  • ValueCare

    Created in 2006
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Gebouw Oudlaan, Oudlaan 4, 3515 GA Utrecht, Netherlands



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 129

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Every day better

    ValueCare makes managing healthcare institutions easy. We are the market leader in the field of risk management and management information in healthcare. Healthcare institutions use our innovative IT solutions to automate processes and reduce their administrative burdens.

    We support 120 healthcare institutions with data-oriented risk management and daily performance management. Hospitals, mental health institutions, MSBs, organizations in elderly care, youth care, disability care and primary care. Within our network, customers actively exchange reports, checks and knowledge with each other. This way our customers are at the forefront and efforts and costs are shared.

    Daily Auditing, 300% ROI, Risk management, BI as a Service, Employee activation, Standardization of work processes, Horizontal Supervision, Healthcare content knowledge, Knowledge of legislation and regulations, Data analysis, Business Intelligence, Master Data Management, Municipalities, Hospitals, Mental Health Care, Elderly care , Disability Care, and Business

  • Original language

    Elke dag beter

    ValueCare maakt het managen van zorginstellingen makkelijk. We zijn marktleider op het gebied van risicobeheersing en stuurinformatie in de zorg. Zorginstellingen gebruiken onze innovatieve IT-oplossingen om processen te automatiseren en hun administratieve lasten te verlagen.

    Wij ondersteunen 120 zorginstellingen met datagerichte risicobeheersing en dagelijkse sturing op prestaties. Ziekenhuizen, GGZ-instellingen, MSB’s, organisaties in de ouderenzorg, jeugdzorg, gehandicaptenzorg en eerstelijn. Binnen ons netwerk wisselen klanten actief rapportages, controles en kennis met elkaar uit. Zo lopen onze klanten voorop en worden inspanningen en kosten gedeeld.

    Daily Auditing, 300% ROI, Risicobeheersing, BI as a Service, Activeren medewerkers, Uniformering werkprocessen, Horizontaal Toezicht, Zorginhoudelijke kennis, Kennis wet- en regelgeving, Data analyse, Business Intelligence, Master Data Management, Gemeenten, Ziekenhuizen, Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg, Ouderenzorg, Gehandicaptenzorg, and Zakelijk

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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