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International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Atoms for Peace and Development The IAEA, or the International Atomic Energy Agency, is widely known as the world's "Atoms for Peace and Development"​ organization within the United Nations family. Set up in 1957 as the world's centre for cooperation in the nuclear field, the IAEA works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technologies. The IAEA offers challenging assignments in a stimulating multicultural workplace. It has around 2,500 staff members from over 100 countries with expertise in a variety of scientific, technical, managerial and professional disciplines. Most staff …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

26 12 12 3,571
EVOLIS - Organisation professionnelle EVOLIS - Organisation professionnelle

Industry players on the move The creation of EVOLIS is the result of a need for strong representation of suppliers of capital goods and machinery for industrial production that actively contribute to the competitiveness and efficiency of French industry by modernizing the production tool. In order to raise awareness among all stakeholders on issues related to industry such as the competitiveness of companies, productivity and attractiveness of professions, EVOLIS works closely with client professional organizations, strategic sector committees and government departments. EVOLIS also participates in the work of European associations of which it is one of the founding members. EVOLIS …

Type: SMB Activities: industry 4.0 Technologies: Robotics 3D Printing

76 19 48 34
Conseil économique social et environnemental Conseil économique social et environnemental

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council is a consultative constitutional assembly. By representing the main economic, social and environmental activities, the EESC promotes collaboration between the different socio-professional categories and ensures their participation in the definition and evaluation of public policies. The EESC is mainly entrusted with five missions: • Advise the Government and Parliament and participate in the development of economic, social and environmental policy; • Encourage, through its composition, dialogue between socio-professional categories whose concerns, originally different, come together in the development of proposals of general interest; • Contribute to the evaluation of public policies of an economic, …

Type: Public

163 78 67 461
Groupe CMP Groupe CMP

The agency for all communications specializing in #Advertising #Event #Graphics #Digital and #Goodies! Specializing in the field of public communication in the Ile de France region, the agency occupies a central position in this very specific market and has expanded its scope of intervention to graphic design and the organization of trade fairs. - Design - Edition / Printing - Advertising agency - Organization of trade fairs - Creation of visual identities Advertising agency, Graphic design, Organization of trade fairs, Communication through objects, Advice to local authorities, marketing, website creation, Recording studio, Advertising agency, Augmented Reality, Benchmarking, Community managers, Event …

Type: SMB Activities: martech Technologies: VR

43 7 40 25

Building peace in the minds of women and men UNESCO - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was founded on 16 November 1945. For this specialized United Nations agency, it is not enough to build classrooms in devastated countries or to publish scientific breakthroughs. Education, Social and Natural Science, Culture and Communication are the means to a far more ambitious goal : to build peace in the minds of women and men. Education, Science, Culture, United Nations, Communication, Social Sciences, Humanities, Sustainable Development, and Peace building

Type: Large company Activities: entertainment

143 135 13 9,016
Bio360 Expo Bio360 Expo

Bio360 2025 - 05-26 February 2025 in Nantes, FR. The professional event dedicated to ✔bioenergy and ✔bioeconomy Bio360 Expo is our flagship international event whose mission is to champion and accelerate the Biotransition. In these critical times in which human induced climate change events are increasingly causing harm and damage to all natural life forms (and we all stand in the frontline), economies and livelihoods, we need sustainable solutions to both significantly bring down CO2 emissions as well as and in parallel, innovative strategies and approaches to remove gigatons of excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Bio360 Expo is the …

Type: Event

25 3 21 6
Contexte Contexte

The political information that professionals need. Contexte is the political information that professionals need. For ten years, we have been deciphering the making of the law and its struggles for influence on a daily basis. Contexte is a collective of 100 people spread between Paris and Brussels. We are journalists, salespeople, managers, developers, product managers, CSMs, lead gen, human relations managers, documentalists, management assistants, etc. What brings us together? To bring to life an independent media whose ambition is to allow all actors of democracy to participate in the exercise of power. And what we try to promote outside, we …

Type: Media

32 9 18 132
Aquatech Limoges Aquatech Limoges

Association of students and former students of the Water Environment department of the University of Limoges Aquatech is an association under the 1901 law whose main goals are: - Bring together students and former students of the Water Department of the University of Limoges and the Raoul Dautry High School by establishing links of solidarity between them - Exchange information on the water sector - Facilitate relations between its members with people and organizations concerned by water issues - Contribute to the improvement and transmission of knowledge in the field of water and the environment by participating in particular in …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: water management

7 0 5 1

Ingénieurs de l'environnement Thanks to 350+ talented engineers and an internal Research and Development team, BURGEAP aims for technical excellence in environmental preservation, sustainable local and urban development, environmentally responsible businesses, and for energy transition. Building upon a historical and well-grounded know-how, the teams at BURGEAP have been inventing, designing and implementing practical solutions for sustainable development all over the world for the past 70 years. BURGEAP belongs to the GINGER Group and serves public as well as private clients. SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE CITIES You aim to design, develop or manage buildings, neighbourhoods, cities or regions that are perfectly integrated …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

19 6 11 180
MerTerre Association MerTerre Association

Together, let's act for a #ZeroMarineLitter goal ! MerTerre is an association specialized in wastes left. The expertise of the association has been developed around the intersection of natural and social sciences. To handle, you need to know. It is a matter of providing knowledge on the quantities, qualities and origins of marine litter in order to define reduction programs and adapted means. It is known that 80% of waste in the ocean comes from the land. It is crucial to improve their consideration of this new environmental issue in the watersheds. Indeed, the territories of local authorities involving a …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech greentech

16 3 12 10
Saint-Gobain PAM UK Saint-Gobain PAM UK

#RightFirstTime We're a leading manufacturer of ductile iron access covers, gully gratings, and pressure pipeline systems, helping the UK's utility, highways, telecoms and infrastructure network owners reduce their whole-life costs and carbon while improving their asset durability and health and safety standards. We proudly manufacture our solutions, which enables us to not only meet but exceed the most stringent safety, quality and environmental standards. This means all of our access covers, gully gratings, and surface boxes are 100% recyclable. By providing innovative and sustainable access covers, gully gratings and pipeline systems that are right the first time, our customers enjoy …

Type: SMB Activities: constructiontech Technologies: Decarbonization

5 3 2 86
Xylem Xylem

Xylem is the global leader in advanced technologies, solutions and services that address the world’s biggest water challenges. We enable our customers to dramatically improve the way water and wastewater is used, managed, conserved, re-used and returned to nature. At every level, our global team is committed to access, equity, inclusion, and diversity. Our goal is for all our colleagues to be involved, respected, valued, connected, and free to bring their authentic selves and ideas. If you are excited and passionate about solving water, we want to hear from you. #LetsSolveWater Water transport, treatment and testing, Water technology, Application solutions, …

Type: Large company Activities: water management smart city

57 15 27 16,035
ESWET - European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technology ESWET - European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technology

The European association representing manufacturers and companies investing in Waste-to-Energy technologies. ESWET is a European association representing the European suppliers of Waste-to-Energy technologies, committed to foster the development and dissemination of Waste-to-Energy at the European level. ESWET also seeks to raise the awareness of the positive implications of the technology in terms of better waste management, energy and for the environment. Waste-to-Energy is an essential part of a sustainable waste management strategy: it treats waste that is not suitable for recycling and reuse, and would otherwise be landfilled. Moreover, it recovers from waste clean energy that can be then used …

Type: NGO, Think-tanks, Ed, & Culture Activities: cleantech energytech greentech

5 0 4 7
Mairie de Belleville en Beaujolais Mairie de Belleville en Beaujolais

Type: Public

3 3 0 27