  • CyberGRX

    Created in 2015
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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    99 7,594
  • Activities

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  • Location

    1601 19th St, Denver, CO 80202, USA


    United States of America

  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 44

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    Sleep soundly with our TPRM platform. Pinpoint, measure, and prioritize third-party cyber risks for effective planning.

    CyberGRX = TPRM for the speed of your business.

    When assessments take weeks or months to complete, it impairs an InfoSec team's ability to speak into a vendor decision. With CyberGRX's library of 14,000 attested assessments, 250,000 company profiles, predictive risk insights and threat intelligence, you can make initial vendor decisions immediately. And, if deeper evaluation is needed, CyberGRX plus ProcessUnity's automated workflows streamline the process so you'll never chase assessments again.

    The risk of inaction is costly. The ROI of CyberGRX and ProcessUnity is proven. Replace outdated, manual risk management processes with a smarter, more efficient means to manage your third-party risk.

    Know what's lurking in your vendor ecosystem. 20% of your third parties are high risk...do you know which ones?

    Book time with our team-- we'll not only show you your greatest vulnerabilities, but we'll demonstrate how to gain efficiency and effectiveness in your third-party risk management program: https://www.cybergrx.com/book-a-demo

    #TPRM #ThirdPartyRisk #RiskManagement #VendorRiskManagement #cybersecurity

    Third Party Risk Management, Vendor Risk Management, Extended Enterprise Risk Management, Cyber Security, Cybersecurity, Third Party Cyber Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Cyber Risk Management, Third Party Risk, Continuous Monitoring, Cybersecurity Solutions, Security Ratings, Threat Intelligence, Third Party Vendor Risk Management Software, and Cybersecurity Software

  • Third-Party Vendor Risk Management​ Platform | ProcessUnity

    Safeguard your organization with ProcessUnity’s top-rated Third Party Vendor Risk Management solutions. Explore our offerings and get started today!

  • https://www.processunity.com/
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