  • Value proposition

    Our mission is to make healthcare more affordable and accessible through the power of Artificial Intelligence

    Qure.ai is a health tech company that uses deep learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make healthcare more accessible and equitable for patients worldwide. Our solutions power the efficient identification and management of Tuberculosis (TB), Lung Cancer and Stroke to support clinicians and propel developments in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. We empower healthcare by helping to identify conditions fast, prioritize treatment planning and ultimately improve the quality of patient life.

    Deep learning, Healthcare, Digital Radiology, Medical Imaging, Artificial Intelligence, Workflow Optimisation, Lung Health, Heart Failure, MSK, Neuro Critical Care, and lung cancer

  • Qure AI | AI assistance for Accelerated Healthcare

    Qure ai is on a mission to provide accessible, affordable, & timely assistance to healthcare professionals

  • https://www.qure.ai/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Financial Times
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing

23 Nov 2021

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