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Our mission: to give you a smile all year round. Live the #happyaltitude! What if we forgot everything to think only of yourself? Than in his pleasure and that of his tribe. To breathe, recharge your batteries, hit, contemplate, slide for miles of tracks and trails. To marvel at Mont-Blanc or by browsing all the diamond space. At the seizures, we thought of everything and especially of you. We all mobilized to welcome you, pamper you, surprise you, transmit you the art of skiing and share our delights, give you a smile and the desire to come back! In preserved …

Type: Event

4 1 3 48
Le Département des Côtes d'Armor Le Département des Côtes d'Armor

#IrreductiblesTalents #cotesdarmor #irresistiblescotesdarmor The departmental council is the community of solidarity: construction and maintenance of colleges, road developments, support for people in difficulty or disabled of all ages, social action, childhood and family, elderly, people with disabilities, infrastructure, culture, citizenship European or even public reading. With 54 elected officials and 3,200 agents, the department invests more than 650 million euros per year in the service of nearly 600,000 Costarmoricans. A community close to its territories, the services are divided between the hotel in the department in Saint-Brieuc and five houses in the department. The president of the department is Christian …

Type: Public

56 29 32 595
La Rochelle Agglo La Rochelle Agglo

A competitive, attractive and innovative territory in terms of economy, employment and ecological transition La Rochelle offers an ideal framework for companies wishing to invest and innovate. With its dynamic ecosystem focused on ecological transitions, the territory offers an environment conducive to the creation of sustainable and innovative businesses. This combination of economic development and environmental responsibility makes La Rochelle a strategic choice for companies wishing to thrive while actively participating in the construction of a more sustainable future.

Type: Public

63 37 31 250
La MEF Mulhouse Sud Alsace La MEF Mulhouse Sud Alsace

Adapt to the use of tomorrow Territorial association, the MEF Mulhouse Sud Alsace brings together the local action of public and private partners in favor of employment, training, territorial management of human resources, integration and economic development. Human resources, professional integration, lifelong training, my job of tomorrow, cross -border, social clauses, professional retraining, creation of business recovery, ESS, QPV, territorial animation, and FSE

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

18 6 13 14
Laforêt France Laforêt France

Join the real estate network of tomorrow ! The Laforêt network is 720 agencies in France, anchored in its territories. But it is above all nearly 4,800 employees who bring the network to life. In 33 years, Laforêt has become a brand of trust and real estate expertise. Since 1991, professionals who bring the brand to life on a daily basis have carried and cultivate a state of mind Laforêt: "the spirit of progress". Whether by our customers or by third -party professionals, Laforêt is regularly distinguished by the quality of its services and its customer service. For 2 years …

Type: Incubators & VCs

22 6 12 2,596
Kinomé Kinomé

Pioneers of human and economic development for 17 years Human and economic development experts, we have supported public and private decision -makers since 2005 - institutions, companies, NGOs - in the creation and implementation of development strategies with a positive impact for humans and nature. Agronomists, forestry, experts and social entrepreneurs, all human engineers, we work in co -creation with a large network of international experts and partners. "Kinomé means the eye of the Tree in Japanese. By inspiring us from the tree, we improve the daily life of men and restore its place to nature "Nicolas Métro - founding …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

21 1 21 29
Juridica Juridica

Jericica is the specialized legal protection subsidiary of AXA in France. Our role: to give access to the law to all 90% of French people are discouraged before they even undertake the slightest approach to settle a dispute*. A direct consequence of an omnipresent right and a French society that judicates itself, the disputes are more and more numerous. In this context, the legal protection insurance responds to a strong need thanks to its legal information services, management of amicable disputes and the management of legal costs. However, only 15% of French people have a contract, making legal protection a …

Type: SMB Activities: legaltech

3 0 2 569
Jobradio Jobradio

Webmagazine 100% podcasts 🎙 Training learning employment recruitment retraining mobility entrepreneurship 👍 Jobradio is the 1st webmagazine of podcasts 100% devoted to employment, professional development and business creation/recovery. Our mission within the editorial staff? Provide you the best tips/tips to find a job, choose the right training to increase your employability, identify experts who will help you in the business creation/recovery phase, analyze practices/trends to select the right country to Going to work internationally. Our podcasts are accessible from the site or the mobile app (downloadable from the App Store or Google Play). Jobradio is a media supported by …

Type: Media

56 2 54 6
IREX (Institut) - Institut pour la recherche appliquée et l'expérimentation en génie civil IREX (Institut) - Institut pour la recherche appliquée et l'expérimentation en génie civil

From research to practice The IREX, an institute for applied research and experimentation in civil engineering, intervenes in applied research programs, including national projects (PN), of which it ensures administrative and financial management. Federating and operational organization, IREX is a meeting place open to all professionals and researchers. Our goal? Bring out new collaborative projects and define the needs in terms of collective research. National projects are grouped into 4 main themes: - Operation & amp; Infrastructure maintenance - Reduction of environmental impacts & amp; sanitary - optimization of design, processes & amp; performance - Materials & amp; Innovative processes …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

45 3 37 11
Le Télégramme Le Télégramme

Regional information daily from the municipalities of Brittany. Live news on Brest, Rennes, Quimper, Lorient and + Regional daily founded in 1944 at the Pointe de la Bretagne, the telegram today occupies 5th place in titles of the regional daily press. The newspaper has gradually transformed into a multimedia information company: paper, web, television, mobile. Elected best French daily newspaper at the media grand prix in 2015, he is one of the 10 French press titles and one of the only two regional press titles which obtained the maximum note of 100 in 100 in the 2021 report in Newsguard …

Type: Media

136 64 81 690
ID, l’Info Durable ID, l’Info Durable

The media to decipher the sustainable today and tomorrow. Since 2017, ID has been the essential media to decipher the sustainable today and tomorrow. With a demanding editorial offer resolutely turned towards concrete solutions, we allow our readers to understand the challenges in terms of sustainability. The birth of ID is above all a project that starts from an observation: our company awaits concrete solutions within everyone's reach, the initiatives are numerous and the economic actors have seized these issues. It was from there that Valère Corréard, journalist and entrepreneur, brought together a team of journalists and media professionals to …

Type: Media NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

23 6 16 12
EcoTrail Paris EcoTrail Paris

Trail is invited to Paris! Trail is invited to Paris! How can ECotrail Paris increase the visibility of your brand? 👉 Ecotrail Paris is not a simple race, CSR is at the heart of the project and that, our partners have understood this to enhance their actions 👉 To associate with Ecotrail Paris is much more than a simple sports partnership 👉 What if you offer your customers and employees a unique experience in the heart of Paris? 👉

Type: SMB Activities: entertainment

14 4 10 6
Gestes Propres Gestes Propres

Stop abandoned waste! We are clean gestures, an environmental association that has been working for more than 50 years for a world without abandoned waste. About 1 million waste is abandoned in France each year. And the consequences are enormous: threat to biodiversity and terrestrial and marine ecosystems, health risks, decrease in the attractiveness of territories and well-living together ... The subject is size! At clean gestures, we act on different levers: • We deploy national campaigns to raise awareness of the impact of abandoned waste on our environment - terrestrial and sailor - which we also make available to …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

22 2 16 8
France Université Numérique France Université Numérique

Form free France Digital University (FUN) is a public establishment that federates a network of universities, schools, research institutes, government agencies, Edtech companies and contributors who are dedicated to the construction of sovereign digital services for education. France University Digital develops free and open learning tools but also tailor-made learning platforms and services, which is the best known is This aims to be a reference platform in France, in the French-speaking world and more broadly internationally. Development of free and open learning tools, dissemination of online training, and ethical approach, respectful of the regulations and the challenges of sovereignty

Type: Public

77 36 39 42
France Nature Environnement Ile-de-France France Nature Environnement Ile-de-France

Wherever the environment needs us! France Nature Environnement Ile-de-France is the Regional Federation of Ile-de-France associations for the protection of nature and the environment. She is the spokesperson of more than 400 associations, unions or departmental and local collectives. Member of the French Federation France Nature Environnement, FNE Ile-de-France is its regional representative. Created in 1974, it has been governed by the 1901 law, approved environment since 1981 and authorized for environmental dialogue at the regional level since 2012. It is independent of any denominational, union, economic or political movement. The 400 associations, 45,000 members and teams of volunteer experts …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

30 6 26 23
Forum International Bois Construction Forum International Bois Construction

NVBcom I Forum International Bois Construction 2025 - Grand Palais - Paris, February 26, 27 and 28, 2025 NVBCOM is the European Communication and Event Press Agency working in the field of wood construction. We organize the International Bois Construction forum each year, the essential event of the wood sector. Evènementiel, corporate communication, and press relations

Type: Event

38 13 23 8
fondation Bordeaux Université fondation Bordeaux Université

Commit for the future by supporting research, innovation, training and dissemination of knowledge! Single operator of patronage for the Bordeaux campus, the Foundation collects donations that finance actions of general interest: in research, in training, for the integration of graduates or the attractiveness of the campus. Foundation of scientific cooperation (by decree of July 24, 2014), it is assimilated of public utility and allows its donors to benefit from incentive tax advantages. // 2 professions ... - fundraising with companies, associations, individuals and institutions. - Project management funded by donations. // ... to do the interface with the ecosystem of …

Type: Incubators & VCs NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

72 16 60 148
Fédération nationale des Caisses d'Epargne Fédération nationale des Caisses d'Epargne

First funder of the social and solidarity economy A true body of representation and expression of the Caisses d'Epargne, the Federation is guaranteeing the interests of the members, the identity and the mutualist values ​​of the Caisses d'Epargne. A place of exchange and expression, it brings an original role to the life and development of the Caisse d'Epargne group.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

74 14 56 58
Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires (FNBP) Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires (FNBP)

The National Federation of Popular Banks is the body for reflection, expression and representation of popular banks and their leaders within the BPCE group and beyond. It is the place where the positions common to the whole network are developed. Guarantee of the identity and values ​​of popular banks, it values ​​their actions in their territories. It is a force for proposals and orientation to inspire the future. cooperation

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

22 5 15 23
Fédération Française de Ski - FFS Fédération Française de Ski - FFS

Take advantage of the pleasures of skiing as much as possible. The French Ski Federation (FFS) is an association law 1901 founded on October 15, 1924, based in Annecy. FFS missions are: Promote and develop the practice of skiing in all its forms, Organize sports competitions at all levels, Deliver national, regional and departmental titles, Control the training of volunteer executives who animate its 1,000 clubs, Select French representatives for international competitions or events, Define the technical rules specific to skiing and snowboarding in compliance with international regulations, Participate in the realization of texts establishing state diplomas (D.E.) and participate …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

22 8 15 324
FFCAM | Fédération française des Clubs Alpins et de Montagne FFCAM | Fédération française des Clubs Alpins et de Montagne

The Alpine Club spirit The FFCAM is the Multisports Federation 🧗🚵⛷️ that makes an autonomous and responsible mountain responsible practice accessible to the greatest number! With its 445 clubs, 10,000 volunteers and 115,000 licensees, the FFCAM participates in the training and safety of mountain enthusiasts, regional planning and the protection of the natural environment. It also manages 120 mountain refuges 🏡, real tools for awareness of the environment and basic camps to discover the diversity of possible practices in the mountains. Mountaineering, climbing, trail, ski touring, ice waterfall, speleology, canyon, mountain biking or paragliding ... Take advantage of the mountain …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

12 3 9 55
Préfecture de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, préfecture de la Côte d’Or Préfecture de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, préfecture de la Côte d’Or

Account of the prefecture of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, prefecture of Côte-d'Or. Find on the page of the prefecture of Côte-d'Or and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region the job offers to be filled within our services, the action of the State on the territory or the Administrative news for businesses.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

65 18 52 118

The department alongside Reunionese The Reunion department is a local authority whose departmental council is made up of 50 elected officials. Leader of social action, the department supports Reunionese people at each stage of life, taking care to meet their expectations and placing them at the very heart of its action: families, children, young people, seniors and more vulnerable people . To advance the meeting, the Department acts in favor of efficient agriculture, the development of innovative sectors, the development of the highs of the island, the preservation of natural areas, and contributes to the structuring of the territory by …

Type: Public

25 11 9 569
Dékuple Dékuple

Speed up your Business Performance Dekuple is a French family-owned Group, created in 1972, a major player in cross-channel data marketing, present in France, Spain, Portugal and China. For more than 50 years, we have supported our large account clients in their Marketing projects. Today we work with 50% of CAC 40 companies and many mid-sized companies. We control all contact channels and their assembly into turnkey creative devices. The Group is led by Bertrand Laurioz, Chairman and CEO, 3rd family leader, who arrived at the head of the group in September 2019. Marketing cross-canal, Génération de leads, Acquisition, Qualification, …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: Data Analytics

29 4 30 203
Epinal Habitat Epinal Habitat

Épinal Habitat is the Public Housing Office of the Epinal Agglomeration Community. Our 85 employees are involved every day to ensure our mission of general interest through all the diversity of our professions: the management of a park of approximately 5,100 dwellings on the agglomeration, assistance to mastering Book and delegated contracting authority for communities and institutional partners, social accession to property, urban renewal ... An important economic and social player in the territory, our company is particularly mobilized on the quality of its residences and the satisfaction of its tenants.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

9 1 9 33
Eaux de Marseille 💧 Eaux de Marseille 💧

Our territory is so precious A player committed to the service of such a precious territory, the Marseille waters group works on a daily basis for more than 2 million people in Provençal territory. Each day, 1,200 employees are mobilized to meet the challenges of the cities of tomorrow: optimizing the water cycle, producing and distributing drinking water and treating wastewater to restore environmentally friendly water to the natural environment. Being an actor in ecological transformation and responding to societal issues are part of its raison d'être. We act on a daily basis: - Management of the water and sanitation …

Type: SMB Activities: water management

49 11 36 361
Safer Grand Est Safer Grand Est

Operator of rural and forest land, SAFER Grand Est brings you its technical, legal and fiscal expertise. Responsible for missions of general interest, the Land Development Society and Rural Establishment Grand Est pursues four missions: boosting agriculture and forest areas by promoting the installation of young people; support the development of the local economy; protect the environment and natural resources; Ensure transparency of rural land markets.

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech agritech

23 3 12 112
Communauté d'agglomération Arlysère Communauté d'agglomération Arlysère

An agglo at your service Arlysère, an agglo at your service! Spatial planning, ecological transition, Territorial Air Energy Climate Plan, Economic Development, Social Balance of Housing, City Policy, Management of Aquatic Envines and Flood Prevention, Reception of Travelers, Collection and Treatments of Waste, Sanitation wastewater, water, social action of community interest, construction, development, maintenance and management of cultural and sports equipment of community interest, and fight against air pollution; fight against noise pollution, support for actions to control energy demand

Type: Public

12 4 7 83

Defend the mountain and economic life Skiors of France (DSF) is the professional room of ski areas operators. Our professional union has gradually developed at the same time as "cable transport" devices were multiplied, and ski trails. Its history is intimately linked to the economic and tourist development of the mountain. Today it federates 412 members divided between 238 active members (operators of ski lifts or ski areas), and around 175 corresponding members (suppliers, manufacturers, training centers, project managers ...). As a national professional union, French ski areas informs and represents ski lift and ski areas. Our role is marked …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

34 10 28 21
Département du Val d'Oise Département du Val d'Oise

Join the Val d'Oise spirit! Resolutely turned to the future, the Val d'Oise has made innovation and the promotion of the skills of its employees a marker of the department. Building on the creation of a management school through innovation, a charter on telework, the Val d'Oise department combines dynamism and quality of life at work. On a daily basis, the Departmental Council values ​​its strengths to develop its local economy and promote access to sustainable employment. The Val d'Oise department is nearly 4,000 agents spread across the territory and more than 180 different trades in the service of 1.2 …

Type: Public

89 50 34 809
Département du Gard Département du Gard

Welcome to the Official Page of Gard Department The Gard is a Department in Southern France in the Occitanie Région. Social assistance, child protection, integration of people in difficulty, RSA, help for people with disabilities and elders, health prevention, roads, education, colleges, sports, culture, departmental archives, departmental loan library, economic development, tourism, Association assistance, and help in municipalities

Type: Public

49 21 21 1,070
Département des Yvelines Département des Yvelines

Welcome to the official page of the Yvelines department. The Departmental Council, a local institution at the service of nearly 1.4 million inhabitants spread in 262 municipalities, supports all Yvelinois at different times in their lives. Social support, regional planning, mobility or even education through colleges constitute its major structuring projects. The department works to improve the daily life of the Yvelinois thanks to its deliberative assembly made up of 42 advisers and its 3,800 agents spread throughout the territory. With a budget of € 302 million in investments for 2016, the department is a major player in the revitalization …

Type: Public

103 53 38 1,791
Département des Bouches-du-Rhône Département des Bouches-du-Rhône

Collectivity of Solidarity, committed to all Provencals, from birth to good age of life. Welcome to the page of the Bouches-du-Rhône department 👋 A little story ... The department is an institution whose creation dates back to the revolution. The limits of the territory were defined as having to be a horse's day of the capital. Most of its skills results from the laws of decentralization of 1982 and 1983, recently supplemented by the Notre law of August 7, 2015 relating to the new territorial organization. The Department is an essential proximity level for the inhabitants, thanks to its actions …

Type: Public

114 64 37 1,040
Département des alpes maritimes Département des alpes maritimes

The distribution of skills between local authorities is defined by decentralization laws successive since 1982. The large areas of the departmental executive: - Social action: child protection, integration of people in difficulty, RSA, assistance to people disabled and elderly, health prevention; - Infrastructure: management of departmental roads; - Transport: Transport of travelers on interurban networks, school transport; - Education: material management of colleges; - Culture: departmental archives, departmental loan library, museums; - Local development: aid to associations, in municipalities, tourism, agriculture. The law of August 13, 2004 relating to local freedoms and responsibilities (Act II of decentralization) committed A new …

Type: Public

67 41 27 1,100

Welcome to the official page of the Department of Indre. The Departmental Council of Indre, a local institution in the service of nearly 230,000 inhabitants spread in 243 municipalities, supports all the Indians at different times in their lives. Present in the fields of education, culture, sport, digital development and of course the development of its territory, the department of Indre remains an unmissable player responsible for all solidarity. The Department works to improve the daily life of Indians thanks to its deliberative assembly made up of 26 departmental advisers and its 1115 agents spread throughout the territory. With a …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

21 10 12 144

In the service of its citizens. An administration close to its inhabitants The department intervenes daily on many concrete aspects to improve the daily life of its inhabitants. Social action constitutes the essentials of departmental skills; The community devotes almost half of its annual budget to it. In particular, it deals with the elderly or disabled, childhood, the integration of people in difficulty, energy precariousness. Other areas are in the priorities of the department, such as departmental roads, assistance to municipalities, education, culture, heritage, economic and social development, the environment and tourism. Work in the department The Seine-Maritime Department is …

Type: Public

44 32 6 1,226
Département de la Sarthe Département de la Sarthe

Join the Departmental Council, get started in Sarthe! & gt; Role of the departmental assembly Define the main orientations of the departmental policy, settle by its deliberations the affairs of the department and vote the budget. & gt; Its renewal The general councilors are elected for 6 years by universal suffrage and are renewed by half every three years. They elect their president with each partial renewal, every three years. It is he who holds the executive power, assisted by vice-presidents. & gt; Its operation At the initiative of the President of the General Council, it meets at least 4 …

Type: Public

36 20 10 527
Département de la Drôme Département de la Drôme

Welcome to the official page of the Drôme department. Official page of the Drôme Department

Type: Public

47 25 21 465

Type: Public Activities: it services

11 10 0 3,281
Conservatoire d'espaces naturels Centre-Val de Loire Conservatoire d'espaces naturels Centre-Val de Loire

Nature, a chance for territories! The Conservatoire des spaces Natural Center-Val de Loire has given itself the mission of the safeguarding of the most remarkable natural environments for their fauna, their flora, their landscape or geological quality. Its intervention priorities relate to the preservation of the most beautiful and most threatened Ligen sites, the safeguarding of the most remarkable wetlands (mares, ponds, peat bogs, meadows ...) as well as the protection and management of natural environments Varies housing rare species (dry lawns, canepestière bustard sites ...). His work areas are: - Knowledge of species and environments (know), - preservation by …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

19 4 12 32
Conseil National des Villes et Villages Fleuris (CNVVF) Conseil National des Villes et Villages Fleuris (CNVVF)

Fleuris cities and villages, the national quality of life label The National Council of Fleuris Cities and Villages is an association law 1901 which ensures organization and respect for the quality charter of "flower towns and villages", the National Label of Quality of Life. It ensures its development and promotion at the national level, in connection with regions and departments, and supports the municipalities in the enhancement of their landscape identity. The label rewards communities engagement in favor of improving the living environment. It takes into account the place granted to plants in the development of public spaces, environmental protection, …

Type: Public

32 6 30 9
Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne Conseil Départemental du Val de Marne

Planning · Associations · Culture · Participatory democracy · Sustainable development · Economy · Education · Equality men/Women · Employment - Training Social action, autonomy, handicap, elderly, integration/employment, early childhood, child protection, colleges, roads, transport, water/sanitation, green and natural spaces, sustainable development, ecological transition, citizenship, culture, archives, and associative life

Type: Public

75 29 42 2,621
Comité français de l'UICN Comité français de l'UICN

For a just world that values ​​and retains nature Created in 1992, the French Committee of the IUCN is the network of organizations and experts of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in France. It brings together within an original partnership 2 ministries, 7 public organizations, 6 local authorities, 61 non -governmental organizations (NGOs) and more than 250 experts. By this mixed composition, the French Committee of the IUCN is a unique platform for dialogue, expertise and action on the challenges of biodiversity. The French Committee of the IUCN aims to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

74 30 46 94
Comité 21 Comité 21

1st multi-actor network of sustainable development Committee 21 is the first network of actors involved in the operational implementation of sustainable development in France. Its mission is to create the conditions of exchange and partnership between its members from all sectors so that they appropriate and implement, together, the objectives of sustainable development (SDG) on the scale of a territory. Composed of four colleges, it brings together the stakeholders concerned in France: companies, communities, associations, institutions, higher education and media establishments. This network of nearly 500 members bases its action on the multi-actor partnership and on concrete action. UNEP and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

126 31 89 35
CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale CLUBHOUSE France • santé mentale

CLUBHOUSE : un lieu qui accompagne des personnes concernées par un trouble psy vers une réinsertion sociale et pro Peu de solutions existent pour passer de l’état de stabilisation d’un trouble psychique à un retour à une vie sociale et professionnelle stable, durable et épanouissante. Inspiré d’un modèle nord-américain crée en 1948, les CLUBHOUSE sont des lieux qui accompagnent des personnes concernées par un trouble psychique (bipolarité, schizophrénie, dépression, etc.) vers une réinsertion sociale et professionnelle. La méthode CLUBHOUSE, unique, innovante et efficace, s’articule autour d’une approche collective basée sur le « faire ensemble » et la pair-aidance, mais aussi …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: healthtech

45 15 25 77
Royan Atlantique Royan Atlantique

You thought you know Welcome to the LinkedIn page of the Royan Atlantique Community Tourist Office

Type: SMB Activities: traveltech

6 1 4 59
Vanoise national park Vanoise national park

1er parc national français Vanoise National Park is a French national park between the Tarentaise and Maurienne valleys in the French Alps, containing the Vanoise massif. It was created in 1963, and is the first French national park.

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

15 5 10 43
Château de Versailles Château de Versailles

Le château, le musée et le domaine national de Versailles constituent depuis 1995 un établissement public à caractère administratif, placé sous la tutelle du ministère de la culture et de la communication et du ministère en charge du budget. Inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, il a pour mission de conserver et de présenter au plus nombre le patrimoine culturel et artistique constitué des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, des jardins et du parc qui les entourent, ainsi que du domaine de Marly. L'établissement public est relayé dans ses missions par : - Château de Versailles Spectacles, société filiale …

Type: Public

70 44 21 657
Chambres d'agriculture Chambres d'agriculture

For 100 years, the Chambers of Agriculture have contributed in the future of French agriculture. The network of chambers of agriculture, public professional establishments administered by elected officials, operates with farmers and communities. The chambers of agriculture are distinguished by the diversity of their trades: advice, training, R & AMP; D support. More than 8,000 employees are distributed throughout the national territory. They represent all the actors in the agricultural, rural and forestry world from the public authorities. Chambers of Agriculture France is the national body of the Network of Chambers of Agriculture. For 100 years, the Chambers of Agriculture …

Type: Public

94 45 38 895
DRAAF Nouvelle-Aquitaine DRAAF Nouvelle-Aquitaine

The Regional Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (DRAAF) of Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a decentralized service of the ministry in charge of agriculture.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech

12 5 0 61
Centre Régional Auvergne - Rhône - Alpes de l'Information Géographique (CRAIG) Centre Régional Auvergne - Rhône - Alpes de l'Information Géographique (CRAIG)

With Craig, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes territories have all the cards in hand! Fruit of collective work (region, departments, agglomeration, IGN), CRAIG is a resource center in the field of geographic information for regional public actors. As such: - In connection with the IGN, it coordinates the production, acquisition and dissemination of reference geographic data. Support for the efficient implementation of public policies at the region's level, in accordance with article L. 4211-1 of law n ° 2015-991 of August 7, 2015 relating to the new territorial organization of the Republic, he assures The provision of services for all public players in …

Type: Public

20 0 19 7
Centre Pompidou-Metz Centre Pompidou-Metz

The avant-garde museum. 🤍 - temporary exhibitions of modern and contemporary art - a varied cultural program - local, national and international collaborations - a place for artistic discoveries and creations - an offer adapted and accessible to all our audiences Being the first decentralization of a cultural institution in France, the Centre Pompidou-Metz is neither a branch nor an annex of the Centre Pompidou Paris, but a sister institution, independent in its scientific and cultural choices. Art moderne, Art contemporain, Expositions, Spectacles, Activités jeune public, and Culture

Type: Public

24 12 16 83
CASGBS - Communauté d'agglomération Saint Germain Boucles de Seine CASGBS - Communauté d'agglomération Saint Germain Boucles de Seine

The successful bet of the quality of life Make the bet of success and quality of life: join a very potential territory! You have skills: to join the CASGBS is to seize the opportunity to share them to carry out major projects at the service of the community. The Saint -Germain community of agglomeration Boucles de Seine (CASGBS) is a public establishment for inter -municipal cooperation created in 2016 composed of 19 municipalities*, for a population of 337,615 inhabitants. Located 15 km west of Paris, served by 18 stations and a dense road network, its territory is renowned for its …

Type: Public

19 6 13 67
Département de l'Ain Département de l'Ain

Ain, recruiter of talents! #iquetlain The Ain department is at the service of more than 650,000 inhabitants and supports the Aindinois throughout their lives. Solidarity, social action, mobility, regional planning, road infrastructure, youth, colleges, culture, sport, constitute its different missions. With a budget of 650 million euros, the department brings ambitious projects for the Aindinois. The deliberative assembly of the Ain department is made up of 46 departmental advisers spread over 23 cantons and 2,300 agents. Gastronomy, sport, well -being, culture and heritage, Ain offers a rich and dynamic quality of life. Its different reliefs offer the possibility of practicing …

Type: Public

50 23 28 474
Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France

Build for life A subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France develops a global competence for its customers through the specialties of all of its structures: private renovation, private construction, residential housing, public works, social housing and Brézillon. Linkcity Ile-de-France for real estate development, Elan in project management and COGEMEX in the maintenance of housing all trades complete its offer. This organization in specialties allows Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France to capitalize on its expertise to provide an optimized solution that meets the needs of each of its customers. If Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France is a reference company, our ambition is to become …

Type: Media

76 32 67 1,966
Bleu Tomate Bleu Tomate

Natural fertilizer of good ideas Tomato blue highlights the actors of the transition which favor biodiversity, proximity, naturality, renewable energies ... and beyond, all those who work for peaceful relationships between earth and its inhabitants. A global and virtuous movement Producing, feeding, acting ... preserving biodiversity, and more broadly while respecting the living, has become obvious for many of us. This approach is rooted in local practices but takes on meaning in a global and virtuous movement. It’s the seed of hope. An information relay Throughout the territory, men and women leave the beaten track to produce, innovate and act …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

52 4 43 17
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE)

Our mission: to accelerate the energy transition of the territories Regional Agency for Energy and the Environment in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, AURA-EE is a resource center serving territories in transition. Its areas of intervention are climate change, renewable energies, energy efficiency strategies in buildings, sustainable mobility, waste and the circular economy, sustainable public procurement, new economic models and societal innovation. The agency carries out three types of actions: - it provides data, analyses and transition scenarios; - it offers technical, financial and regulatory expertise on the various subjects; - it drives, develops and supports projects and sectors. As a technical operator of …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

61 12 52 50
Association Française d'Agroforesterie Association Française d'Agroforesterie

Working for fertile agriculture from soil to landscape Since 2007, the French Agroforestry Association has been working to accelerate the agro-ecological transition in the different territories of France. We work daily to support stakeholders in the agricultural world in the deployment of more fertile agriculture "from soil to landscape". To achieve our mission, we implement a wide range of actions: research and development, training, dissemination of knowledge, territorial animation, structuring of sectors and representation of agroforestry in the public debate. Recognized as ONVAR (National Organization with an Agricultural and Rural Vocation) by the Ministry in charge of Agriculture and with …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: agritech cleantech

42 2 41 31
Association Communication publique Association Communication publique

Meeting of communication managers of public institutions Communication publique is a meeting and dialogue space for communication managers of institutions, communities and public companies. Recognized for its expertise, the association explores the strategic and operational issues of communication. It works with decision-makers to make communication a condition for the success of public policies. Publisher of the magazine "PAROLE PUBLIQUE", it regularly offers meetings and events where the main players in public communication meet. For more information: Communication des institutions publiques and association

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: martech

67 4 67 9

Since 2007, aqui! has been a major player in information in Nouvelle-Aquitaine Aqui!Presse SAS is a press, training and consulting company in information and communication. Publisher of the regional information site, it is also a training organization. In a rapidly changing world, "informing well" and "communicating well" are major concerns. Every communicator is now faced with the evolution of their profession and the imperative to professionalize their practices throughout their life. As recognized professionals in our information and communication professions, we mobilize all our know-how to offer you a rich and concrete training offer. We want to share our …

Type: Media

88 11 76 10
Reyssouze et Affluents Reyssouze et Affluents

Reyssouze et Affluents works to preserve the Reyssouze River and its tributaries The Reyssouze et Affluents River Union (formerly SBVR) works for the Management of Water, Aquatic Environments and Flood Prevention (GEMAPI) on its territory located in the heart of Bresse, in the Ain department. Management of water and aquatic environments, Flood prevention, Preservation of biodiversity, Preservation of water resources, and Citizen participation

Type: SMB Activities: cleantech greentech water management

7 1 7 7
Pôle-relais lagunes méditerranéennes Pôle-relais lagunes méditerranéennes

National initiative to promote better recognition of Mediterranean lagoons National initiative to promote better recognition of Mediterranean lagoons (in Occitanie, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Corsica) and encourage better management practices. The Mediterranean lagoons relay center is run by the Tour du Valat, in close collaboration with the Conservatoire d’espaces naturels Occitanie (CEN Occitanie) and the Office de l’Environnement de la Corse (OEC). Mediterranean lagoons and wetlands

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: traveltech

15 1 6 N/A
Groupe National de Surveillance des Arbres Groupe National de Surveillance des Arbres

Preserve, Inform, Raise awareness, Alert, Act for the preservation of our city trees and forests Preserve, Inform, Raise awareness, Alert, Act for the preservation of our city trees and forests

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: smart city

9 1 9 9
Pro Silva France Pro Silva France

Promoting Mixed Forestry with Continuous Cover: management of our forests combining economy and ecology. Pro Silva France is today a recognized player in the forestry world and more particularly in the French forest-wood sector. Forestry advocated for over 30 years by the Pro Silva network in France and Europe based on principles of respect and common sense and favoring on the ground the observation and balance of forest ecosystems is more relevant than ever with the multiple challenges that face us: droughts, storms, fires, dieback, soil degradation, proliferation of diseases and parasites. All favored by the current climate change more …

Type: SMB Activities: greentech Technologies: Decarbonization

4 2 3 7
Société Française pour l'Étude et la Protection des Mammifères (SFEPM) Société Française pour l'Étude et la Protection des Mammifères (SFEPM)

The French Society for the Study and Protection of Mammals (SFEPM) is a national association created in 1977. *Study* Since the creation of the association, the SFEPM has conducted numerous studies on the different species in France (Metropolitan France and DOM-COM) with the support of regional and/or local associations. *Protect* The SFEPM aims to raise awareness of Mammals, so that they can be considered at their true value by everyone. Protecting these species also means preserving all the fauna that shares the same space and the natural and rural environments that shelter them. For example, the Chiroptera group is represented …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

15 2 6 13
Association Ramsar France Association Ramsar France

An association serving wetlands. The Ramsar France association was created by Ramsar site managers to create a link between the reflections and resolutions of the signatory countries of the Ramsar Convention and the designated French sites. Ramsar France aims to: • promote the Ramsar label in France • facilitate the registration of new French sites • improve the management of registered Ramsar sites • promote Ramsar sites to the public • be a force for proposals and reflection among wetland stakeholders in France and internationally • create the conditions for sharing experiences in preserving and promoting wetland heritage, at the …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

15 5 7 3
France Nature Environnement Centre - Val de Loire France Nature Environnement Centre - Val de Loire

The federation of environmental protection associations in the Centre-Val de Loire region! Founded in 1980, France Nature Environnement Centre-Val de Loire (formerly Nature centre) is the regional federation of Nature and Environmental Protection Associations in the Centre-Val de Loire region. Through its various missions, its objectives are the protection, conservation and restoration of biodiversity with a view to sustainable development. With 16 local associations affiliated to it, it is recognized as the contact for communities and administrations in the Centre-Val de Loire region. FNE Centre-Val de Loire has been affiliated with France Nature Environnement, its national federation since 1980, and …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

9 3 6 7
Opie (Office pour les insectes et leur environnement) Opie (Office pour les insectes et leur environnement)

Know and protect insects The Office for Insects and their Environment, an association created in 1969, brings together amateur and professional naturalists and works to promote entomological knowledge, protect environments and raise awareness of the world of insects among all audiences.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: edtech

12 5 5 38
Communauté de Communes des Vallées de Thônes Communauté de Communes des Vallées de Thônes

A team serving a territory of 12 municipalities in the heart of the Aravis Massif The community of communes of the Vallées de Thônes is located in the department of Haute-Savoie and is made up of twelve municipalities: Thônes, Le Grand-Bornand, La Clusaz, Dingy-Saint-Clair, Saint-Jean-de-Sixt, Les Villards-sur-Thônes, Manigod, Serraval, Les Clefs, Alex, La Balme-de-Thuy and Le Bouchet-Mont-Charvin.

Type: Public

9 4 6 21
Conservatoire botanique national des Pyrénées et de Midi-Pyrénées Conservatoire botanique national des Pyrénées et de Midi-Pyrénées

Preserve the flora of the Pyrenees and Midi-Pyrénées Public institution approved by the Ministry of the Environment, for missions defined by the environmental code, on the knowledge and conservation of flora, fungi, vegetation and natural habitats, management and valorization of data, technical and scientific support, information and awareness of the public. It has also developed a mission in ethnology. A joint union composed of the Occitanie Region, the Departments of Hautes-Pyrénées and Pyrénées-Atlantiques, the Basque Country Urban Community, the Haute-Bigorre Community of Communes and the City of Bagnères-de-Bigorre. flora, fungi, vegetation, natural habitats, knowledge, conservation, ethnology, data management, and awareness

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech

10 3 8 29
Syndicat Mixte des Transports en Commun du Territoire de Belfort (SMTC) Syndicat Mixte des Transports en Commun du Territoire de Belfort (SMTC)

The Syndicat Mixte des Transports en Commun (SMTC) is the Transport Organising Authority for the Territoire de Belfort The SMTC is the sustainable mobility organising authority for the Territoire de Belfort: self-service buses, bicycles and cars.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: transporttech

3 1 2 7
Direction de l'immobilier de l'État (DIE) Direction de l'immobilier de l'État (DIE)

Official page of the State Real Estate Directorate (public administration) The State Real Estate Directorate (DIE) is an interministerial department, representing the State as owner, which manages, modernizes and enhances the State's real estate portfolio in an efficient and sustainable manner, allowing State agents to carry out their public service missions. It sets the guidelines and framework for the State's real estate policy, including in particular the ecological transition, real estate sobriety and changes in work organizations. It supports occupants and decision-makers, and co-constructs solutions as close as possible to the field thanks to its network. Follow us also on …

Type: Incubators & VCs

29 9 26 149
MAB France MAB France

UNESCO Scientific Programme on Man and the Biosphere MAB France implements the Man and the Biosphere programme in France. It animates and strengthens the national network of Biosphere Reserves, and links it with the French and international communities interested in this programme: the scientific community, the educational and academic world, biodiversity management and conservation organisations, sustainable development and ecological transition.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

4 1 1 7
DFCI Aquitaine DFCI Aquitaine

DFCI Aquitaine, a major player in forest fire prevention in the Landes de Gascogne massif DFCI is the regional association for the Defense of Forests Against Fire in Aquitaine. > 4 departments, 212 associations, 2,500 volunteers, 1,250,000 ha protected

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

11 1 9 19
FIBOIS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté FIBOIS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Interprofession of the forest-wood sector in Burgundy-Franche-Comté FIBOIS BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTÉ aims to develop the production, mobilization, exploitation, use, transformation and promotion of wood from Burgundy-Franche-Comté. A place for meeting, exchange and consultation, the association brings together and represents all the players in the forest-wood sector, all those who contribute to growing wood, harvesting it, transporting it, transforming it and implementing it: nurserymen, forest owners, silviculturists, forestry operators, cooperatives and forestry experts, producers of wood fuels, industrialists of the primary transformation of wood (sawing, slicing, peeling, etc.), industrialists and craftsmen of the secondary transformation of wood (packaging, furniture, fittings, construction, etc.).

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: constructiontech

5 2 0 13
Collectif Forêt Bois du Pays de Brest🌱🌳🪵 Collectif Forêt Bois du Pays de Brest🌱🌳🪵

Managing our wooded heritage, developing the timber industry, promoting our local woods Launched in 2022 with the support of Europe, the Forêt Bois du Pays de Brest collective works in the sector to develop the management of our wooded heritage and promote our local woods by prioritizing timber, for the ecological transition and the decarbonization of our territory. Following the Ciaran storm that hit the Pays de Brest in November 2023 (10% of the stands affected), the Forêt Bois du Pays de Brest collective supports municipalities and forest owners, to promote trees on the ground and to renew the woodlands. …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: greentech cleantech constructiontech

4 0 2 N/A
Syndicat Mixte Canigó Grand Site Syndicat Mixte Canigó Grand Site

The statutory purpose of the Union is to preserve and enhance all elements of the natural and cultural heritage of the Canigó massif, and more generally, to develop any action contributing to the cultural and tourist development of the territory while respecting the spirit of the place as well as the values ​​and policy of the “Grand Site de France”.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

7 1 5 11
Pays Pyrénées Méditerranée Pays Pyrénées Méditerranée

Project territory bringing together all the forces around a shared social, ecological and economic ambition. An association created in 2001, the Pays is a local development tool, a process using local initiatives as a driver of economic, social and environmental development. It is based on the definition and implementation of a locally shared strategy. It is at the service of all, and helps coordinate and federate initiatives, to give greater coherence and impact to public funding.

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: civictech

8 1 8 14
Mairie des Allues (Méribel) Mairie des Allues (Méribel)

The commune of Les Allues is located in Tarentaise, in the heart of the 3 Valleys, the largest ski area in the world. The commune of Les Allues benefits from a central position in the heart of the 3 Valleys, the largest ski area in the world: 600 km of slopes spread over 1800 hectares. It is bordered to the west by the Belleville valley (Les Menuires and Val Thorens), to the east by the Saint-Bon valley (Courchevel). The Méribel resort extends over 5 kilometers to the east of the valley and ranges from 1450 to 1750 meters above sea …

Type: Public Activities: entertainment

6 1 5 29
Préfecture des Ardennes Préfecture des Ardennes

Official page of the Ardennes prefecture.

Type: Public

15 6 10 48

COOL'EURS DU MONDE is a civic & social organization company based out of camarde street 33310 Lormont, Nouvelleaquitaine, France.

Type: SMB Activities: civictech

2 2 0 16
Mairie de Verrières-le-Buisson Mairie de Verrières-le-Buisson

Verrières-le-Buisson, located in Essonne, has nearly 16,000 inhabitants. About ten kilometers south-southwest of Paris, Verrières-le-Buisson boasts an exceptional living environment. The town of Verrières-le-Buisson is located in the Essonne department and is a member of the Paris-Saclay Urban Community. The town has nearly 16,000 inhabitants. Nestled in the hollow of the hillsides, between the Bièvre flowing to the south in the last meanders of its “green valley” and the national forest (Bois de Verrières) located to the west on a plateau and its slopes, Verrières is a group of squares, parks, streets and green and flowery alleys. The municipality is …

Type: Public Activities: cleantech

4 1 2 132
AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France) AMIF (Association des Maires d'Ile-de-France)

Created in 1990, totally pluralist and meeting the expectations of the municipalities of the Paris region, a structure for consultation and information at the regional level, the Association of Mayors of Ile-de-France (AMIF) ensures a role of representation of local elected officials and participates in regional dynamism. In 2021, 80% of the municipalities of Ile-de-France are members of AMIF. Municipalities can join AMIF by responding to the call for contributions sent before the beginning of each year by AMIF. With its representativeness and its interdepartmental structure, which gives it a role as spokesperson for the Mayors of Ile-de-France in the …

Type: Public

96 44 64 21

Leader in housing for all, Alila supports #housing stakeholders throughout the territory #Housingforall. A recognized national player in housing for all (subsidized and intermediate), ALILA loudly affirms its commitment: to transform social housing into a human and friendly place to live. To succeed in these changes, we are betting on an eco-responsible and innovative real estate offer, focused on "well-being" and quality. Giving the city back to its inhabitants, supporting people towards ownership, building intelligently and more virtuous, so many commitments on which we have built our reputation. Approved and intermediate housing, Social accession, Social housing, Housing, and Housing for …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: proptech

63 11 53 85
Agence du Service Civique Agence du Service Civique

#EnModeServiceCivique The Civic Service Agency ensures both the implementation of the Civic Service, a voluntary and compensated commitment of 6 to 12 months open to all young people aged 16 to 25, and up to 30 years for young people with disabilities, and, since 2016, the French version of the Youth & Sports components of the European Erasmus+ program and the European Solidarity Corps. commitment, solidarity, environment, culture, citizenship, education, health, sport, humanitarian, youth, volunteering, europe, international development, and civic service

Type: Public

110 44 65 828
Afigéo Afigéo

French Geographic Information Think Tank Created in 1986, the French Association for Geographic Information is a neutral and independent association that reflects the diversity and plurality of stakeholders and networks in the French geographic information sector. A think tank bringing together 200 members, a space for discussion and reflection open to the outside world, Afigéo promotes French expertise in the field in France and internationally. In 2024, Afigéo will continue its three main missions: - Lead the French community of stakeholders and networks in geographic information - Promote the geographic information sector in France and internationally - Represent the sector …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

69 7 56 13

A free look at travel. 100 pages of escape and emotions. The magazine that makes you want to travel close to home as well as to the antipodes, for a few days as well as a few weeks. Sensitive reports where journalists, in addition to showing, informing, explaining, also relate their experience as travelers. Real life in short instead of the pretty glossy paper that sometimes bears its name too well. / The magazine that gives pride of place to sustainable tourism to explore with a critical mind this alternative path that interests a growing number of French people. …

Type: Media

6 2 3 6
Préfecture du Calvados Préfecture du Calvados

Official page of the State services in Calvados Find all the news of the State services in Calvados in many areas such as: security, culture, economy, employment, training, relations with local authorities, agriculture and many others! The prefect is the only representative of the State in Calvados, the sub-prefects (Bayeux, Lisieux and Vire) being responsible for assisting him. Delegate of the government, he directly represents the Prime Minister and each of the ministers. He is responsible for national interests, and ensures the management of the State services in Calvados.

Type: Public

41 17 22 96
Fondation Crédit Agricole Pays de France Fondation Crédit Agricole Pays de France

Acting to preserve and enhance the cultural heritage of the territories. The Crédit Agricole – Pays de France Foundation acts to preserve and enhance the cultural heritage of the territories. Since 1979, it has supported more than 1,400 projects alongside the 39 Crédit Agricole Regional Banks. Heritage, Culture, Arts, and Museums

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: arttech

13 1 8 1
366 366

Purpose: "Mobilizing positive energies to support information and pluralism in the territories" 366 is an advertising agency founded in 2014 initially dedicated to the advertising marketing of PQR spaces. It has extended its business to audio (podcasts) and video (VOL) inventories. In March 2021, 366 created 366TV to extend its activity to local televisions. In January 2023, the agency launched, jointly with the publishers of PQR, DIVERTO: a magazine dedicated to entertainment in the territories. The vocation of the 366 agency is to constitute a media center with a strong territorial anchoring in order to offer the advertising market diversified …

Type: Media

41 9 26 161
Association Sui Generis Association Sui Generis

Support knowledge, diffusion and mastery of legal sciences. The Sui Generis Association is a solidarity network between students, legal professionals and teacher-researchers. In this perspective, it was constituted according to this tripartite distribution for each of its representative bodies (Executive Council, Scientific Council, Administrative Pole(s)). The Sui Generis Association aims in particular to: - support knowledge, teaching and mastery of legal sciences; - support and organize the practical application of legal sciences; - support and organize forums for exchange and mutual assistance between students; - support and organize meetings between students and the professional world; - support the professional integration …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: legaltech

4 1 3 2
ClimateSeed ClimateSeed

Software suite and consulting for global net-zero. A software suite and consulting services to simplify the measurement and reduction of GHG emissions, as well as to transparently support carbon removal and avoidance projects. environment, Green Tech, RSE, CSR, carbon, CO2, reduction, compensation carbone, carbon footprint, carbon offset, carbon reduction, net-zero, biodiversity, bilan carbone, bilan GES, GES, CSRD, GHG emissions, SBTi, and CDP

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

30 9 21 48
ANR, the French National Research Agency ANR, the French National Research Agency

ANR provides funding for project-based research in all fields of science - for both basic and applied research - to public research organisations and universities, as well as to private companies (including SMEs). Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews compliant with international standards, ANR provides the scientific community with instruments and programmes promoting creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between academia and industry. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world. Since 2010, ANR has also been the lead manager of the …

Type: Public

159 112 43 566


Type: Media

21 9 10 239
Paris International Agricultural Show Paris International Agricultural Show

The essential event for the agricultural sector #SIAPRO #SIA2020 The essential event for the agricultural sector is coming back this year from the 22nd february to the 1st march 2020. Every year, more than 30.000 professionals visitors are exploring the show to find out what's happening in the sector, meeting with their peers and assisting to the Concours Général Agricole.

Type: Event

142 120 29 48

Office franco-allemand pour la Jeunesse / Deutsch-französisches Jugendwerk The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) is an organisation which serves to foster Franco-German cooperation. The FGYO is a centre of expertise for both countries’ governments. It acts as an adviser and intermediary for local and regional authorities, as well as in civil society in France and Germany. The FGYO addresses all young people from the age of three to thirty: kindergartners, apprentices, young unemployed persons, employees, students or pupils. Furthermore, it takes up current issues which concern young people in both countries, and adapts its offers to the everyday life and needs …

Type: Public

53 15 36 268
FDJ - La Française des Jeux FDJ - La Française des Jeux

FDJ, Europe's second largest lottery, attracts 26 million French players with its secure and innovative gaming offering which also creates value for the community at large. FDJ promotes a socially responsible business model which attracts a huge number of players. To that end, FDJ is continually adapting to changing trends among players to offer new gaming experiences, while fostering a close relationship with French players through a distribution network of more than 31,000 points of sale, as well as its website,, and mobile apps. FDJ inherited its popularity with the French public from the French National Lottery, set up …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: entertainment

122 69 51 2,867
Université Paris Cité Université Paris Cité

Illuminons le monde de demain This university of intensive research embodies the incarnation of a Modern Paris. It contributes to a higher education, research and innovation in France, but also to the European and International dimension of research and formation. Université de Paris based on the strength of its pioneer’s campuses, Paris Descartes, Paris Diderot, and the IPGP, helps develop and convey knowledge serving women, men and society. Sciences are significant in Université de Paris, such as health sciences, human and social sciences; it displays an omni-disciplinary institution. Labelled IdEx since March 2018, Université de Paris gathers 58 000 students, …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: deeptech

58 17 32 211
CATIE (Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l'Information et Électroniques) CATIE (Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l'Information et Électroniques)

Solutions pour la société numérique. Created in 2014 and supported by Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, CATIE (Centre Aquitain des Technologies de l'Information et Électroniques) is a center for technologic transfer specialized in digital technologies. With a mission to provide support for Nouvelle-Aquitaine's companies in the process of adopting and integrating digital technologies, it completes regional initiatives by focusing on the transfer needs. CATIE has a multidisciplinary approach and focuses on SME's needs through three fields of action : human factors and cognition, information technology (including Big Data and Artificial Intelligence) and digital systems (electronical, software and industrial dimensions). CATIE's missions are achieved …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: it services

74 18 69 59

Agricultural Research for development CIRAD is a French agricultural research centre working for international development. Most of its research is conducted in partnership. CIRAD has chosen sustainable development as the cornerstone of its operations worldwide. This means taking account of the long-term ecological, economic and social consequences of change in developing communities and countries. CIRAD contributes to development through research and trials, training, dissemination of information, innovation and appraisals. Its expertise spans the life sciences, human sciences and engineering sciences and their application to agriculture and food, natural resource management and society. research, agriculture, agronomy, agroforestry, environment, development, partnership, agroecology, …

Type: Public

90 40 48 2,195