Search 1
LogoName Σ Employees

Bridging the physical and digital worlds to improve consumer experiences and patient safety GS1 is a global not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards and solutions to improve the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains globally and across sectors. The best-known symbol of GS1 standards is the barcode, named by the BBC as one of “the 50 things that made the world economy”. GS1 is also well known for the creation and management of the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), commonly used in barcodes, which uniquely identify products in the supply chain. Five decades …

Type: SMB Activities: transporttech

63 713
Reusable Packaging Association Reusable Packaging Association

Promoting the Use and Value of Reusable Transport Packaging for Over 20 Years. The Reusable Packaging Association (RPA) is the trade organization representing and promoting the common business interests of member suppliers and users of reusable packaging products and services. RPA's mission is to expand the use and value of reusable packaging systems. Our member companies include businesses that: supply raw materials; design, make and market transport packaging products; provide pooling and logistics services; use and handle the reusable packaging in processing, manufacturing, distribution and retail environments; and offer technology and automation services to the industry. Learn more at our …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: New Materials

4 9
ICA Gruppen ICA Gruppen

Vi ska göra varje dag lite enklare ICA Gruppen ́s core business is retail. The Group includes ICA Sweden and Rimi Baltic which mainly conduct grocery retail, ICA Real Estate which owns and manages properties, ICA Bank which offers financial services and insurances, Apotek Hjärtat which conducts pharmacy operations. apotek, bank, försäkringar, food, mat, retail, and fastigheter

Type: Large company

24 17,880
Swedish Energy Agency Swedish Energy Agency

Sustainable energy for all. The Swedish Energy Agency is a Swedish government Agency and works for the use of renewable energy, improved technologies, a smarter end-use of energy, and mitigation of climate change. Our headquarter is in Eskilstuna, Sweden.

Type: Public

36 536
Stockholms Stadsmission Stockholms Stadsmission

We work for a more human Stockholm - for everyone. Stockholm City Mission is a non -profit association that works to make Stockholm a more humane city for everyone. We help children and adolescents who need support from an adult, families with children, single mothers who do not get their everyday life together, young adults who are in need of therapy, young parents who need support and advice, elderly living in loneliness, as well as all the men and women living in homelessness or abuse. We step in where public society's resources and efforts are not enough and adapt the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

4 497
Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation Ledarna – Sveriges chefsorganisation

The voice of the manager in society. Good managers and good leadership produce results and breed success – people grow and businesses and societies develop. This makes the management profession one of the most important and challenging. That is why an organization is needed just for managers. An organization that takes care of the interests of managers and fully understands the managerial role. That is why Ledarna exists. Ledarna is Sweden's management organization with more than 90,000 members – managers in all industries and at all levels. With us, members receive development, advice and support in their assignment as a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

3 218
Fruit Attraction Fruit Attraction

Feria Internacional del Sector de Frutas y Hortalizas | 30 sept - 2 oct de 2025 en IFEMA MADRID #SienteLaInspiración Fruit Attraction is the world's commercial meeting point for the professional fruit and vegetable community. The International Fruit and Vegetable Sector Fair organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX will be held from 8 to 10 October 2024. IFEMA – Feria de Madrid #SienteLaInspiración YouTube channel: agricultura, negocio internacional, international relations, agriculture, envases, maquinaria agrícola, and regadío

Type: Event

5 95
Axfoundation Axfoundation

An independent, non-profit ’do tank’ developing practical solutions to sustainability challenges. Axfoundation is an independent, non-profit organization working practically and concretely towards building a sustainable society. Believing strongly in business as a driving force for change, we often initiate and run projects together with the private sector. Together with over 300 partners across sectors and industries we tackle local and global sustainability challenges based on practical issues related to the things we buy, the food we eat and the resources we use. Learn more at miljö, hålllbarhet, social hållbarhet, antibiotika, leverantörsled, integration, mångfald, livsmedel, cirkulär ekonomi, blockkedja, hållbar produktion, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

9 28
Svea Solar Svea Solar

Power is Shifting Svea Solar is digitalising energy. We have made it our business to shift the planet away from dirty energy towards renewable power. This is where we can make a difference – and we have only started our journey. We believe that good things will happen when people own their power. Renewable Energy, Software, and Solar

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

11 702
Mathem Mathem

At Mathem, we strive to make everyday life easier and more comfortable for our customers. We simply give people the freedom to live more. We are an established, tech-driven supermarket that offers a smooth e-commerce service for, among other things, groceries. With our smart and well-developed e-commerce platform on the website and in app, a wide range of high quality, four logistics facilities, and with our own distribution organization, we take customers' orders all the way to their homes. Smart, simple and easily accessible. Together with our partners Clas Ohlson and Kronans Apotek, we offer a one-stop shop experience and …

Type: Startup Activities: delivery foodtech Technologies: IoT

1 736
K2A Knaust & Andersson Fastigheter K2A Knaust & Andersson Fastigheter

K2A is a real estate company with a focus on long-term management of self-produced Nordic Ecolabelled rental apartments. K2A is a private real estate company that develops and offers modern, functional housing with efficient customer-oriented management. K2A's operations are concentrated in Stockholm, Mälardalen and a number of university and college locations in the rest of Sweden. K2A's student housing is marketed through the subsidiary Svenska Studenthus. K2A owns a modern production facility for the manufacture of wooden apartment units. The production facilities are operated through the subsidiary Grännäs Trähus, with house factories in Valdemarsvik and Gävle. housing, rental apartments, wooden …

Type: SMB Activities: proptech

5 48
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency conducts and coordinates Sweden's environmental work. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency are the public agency in Sweden that is responsible for environmental issues. The Agency carries out assignments on behalf of the Swedish Government relating to the environment in Sweden, the EU and internationally. The Agency’s remit is threefold: Compiling knowledge and documentation - to develop our own environmental efforts and those of others Developing environmental policy - by providing the Government with a sound basis for decisions and by giving an impetus to EU and international efforts Implementing environmental policy - by acting in …

Type: Public

10 689
Sproud Sproud

THE ALT-ALT M*LK Sproud is the alternative to the alternatives. Low in sugar, high in protein, and with less climate impact than all other plant m*lks. Sproud is an innovative growth company in the plant-based dairy sector, founded in 2018 in Malmö. In 2023, Sproud had a turnover of 43 million SEK and currently has 15 employees in Sweden and the United Kingdom. The product is available in an international market across over 30 countries, including the Nordics, the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, and Asia. The products is sold online, in grocery stores, cafes, and restaurants. In 2023, Sproud became …

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

2 27
Dagens Industri Dagens Industri

Dagens industri is Sweden's leading business daily newspaper – visit for business and finance news and analytics. Ekonomi, Företag, Börs, Aktieanalys, Bank- och finans, Industri, Nyheter, entreprenörskap, and Digitalisering

Type: Media

45 279
Arla Foods Arla Foods

We are more than 21,000 colleagues across 30 countries and 7,999 dairy farmer-owners in Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. We aim to create the future of dairy, to bring healthy and sustainable dairy products to people across the world, and to lead the transition towards sustainable dairy farming and production. We work continuously on the farms, at the dairies, and in our administration to reduce our carbon footprint and environmental impact. We are committed to champion good food habits and inspire a healthy life. We collaborate with NGOs and public stakeholders to develop viable dairy …

Type: Large company

13 13,155

Supermarket Rebels A rebel supermarket on a mission to transform the food industry 💥💥💥 Open every day: 📍 Brighton, York Place. Mon-Sat 8.30-7, Sun 10-6 📍 Worthing, Portland Rd. Mon-Sat 9.30-5.30, Sun 10-5

Type: Startup Activities: foodtech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 6
Magnihill - ett svenskt familjeföretag sedan 1957 Magnihill - ett svenskt familjeföretag sedan 1957

We make time stand still. 🌱When freezing freshly harvested raw materials, we preserve all the nutrients as well as all the goodness. Magnihill is located in Skåne and has been a Swedish family business since 1957. We grow, produce and import frozen products from the plant kingdom. In close collaboration with our producers, in Sweden and in other countries, we develop products with a focus on organic and convenient. Our vision 🌱 Magnihill shall be the customer's first choice partner for frozen products from the plant kingdom. We shall also promote the development of convenient organic products, and work for …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech Technologies: Bio sourced materials

1 28
Svensk Dagligvaruhandel Svensk Dagligvaruhandel

The Swedish Grocery Trade Association is the trade organization for the grocery trade in Sweden, The Swedish Grocery Trade Association is the trade organization for the grocery trade in Sweden. The grocery trade is an important part of the entire food chain and the Swedish Grocery Trade Association works to ensure that we as an industry take active and joint responsibility for competition-neutral issues Grocery Trade

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

5 12
Menigo Foodservice AB Menigo Foodservice AB

Fresh ingredients. And just about everything else. Menigo is the one-stop supplier for those of you who work professionally in food and beverage. We are one of Sweden's leading food suppliers. We deliver everything that simplifies your everyday life. But Menigo is also the fresh produce specialist who provides you with crispy croissants, tender steak and freshly picked chanterelles. With Menigo you get both. Everything we do at Menigo is about serving you who work professionally with food in the best way. Our goal is that with one call you can get exactly everything you need in a single delivery, …

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

1 736
TrackOnline ♻️ developed by Bexter TrackOnline ♻️ developed by Bexter

We optimize your logistics processes with our software. We optimize logistics processes with our software. From booking delivery notes to real-time tracing of instruments in healthcare. We do this with various techniques such as RFID and IoT. With the software application you always know where to find your assets. Bexter delivers efficiency, effectiveness and savings. Today and in the future. Managing Returnables, RFID & IoT Technology, Emballage registratie, Emballage beheer, RFID, IoT technologie, herbruikbare verpakkingen, Returnables, Reusables, ladingdrager registratie, ladingdrager beheer, RFID toepassing, pooling, sierteelt, retail, pallet registratie, Supply Chain, Logistieke processen, asset management, asset registratie, assettracking, karrenregistratie, sierteelt, and …

Type: SMB Activities: it services transporttech Technologies: IoT Wireless

4 43
Cradlenet Cradlenet

Network for knowledge sharing and accelerating circular economy in Sweden. Managing partner to Nordic Circular Hotspot. Cradlenet works to accelerate the transition from a linear disposable economy to a circular economy. We are working to ensure that Sweden has largely transitioned to a circular economy by 2040. This will also help us reach the national climate target of 2045. The aim is to minimise waste and emissions and maximise the use, reuse and recycling of products and materials to enable long-term sustainable ecological, social and economic development within planetary boundaries. We have begun an ambitious expansion to finance more resources …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech cleantech greentech

16 14

We are an independent research institute in the fields of the environment and sustainability. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute is an independent, non-profit research organisation owned by a foundation established by the Swedish government and industry. We are involved in the development of solutions to environmental problems at national and international level. The institute comprises Sweden's largest groups of environmental experts and employs around 300 people, which makes IVL a leading institute for applied environmental research and consultancy services. miljö, hållbarhet, forskning, luft, vatten, omställning, klimat, klimatanpassning, utsläpp, fossilfritt, pfas, kemikalier, matsvinn, elektrifiering, energi, and laboratorium

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

13 532
Lidl Sverige KB Lidl Sverige KB

Working at Lidl is like no other. We are one of the largest grocery chains with thousands of stores around Europe. We opened our first stores in Sweden in 2003 and have since then constantly challenged the established chains and lowered food prices. We are the store where you can always shop with common sense for the whole week. Behind this promise lies our business concept of the highest quality at the best price, which we work with heart and soul every day to realize. We are passionate about offering you a range where Swedish and organic products coexist with …

Type: Large company

2 2,672
Axfood Axfood

Axfood's purpose is to create more quality of life for everyone. Our family of companies includes the store chains Willys and Hemköp as well as Tempo, Handlar’n and Matöppet. B2B sales are handled through Snabbgross, and our support company Dagab is responsible for the Group’s product development, purchasing and logistics. The Axfood family also includes Urban Deli as well as the partly owned companies Apohem, Eurocash, and City Gross. We are proud of our private labels, where Garant, Eldorado and Minstingen are among the most popular brands. Axfood's success story would not be possible without our 13 000 employees with …

Type: Large company

27 8,915
Royal Greenland Royal Greenland

The North Atlantic Champion Royal Greenland is one of the world's leading groups on the seafood market. We supply a broad range of seafood products which meets the needs of consumers, kitchen professionals and industrial processors. We do so by combining our unique history, our high standards of quality and seafood sourced from the clear waters of the Arctic Ocean and the rest of the world. For centuries, Royal Greenland has been associated with high quality seafood at affordable prices. Our product range makes it possible to prepare healthy and tasty meals for any occasion. quality seafood and responsible fishing

Type: SMB Activities: foodtech

3 732