  • Value proposition

    Advancing cancer detection

    Elypta is a Swedish molecular diagnostics company focused on reducing cancer mortality through early detection. Elypta is pioneering a metabolism-based liquid biopsy and measures the GAGome – system biomarkers of tumor metabolism. Machine learning algorithms are then used to detect signatures of cancer noninvasively. Elypta is advancing a broad clinical program across different cancers with the first indication expected to be early detection of recurrence in renal cell carcinoma.

    Several years of research in Nielsen lab at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden led to the founding of Elypta in May 2017 by Francesco Gatto and Jens Nielsen.

    diagnostics, biomarkers, cancer, oncology, urology, liquid biopsy, renal cell carcinoma, multi-cancer early detection, and systems biology

  • Elypta – Advancing Cancer Detection

    Our mission is to prevent cancer mortality through early detection by pioneering a metabolism-based liquid biopsy.

  • https://www.elypta.com/
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