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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
Merqurio Merqurio

Insieme per comunicare Merqurio: closer to customers, closer to market Books, services, relationships and marketing on behalf of public and private healthcare systems: increasingly competitive and fragmented markets require quick and effective actions. Innovation or tradition? Is communication to explore new technologies or rely on traditional channels? Marketing and sales operations are facing new challenges from the pharmaceutical market. The goal is to optimize contacts and relationships and create value by reducing costs. Merqurio provides pharma companies and national health system with new ways of interacting with doctors and pharmacists through their own media and publishing experience in marketing pharmaceutical …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech

11 0 11 199
Deloitte Deloitte

Type: Media

390 178 165 612
QDNL Participations QDNL Participations

Early-stage funding and commercial support for the next generation of Quantum founders QDNL Participations accelerates the quantum information age by funding and supporting early-stage quantum tech startups. Investing in quantum requires specialised technical expertise and connections within distinctive networks. QDNL-P is a specialist venture fund investing in early stage quantum technology companies. We invest in quantum computing, sensing, communication, and enabling technologies. VC, deeptech, investing, startups, quantum technology, SAFE notes, and expertise

Type: Incubators & VCs

8 1 7 7
Grupo Vanti Grupo Vanti

We are the energy present in the day-to-day life of society with solutions that generate progress and well-being. Our Purpose To be the energy present in the day-to-day life of society with solutions that generate progress and well-being. Our Mission We distribute and market natural gas and other services that generate progress, valuable experiences, promote the development of the sectors and improve the quality of life of the communities in which we operate. Our Vision To be leaders in Colombia in offering diverse energy solutions and sustainable services that are easily accessible, distinguishing ourselves by our responsible behavior, operational excellence, …

Type: SMB Activities: energytech cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

551 335 479 969
Sonder Creative Sonder Creative

Focused specialists in design and development We are a design and development studio focused on creating exceptional experiences and building solid relationships with our clients.

Type: Incubators & VCs

9 1 8 7
Sam Small Recruitment Ltd Sam Small Recruitment Ltd

Sam Small – Healthcare Communications Jobs Sam Small is a recruitment agency specialising in providing healthcare communications jobs to candidates primarily within London and South-East of England. We supply our candidates with healthcare advertising and PR jobs mainly in account management at all levels of healthcare communications. For candidates with suitable experience, we have a range of medical education jobs from editing to writing and account management. Whether you are a medical writer or an account director, we will do our best to find the right job for you. Every job interview involves time and energy. At Sam Small Recruitment …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech deeptech hrtech biotech

3 0 3 4
Euromedice Vivactis Spain Euromedice Vivactis Spain

We provide knowledge and innovation to achieve excellence in all our projects. EUROMEDICE is a multi-channel medical publishing house founded more than 20 years ago. We are specialized in the creation and development of scientific content projects published in any type of medium; printed, web, app, in person,... We are a company made up of a team of 28 people, mostly graduates and with a turnover of approximately 10 million euros. Our clients are mainly pharmaceutical companies, scientific societies and public administrations. Our headquarters are in Spain, with offices in Madrid and Barcelona. Our vocation is to create innovative projects, …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech

3 0 3 9
Zealand Pharma Zealand Pharma

Changing lives with next generation peptide therapeutics Zealand Pharma A/S (Nasdaq Copenhagen: ZEAL) ("Zealand") is a Danish biotechnology company on a mission to change lives with next generation peptide medicines. In our effort to reach our goals bonding is at the core of everything we do. Let it be discovering and developing the best new peptide drugs for patients, engaging with partners or connecting with each other. This has led to more than 10 drug candidates invented by Zealand having advanced into clinical development, of which two have reached the market. Zealand’s current pipeline of internal product candidates focus on …

Type: SMB Activities: biotech deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

6 3 2 386
Corporate Knights Corporate Knights

The Voice for Clean Capitalism since 2002. Corporate Knights is the voice for clean capitalism Corporate Knights Inc. (CK) has two subsidiaries: CK Media, which includes the award-winning business and society magazine Corporate Knights, and CK Capital, which produces corporate rankings, research reports and financial products based on corporate sustainability performance. Its best-known rankings include the Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada and the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations. In June 2013, Corporate Knights was named “Magazine of the Year” by Canada’s National Magazine Awards Foundation. Our flagship magazine is distributed quarterly as an insert in the Globe and Mail …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

72 46 24 28
Building Healthcare For Tomorrow Building Healthcare For Tomorrow

BHCT is a non-profit international organization aiming to rethink healthcare through a citizen-driven model Building Healthcare For Tomorrow is a non profit organisation specialised in Health & Wealth Management born december 2017 as a result of extensive collaboration between health practitioners and economic experts. BHCT, The art of balance in healthcare solutions. Healthcare, Carepathway, Health & Wealth, Medecine, Wealthcare , Patient, Value for Money, Healthinsurance, Care providers, Care, Hospital, Physician, Insurance, Medical Centre, clinical pathway, Prevention, Homecare, Telehealth, Well being & Comfort, and Clinic

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech insurtech

15 1 12 6
Centre de recherche du CHUM (CRCHUM) Centre de recherche du CHUM (CRCHUM)

Dare to look beyond the horizon Université de Montréal's affiliated hospital research centre, the CRCHUM, is one of North America’s leading hospital research centres. Here, basic, clinical and population health research are carried out side-by-side under one roof. The Fonds de recherche du Québec — Santé, the provincial body responsible for funding research facilities, confirmed the CRCHUM’s standing as a major Canadian research institution by awarding it an “exceptional” rating in its 2020-2026 strategic plan. A seat of internationally renowned scientific research, the CRCHUM’s research is rooted in its dynamic community and offers a diversified, fair and inclusive environment for …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech

19 8 15 980
Health Campus Turku Health Campus Turku

Multidisciplinary knowledge cluster within medicine, social and health care and health technology Health Campus Turku is a significant multidisciplinary knowledge cluster within medicine, social and health care and health technology. Our network offers unique opportunities for research, innovation and corporate collaboration. Our mission is to facilitate joint activities in research, education and innovation, to develop commercial opportunities of the region and to promote the health and well-being of the population. Health Campus Turku network consists of six member organisations: - Hospital District of Southwest Finland - University of Turku - Åbo Akademi University - Turku University of Applied Sciences - …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 2 2 3
Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

We are an international biomedical research lab based in Barcelona, a CERCA centre at the forefront of life sciences. The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) is an international biomedical research institute of excellence, created in December 2000. It is a non-profit foundation funded by the Catalan Government through the departments of Economy & Knowledge and Health, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, "la Caixa"​ Banking Foundation, and includes the participation of Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). The mission of the CRG is to discover and advance knowledge for the benefit of society, public health and economic prosperity. The CRG believes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech

10 3 2 475
Council of European BioRegions - CEBR Council of European BioRegions - CEBR

The membership-driven Network of Life Science Clusters and Regional Ecosystems across Europe The Council of European BioRegions is a network of clusters and bio communities across Europe and worldwide, with the mission to defragment biotechnology and its support in Europe. CEBR represents more than 45 subscription members in Europe and a large number of clusters partners across the world. From emerging clusters to mature ones, with members including life science business network, science parks, regional development agencies and incubators. Together, we represent and support a critical mass of SMEs as well as Universities and Research Centres. Our Vision To strengthen …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

17 2 17 10
Danish Life Science Cluster Danish Life Science Cluster

The Danish cluster for life science and welfare technology We bring together companies, knowledge environments, hospitals, municipalities and organizations within life science and welfare technology. Through ambitious collaboration across sectors, we bring knowledge and research to use in the companies, so that new innovative solutions and products are created for the benefit of healthcare and citizens. The Danish Life Science Cluster is co-financed by Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet, Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse og Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling. Innovation, Iværksætteri, Internationalisering, Netværk, Videnoverførsel, Bæredygtighed, Vækst, Forskning, OPI, Partnerskaber, Life Science, Velfærdsteknologi, Sundhedsdata, and Samarbejde

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech healthtech

7 1 7 47
Global Antibiotic R&D Partnership (GARDP) Global Antibiotic R&D Partnership (GARDP)

Putting public health needs at the centre of antibiotic drug development to address the crisis of AMR The Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership (GARDP) is a not-for-profit organization that develops new antibiotic treatments for drug-resistant bacterial infections that pose the greatest threat to human health, and makes them accessible to the people who need them. It puts public health needs at the centre of antibiotic drug development to address both the immediate antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis and to ensure people continue to get access to essential antibiotics for generations to come. GARDP works through a global network including Brazil, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

16 2 13 96
OBN (UK) Ltd OBN (UK) Ltd

The membership organisation supporting & bringing together UK’s life sciences companies, corporate partners & investors OBN is a not-for-profit membership network that catalyses growth for the life sciences industry. Whether you’re an emerging entrepreneur, R&D SME, investor, analyst, pharma company, science park, TTO or technology / professional services organisation, we are here to give you opportunities to meet, learn, and grow. OBN organises BioTrinity - Europe's Leading Investment and Biopartnering Conference, find out more at Networking Events, Partnering (BioTrinity), Advising: Cluster Analysis and Business Development, Group Purchasing Consortium, Advocacy, Conferences, BioTech, Life Sciences, and Investment

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

34 6 24 29
Nordic Life Science Days Nordic Life Science Days

The largest Nordic partnering conference dedicated to the life science industry I 13-14 October 2025 Nordic Life Science Days is the largest Nordic partnering conference dedicated to the life science industry. Since its inception in 2013, the event has nurtured a community of people from the world of life science, and created a unique place to do business. Most attendees express their delight in the informal atmosphere, combined with an organised approach to meeting highly relevant people. Return visitors come back because they feel they belong to our growing community. We hope to welcome you, too. We create a space …

Type: Event

19 2 18 N/A
Green Savoree Racing Promotions Green Savoree Racing Promotions

Indianapolis-based motorsports event management company. Green Savoree Racing Promotions (GSRP) is an Indianapolis-based motorsports event management company that owns, operates and promotes the Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg presented by RP Funding in St. Petersburg, Florida, Ontario Honda Dealers Indy Toronto in Toronto, Ontario, Pacific Office Automation 147 and BITNILE.COM Grand Prix of Portland in Portland, Oregon and Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course and The Mid-Ohio School in Lexington, Ohio. GSRP events showcase some of the most exciting races on the continent. In working together since 1993, Kim Green and Kevin Savoree have won four IndyCar championships, three Indy 500 …

Type: Event

7 3 2 26
Ellen MacArthur Foundation Ellen MacArthur Foundation

We are committed to the creation of a circular economy to eliminate waste, circulate products, and regenerate nature. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was launched in 2010 to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Since its creation the charity has emerged as a global thought leader, establishing the circular economy on the agenda of decision makers across business, government and academia. With the support of its Strategic Partners, the Foundation’s work focuses on five interlinking areas: Learning Developing the vision, skills and mindsets needed to transition to a circular economy Business and Government Catalysing circular innovation and creating the conditions …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

135 76 73 225
Invest India Invest India

The National Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency of the Government of India. Invest India is the National Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency of India, set up as a non-profit venture under the aegis of Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. It facilitates and empowers all investors under the ‘Make in India’ initiative to establish, operate, and expand their businesses in India. Invest India is envisaged as a one-stop shop specially created to attract and retain high-quality investments in India. Our domain and functional experts provide sector-and state-specific inputs and hand-holding …

Type: Public

102 12 89 565

We are an independent media. Support the free press and #hazteleon: Universal. Independent. Combative. Plural. Innovative. Even. Smart. Tuitero Of yours. EL ESPAÑOL was born in 2015 by Pedro J. Ramírez. We have grown from 5,000 shareholders to 36,000,000. of readers and we have only just begun. Join and support an independent journalism. # Hazteleón, We select the best stories. Follow us on @podium_ee, @cultura_ee, @ciencia_ee, @jaleos_ee, @empresas_ee, @hola_elespanol and @elespanolMARCAS

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

101 52 62 244
UVocupació UVocupació

The UV, A Global University The University of Valencia is a leader at the international level: -It ranks second in Europe in receiving Erasmus students. -It is one of the top ten universities in the world to learn Chinese language and culture, according to the Chinese government. -It ranks 4th in Spain at the international level, ranking between 201 and 300 internationally, according to Shanghai Jiao Tong University Rankings. The UV, in numbers The UV has the most students in Valencia: 46,000 in Diplomaturas (3-year degrees), Licenciaturas (5-year degrees), engineering and undergraduate degrees, 7,500 in official Master’s degrees and PhD …

Type: Large company Activities: hrtech energytech

30 8 11 5,102
Imperial Business Imperial Business

Type: Large company Activities: entertainment

141 81 76 7
Delft University of Technology Delft University of Technology

Impact for a better society. Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands (TU Delft) is a modern university with a rich tradition. Its eight faculties and over 30 English-language Master programmes are at the forefront of technological development, contributing to scientific advancement in the interests of society. Ranked among the top universities of technology in Europe TU Delft’s excellent research and education standards are backed by outstanding facilities, research institutes and research schools. TU Delft maintains close links with (inter)national industry, a strategic alliance contributing to the relevance of its academic programmes and career prospects for its graduates. Society is …

Type: Large company NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

73 31 15 249
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Activities: healthtech deeptech transporttech

35 11 16 821

VITOTVO is the television branch of OMUNetwork, which is the first digital channel in the country via online, managed under the Livestream platform, which was born in order to serve the community, promoting cultural, social and intellectual development. It arose from the idea of ​​Vito Muñoz Ugarte, president of OMUNetwork. VITOTVO was created through the need to bring all the information contained in OMUNetwork's websites to television, to transform the most dynamic communication for its followers, that is, by tuning into a television program. VITOTVO has 38 thousand followers on Twitter and 1,000 followers on Instagram, it has an average …

Type: Media

19 4 10 638

LSX is a growing influential community of senior life science decision makers. We are a catalyst for dialogue, debate and deal making to help lead growth in healthcare investment and the building of billion pound healthcare businesses. We are determined to forge a fundamentally better way to promote and facilitate investment, financing, partnerships and deal making in healthcare. Our community helps catalyse early stage innovation through peer-to-peer education and knowledge sharing, networking, partnering and deal making to champion the most innovative and exciting ideas. We bring deals to life., LSX is the network for life science executive leaders. Take a …

Type: Media

57 7 45 5
International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)

A global initiative led by investors responsible for AuM of $77 trillion. ICGN is an investor-led organisation of governance professionals. Our members are based in over 39 countries with investors responsible for assets under the management of US$70 trillion. ICGN's mission is to inspire and promote effective standards of corporate governance to advance efficient markets and economies worldwide. We do this through three core activities: - Influencing policy by providing a reliable source of investor-led opinion and experiences on corporate governance and stewardship; - Connecting peers at global events to provide a forum for dialogue between companies, investors and other …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

34 4 35 51
Berlin Innovation Agency (BIA) Berlin Innovation Agency (BIA)

BIA designs tailored innovation, change & learning journeys to help organizations accelerate their transformation to X. Berlin Innovation Agency (BIA) is a boutique transformation studio, working globally with lots of love from Berlin Mitte. BIA designs tailored innovation, change and learning journeys to help organizations accelerate their transformation to x - whatever their x is. BIA is also an active innovation hub, running startup accelerators and corporate innovation programs, most recently the ClimateX Hub and Accelerator. Leadership Training, Innovation Programs, Startup Acceleration, New Work, Organisation Transformation, and Berlin Ecosystem

Type: Incubators & VCs

31 5 25 14
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP)

Fostering deep science research and innovation for societal impact Centre for Cellular And Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) is an initiative of Dept of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, with a mandate to be an enabler of cutting edge Life Science Research and Innovation. C-CAMP is also a member of the Bangalore Life Sciences Cluster (BLiSC). We facilitate Bioscience Research and Entrepreneurship by providing Research, Development, Training and Services in state-of-the-art Technology Platforms. As a part C-CAMP's mandate of promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, C-CAMP has created and fostered an entrepreneur-friendly culture in and around Academic/Research environment through its …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech

36 2 33 140
Extel Extel

Unrivalled insight. Driven by data. Institutional Investor Research has become Extel... institutional investor, Data Analysis, MiFID II, Bespoke Consultancy, Industry Insights, Digital Technology, FinTech, Research, Analysis, Analytical Tools, Perception Studies, IR Benchmark, Market Trends, Broker Scorecard, Advisory, Extel Survey, and Market Insights

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

35 3 32 25
World Padel Tour World Padel Tour

The professional circuit of the best padel in the world. World professional padel circuit Sports and Events

Type: Event

8 7 2 115
Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI)

MCRI is dedicated to making discoveries to prevent and treat common and rare childhood conditions. Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) is Australia's largest child health research institute and is ranked among the top three globally for research quality and impact. Our team of 1,800+ researchers works across over 150 common and rare diseases and conditions affecting children and adolescents. From allergies and asthma, diabetes and mental health issues to cancer and rare genetic disorders, we are relentless in our pursuit to transform child health through research and give all children the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilled life. Our …

Type: Large company

11 2 4 1,417
P-CMR[C] Program for Clinical Translation of Regenerative Medicine in Catalonia P-CMR[C] Program for Clinical Translation of Regenerative Medicine in Catalonia

Advancing the clinical translation of regenerative medicine. The Program for advancing the Clinical Translation of Regenerative Medicine of Catalonia, P-CMR[C], has been launched by the Center for Regenerative Medicine (CMR[B]) and the Biomedical Research Institute of Bellvitge (IDIBELL), at the behest of the Catalan Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalonia. P-CMR[C] was born with the aim to have a transformative impact on the way that basic, pre-clinical and clinical research in regenerative medicine are currently coordinated and eventually transferred to clinical practice in Catalonia. We are a comprehensive program where basic research, pre-clinical studies with new therapies and clinical …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: biotech deeptech healthtech

1 0 1 37
R.W.O Regionale Woning Ontruiming R.W.O Regionale Woning Ontruiming

The world's leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research. Founded in 1880 on $10,000 of seed money from the American inventor Thomas Edison, Science has grown to become the world's leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research, with the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general-science journal. Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one million. In content, too, the journal is truly international in scope; some 35 to 40 percent of the corresponding authors on its papers are based outside the United States. Its articles consistently rank …

Type: Media

11 10 0 196
Le HCR, l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés Le HCR, l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés

Follow 📷📽 The work of our teams in 130+ countries with #refugees, #internal displaced & amp; #apatrides UNHCR is carrying out international action to protect uprooted people. It provides them with vital assistance including shelters, food and drinking water to help guarantee their fundamental rights, while ensuring their safety and dignity. Established with modest objectives in 1950, the UNHCR has since helped tens of millions of people; He was a winner of two Nobel Peace Prize winners as a reward for this vital humanitarian work. For those who have been forced to flee their homes in order to escape war …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

113 62 33 15,439
University of Massachusetts Lowell University of Massachusetts Lowell

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

33 5 25 20