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Enovacom Enovacom

Saving time for care Enovacom was founded in 2002 and has been dedicated to development software for healthcare, enabling the exchange and sharing of patient data. Enovacom invests more than 20% of its annual revenues in R&D to bring its customers the most advanced healthcare software solutions. Our solutions enable healthcare organizations to: >> Make secure the access and exchange of data >> Share, transform and integrate data between all types of information systems >> Manage and execute business processes >> Construct and design data repositories for integration and interoperability

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech it services Technologies: SaaS

52 10 30 468

[Automatic translation follows] Regional air quality monitoring observatory in Guadeloupe Created in 2000, Gwad'Air is the regional air quality observatory in Guadeloupe. Approved by the Ministry of the Environment, the observatory is part of the National Federation ATMO France, which brings together all air quality monitoring associations. Gwad'air's missions are to: - Measure air quality and predict its evolution; - Inform and raise awareness among the population on an ongoing basis, particularly in the event of a pollution alert; - Study to improve knowledge, particularly through participation in research programs; - Support communities in implementing plans to protect the environment. …

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech

7 2 6 7
Ed'Innov Santé Ed'Innov Santé

Custom-made accompaniment Ed' Innov Saté is a custom training organization, a public health project consulting firm and a creative agency. Ed' Innov Santé supports teams in the optimization of their Care Paths but also in the creation or optimization of Therapeutic Patient Education programs. As a leader in these themes, Ed' Innov santé has, to date, supported more than 250 health establishments with an innovative and highly differentiating approach in Metropolitan France, French overseas departments and territories and French Polynesia (projects in Africa to come). Ed' Innov Santé is an independent organization, regardless of the source of funding, with an …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech Technologies: Synthetic Biology

6 0 6 3
Observatoire Régional de la Santé de Guadeloupe (ORSaG) Observatoire Régional de la Santé de Guadeloupe (ORSaG)

[Automatic translation follows] Observe, analyze, evaluate to support public health decisions in Guadeloupe The Regional Health Observatory of Guadeloupe (ORSaG) is a non-profit association under the 1901 law chaired by a board of directors, composed of professionals from the health sector and personalities with a certain interest in health observation. The main objective of the ORSaG is to contribute to a better understanding of the state of health of the populations of Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy. Thus, it is an essential decision-making tool for the various stakeholders Studies and Data Analysis

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

5 1 5 8
CHU de la Guadeloupe CHU de la Guadeloupe

[Automatic translation follows] A benchmark establishment in the organization of the Guadeloupean health system, the Pointe-à-Pitre University Hospital carries out the missions entrusted to it by the State, in particular care, prevention, teaching and research. The University Hospital has a capacity of 700 beds and 169 places installed for a staff of 3,314 agents, that of the medical staff is 355 doctors and 126 interns. The current establishment, equipped with 12 operating rooms, has cutting-edge equipment with, among other things, a surgical robot, a digital MRI, a digital radiology room "flat panel sensor", a latest-generation hyperbaric chamber, 2 Gamma cameras, …

Type: Public Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

2 1 0 762
CGSS 971_Direction de l'Accompagnement et de la Prévention CGSS 971_Direction de l'Accompagnement et de la Prévention

[Automatic translation follows] Together, we can act! The management has been bringing together the fields of Occupational Health, Public Health and Social Health since its creation in 2013. Supporting the individual as a whole Preventing the regression of the individual and preserving the autonomy of the elderly. We thus ensure regulation by avoiding social imbalance in an equally economic interest. Ensuring the consistency of support for companies and individuals thanks to diverse skills within the Management by deploying prevention programs. Establishing a virtuous circle for "Insured - Employment - Company" - Insured: in their work environment / in their care …

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

3 0 1 5
Le Cnam ISTNA nutrition santé Le Cnam ISTNA nutrition santé

[Automatic translation follows] Nutrition-health expertise for professionals The Cnam-ISTNA (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts – Scientific and Technical Institute of Nutrition and Food) combines scientific expertise and educational innovation to raise awareness of nutrition and health issues among all audiences. The Cnam-ISTNA raises awareness through 4 complementary and diversified areas of intervention: • Health and nutrition training • Intervention research • Deployment of public health programs and the creation of professional practice benchmarks and health education tools in a digital or standard format • Animation of stakeholder networks

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech edtech

7 1 7 11
Phyto-Victimes Phyto-Victimes

"Les victimes des pesticides existent, nous en sommes la preuve" Founded in 2011, Phyto-Victimes brings together professionals or their relatives whose health has been affected by the use of pesticides in the context of their jobs, as well as all those who feel concerned by this issue. Aide aux victimes des pesticides, pesticides, victimes, aide juridique, and aide médicale

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

15 0 13 5

[Automatic translation follows] Daily and weekly news in the Antilles and Guyana. France Antilles is the daily newspaper of reference in Martinique and the Guadeloupe Islands. France Guyane is the weekly (published on Fridays) of general information in Guyana.

Type: Media

5 0 5 165
Laé Santé Laé Santé

[Automatic translation follows] Simplify the post-hospitalization care pathway for patient well-being and optimization of health expenses LAE is a digital innovation in the field of health, aimed at structuring a logistics solution for the care of patients returning home. • Secure patients in their return home process • Assist prescribers in the structure, thus allowing them to save time in the process of requesting patient care • Streamline city-hospital exchanges by being a link between the different care providers in the city. • Optimize the management and control of the return home • Promote patient recovery thanks to a familiar …

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech

20 2 13 5
Terres de Champions Terres de Champions

[Automatic translation follows] Promoting sport by example. .Born from the desire to list the countless Guadeloupean champions, known or unknown, and to promote the initiatives that contribute to their success, the Terres de Champions association's primary vocation is to promote sport by example. Using digital tools, we list the athletes who have made us proud and made the islands of Guadeloupe shine beyond our borders. We also promote the sports clubs and coaches who contribute to the supervision and success of these talents. Because sport is also a vector for professional integration, we inform and promote the professions and training …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

1 1 0 N/A
Région académique Guadeloupe Région académique Guadeloupe

[Automatic translation follows] "Succeeding in an island, archipelagic and multilingual territory" The academic region is the administrative district of National Education in Guadeloupe. Its organization allows to maintain a coherent framework adapted to the management of the first public service of the State, to ensure local management of establishments and the implementation of educational reforms while responding to the territorial context and the expectations of users and local partners. The Guadeloupe academic region brings together school structures, academic and regional services (University, CANOPE, INSPE, CROUS, DRONISEP, etc.). It has 89,103 students and 9,326 staff working in these different structures. Education …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

9 4 6 9
Digital Medical Hub Digital Medical Hub

[Automatic translation follows] Open innovation to support the development and evaluation of E-health solutions The Digital Medical Hub team developed and structured its approach after a year of piloting within the Clinical Research and Innovation Department (DRCI) of the Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP). The birth of the Digital Medical Hub SAS is the result of a collective decision to serve entrepreneurs, caregivers and patients. The structure is now autonomous. Our company is designed and organized to meet the challenges of industrial support and health innovation within healthcare establishments. We currently collaborate with hospitals in France and Europe. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

28 6 12 22
Urssaf Ile-de-France Urssaf Ile-de-France

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of Urssaf Ile-de-France Welcome to the official account of Urssaf Ile-de-France. Our major challenges: supporting employers and entrepreneurs in the context of a simple and personalized service relationship to ensure the collection and redistribution of contributions efficiently and fairly. Its purpose within Social Security: financing the French social model, with 648.3 billion euros collected from 11.26 million contributing accounts. Its social mission: guaranteeing workers the benefit of social protection (health coverage, pensions, family benefits, unemployment) linked to the exercise of employment within a legal framework. Its economic mission: facilitating the procedures of entrepreneurs and guaranteeing …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

40 13 30 980
Move In Med Move In Med

[Automatic translation follows] Care pathway facilitator A pioneer in city-hospital coordination, Move in Med offers integrated solutions including strategic support and digital tools (secure web platform for care coordination) to streamline the care pathways of patients with chronic diseases. With over 10 years of expertise in the field working closely with patients and healthcare stakeholders, Move in Med now supports more than twenty teams, healthcare establishments and institutions in the deployment of efficient and assessable city-hospital coordination systems or intergenerational housing. E-health, Care pathway coordination, and connected housing

Type: Startup Activities: healthtech Technologies: SaaS

20 5 17 20

[Automatic translation follows] All the useful information to fight against violence suffered by children and adolescents The association Against Violence against Minors (CVM) was created in 2008. It is a non-profit association under the 1901 law recognized as being of general interest that brings together professionals involved in child protection. It is aimed at minors, their relatives, professionals working in childhood and adolescence and, more broadly, the general public. It is not intended to receive people, minors or adults, but its objectives are to transmit information concerning the violence that children can suffer and possible interventions, as well as to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech legaltech

14 2 12 7
Croix-Rouge française Croix-Rouge française

[Automatic translation follows] A major player in the social and solidarity economy, the French Red Cross manages a network of nearly 600 establishments and services in the health, medico-social and training sectors. It also heads 12 regional health and social training institutes. A member of the largest humanitarian network in the world, the French Red Cross employs nearly 17,000 employees who, through some 70 professions, put their professionalism to the service of the most vulnerable in medico-educational institutes, daycare centers, retirement homes, functional rehabilitation centers, emergency accommodation centers, international missions, etc. Emergency and First Aid, Social Action, Health and Autonomy, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech healthtech

176 125 48 191
Ecole Professionnelle de la Médiation et de la Négociation - EPMN Ecole Professionnelle de la Médiation et de la Négociation - EPMN

[Automatic translation follows] Teaching the use of rationality in relational dynamics to learn and maintain understanding. The EPMN is the training center for professional mediators. Founded on the Profession of Mediator and the discipline of Professional Mediation created by Jean-Louis Lascoux in 1999, the EPMN issues the Certificate of Aptitude for the Profession of Mediator. It also provides training in relational quality, relational coaching and relational engineering. It is linked to the Professional Chamber of Mediation and Negotiation to which only holders of the CAP'M can join. It participates in the organization of the Mediation Symposium and promotes, with the …

Type: SMB Activities: edtech

16 0 9 30
Énéal Énéal

[Automatic translation follows] Reinvented housing for seniors In 2050, the number of people aged over 85 to be accommodated in quality medical-social establishments will triple in France. To anticipate this major societal challenge, Action Logement has therefore created the medical-social property company Énéal. Concretely, Enéal offers public or private non-profit actors the opportunity to acquire their establishments, the walls of their Ehpad, independent living residences, and to finance ambitious renovation and rehabilitation operations. What are Énéal's objectives? "Reinventing housing for seniors" to guarantee them quality reception, living and care conditions, but also to improve the environment of the professionals who …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech healthtech

32 5 30 92
Unafam Unafam

[Automatic translation follows] Faced with the mental disorders of your loved ones, you are not alone. With Unafam, find #LaForceDAvancer National Union of Families and Friends of People with Mental Illness and/or Disabilities. Schizophrenia, Bipolarity, Severe Depression, OCD... Faced with the mental disorders of your loved ones, you are not alone. With Unafam, find #LaForceDAvancer. #disability #psychiatry #support #training #carers, #destigmatization #MentalHealth #ParlonsEnAutrement

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

57 27 26 1
Communauté d'agglomération Cap excellence Communauté d'agglomération Cap excellence

[Automatic translation follows] Guadeloupe at the heart of the action Our urban community Cap Excellence, created in 2009, brings together the cities of Les Abymes, Baie-Mahault and Pointe-à-Pitre. Prospectives, Europe and Strategies, Resources and Means, Territories and Solidarity, Economy and Tourism, Technical Services, Urban Renewal and Housing, Urban Services and Living Environment, and Sustainable Development and Regional Planning

Type: Public Activities: greentech

9 2 1 65
Fédération Atmo France Fédération Atmo France

[Automatic translation follows] Air quality monitoring for action Atmo France is the federation of the national network of Approved Air Quality Monitoring Associations (AASQA). Atmo France leads the AASQA network by ensuring the coordination, pooling and promotion of their work. It pursues a general interest objective: improving air quality through efficient monitoring for action and the evaluation of policies aimed at improving it. The AASQA have 4 missions: • Monitor and predict the air and atmosphere through measurements, modeling (mapping and scenarios) and inventories (air and energy emissions registers). • Inform and raise awareness among the population and local stakeholders …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

36 5 28 7
Fédération Addiction Fédération Addiction

[Automatic translation follows] 1st network of addiction: brings together nearly 200 associations, 800 establishments and more than 500 individuals. The Addiction Federation is the first network of addiction in France. It brings together 190 associations, 800 establishments and services of health, prevention, care and risk reduction and more than 500 doctors and pharmacists.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

49 10 34 51
Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie

[Automatic translation follows] National Solidarity Fund for the Autonomy (CNSA) of the elderly, disabled people and their caregivers The CNSA is a fund, an agency and a public space for exchanges for the autonomy of the elderly and disabled people. The CNSA manages the Autonomy branch of Social Security. The Autonomy branch's mission is to secure the financing of autonomy aids and to harmonize the responses to the needs of the elderly and disabled people.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: silvertech it services

46 22 28 273

[Automatic translation follows] WORKING AND LIVING TOGETHER for an inclusive society. The OVE-CARAÏBES association aims to welcome and support people, children or adults with disabilities, whatever the disability. It works for a 100% inclusive society. Serving all differences, we also act in favor of fragile, vulnerable or excluded people. We intervene in educational, social and health fields in order to change society, views and professional practices. We organize free events (conferences, symposiums, round tables, etc.) all year round for the population and professionals. Follow our news and strengthen your network with OVE-CARAÏBES!

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

2 0 2 27