  • Value proposition

    Yapay Zeka Tabanlı Net Zero İş Zekası Platformu

    Faradai is a London based Net Zero Intelligence company, supercharging net zero journey of enterprises with AI & IoT technology. We target the problems of enterprises to collect carbon footprint, ESG and energy performance related data automatically and verified way, and then obtain AI powered clarity to reduce their emissions, get recommendations and guidence on how to decarbonize.

    We have a set of cloud based software solutions, we provide AI & IoT powered digital energy decarbonization, ESG reporting, environmental compliance, energy purchase analytics, remote asset management and carbon accounting solutions. The analytics platform helps facility & energy & sustainability managers who have challenges to manage largenumber of facilities, to gather real time energy consumption & operational & ESG data across their building portfolio & supply chain in real time. In return, enterprises improve efficiency, manage their carbon emissions, go 7/24 carbon free electricity and accelerate their progress in the race to Net Zero with intelligent recommendations. We provide quantified energy savings to our clients up to 3% to 20% reduction in their utility bills.

    Clients can deploy decarbonization projects and monitor their impact & progress in real time and comply with international sustainability regulations and reporting frameworks.

    Currently Faradai serves to more than 18000 facilities in 40 countries, including Europe, UK, Middle East and APAC regions. Among current clients, there are companies like facilities management company CBRE, ISS, Shell, Vodafone, DHL, Zara, Tristone, IKEA, Turkish Airlines, Heineken, Pepsico, Socar, Media Markt, M&S, BNP Paribas, BBVA, Eon Energy and big metropolitan municipalies like İstanbul.

    internet of things , Cloud, business analytics, data science, big data analytics, smart grid, energy efficiency, enerji verimliliği, enerji yönetimi, nesnelerin interneti, enerji tasarrufu, akıllı şebeke, güneş enerjisi, solar plant, and energy intelligence

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EIT InnoEnergy
EIT InnoEnergy
Renewables & Environment
EIT InnoEnergy
Renewables & Environment

1 May 2019

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