopolized by giants, Emmaüs resists, with the freedom and pioneering spirit of the early days of the internet, to design a more inclusive and more united e-commerce Label Emmaüs, the first online solidarity marketplace, is Emmaüs's bet to exist in its own name and with its values ​​in the e-commerce landscape. A new sales channel and showcase for around forty Emmaüs physical stores today, Label Emmaüs wants to become the online store for the 350 Emmaüs sales areas and the solidarity economy tomorrow. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: e-commerce civictech retail

65 32 35 111
Pour un réveil écologique Pour un réveil écologique

Collective of students and young graduates mobilized to face ecological crises. Anti-greenwashing account ⚠️ Collective of young people committed to employers and training that meet ecological challenges. Since 2018, more than 30,000 students and young graduates have signed the Student Manifesto for an Ecological Awakening, expressing our desire to “take charge of our future” by integrating ecological issues into our daily lives and our jobs and by calling for society to wake up. We are committed to questioning our comfort zone so that society changes profoundly and we encourage all stakeholders in society to do the same. In particular, we …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

69 21 51 145
Arcadie SA Arcadie SA

In organic the flavors of the world The choice of responsibility and innovation for a better world with all our stakeholders. To do this, Arcadie contributes to the development of sustainable and healthy agriculture for Man and the Planet; it makes every effort to significantly increase the share of organic in France and in the world, by developing fair partnerships. Arcadie supports education and collaboration systems that make children and adults free in their choices, creative and enthusiastic. Through its distributed governance, it makes each Arcadian an actor in their work, and invites them to flourish in a climate of …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

6 4 0 5
Groupama Centre-Atlantique Groupama Centre-Atlantique

Groupama Centre-Atlantique is an insurance company based out of 2 AVENUE DE LIMOGES, NIORT, DEUX SEVRES, France.

Type: Corporate subsidiary Activities: it services

123 18 25 936

The leading French sustainability, thinktank and consultancy agency since 1993 UTOPIES is the top French consulting firm dedicated exclusively, since its creation in 1993, to the promotion of sustainable development through consulting and think tank activities. We help various organizations to design and implement sustainable strategies - ranging from pioneering ones (Ben & Jerry’s, The Body Shop, Nature & Découvertes) to major corporate groups such as Danone, Sodexo or L’Oréal passing by smaller structures (SMB, start-ups and associations). Follow us on Twitter: @Utopies_Paris Stratégie & conseil en RSE, Reporting & communication extra-financière, Consultation & dialogue avec les parties prenantes, Construction …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech agritech greentech consulting civictech Technologies: Decarbonization

131 26 100 93
Enercoop Enercoop

Renewable, local and citizen energy cooperatives. Producer, supplier and energy services 100% renewable, local and citizen! Enercoop is a network of 11 cooperatives that acts and campaigns in the territories for a local, citizen and solidarity energy transition. For more than 15 years, Enercoop has kept the promise of providing its customers with 100% renewable and citizen electricity, produced by more than 400 French production sites. Enercoop bases its development on two major activities: its own electricity production and services aimed at sobriety and energy efficiency for individuals, professionals or communities. Created under the status of SCIC (Cooperative Society of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech civictech energytech greentech

82 42 45 201
Soren Soren

let's shine, regenerate, recycle Soren is the eco-organization of the energy transition, approved by the State for the collection, reuse and recycling of used photovoltaic solar panels in France. It works daily to extend the lifespan of photovoltaic panels and to regenerate the raw materials necessary for the energy transition for an increasingly circular sector. environment, recycling, recovery, collection, information, circular economy, eco-design, reuse, re-use, treatment, awareness, and extended producer responsibility

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

32 3 23 13
WeCount WeCount

Climate & ESG solutions for companies that really matter. Our mission? To provide climate teams with the keys to implementing their company's low-carbon transition. WeCount is: 🎓 Climate Promotions, low-carbon transition acceleration programs, allowing 12 companies to jointly carry out their carbon footprint and climate strategy (launch of a new sectoral program per month). 📉 A carbon accounting platform to measure and manage your CO2e emissions Today, 250 companies have committed via WeCount Climate Promotions. On a daily basis, our team trains, equips and supports our clients in their low-carbon transition Carbon Footprint, Climate Strategy, Carbon Accounting Platform, Business Support, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech

46 9 39 30
Agriodor Agriodor

L'odeur au service de l'agriculture. ☘️ Entreprise #agritech #biotech d'outils de biocontrôle odorants aux pouvoirs attractifs ou répulsifs sur les insectes. 💚 5 ans de R&D à l'INRA et des produits révolutionnaires permettant de remplacer les insecticides par des attractifs à base de #kairomones 🐝 Solution contre la jaunisse de la #betterave, alternative aux #néonicotinoïdes responsables de la disparition des #polinisateurs 🌏 Missions et engagements : #zeropesticides #zeroneonicotinoides #savebiodiversity #savebees #betteraves 🏅 Une technologie multi-primée: • Incuballiance Paris-Saclay « Best value creation from public research » • « Coup de cœur » at Crisalides Eco competition (Bretagne Compétitivité) • French …

Tags: FrenchTech2030 Type: SMB Activities: deeptech agritech Technologies: SaaS

53 12 2 37
CyberTaskForce CyberTaskForce

High-level group on cyberspace security challenges. Private initiative funded by French cyber SMEs. The CyberTaskForce is a private sector initiative. This operational task force is projected in France and Europe to support the digital transformation of society. This task force is an agile tool for mobilizing high-level decision-makers and involving those who have not yet integrated the new threats. It strengthens the operational and productive dialogue between public and private stakeholders, all impacted by cyber. The work program is not designed as a discussion platform, an information cycle or a prospective think tank. It has a targeted objective, a defined …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

70 6 64 5
Sparknews Sparknews

Bringing forth new narratives to accelerate the shift towards a society based on respect for planetary boundaries Our purpose: bringing forth new narratives to accelerate the shift towards a society based on respect for planetary boundaries and social justice. This requires a profound transformation - a cultural transformation - of all actors in society. Sparknews is therefore developing an activity on 2 scales: The cultural transformation of the general public by raising awareness of the major issues of the ecological and social transition among those who participate in shaping our imaginations: the media, artists and influencers. The cultural transformation of …

Type: Media

173 46 152 20

Accelerate Just With more than €140 million in assets, SOFIOUEST is a Paris-based investment company that invests its own funds at all stages of business development, from Venture Capital to Development Capital / LBO. It also invests in sustainable real estate projects and investment funds. We are convinced that entrepreneurs who combine Human and Performance will be the most value-creating in the long term. This is why, in addition to our financial contribution, we invest in our investments on a human level, via the “Accelerate Just” support program. We are recognized for our freedom of decision, our ability to create …

Type: Incubators & VCs

36 5 34 14

19 years of excellence in agtech expertise. ITK designs IA & #IoT tools : from scientific models to visualization ITK is an agri-intelligence company, which, as a global player in processing for a high-performance and sustainable agriculture, meets the stakes : - population growth - limited resources - climate change - consumer expectations Integrating knowledge from scientific research and field expertise, we offer Decision Support Tools that help : - strategic decision-making - forecasting and risk management - the management of farms and livestock holdings Our solutions: - Perennial crops (vines, almonds, olives...) : Vintel® - Annual crops (wheat, corn, …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

45 17 21 107

Major player in deeptech investment in the region GO CAPITAL is an independent management company managing seed capital and venture capital investment funds for more than €350 million and operating in innovative technology companies based in France. GO CAPITAL has already financed more than 100 innovative companies since its creation. Financing innovative companies, Fundraising, Seed funds, FPCI, and Innovation financing

Type: Incubators & VCs

99 67 39 51
Greenly | Certified B Corp Greenly | Certified B Corp

We make carbon management precise & intuitive. The #1 solution for climate conscious companies on a path to Net Zero. Greenly makes carbon accounting and sustainability reporting precise and intuitive for your company, allowing you to fast-track you transition towards net-zero-carbon economy. The platform enables your company to measure, monitor, reduce and offset your carbon footprint in line with international carbon accounting standards such as the GHG Protocol. We help you better engage your ecosystem, from employees to suppliers, on their climate journey. Greenly helps you roll-out a comprehensive reduction strategy in line with SBTI. Greenly’s sustainability AI helps you …

Tags: FrenchTech120 FrenchTech2030 Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

87 44 46 291
Greyparrot Greyparrot

Greyparrot is using AI waste analytics to unlock a new understanding of discarded resources called waste intelligence. Greyparrot [], the leader in AI waste analytics, is applying AI to globally scale recycling and save millions of tonnes of waste from landfills and incinerators. By providing deeper, more intelligent insights about waste stream composition and financial value, Greyparrot is helping the waste sector recover more value from waste processing lines and reduce the environmental impact of waste. The company’s waste intelligence platform, including Greyparrot Analyzer and Greyparrot Sync (API), reveals real-time insights on over 70 waste categories across seven layers of …

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: A.I. A.I. - Deep Learning A.I. - Image Processing A.I. - Machine Learning Robotics Sensors

37 11 42 51