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LCI - La Chaine Info LCI - La Chaine Info

[Automatic translation follows] La Chaîne Info, better known by the acronym LCI, is a French continuous news television channel of the TF1 group. The first news channel launched in France, LCI is available on channel 26 of TNT and on LCI.FR.

Type: Media

34 17 20 416
Corse-Matin Corse-Matin

[Automatic translation follows] Local, economic and political news in Corsica. Corse-Matin is a French regional daily newspaper based in Ajaccio. The title, created after the war, covers territorial news.

Type: Media

35 18 12 91
Préfet de Corse Préfet de Corse

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the State services in Corsica Official page of the prefect and State services in Corsica This page presents the action of the State in South Corsica and Haute-Corse. The prefect mobilizes the public agents of the State services to conduct government policies, in line with the needs of the territories: regional planning, economic and sustainable development, employment, housing, culture, social cohesion and security of the populations.

Type: Public Activities: it services

22 6 18 41
Cabrilog Cabrilog

Making Math & Science Success Simple Cabrilog was founded in 2000 by Jean-Marie Laborde and Max Marcadet. The company designs, develops and distributes digital teaching resources and apps dedicated to mathematics (algebra, geometry, trigonometry) for students and teachers from primary to secondary school levels. Cabri apps and resources are distinguished by their interactivity and ease of use for students, fexible tools and extensible resources for teachers. The activities are subject to a report based on several areas of expertise (didactical engineering and pedagogical design of digital resources for learning mathematics, design of highly interactive 2D and 3D mathematical engines, student-centred …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech Technologies: SaaS

19 6 8 17
Corse Active Pour L'initiative Corse Active Pour L'initiative

[Automatic translation follows] Corse Active pour l’Initiative (CAPI) is an association under the 1901 law, born from the merger in 2017 of the associations Corse Active and Initiative Corse. A local, local player operating throughout the island, Corse Active pour l’Initiative is affiliated with two major national networks, specializing for 30 years in supporting and financing business projects. With the help of our many partners, we support and finance the entrepreneurs of tomorrow, those who contribute to social or environmental responses, reduce inequalities by creating activity and jobs and wish to become real players in their territory: COMMITTED ENTREPRENEURS Financing, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

10 2 0 10
Ateliers Varan Ateliers Varan

Documentary Filmmaking workshops in France and abroad since 1981 🎥 Training // Les Ateliers Varan organize documentary film training courses in France and around the world. The pedagogy is centered on learning by doing, supervised by professional filmmakers. For each participant, training revolves around the making of a short film. 👀 Events // Les Ateliers Varan is also a place open to all those who want to see, hear and talk about cinema at our regular events in Paris: Les Dimanches de Varan (exchange lectures), Les Soirées à l'oeil (free screenings in cinema conditions)... 👉 Find all our training courses …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

7 1 6 18
13 Prods 13 Prods

[Automatic translation follows] Because we still believe that cinema and television represent a way to change the world! 13 Productions was born from the merger of two production companies 13 production and 13 au sud. Two companies with different profiles but complementary and compatible in terms of editorial line. Merging experience and modernity, 13 Productions explores and enriches documentary cinema, while assuming its singular presence in the field of fiction. Questioning the world, investigating its workings, highlighting the fracture points and the lines of utopia by sharing the lives of committed men and women, this is what drives the enthusiasm …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

22 2 20 51
Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique

[Automatic translation follows] The LMA is a joint AMU - CNRS - Centrale Marseille research unit which, through its privileged anchoring at the heart of the Institute of Engineering and Systems Sciences (INSIS), aims to ensure in its fields, Acoustics and Solid Mechanics, the Fundamental Research-Engineering-Technology continuum. The Laboratory develops original research that ranges from understanding phenomena to developing systems with high technological or societal stakes. It is structured into three research teams: Materials and Structures, Waves and Imaging and Sounds. mechanics and acoustics

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

13 3 5 33
CorsicaLinea CorsicaLinea

[Automatic translation follows] Come aboard, you are already in Corsica CORSICA linea, founded in 2016, is one of the major companies in the Mediterranean in two business segments: freight and passenger transport. From Marseille, CORSICA linea provides year-round service to the ports of Corsica (Bastia, Ajaccio, Propriano and Île-Rousse) as part of its public service mission. It also provides rotations to Algeria (Algiers, Béjaïa and Skikda) and Tunisia (Tunis). With a fleet of nine ships under the French first register flag, CORSICA linea has 1,400 employees, including 900 seamen. The company is thus the leading employer of French seamen in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

33 13 24 488

Club de football professionnel Football Club

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

37 21 12 227
ITG Group ITG Group

ITG is the Employer of Record n°1 in France. We help more than 3 000 consultants working independantly for all companies ITG is the leading company for employer of record services. ITG helps independant consultants specialised in various fileds of expertise (HR, Marketing, IT, Management, Transformation, Digital...) to develop their consulting activity. Want to know more on how ITG can bring you the ideal solution for your own consulting activity ? Go on Portage salarial, formation, emploi, conseil, freelance, indépendant, indépendants, freelances, externalisation, and consultant

Type: SMB Activities: consulting

52 18 23 529
SDIS 77 - Sapeurs-pompiers de Seine-et-Marne SDIS 77 - Sapeurs-pompiers de Seine-et-Marne

[Automatic translation follows] The Seine-et-Marne Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (Sdis 77) is a public institution financed mainly by the Seine-et-Marne department, the municipalities and the inter-municipal cooperation establishments. With a territory covering half of the Ile-de-France, Seine-et-Marne is an atypical department both in terms of the diversity of its landscapes (urban, rural) and its economic activities. It is therefore also specific in the number and nature of its particular risks. As part of its missions, the SDIS 77 has exclusive competence in the prevention, protection and fight against fires. It contributes with the other services and professionals concerned, to …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

28 7 18 719
AC Ajaccio AC Ajaccio

[Automatic translation follows] The Bear is eternal! AC Ajaccio is a Corsican football team that has been around for over 100 years! football

Type: SMB Activities: sporttech

8 6 3 86
Oscaro Oscaro

Leader in France regarding sales of vehicle spare parts on the Internet. Leader in France regarding sales of vehicle spare parts on the internet, Oscaro has revolutionized the way motorists maintain their véhicles. A pioneer in automotive DIY, Oscaro was the first to offer motorists an online sales platform for new and original spare parts. Oscaro has the largest and most complete catalog on the market, with nearly a million references available in free access. Auto parts, e-commerce, and Pièces détachées automobile

Type: SMB Activities: e-commerce Technologies: SaaS

27 8 10 426
idruide idruide

[Automatic translation follows] Simplify the management of mobile IT equipment and realize your innovative - technical - educational projects ✨ Created in 2017, idruide is a growing company that develops innovative IT solutions to facilitate digital mobility at school, at work and everywhere else. Book your online demo with our experts on —— Around thirty employees between Paris and Monaco work on a complete ecosystem of multi-OS solutions (Android, Windows, iOS, Chrome OS) that allow the administration of mobile device fleets. Our solutions for education are designed to ensure educational continuity, reduce the digital divide and promote inclusion. They …

Type: Startup Activities: it services edtech Technologies: SaaS

25 6 21 24
idealCO idealCO

The collaborative platform for the French civil service At idealCO, we are on the side of the ones who create. We are the biggest collaborative platform for the French civil service. Through digital innovations, professional training and events, we connect the local government universe and make the construction of its projects easier. Each and everyone's skills are used in order to build into existence the ideas they want to see realised. We help construct a new public world, where everyone has a rightful place and can grow, in a workplace where performance, pleasure and well-being are in harmony. We have …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech it services Technologies: SaaS

139 47 114 124

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Var firefighters Var Departmental Fire and Rescue Service - SDIS83

Type: Public Activities: it services

21 8 6 418

[Automatic translation follows] Defense of the moral, economic and social interests of officers and student officers of the Merchant Navy CFE-CGC Union of Merchant Navy Officers Union, Management, Maritime Navigation, Collective Bargaining, and Social Partners

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

16 0 13 4
CRIGE Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur CRIGE Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

[Automatic translation follows] Geomatics on demand The Geographic Information Resource Center in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (CRIGE PACA) is the geomatics resource center serving public organizations in the region. Its objective is to develop the production, use and sharing of geographic information between public services in the regional territory. The first regional geomatics structure created on French territory and a pioneer in its field, CRIGE is today a Geographic Data Infrastructure recognized at European level. It is part of the Afigéo CRIGEs Network.

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: Data Analytics

25 4 19 7
FC Communications FC Communications

Audits / Stratégies digitales, socialmedia et éditoriales 360° / AMO refontes de sites Internet & Intranet / Formations Société indépendante de conseil en communication publique numérique. Elle a tout d'une agence... mais ce n'est pas une agence ;) Communication, Communication digitale, Communication publique, and Communication corporate

Type: SMB Activities: martech

15 7 3 2
L214 L214

[Automatic translation follows] L214 Ethics & Animals is an association under the 1908 law focused on animals used in food production and revealing their breeding, transport, fishing and slaughter conditions.

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

62 19 40 75
Réseau des Carif-Oref Réseau des Carif-Oref

[Automatic translation follows] Resources and tools for employment, training and career guidance stakeholders. The Carif-Oref (Centre animation ressources d’information sur la formation / Observatoire régional emploi formation) now have nearly 600 employees spread across the territory. Their missions are structured around 3 main axes: Observation / Information / Animation - Professionalization. Partnership structures supported by the State and the Region, the Carif-Oref have a privileged positioning on a regional scale, at the crossroads of State, Region and social partner policies and at the service of professionals in reception, information, guidance, employment, training and the public in the territories. At a …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

28 5 20 17
Vlaams Parlement Vlaams Parlement

Het hart van de democratie in Vlaanderen. Vlaanderen is een deelstaat van de federale staat België. Het Vlaams Parlement is de wetgevende macht binnen de Vlaamse parlementaire democratie: - goedkeuring van decreten (Vlaamse "wetten"​); - controle van de Vlaamse regering. Het Vlaams Parlementsgebouw ligt in het centrum van Brussel (Leuvenseweg 27). Meer informatie: Twitter: @vlaparl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flanders is a member state of the federal state of Belgium. The Flemish Parliament constitutes the legislative power in the Flemish parliamentary democracy: - approval of decrees (laws) - control of the Flemish government The Flemish Parliament building is situated in the centre …

Type: Public

15 6 6 451
ORU-Fogar ORU-Fogar

[Automatic translation follows] United Regions Organization The United Regions Organization / Global Forum of Associations of Regions (ORU Fogar) is an international organization that brings together regions from all over the world and represents them before international bodies in order to promote a global policy of balanced development and territorial cohesion. The main objective of the organization is the recognition of regions as actors in global governance. ORU Fogar maintains that the decentralization of the sole power of states towards other actors accelerates development and, consequently, promotes democracy through the proximity between these new actors and citizens. ORU Fogar promotes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

11 1 10 10
European Committee of the Regions European Committee of the Regions

The voice of regions and cities in the EU The European Committee of the Regions is an advisory body representing local and regional authorities and their citizens in the European Union. CoR's 329 members come from local and regional authorities in the 27 member states and are appointed by the Council based on political and geographical and territorial balance. Working with the European Parliament, CoR members provide recommendations on the European Commission's proposals on EU legislation. Follow CoR's work and let us know your thoughts. We look forward to your comments. Read our Moderation Policy here:!qGqgy8 local government, regions, …

Type: Public

65 33 27 588