  • Value proposition

    Prometheus Ax helps CEOs optimize their data science return on investment. With an estimated 85% of data science projects failing, companies need help better identify and manage their portfolio of projects and resources. As their Chief Data Scientist, Prometheus Ax first partners with the rest of the C-suite and help them define their data science strategy. Then, we build and grow their data science capabilities. Finally, by getting all the stakeholders involved, we make sure the data science products are put in production by IT and used by the business.

    Our team has a long track-record of using mathematics & artificial intelligence to solve complex problems in finance, insurance and healthcare.

    Advanced Analytics, Business Strategy, Business Intelligence, Mathematics, Machine Learning, Healthcare, Finance, Insurance, Artificial Intelligence, Team Building, Chief Data Scientist, Talent Management, and Hiring

  • Prometheus Ax - your interim Chief Data Scientist

    Prometheus Ax helps you optimize your Data Science projects' success rate and ROI. Check out our innovative and flexible business model.

  • https://www.prometheus-ax.io/
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Environment, Environmental Services
Environment, Environmental Services

4 Nov 2018

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