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LogoName Σ Employees
Institut Henri Poincaré Institut Henri Poincaré

Home of mathematicians and theoretical physicists / Sorbonne Université - CNRS The Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) is an international research centre in mathematics and theoretical physics founded by Émile Borel. It is located in the centre of Paris next to two other institutes founded in the 1920s, the Institut Curie and the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique. Opposite the Borel building, the historic IHP building, is the former physical chemistry laboratory of Jean Perrin. Completely refurbished to host an expanded IHP, the Perrin building accommodates various types of scientific activities and the Maison Poincaré, a museum dedicated to mathematics and its …

Type: Public Activities: deeptech

38 25
Cité internationale de la langue française Cité internationale de la langue française

The International City of the French Language-Castle of Villers-Cotterêts is a monument of the network of the Center of National Monuments under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture. Open to the world and anchored in its territory, the International City of the French Language, installed in the Château Restured de Villers-Cotterêts in Aisne, has the ambition to share and make love this living language, reinvented by all those who practice it around the world. Multidisciplinary space accessible to the greatest number, it articulates various and complementary activities: visit courses, temporary exhibitions, shows, residence workshops for artists, researchers and entrepreneurs, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

21 18
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières Bibliothèques Sans Frontières

Promote access to populations vulnerable to education, culture and information, all over the world. In France and in more than 30 countries, BSF deploys innovative cultural and educational spaces that allow people affected by crises and precariousness to learn, to be entertained, to create bonds and build their future. Libraries, culture, education, information, digital, emergency, NGO, humanitarian, development, crises, media libraries, books, and health

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

48 213
Groupe des Industries Métallurgiques - GIM Groupe des Industries Métallurgiques - GIM

Metallurgical industries group GIM, a group of metallurgical industries, is the employers' union of metallurgy which brings together the vast majority of companies in the metallurgical industries in the Paris region. It is the main organization of the network of territorial union chambers making up the UIMM (Union of metallurgy industries and trades). GIM missions: supporting companies on all social aspects & gt; & gt; Advise and support The GIM advises and supports the managers of industrial companies in Île-de-France in all areas of the social. & gt; & gt; PROMOTE GIM promotes companies and industrial professions to young people, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: manufacturing

48 94
Les entreprises s'engagent Les entreprises s'engagent

The community that federates and supports companies committed to an inclusive company and a sustainable world. "Companies are committed", it is the French community of companies committed for an inclusive society and a sustainable world. To date, it brings together 100,000 companies, 101 departmental clubs and more than 500 people mobilized to bring the movement to life everywhere in France. It animates unpublished coalitions which bring together, in each French department, companies of all sizes, but also the services of the State, decision -makers, associations and committed leaders from all spheres. Our mission? Make France the country where companies are …

Type: Public

140 1
MEDEF Île-de-France MEDEF Île-de-France

📣 "At the service of companies for a capital region" 📌 #MEDEFIDF #Medef #entreprise #PME The first professional network in the region, MEDEF Ile-de-France ensures the representation and defense of the interests of Ile-de-France companies and regional professional unions. As spokesperson for entrepreneurs, Medef Ile-de-France manages more than 3,000 employers' mandates (CCI, TC, Labor Council, Schools, Universities, CESER, CPAM) and ensures the representation of Ile-de-France companies in all economic, social, training and integration institutions. He is the interlocutor of regional authorities, local authorities and social partners. Place of coordination of specific requests linked to the Ile-de-France economy, Medef Ile-de-France coordinates …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: fintech

79 19
WorldSkills France WorldSkills France

Trades competition - 68 trades, 1 French team, 1 objective ➡️ Promote professions through excellence We are a movement at the service of youth and trades 🤩 We organize trade competitions to show the excellence and passion of our youth. We bring together all those who get involved to make the beauty of technical and technological professions shine ✨ We are committed to people with disabilities: because talent is limitless, because it is urgent to fight against all stereotypes, we integrate disabled people with no age at competitions that we organize 💪 🌟 We organize competitions in more than 60 …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

68 207
SETE - Société d'Exploitation de la tour Eiffel SETE - Société d'Exploitation de la tour Eiffel

The operating company of the Eiffel Tower maintains, operates and animates the Eiffel Tower The operating company of the Eiffel Tower is responsible for the management and operation of the Eiffel Tower on behalf of the City of Paris, owner of the monument. The SETE is a SPL (local public company). The SETE and its teams have the immense pride of being, for a short time in its history, the depositaries of the Eiffel Tower, symbol of Paris and France in the world. We provide reception, visit and safety of customers around the world. We carry out the maintenance and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

52 193
Musée du Louvre Musée du Louvre

Open to all since 1793! The Louvre museum is in particular to keep, protect, restore and present to the public the works of the collections registered on its inventories included those of the National Museum Eugène-Delacroix and works deposited in the Tuileries Garden; To ensure in these spaces the host of the widest public, to develop their attendance, to promote knowledge of the collections, to implement education and dissemination actions aimed at ensuring the equal access to culture; to ensure the scientific study of its collections; to contribute to education, training and research in the field of art history, archeology …

Type: Media

89 1,495
Le Carreau du Temple Le Carreau du Temple

Cultural and sporting establishment in the city of Paris. Industrial architecture of the end of the 19th century, an innovative multidisciplinary project in the heart of Paris, the Temple tile is an establishment in the city of Paris combining a sporting and cultural offer, with artistic programming and high events. ▶ 1800 m2 of Halle ▶ 1 250 -seat performance hall ▶ 2 Dojo studios and 330 m2 dance ▶ 1 gymnasium of 415 m2 ▶ 1 recording studio ▶ 1 bar/restaurant ▶ A program: sports, events, artistic and cultural 01 83 81 93 30 - Access: 2 rue …

Type: Event

46 40
Institut de France Institut de France

Perpetuate, support, enlighten 5 academies, 113 foundations, an exceptional heritage. Created in 1795, the Institut de France's mission is to offer the five academies (French, inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, Sciences, Fine Arts, Moral and Political Sciences) a harmonious framework to work in the improvement of letters, sciences and sciences Arts, non -profit. Large patron, he encourages research and supports creation through the award ceremony, scholarships and subsidies (more than 23 million euros distributed each year through its sheltered foundations). Placed under the protection of the President of the Republic, he is also the guardian of an important heritage, starting with the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

62 118

From Tuesday 11 to Friday 14 March 2025 - The industry of tomorrow is invented here - Eurexpo Lyon #GI25 The industry of tomorrow is invented here. From Tuesday 11 to Friday 14 March 2025 in Eurexpo Lyon Robotics, assembly assembly, electronics, 3D additive manufacturing, material treatment, forge & amp; Foundry, materials, measure, control, vision, plastics, rubber, composites, robotics, services & amp; Development, Smart Tech, approximation solutions, sheet metal, metal formatting, machining, and region & amp; Country

Type: Event

156 27
Fédération Française Handisport Fédération Française Handisport

Enter the movement! The French Handisport Federation is a recognized association of public utility, a member of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee and the French National Olympic and Sports Committee. For over 70 years, she has been ensuring the development, animation and promotion of sports activities for people with physical or sensory disabilities. It offers more than 50 leisure or competition sports, including 20 summer and winter paralympic sports. The FFH lists 30,000 licensees and 1,750 affiliated associations. Find out more: Sport, handicap, training, leisure, competition, expertise, network, and performance

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

75 217
DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique DGAFP - Direction générale de l’administration et de la fonction publique

State HRD Official page of the General Directorate of Administration and the Public Service - HRD of the State. Find us on and on Twitter: public service account @dgafp ...................................................................................................................................................................... The Directorate General of Administration and the Public Service's mission is to design and set up an overall policy of the public service in the field of human resources.

Type: Public

53 11,205

The French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) is a French association of public utility which represents the sports movement on French territory and brings together in particular sports federations. He is notably responsible for collaborating in the preparation, the selection of athletes and ensuring their participation in the Olympic Games. His statutes give him, moreover, competence to lead, on behalf of the federations, or in collaboration with them, any action in the general interest of the sports movement. The CNOSF promotes the fundamental principles and the values ​​of Olympism, sport for all, sports activity with the general public and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

102 243
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

MORI vetat Founded in 1663, at the initiative of Colbert, the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres is one of the five academies whose meeting forms the Institut de France. Its fundamental role is to promote the progress and dissemination of knowledge in the following fields: history and study of monuments and documents of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the classical age; Orientalism; Human sciences applied to languages ​​and civilizations.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

1 10
Centre national du livre Centre national du livre

The CNL, 1st support for book and reading in France. Our mission? Have all books read and give the taste of books to everyone. The National Center for Book, the first support for book and reading in France. Our missions? Encourage the creation and dissemination of quality works, through numerous support devices for the players in the book chain (authors, publishers, booksellers, libraries, organizers of literary events). The CNL is also a place of meetings, exchanges and actions between professionals in the sector. Professionals or book enthusiasts, let's share the taste for reading! Books, publishing, bookstores, libraries, translation, literature, cultural …

Type: Public

62 89
Académie des sciences Académie des sciences

Work in the sharing of science as a common good Since its creation by Colbert in 1666, the Academy of Sciences has devoted itself to the development and influence of sciences and their applications. The reflections, debates and discussions it leads to provide society, and in particular to government authorities, a framework for expertise, advice and alert, vis-à-vis the major subjects posed by our time in this area. Its mission is to encourage scientific life, to promote science education, to transmit knowledge, and to promote international collaborations in this context. It is one of the five academies-alongside the French Academy, …

Type: Public

66 146
Prologin Prologin

Promouvoir l’informatique auprès des jeunes. Concours Prologin, stages #GirlsCanCode! et ateliers Prologin. Prologin is a non-profit organization, which organizes a yearly Computer Science contest of the same name. It is run by 60+ volunteers. Since 1992, the Prologin contest brings together computer science enthusiasts. The contest is divided in three parts: an online selection phase open to everyone, semi-finals taking part in a few French cities, and for the best 100 candidates, the final in Paris: 36 hours of non-stop programming and fun! pédagogie, informatique, concours, diversité, algorithmique, égalité femmes-hommes, égalité filles-garçons, mixité, and numérique

Type: Event NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

45 84
Réseau des INSPÉ Réseau des INSPÉ

Network of National Institutes of Teaching and Education The Network of National Institutes of Teaching and Education (Network of Inspelves) brings together the 32 Inspelius and the ENSFEA (National School of Training of Agricultural Education) which prepare for the professions of education, education and training in France. The Network of Inspée represents and federates these establishments via pooling actions, the conduct of structuring projects in support of education research, to irrigate training and promote educational innovations. He worked in close collaboration with France Universities and in interrelation with the Ministry of National Education and Youth and the Ministry of Higher …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

30 78
Femmes@Numérique Femmes@Numérique

Why deprive yourself of 50% of talents? In a context of overall shortage of resources and talents, do without half of the population is not possible or acceptable. Digital diversity is essential for a successful development of the use of technologies and their appropriation by all. Only an exceptional mobilization, registered in duration, will reverse the curves and restore a homogeneous representation of women and men in digital. This mobilization is the very object of@digital women, initiative carried by the AFMD, the CGE, the CIGREF, digital talents, social builder, digital Syntec, supported by a collective of more than thirty associations, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

95 11
RStyle Events RStyle Events

Promotion des sports et cultures urbaines RStyle is a structure promoting urban sports and cultures in all their forms. For over 25 years, RStyle has been committed to offering a new perspective on urban sports and cultures in France and internationally, through the organization of events, exhibitions and social action. events, street art, danse, and cinéma

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment smart city

4 8
Paris 2024 - Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024 Paris 2024 - Comité d'organisation des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de 2024

Sport can change everything In accordance with the host city contract, signed by the International Olympic Committee (CIO), the City of Paris and the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF), Paris 2024 is notably responsible for: Plan, organize, finance and deliver the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games; Promote the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024 in France and internationally; Participate in actions aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024; Contribute to maximizing the positive impact and the heritage of the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Paris 2024.

Type: Event

276 1,804
Phoenix Contact Phoenix Contact

Phoenix Contact is an independent, global market leader with headquarters in Blomberg, Germany. More than 20,000 enthusiastic people around the world develop, produce, and sell our creative solutions in connection technology, electronics, and automation. The "Phoenix terminals"​ and "Phoenix connectors"​ are known worldwide. We see our work as a contribution to designing a smart world. A global network in more than 100 countries guarantees the important proximity to our customers. Our innovative products and solutions are characterized by high quality. Users in many industrial fields – electric-mobility, mechanical engineering, wind energy, solar energy, building automation, cyber security, automotive – trust …

Type: Large company

11 8,741
France Éducation international France Éducation international

In the service of education and French in Europe and in the world. The International Center for Educational Studies is a public establishment under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education which works in close relation with many national and international partners. He is recognized in France and abroad for his skills in terms of expertise, training and evaluation and for his reflection in the field of international cooperation in education. He responds to two missions: enhancing French expertise abroad, participating in the effort of attractiveness of France and in the internationalization of its education system.

Type: Public

35 1,027
Cnesco Cnesco

National Center for the Study of School Systems ➔ Analysis and supports educational policies and practices The National Center for Study of School Systems (CNESCO) analyzes and supports schools, devices and school practices. It aims to improve knowledge of French and foreign school systems in order to create dynamics of change in school.

Type: Public Activities: edtech

31 9
Comité Régional Olympique et Sportif Île-de-France (CROS IDF) Comité Régional Olympique et Sportif Île-de-France (CROS IDF)

"Sport for all, at all ages of life" The Olympic and Sports Regional and Sports Committee is in charge of developing and promoting sports practice in Île-de-France. Sports, training, Evenementiel, Promotion, and Sport Health

Type: SMB Activities: healthtech

38 24
L'École à l'Hôpital L'École à l'Hôpital

Offer teaching to young people in hospital in hospital For 90 years, we have given individual and free lessons to patients aged 5 to 25, convinced that the pursuit of schooling is an integral part of the life, fundamental rights and the healing of a young patient. Our qualified volunteer teachers work with young people at the request of hospital medical teams. Our schooling coordinators, present in hospitals, support each student to define a tailor -made project to deepen one or more subjects, in connection with teachers and medical teams.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech healthtech

7 40
France Télévisions France Télévisions

France Télévisions is the first French audiovisual group: every day, nearly 4 out of 10 French people are looking at the programs in our channels. Audiovisual public service, the group has a role in social and cultural life in this regard which imposes an ambition and a constant requirement in the definition of its supply of programs. Audiovisual, audiovisual public, French creation, television, documentary, fiction, series, information, education, culture, entertainment, digital, sport, innovation, creation, proximity, diversity, and media

Type: Public Activities: transporttech

441 11,931
Radio Campus Paris Radio Campus Paris

Young, student, eclectic and free radio, emitting FM in Paris on 93.9 FM from 5.30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. and continuously on the Internet and the RNT. Major media of students in the Paris Basin.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

4 84
Académie des beaux-arts Académie des beaux-arts

Support heritage, encourage artistic creation Heritage support, encourages artistic creation The Academy of Fine Arts is one of the five academies making up the Institut de France. It encourages artistic creation in all its forms of expression by the organization of competitions, the award of prices which it awards each year, the financing of residences of artists, the granting of subsidies and ensures the defense of the defense of French cultural heritage. Consultative body of public authorities, the Academy also conducts an activity of reflection on artistic issues. In order to carry out these missions, the Academy of Fine Arts …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

12 103
Institut National du Sport, de l'Expertise et de la Performance Institut National du Sport, de l'Expertise et de la Performance

INSEP: Participates in the national policy for the development of physical and sporting activities, particularly in the field of high -level sport ... - by integrating the missions so far devolved to the Olympic and Paralympic (POP) preparation and by meeting the needs and requests from all sports federations; - by ensuring the roles and responsibilities of "Resource Center" and "Network head" of national schools, creps and structures constituting sports excellence (PES). Contributes to the protection of the health of sportsmen (VE) S and the preservation of sporting ethics. Its activities gathered around 6 axes: The training and preparation of …

Type: Public Activities: edtech

82 780
Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris Académie du Climat - Ville de Paris

Let's talk little, let's act climate The Climate Academy, a free place open to all, dedicated to the acceleration of the ecological transition. climate, transition, and ecology

Type: Public Activities: cleantech greentech

64 47

For the right to be different against indifference Capsaaa = "Cap" for "Handicap", "Cap or not Cap" and Paris "La Capitale" + S for Sport + 3A for Adventure, Art and Friendship 1) Origins ... communicate a positive vision of disability Recognized of general interest, CAPSAAA is an association founded in 1995. Originally, Capsaa was created to form a Handi -Basket team and disseminate their values ​​on disability via sport. Today, the Capsaaa club has widened and brings together several sports. Beyond the CAPSAAA sport is also an association in the field which operates in schools, businesses and prisons through …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

21 18
Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques

The Academy of Moral and Political Sciences was founded in 1832 within the Institut de France in order to propose reliable information and a reasoned opinion on the debates and issues that interest the future of society. Its field of competence covers everything related to humans, whether it is considered in its individual or collective dimension. Philosophy, psychology, sociology, law, economics, political science, history and geography are the main disciplines represented within it. Composed of fifty elected members, among whom university and actors in political, economic, judicial, social or cultural life are involved, it offers a space for discussion where …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

21 15
Lycée Professionnel Gustave Ferrié Lycée Professionnel Gustave Ferrié

The Parisian digital high school Located in the socially mixed geographic sector of the 10th arrondissement, near the Saint-Martin canal and rue de la Grange aux Belles, the Gustave Ferrié high school forms in the professional baccalaureate Bac Pro Cyber ​​Security, IT and networks, electronics (Ciel). He educates nearly 340 pupils in 15 classes of 2nd, 1st and terminal and displays success rates for the rather favorable professional baccalaureate exam (2020 - 93%; 2021 - 94%; 2022 - 88.1%). The establishment is engaged in corded devices of success towards Bac+2. Post bac orientation in BTS is positive; In 2021, 38.5% …

Type: Event

3 13
Agence Erasmus+ France / Education & Formation Agence Erasmus+ France / Education & Formation

The Erasmus+ France / Education Training Agency manages, promotes and communicates about the Erasmus+ programme for the sectors of school education, vocational education and training, higher education and adult education. The Agency also manages several European schemes such as Europass, Euroguidance, EPALE and AEFA, and evaluates the impact of the Erasmus+ programme in France with the publication "Notes de l'Observatoire Erasmus+". Based in Bordeaux, the Erasmus+ France / Education Training Agency employs 160 staff members. For further information:

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

51 410

ARIEL BOWEN WEIL is a transportation/trucking/railroad company based out of 2640 ROSLYN, Highland Park, Illinois, United States.

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment healthtech

16 739

Chanel is a private company and world leader in creating, manufacturing and distributing luxury products, including Ready-to-Wear, Accessories, Fragrances, Makeup, Skincare, Jewellery and Watches. Founded by Gabrielle Chanel in 1910, the House remains dedicated to exceptional craftsmanship and offering high-end creations. Chanel employs more than 32,000 people worldwide.​ ​ As part of this, the House promotes arts, culture and creativity, while investing significantly in key areas including research & development, sustainability, and innovation.​ ​ Chanel is dedicated to creating the conditions for people to perform at their best, building on their strengths and enabling them to benefit from new opportunities. …

Type: Large company

120 26,700
WorldSkills International WorldSkills International

Changing the lives of young people through skills. WorldSkills International is a not for profit membership association open to agencies or bodies which have a responsibility for promoting vocational education and training in their respective countries/regions. WorldSkills International operates worldwide and is politically and denominationally neutral.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

40 301