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LogoName Σ Employees
Euro App Mobility Euro App Mobility

Accelerator of long-term mobility of apprentices in Europe "Let us give every young person a chance to leave for a mobility in Europe!” Euro App Mobility wants to remove the barriers to the long-term mobility of apprentices (at least 3 months and ideally 6 months). Our activities target obstacles that exist in various areas: legal, academic, financial, educational, linguistic and psychological. Chaired by Jean Arthuis, former minister and member of European Parliament, our organisation aims to implement the results of the pilot project on long-term mobility of apprentices launched by the European Parliament and led by the European Commission between …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

30 3 29 14
CTM - Collectivité de Martinique CTM - Collectivité de Martinique

Nou ka fèy ép zot! CTM - Martinique local authority

Type: Large company Activities: deeptech

31 16 13 371
Groupe RCI - Antilles Groupe RCI - Antilles

First radio group of French Antilles Together media based in the French Antilles, the RCI group accumulates with its 3 radios 80% commercial audience in Guadeloupe and 73% in Martinique. - RCI: the radio anchored in the daily life of the Martinicans to provide local info and entertainment throughout the day. - NRJ Antilles: The radio which makes the Caribbean hits discover before all the other radios. - Bel'Radio: The radio that triggers an emotion with each title, makes listeners hum and dance. Outside media and company radio

Type: Media

13 9 2 74
Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN) Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN)

"Understand to act, understand yourself to act together" Institute of Advanced National Defense Studies "Understand to act, understand yourself to act together" Our missions: promote defense culture, to participate in the strengthening of national cohesion and to contribute to the development of a strategic reflection on defense and security issues. Defense, armaments, foreign policy, economic intelligence, security, and cyber security

Type: Public Activities: it services

83 7 78 399
France Télévisions France Télévisions

France Télévisions is the first French audiovisual group: every day, nearly 4 out of 10 French people are looking at the programs in our channels. Audiovisual public service, the group has a role in social and cultural life in this regard which imposes an ambition and a constant requirement in the definition of its supply of programs. Audiovisual, audiovisual public, French creation, television, documentary, fiction, series, information, education, culture, entertainment, digital, sport, innovation, creation, proximity, diversity, and media

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

437 341 69 11,931
BeeLife SAS BeeLife SAS

Cocoon, the hive that protects bees. Beelife aims to preserve biodiversity through the safeguarding of our friends the bees. With the Cocoon hive, we offer a dream habitat for bees: bio-sourcé and isolated, connected, and capable of ridding them of their main enemy, the Varroa Destructor parasite thanks to a patented thermotherapy device. All this is supervised and activated from a Lorawan link, without subscription Innovation is our second driver, you understand! The Cocoon hive will be marketed in the coming months. beekeeping, startup, environment, innovation, biodiversity, and IOT

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech Technologies: IoT Wireless

23 7 14 4
AFI (Agence Française Informatique) AFI (Agence Française Informatique)

Our software facilitates the daily lives of public services and citizens The French Agency Informatique develops management software that supports local communities and libraries in their public service mission. Our software is designed in close collaboration with the agents who use them on a daily basis. We guarantee the sustainability of our solutions designed as close as possible to business needs to improve the service rendered to citizens. Library, Management, Habitat, Open Source, M14, SIGB, GRH, BOKEH, NANOK, KAILA, SEDNA, E-GENERUS, Manufortis, Pelehas, and COLLTERR

Type: SMB Activities: it services Technologies: SaaS

24 1 11 65
VPLP Design VPLP Design

VPLP Design is a world-renowned young international team of French-based naval architects, engineers and designers. VPLP Design is a world-renowned young international team of French-based naval architects, engineers and designers working from Vannes, Nantes and Paris in sail and motor craft projects across the world. The activity is now divided into 3 areas: Racing, cruising (serial and superyachting) and Maritime. Yacht Design, Architecture navale, and Naval Architect

Type: SMB Activities: smart city

19 3 15 49
elEconomistaAmerica elEconomistaAmerica

elEconomistaAmerica is a veterinary company based out of MADRID, Spain.

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

32 2 28 N/A
Adédom Adédom

Together let's move the lines! Network of associative companies and non -profit structures of help, home care and personal services.

Type: SMB Activities: consumer services

33 4 28 34
Ecole des Courses Hippiques AFASEC Ecole des Courses Hippiques AFASEC

AFASEC's mission is to support the horse racing sector with training, support and advice AFASEC continues 3 main missions entrusted by the racing institution (France Galop and the French Horse Society): - training - Social action - Council and prospective in the horse racing sector. More than 40 years of experience, 5 schools, 7 residences, 700 students. The AFASEC horse racing school offers excellence training in horse racing trades (trot and gallop), alternating between the school and the racing stable. The 5 schools in France provide young people from training from the 4th to BTS. A continuing vocational training program …

Type: SMB Activities: pettech edtech

17 4 14 169
L'Opcommerce, opérateur de compétences du commerce L'Opcommerce, opérateur de compétences du commerce

In the service of trade skills of tomorrow Oppommerce is the Alternation-Competance Partner of Trade Companies, 20 professional branches. Approved by the State, Oppommerce has 450 employees at the service of 160,000 members, who employ 1.7 million employees. On a daily basis, the Oppommerce teams, present through 13 regional locations, nearby support the performance of companies and contribute to the professional development of employees, in synergy with employment-training players. Oppommerce is also present in four overseas departments and regions (DROM): Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Reunion. Through the professionalization contract, the apprenticeship contract, but also pro-A (retraining or promotion by work-study), oppommerce …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

52 14 42 469
Laboratoire ClaripharmTM Laboratoire ClaripharmTM

Laboratoire Claripharm, women healthcare manufacturer Made in 🇫🇷 ClaripharmTM Laboratory has developed an innovative range of products for the care and protection of intimate wounds and sutures. ClaripharmTM created Claricare TM : the first flexible shell for protection of intimate wounds & stitches after a perineal tear or an episiotomy, vulvar and anal galling or condyloma, bartholinitis, labiaplasty, vaginal prolapse, coccyx dislocation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, intimate cosmetic surgery ... Claricare TM is a patented medical device, CE marked and manufactured in France . ONCE UPON TIME A WOMAN... Giving birth to a child is one of the most intense and …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech manufacturing deeptech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

105 8 93 11
NEREUS - Sustainable water recyling NEREUS - Sustainable water recyling

Tomorrow's technologies to solve today's problems Experts in dynamic filtration, we support industrial companies, tourist establishments and farmers in the ecological and economic management of their effluents. From design and construction in our workshop to commissioning and operation in France and Europe, we offer our customers individual and personalized turnkey solutions. Extraction d'eau basse énergie, Recyclage des eaux usées, Procédés innovants d'extraction d'eau, Utilisation de membranes de dernière génération, Reuse, and Filtration dynamique

Type: Startup Activities: cleantech greentech manufacturing water management Technologies: Decarbonization

46 5 45 21
Welcomeurope Welcomeurope

Together we make your public fundraising successful Welcomeurope is a consultancy firm specialised in raising European public funds. For 20 years, Welcomeurope has been assisting the private, public and non-profit sectors in project engineering and fundraising throughout Europe. Welcomeurope in a few figures: + 400 million Euros in grants - 94% Client Satisfaction +1,500 projects and applications to public funds + 17,000 professionals trained Our experts help you find the right solution for your European positioning strategy by providing engineering and consultancy. Our team leads project engineering, partnership’s designing, public funding applications, dialogue with authorities, grants reporting, project management, etc. …

Type: Incubators & VCs

13 0 11 12
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States OECS Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States OECS

Intergovernmental organisation comprising 11 members The OECS is an International organisation based in the Caribbean dedicated to economic harmonization and regional integration among our 11 independent and non-independent Member States comprising: Antigua and Barbuda, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and The Grenadines, Montserrat, the British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Martinique and Guadeloupe. Our headquarter is based in Saint-Lucia. > Jobs at the OECS and other organisations : / > The OECS Economic Union in video : > Subscribe to the OECS news bulletin : > Follow Us on Whatsapp: …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

7 2 4 214
Contact-Entreprises Contact-Entreprises

Promote the image of companies and entrepreneurs in Martinique to the public. Promote exchanges between the company and other civil society stakeholders Meetings, seminars, conferences, forums Partnership actions (Rectorate, Fedom, RSMA, Local Missions, Insee/Iedom, etc.) Connect entrepreneurs Major Forums Sporting events Lunch debates Participate in economic thinking Thematic workshops Reflection collections (Blue, orange, gray, yellow books, etc.) Meetings with political leaders Tribunes and interventions in the media Promote employment Job interview simulations Participation in fairs and forums (Paris Pour l’Emploi, Local Mission events, etc.) Receiving and sending CVs Interventions in schools Contribute to civic actions Environmental preservation (Operation Pays Propre, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

27 2 25 11
L'Europe s'engage en France L'Europe s'engage en France

Europe is committed to France, this is the mark of the intervention of European funds in France. What is Europe for? How does the European Union act on the territories? What actions are financed? What are the benefits for citizens? How to obtain funds to finance your project? But also how does it work? It is to answer all these questions that Europe is committed to France. To show Europe's action and inform project leaders. Europe is committed to France promoting the action of ERDF, ESF+, JTF, the EAMFAF and the EARDF in the French regions.

Type: Public

80 20 59 4

Météo-France is a public administration placed under the authority of the Ministry of Sustainable Development, with the main mission to observe and to forecast the evolution of the atmosphere, the snow cover and the surface of the ocean and thus to ensure the security of life and property. Météo-France has many centres in France (mainland), in all the overseas departments and in all parts of the world where France is present, including Terre Adélie in French Antarctica. Nearly 80% of Météo-France personnel are either engineers or technicians whose level of education is between that of university graduate and doctorate level.

Type: Public

154 98 55 1,573
Mes Aides Publiques Infogreffe Mes Aides Publiques Infogreffe

Become the Public Aid referent for your customers and be supported in creating your offer! Propose a profitable offer in 15 minutes by connecting your customer base with +9000 public aids

Type: Startup Activities: it services

21 2 8 8
Paroles d'élus Paroles d'élus

The #digital at the service of the territories #Collterr #Transfonum | Since 2005, words of elected officials have promoted digital initiatives of communities, serving territories. So many testimonies of dynamism and audacity that the territories can show to promote digital use and make it a lever for growth. Designed at the initiative of the Assembly of Departments, AMF, AMRF, ANEM, APVF, Regions of France, Cities of France and Orange, the editorial system of elected officials is subject to 'A participatory website: Interactive extension, permanent meetings and exchanges of local elected officials, their collaborators, executives and territorial agents, but also …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

103 13 95 1
Low-tech Lab Low-tech Lab

Open-source experiments and documentation of useful, accessible and sustainable technical solutions. Low-Tech Lab is a program of documentation, research and collaborative diffusion of low-tech. The program is to allow local and effective low-tech solutions to spread widely. This program is intended for all people or structures wishing to contribute to low-tech innovation or benefit from its discoveries. Website: low-technologies, innovation, consulting, international development, collaborative tools, community building, and tutorials

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

34 18 15 20
Institut national du cancer Institut national du cancer

Together, we will defeat cancers. Let's accelerate progress in the face of cancers The National Cancer Institute (INCA) is the State and Scientific Expertise Agency in Cancer of the State, responsible for coordinating actions to combat cancer. Created by the public health law of August 9, 2004, the Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The National Cancer Institute is made up of the form of a public interest group (GIP) which brings together the state within it, the major associations for …

Type: Public

89 38 45 195
Comité français de l'UICN Comité français de l'UICN

For a just world that values ​​and retains nature Created in 1992, the French Committee of the IUCN is the network of organizations and experts of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in France. It brings together within an original partnership 2 ministries, 7 public organizations, 6 local authorities, 61 non -governmental organizations (NGOs) and more than 250 experts. By this mixed composition, the French Committee of the IUCN is a unique platform for dialogue, expertise and action on the challenges of biodiversity. The French Committee of the IUCN aims to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

74 30 46 94
World Surf League World Surf League

World's Best Surfers, World's Best Waves The World Surf League (WSL) is a global sports media & entertainment company and the governing body of and path to professional surfing. The league partners with brands to create and deliver transformational partnerships that deliver next-generation, innovative, purpose-driven engagement platforms that have both regional and global relevance and scale. The league owns and distributes the rights to The Championship Tour, which crowns men’s and women’s elite world champions each year. As a top-tier Olympic qualifier, WSL will send 18 top-ranking men and women to France in 2024, located in Teahupo’o, Tahiti. A division …

Type: Event

23 11 10 429
Paris-Pantheon-Assas University Paris-Pantheon-Assas University

Paris-Panthéon-Assas University cultivates a synergy between research, teaching and professionalisation. It offers a wide range of courses in law, political science, economics, management, information and communication, journalism, management, as well as in digital technology, entrepreneurship and business strategy. In total, it is more than 23,000 French students, 4,000 international students, 26 research centres, 1,500 teachers, 340 education programmes and 3 international campuses, 600 international exchanges. Since January 1, 2022, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University has become an experimental public institution. In addition to law, economics, the /Maison des sciences de gestion/ and the /Institut Français de Presse/, it brings together 4 major private …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

73 23 54 3
INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon INSA Lyon - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon

École publique d’ingénieur et pôle de recherche de référence. The National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Lyon is an international, multidisciplinary Engineering School at the heart of the European Higher Education scene. From its foundation in 1957, INSA Lyon included both international and human & social aspects in the curriculum of its engineers. In fact, equal importance is given to its international relations and openness as to the quality of its education and research. formation, recherche, and ingénieur

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

89 40 47 1,696

Agricultural Research for development CIRAD is a French agricultural research centre working for international development. Most of its research is conducted in partnership. CIRAD has chosen sustainable development as the cornerstone of its operations worldwide. This means taking account of the long-term ecological, economic and social consequences of change in developing communities and countries. CIRAD contributes to development through research and trials, training, dissemination of information, innovation and appraisals. Its expertise spans the life sciences, human sciences and engineering sciences and their application to agriculture and food, natural resource management and society. research, agriculture, agronomy, agroforestry, environment, development, partnership, agroecology, …

Type: Public

90 40 48 2,195
BigUp New Business Makers 🚀 BigUp New Business Makers 🚀

Custom-made innovation: Sourcing Expertise Support #Innovation #FrenchTech #Big4Start ➡️ Custom-made innovation: Sourcing Expertise Support #Innovation #FrenchTech #Big4Start ➡️ Visit to find out more! Custom-made Open Innovation

Type: Event

113 27 100 3
Réseau national Agricultures et Ruralités Réseau national Agricultures et Ruralités

A Network at the crossroads of territories Follow us on: web: Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: The National Agriculture and Rurality Network contributes to reflections, exchanges and debates on rural territories and policies useful for their development. It facilitates dialogue between stakeholders and promotes good local practices. In support of the Regional Rural Networks, it is responsible for pooling activities adapted to the needs of the territories, ensuring the articulation and coordination of local initiatives as well as the dissemination of achievements. Finally, it ensures relations with the European Network alongside the other Member States. The RNAR is …

Type: Public

38 4 32 1
Paris Saint-Germain Paris Saint-Germain

#ICICESTPARIS Founded in 1970, Paris Saint-Germain are the most successful club in France and one of the best clubs on the European stage. Since their acquisition in 2011 by Qatar Sports Investment (QSI), the Club has achieved spectacular results on and off the pitch. The Club has won a national record 11 French league titles and 48 trophies since their inception, including an impressive 30 since 2011. Paris Saint-Germain have attracted many big names over the years, including Ronaldinho, Beckham, Ibrahimovic, Messi, and currently boast some of the best players in the world. The Club has a growing fan base …

Type: Large company

116 88 29 2,434
Palais des Congrès du Futuroscope Palais des Congrès du Futuroscope

Your "all-inclusive" event! Corporate convention, seminar, congress, exhibition, show... At the Palais des Congrès du #Futuroscope, all projects find their ideal place. Surrounded by the Futuroscope Park, with a vast hotel complex, you benefit from an image of innovation, pleasure, and a dynamic of success for your event. Its ideal geographical location contributes to making it one of the French pillars of business tourism. Quick and easy access is provided by the TGV, which connects Futuroscope to all regions of France, and Paris in just 80 minutes. A seminar in a #Futuroscope hotel: a simple and accessible formula. Your dedicated …

Type: Event

24 4 6 11
Livre Paris Livre Paris

Le plus grand événement dédié au livre en France. Porte de Versailles (Paris). Livre Paris réunit les professionnels du livre pour partager l'actualité de leurs métiers.

Type: Media

21 8 13 N/A
Ferrero Ferrero

You have always loved it. Now be part of it. Founded in 1946 by Pietro and Giovanni Ferrero, the Ferrero Group is a family-owned business in its third generation. It has been built by talented people who share a commitment towards continuous improvement to achieve the highest quality and care. This same commitment is put into everything we do for our consumers and characterizes the environment in which we operate. Some of the world’s most iconic confectionery products come from Ferrero, including Nutella®, Tic Tac®, Ferrero Rocher®, and Kinder Surprise®. Sold in more than 170 countries, our products are part …

Type: Media

49 15 24 20,022
News Tank Mobilités News Tank Mobilités

Make informed decisions A subsidiary of the News Tank Network group, News Tank Mobilités is the economic and strategic information media for the mobility policies of local authorities, companies and their partners. News Tank Mobilités mobilizes a team of specialized journalists, experts and contributors. News Tank Mobilités is an economic intelligence tool that gives elected officials and decision-makers who are subscribers the ability to know and understand the mobility sector and its decarbonization as best as possible and thus contribute to the success of their projects. In addition to access to the economic and political information media, being a subscriber …

Type: Media

74 3 69 8
Medef Martinique Medef Martinique

Acting together for responsible growth. Business services

Type: Public

9 2 5 2
The French Digital Agency - Agence du Numérique (French Minister for the Economy and Finance) The French Digital Agency - Agence du Numérique (French Minister for the Economy and Finance)

Géré par les programmes France Très Haut Débit, France Mobile et Société Numérique de l'ANCTerritoires. Part of the Directorate General for Enterprise (DGE), which itselfreports to the Ministry for the Economy and Finance, The French Digital Agency is a “department with national scope”, an administrative category that, due to its specific tasks and unique organisation, differs from traditional, centralised departments. Created in 2015, the Agency’s initiatives are based on three main, complementary lines, including some that are already part of well-established public policies : • The French Very High-Speed Broadband Plan seeks to ensure that the entire country is covered …

Type: Public

55 16 37 24
Les îles de Guadeloupe - CTIG Les îles de Guadeloupe - CTIG

There are so many islands in them The Guadeloupe Islands Tourism Committee (CTIG) is a Public Establishment of an Industrial and Commercial nature. Its major mission is the development and tourist promotion of the destination "Guadeloupe Islands". The main activities are structured around: • Structuring the tourist offer and its development • Promoting and marketing the Guadeloupe Islands destination and its offer through communication and marketing actions in Europe, Canada, the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean • Welcoming visitors to the Guadeloupe gateway at the airport, seaport and tourist information points and head office • Raising awareness among …

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech martech

23 5 16 32
Fondation AMIPI - Bernard VENDRE Fondation AMIPI - Bernard VENDRE

For more than 50 years, the Fondation AMIPI - Bernard Vendre has been enabling people with cognitive disabilities to progress through manual work and find their place in the workplace. 6 UPAI®, Learning factories, in the Pays de Loire and Centre Val de Loire regions, currently employ around 700 cognitively-impaired operators in electrical wiring for the automotive, textile and electronics industries. We're diversifying: would you like to work alongside us and make a commitment to a more inclusive society? Then get in touch! We have decided to spread our expertise by creating the social impact start-up 'AMI PI Conseil et …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

53 8 42 171

Facts matter AFP is a leading global news agency providing fast, comprehensive and verified coverage of the events shaping our world and of the issues affecting our daily lives. Drawing from an unparalleled news gathering network across 150 countries, AFP is also a world leader in digital verification. With 2,600 staff representing 100 different nationalities, AFP covers the world in six languages, with a unique quality of multimedia storytelling spanning video, text, photos and graphics. Journalism, Press, Media, Information, Video, International, News, Sports, Multimedia, Events, Photo, Graphics, Mobile solutions, Videographics, Online news, Live reports, Audio, Archive content, Ready-to-publish video, and …

Type: Media

203 89 98 5,658
Reconnaître - Open Recognition Alliance Reconnaître - Open Recognition Alliance

Building an open and learning society based on recognition of talents, skills and aspirations of individuals, communitie Building an open and learning society based on recognition of talents, skills and aspirations of individuals, communities and territories. Encourage, promote, support and federate open initiatives and innovations that contribute to it, to bring the values ​​behind Open Badges and the Bologna Declaration for Open Recognition. Encourager et promouvoir les initiatives de reconnaissance ouverte and Partager une expertise sur les Open Badges

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

29 1 17 4
RMC Info Talk Sport RMC Info Talk Sport

RMC: INFO, TALK, SPORT RMC Info Talk Sport is the opinion radio of the NextRadioTV group. Connected to the French, it appears today as the best predisposed to follow and anticipate all the movements of our time. Infos, Talk / Opinions, and Sport

Type: Media

144 100 44 256
Protourisme Protourisme

Expertise and consulting in tourism, culture, sports and leisure Protourisme has been working for over 30 years in the fields of tourism, culture, leisure, hospitality and catering. Protourisme's 12 permanent consultants carry out missions: - feasibility studies (hotels, catering, group accommodation, sports facilities, etc.), - consulting in tourism strategy (tourism development plan, action plans, etc.) or marketing, - assistance in quality procedures (tourist offices, classified resorts, audits, etc.) - observation and consumer monitoring (customer surveys, economic impact of a territory, an event, etc.)... Created in 1980, the firm has chosen to be close to the territories through 6 regional agencies: …

Type: SMB Activities: martech traveltech

30 2 27 24
Présidence de la République Présidence de la République

The President of the French Republic embodies the authority of the State. He is the Head of State in France, the head of the armed forces and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Since May 14, 2017, the President of the French Republic is Emmanuel Macron. The President has been elected by direct universal suffrage since 1965 for a 5-year term. His role is to ensure the normal functioning of public authorities and the continuity of the State. He is also the guarantor of national independence, territorial integrity and respect for treaties.

Type: Public

389 288 41 1,571
Untec Services Untec Services

Untec Services, a player in the development of the construction industry: Training, Moocs, Events, Partnerships, Software Created in 2017, Untec Services provides concrete solutions to construction economists as well as to the entire industry in terms of training, events, software and partnerships. Untec Services participates in the development of the construction industry and is aimed at all families of specifiers, project managers and project owners. Events, Partnerships, Software, Training, Moocs, Construction, and Building

Type: SMB Activities: it services constructiontech Technologies: SaaS

25 1 17 7
Breizh Cyber Breizh Cyber

The cyber incident response center for Breton companies, associations and communities. Breizh Cyber ​​is the cyber incident response center (CSIRT) for Breton companies, associations and communities. An initiative of the Brittany Region, with the support of the State and ANSSI, the national agency for information systems security. Its mission is twofold: to raise awareness among professionals about cybersecurity issues and to provide them with a rapid and appropriate response in the event of a computer incident or cyberattack. The aim is to anticipate cyber threats (monitoring and surveillance services, vulnerability scans, etc.), to provide information on cyber risks and to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

21 10 16 4
Université des Antilles Université des Antilles

The University of the Antilles is the only French university in the Caribbean. It is a public multidisciplinary higher education establishment located in Guadeloupe and Martinique. Arts, Letters, Languages, Law, Economy, Management, Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities, Sciences, Technologies, Health, and Human and Social Sciences

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

13 4 5 86
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

IRENA supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity. Energy, Renewables, Renewable …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech Technologies: Solar Technologies

86 43 20 398
Clipper Ventures // Clipper Round the World Yacht Race Clipper Ventures // Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

700 Race Crew, 48 nationalities, 11 racing yachts, 8 legs, 15 Host Ports, 6 continents, ONE GLOBAL CIRCUMNAVIGATION. The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is a powerful blend of fiercely intense competition and human endeavour. The world's greatest ocean adventure, the race enables individuals with no previous sailing experience to pit their wits, skills and courage against the world's toughest oceans. Established by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston in 1996, this biennial event takes a similar circuit for each race, providing partners the opportunity to shape the route by bidding for preferred host ports. For more than twenty years the Clipper …

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment Technologies: SaaS

4 0 4 103
Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland

At DFA Ireland, we work to ensure the promotion & protection of 🇮🇪's interests, & provide services to 🇮🇪 citizens. Ireland plays an active role in the world and we make valuable contributions to international affairs through our involvement in multilateral organisations, such as the EU and the UN. The Department of Foreign Affairs' mission is to promote and protect the values, interests and economic well-being of Ireland and its people, at home and abroad. The Department works to: • Represent and advance Ireland’s policies and interests with other states and in international organisations, including the EU and the UN …

Type: Media

48 7 34 329
Carnival Cruise Line Carnival Cruise Line

Since our founding in 1972, Carnival Cruise Line — "The World’s Most Popular Cruise Line®” — carries millions of passengers every year. We offer a fun and unique career destination for a wide range of professionals in Marketing, IT, Accounting/Audit, Finance, Marine Operations and Human Resources, just to mention a few. We also offer remote opportunities flexibility for select positions. Headquartered in sunny South Florida, team members have access to a multi-station cafeteria, Starbucks (with cafecitos! - It's a Miami thing...), car wash, on-site gas delivery service, Carnival Care Center for preventative and sick care, dry-cleaning pick-up, on-site Day Care …

Type: Large company

30 9 4 24,019
The Turf The Turf

We cover everything Informed, unique viewpoints on all your favorite sports, teams, players, and more. Plus get the information you need to win your Fantasy Leagues or Daily Fantasy (DFS) lineups. Our team of writers cover the widest range of topics, with sharp, insightful analysis. Sports, Journalism, and Fantasy Sports

Type: Startup Activities: it services

78 27 55 5