  • M2SYS Technology

    Created in 2002

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  • Location

    1050 Crown Pointe Pkwy # 850, Atlanta, GA 30338, USA


    United States of America

  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 90

  • Engaged corporates

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  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    The Cloud Biometric Company

    M2SYS provides enterprise multi-modal biometric solutions that enable our customers and partners to easily utilize or integrate the right form of biometric technology for their needs. Our core focus is identity management in workforce management, healthcare and large government projects together with a unique biometric software development kit (SDK) that allows developers to instantly add biometric recognition to any software application. Our technology accelerates the adoption of biometric identification leading to a faster and more widespread delivery of its many benefits.

    The hub of our biometric technology platform is the M2SYS Hybrid Biometric PlatformTM, a multi-modal biometric software system that supports several types of biometric modalities, including fingerprint, finger vein, palm vein, iris, and facial recognition. This flexibility produces near 100% read rates with a single integration into a single biometric software system and eliminates the risks that are associated with being locked in to one particular form of biometrics or a single biometric reader.

    M2SYS takes great pride in delivering leading-edge technology and exceptional service. We operate in a number of vertical markets with the following breakdown of our products and services...

    Government Solutions:

    Automated Biometric Identification Solution (ABIS)
    SecuredPASSTM - Border Control Solution
    TrueVoterTM - Voter ID Solution
    Bio-HyperserverTM - High Speed Matching & De-Duplication Solution
    TrueIDTM - National ID Card Solution
    e-PoliceTM - Complete Solution for Law Enforcement
    CloudABISTM - ABIS Solution on Cloud Platform

    Enterprise Solutions:

    CertisIDTM - Solution for Financial & Banking Verticals
    Hybrid Biometric PlatformTM
    Enterprise Single Sign-On

    Access Control Solutions

    M2-PalmAccessTM Palm Vein Access Control
    M2-EasyAccessTM Fingerprint Access Control

    Biometric security, Fingerprint, Finger Vein, Palm Vein, Iris recognition, Mobile biometrics, Border control, National ID, Voter registration, Workforce management, Facial recognition, Latent prints, Healthcare, PrisonSecure, CertisID, CloudABIS, StudentTrack, and LaborTrack

  • M2SYS AI and Digital Transformation Platform for eGoverment

    Fingerprint, finger vein, iris biometrics softwares, API, SDK integration & cloud applications for identity management using biometric scanners and readers.

  • https://www.m2sys.com/
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