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HelpAge International HelpAge International

Global network of organisations working for the rights of older people. Support a dignified & healthy life in older age. HelpAge is a Global Network of organisations working for the rights of #OlderPeople. Support a dignified & healthy life in older age. #ExposeAgeism Ageing, Human rights, Social protection and social pensions, Humanitarian emergencies, Advocacy and campaigning, Older people's health, Healthy Ageing, older people, Age discrimination, income security, and inclusive humanitarian action

Type: SMB Activities: civictech silvertech Technologies: Cybersecurity

14 587
The Atlantic The Atlantic

Of no party or clique, since 1857. "The Atlantic will be the organ of no party or clique, but will honestly endeavor to be the exponent of what its conductors believe to be the American idea."​ —James Russell Lowell, November 1857 For more than 150 years, The Atlantic has shaped the national debate on politics, business, foreign affairs, and cultural trends.

Type: Large company Activities: entertainment

119 1,306

About Us continues to be the most popular English based steel portal globally with more than 40 million page views during 2013 and in the top 30,000 web sites in the world as per SteelGuru was started in 2005 as an attempt to create a distinctive place to help individuals and companies in the business of steel and allied materials to do better by utilizing information. SteelGuru has achieved this goal by engaging such a large number of people from steel industry globally Our Vision We, at SteelGuru, firmly believe that after the age of IT in the …

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: New Materials

113 5
Deloitte Deloitte

Type: Media

390 612
PwC Legal Switzerland PwC Legal Switzerland

We are building the law firm of the future. Every day. PwC Legal Switzerland offers a unique style of integrated legal advice. We are part of the Global PwC Legal Network and, with more than 4000 lawyers across more than 90 countries, offer the broadest geographical coverage of any legal services provider. At the same time we are embedded within the powerful, multi-disciplinary organisation and broad client footprint of the Swiss and global professional services leader. This allows for one-stop-shop support combining top legal advice with expertise in the areas of strategy, tax, deals, consulting and assurance to help you …

Type: Large company Activities: entertainment

49 76
Economist Intelligence: EIU Economist Intelligence: EIU

Economic and geopolitical insight guiding the world’s organisations We work with our clients to help them navigate the increasingly complex global environment, to analyse political and economic developments, forecast economic trends, and understand country specific regulations and business practices. A global team of economists, industry specialists, policy analysts and consultants, we work tirelessly to produce the highest quality data, research and analysis on everything from national elections and international trade, to food security and sustainable cities. Country & city analysis, Industry analysis, Strategy, Operations, Risk analysis, Custom research, Talent, Public policy, Benchmarking, Forecasting, Indexing, Market Sizing, Product Demand, Thought Leadership, …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech govtech Technologies: Data Analytics

65 567
Welt Welt

Type: Media

104 518
Ard Aktuell Ard Aktuell

Tagesschau is a newspapers company based out of 1 Hugh-Greene-Weg, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany., Newspaper Publishing

Type: Media Startup Activities: healthtech

40 24
Springer Professional Management + Führung Springer Professional Management + Führung

Type: Media

39 12