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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements Employees
Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband

Consumer rights, fair markets, safe products - that's what we fight for in politics and in court. The Federal Association of Consumer Organizations (vzbv) is an umbrella organization that brings together the expertise of 16 consumer centers and more than 30 consumer policy associations - including over 2,000 organizations and seven million individual members - to ensure strong protection for consumers in Germany. Imprint: Data protection: Consumer policy, consumer protection, consumer law, class actions, representative actions, consumer rights, and legal enforcement

Type: SMB Activities: consumer services Technologies: Data Analytics

38 9 23 150
Entrepreneur Media Entrepreneur Media

Tags: H2020 Type: Media

156 85 56 4,040

Type: Media

101 51 47 990

Type: Media

8 5 2 57

Type: Media

94 36 64 359

Type: SMB Startup Activities: telecommunications

6 2 5 N/A
revvialibre revvialibre

Specialized Magazine at Autotransport

Type: Startup Activities: transporttech

9 2 9 N/A
Stifel Stifel

Type: Large company Activities: fintech

22 7 10 6,009
Enjin Enjin

Type: Startup Activities: games

14 2 4 114
Metro21: Smart Cities Institute Metro21: Smart Cities Institute

Our mission is to research, develop and deploy 21st century solutions to the challenges facing metro areas. Metro21 is Carnegie Mellon University’s Smart Cities Institute. We are a multi-disciplinary initiative, spanning faculty and resources from the CMU Colleges of Engineering, Public Policy and Information Systems, Computer Science, Business and Fine Arts. Our faculty are some of the world’s leading experts in smart cities. We seek to research, develop and deploy 21st century solutions to the challenges facing metro areas. Our research and forward-thinking solutions will transform and enhance both individual systems and their collective integration through communication, coordination and optimization …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services smart city

57 32 62 10
IDG Enterprise IDG Enterprise

Type: Media

55 22 39 79
Gulf News Gulf News

Type: Media

81 13 68 740
SelectFlorida SelectFlorida

Official page of SelectFlorida Official page of SelectFlorida

Type: Public Activities: it services Technologies: Decarbonization

18 2 13 35
Mars Mars

Type: Large company

113 25 17 5,004
The Turf The Turf

We cover everything Informed, unique viewpoints on all your favorite sports, teams, players, and more. Plus get the information you need to win your Fantasy Leagues or Daily Fantasy (DFS) lineups. Our team of writers cover the widest range of topics, with sharp, insightful analysis. Sports, Journalism, and Fantasy Sports

Type: Startup Activities: it services

78 27 55 5
New York Mets New York Mets

Type: Media

108 66 25 702
Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp Baseball Club Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp Baseball Club

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

28 10 18 144
U.S. Department of Energy, OSDBU U.S. Department of Energy, OSDBU

DOE OSDBU maximizes contract opportunities for small businesses while advancing the Agency’s mission. The OSDBU goal is to provide maximum practicable opportunities in the Departments’ acquisitions to all small business concerns. In doing so, the Department will meet/exceed statutory prime small and subcontracting goals. Our Small Business Goaling Reports are tracked and monitored via, an official web site of the federal government. OUR COMMITMENT O: Open the lines of communication through outreach and training. S: Serve as small business advocates. D: Deliver useful information. B: Build public and private industry relationships. U: Utilize DOE Programs and best practices. Small …

Type: Public

112 55 21 4
Reuters Reuters

The real world in real time Welcome to Reuters news on Linkedin. We share news, photos and video from around the world. Thanks for joining our community.

Type: Media

295 190 78 32
Le HCR, l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés Le HCR, l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés

Follow 📷📽 The work of our teams in 130+ countries with #refugees, #internal displaced & amp; #apatrides UNHCR is carrying out international action to protect uprooted people. It provides them with vital assistance including shelters, food and drinking water to help guarantee their fundamental rights, while ensuring their safety and dignity. Established with modest objectives in 1950, the UNHCR has since helped tens of millions of people; He was a winner of two Nobel Peace Prize winners as a reward for this vital humanitarian work. For those who have been forced to flee their homes in order to escape war …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: hrtech

113 62 33 15,439
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Type: Public

87 43 14 4,541
Chicago Inno Chicago Inno

Your Source for Local Innovation A digital news and events company covering Chicago startups and technology.

Type: Media

74 17 54 4
U.S. Commercial Service U.S. Commercial Service

America's Export Experts: Connecting You to Global Markets. Part of the International Trade Administration. The U.S. Commercial Service is the export promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration. Our team helps U.S. companies find new international business partners in worldwide markets. If you're a U.S. company, the U.S. Commercial Service offers four ways to grow your international sales: * world-class market research * trade events that promote your product or service to qualified buyers * introductions to qualified buyers and distributors * counseling through every step of the export process international trade, commercial diplomacy, trade events, …

Type: Public

58 12 31 659
Ad Age Ad Age

Ad Age is a daily must-read for an influential audience of decision makers and disruptors across the marketing and media landscape. Created in 1930 to cover a burgeoning industry with objectivity, accuracy, and fairness, Ad Age continues to be powered by award-winning journalism. Today, Ad Age is a global media brand focusing on curated creativity, data and analysis, people and culture, and innovation and forecasting. From vital print editions to must-attend events and innovative platform offerings, its industry-leading offerings include the coveted A-List & Creativity Awards, the Ad Age Next Conference, and proprietary data such as the Leading National Advertisers …

Type: Media

96 39 64 7
Akamai Technologies Akamai Technologies

Type: Large company

82 16 33 55
American Red Cross American Red Cross

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

87 43 35 88
PEBSS - Platform for European Bicycle Sharing &ampamp; Systems PEBSS - Platform for European Bicycle Sharing & Systems

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

27 3 15 39
Magnet Export Business Portal Magnet Export Business Portal

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture

14 3 13 1
Enterprise Enterprise

Type: Large company Activities: it services

75 11 31 831
Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines

Type: Large company

70 22 5 297