  • neojobs, agence marque employeur

    Created in 2014
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    461 219 1,968
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    5 Rue de la Félicité, 75017 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 5


  • Engaged corporates

    4 18
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Fun is a serious choice!

    neojobs is your employer brand agency at the service of your HR strategy and its implementation, specialized in Gamification.

    Our job? Reveal the hidden treasures of our clients to help them attract, recruit and retain their employees.

    Our motto? Dare to think outside the box to bring color into the daily lives of our clients and employees.

    Our missions extend from the diagnosis of your employer brand to its deployment, including the formalization of your Employee Value Proposition. Our range of services is therefore wide: employer brand strategy, training, testimonial and corporate videos, career site, HR communication, employee advocacy, offbeat recruitment as well as HR gamification and digitalization.

    In 2021, neojobs founded the Amoono group with Niaouli and Celuga in order to create a link between humans and digital and thus respond more broadly to the HR digital needs of its clients.

    In 2024, Maître Chat, an audiovisual agency, joined the Amoono group to bring its creative touch. Thanks to it, we are expanding our range of solutions. From now on, with us, you will be able to design your HR communication, your videos, your employer artistic direction but also create premises reflecting your employer identity.

    original recruitment, HR advice, new generation, gamification, gamestorming, young graduates, employer brand, training, integration, employee advocacy, attraction, HR marketing, employee experience, candidate experience, HR digitalization, and HR communication

  • Original language

    Fun is a serious choice!

    neojobs c’est votre agence marque employeur au service de votre stratégie RH et sa mise en oeuvre, spécialisée en Gamification.

    Notre métier ? Révéler les trésors cachés de nos clients pour les aider à attirer, recruter et fidéliser leurs collaborateurs.

    Notre motto ? Oser sortir du cadre pour mettre de la couleur dans le quotidien de nos clients et de nos collaborateurs.

    Nos missions s’étendent du diagnostic de votre marque employeur jusqu’à son déploiement en passant par la formalisation de votre Employee Value Proposition. Notre éventail de prestation est donc large : stratégie marque employeur, formation, vidéo témoignage et corporate, site carrière, communication RH, employee advocacy, recrutement décalé ainsi que gamification et digitalisation RH.

    En 2021, neojobs fonde avec Niaouli et Celuga le groupe Amoono afin de créer du lien entre l’humain et le digital et ainsi répondre plus largement aux besoins digitaux RH de ses clients.

    En 2024, Maître Chat, agence audiovisuelle, rejoint le groupe Amoono pour apporter sa patte créative. Grâce à elle, nous agrandissons notre panel de solutions. Désormais, avec nous, vous pourrez concevoir votre communication RH, vos vidéos, votre direction artistique employeur mais aussi créer des locaux reflétant votre identité employeur.

    recrutement original, conseils RH, nouvelle génération, gamification, gamestorming, jeunes diplômés, marque employeur, formation, intégration, employee advocacy, attraction, marketing RH, expérience collaborateur, expérience candidat, digitalisation RH, and communication RH

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Groupe BPCE
Groupe BPCE
Bank, Banking
Groupe BPCE
Bank, Banking

21 Aug 2015

Lidl France
Lidl France
Retail and Distribution, Retail
Lidl France
Retail and Distribution, Retail

11 Aug 2022

The Adecco Group
The Adecco Group
Human ressources, Human Resources Services
The Adecco Group
Human ressources, Human Resources Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

2 Dec 2015

Décideurs Magazine
Décideurs Magazine
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Décideurs Magazine
Media, Newspaper Publishing

13 Oct 2015

Human ressources, Human Resources Services
Human ressources, Human Resources Services

15 Nov 2016

Advertising, Advertising Services
Advertising, Advertising Services

1 Jul 2013

France Travail
France Travail
Human ressources, Government Administration
France Travail
Human ressources, Government Administration

22 Mar 2019

Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

8 Nov 2023

Sopra Steria
Sopra Steria
Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting
Sopra Steria
Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting

22 Nov 2016

BNP Paribas
BNP Paribas
Bank, Banking
BNP Paribas
Bank, Banking

19 Dec 2017

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