  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] 🇬🇧 Hello! I make websites. My name is Heek. I help small businesses build the online presence they deserve. No expertise needed: just chat with me and watch it come to life!

    Find useful tools and tips on my blog and social Media:
    - 🇬🇧Blog: https://inside.heek.com/
    - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heek.me
    - Twitter: https://twitter.com/
    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heek_me/
    - Press kit: https://www.heek.com/press
    Want to build a partnership? --​> https://www.heek.com/partners

    🇫🇷 Hello! I'm Heek, the robot who creates websites. I support small businesses and independent entrepreneurs in building their online presence. No need for experience, just chat with me to start creating your site!

    I give advice and tools for managing your online communication on my blog and my social networks:
    - 🇫🇷Blog: https://blog.heek.com/
    - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heek.me
    - Twitter: https://twitter.com/
    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heek_me/

    My press kit? It's this way -> https://fr.heek.com/presse

    Partnership? It's over there -> https://fr.heek.com/partenaires

    Small and medium business, Website Editor, Startup, website building, Chatbot, Artificial Intelligence, Site creation, Entrepreneurship, SEO, Social networks, Digital communication, VSE/SME, Freelancers, Independents, and UX

  • Original language

    🇬🇧 Hello! I make websites. My name is Heek. I help small businesses build the online presence they deserve. No expertise needed: just chat with me and watch it come to life!

    Find useful tools and tips on my blog and social Media:
    - 🇬🇧Blog : https://inside.heek.com/
    - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/heek.me
    - Twitter : https://twitter.com/
    - Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/heek_me/
    - Press kit: https://www.heek.com/press
    Want to build a partnership? --​> https://www.heek.com/partners

    🇫🇷 Bonjour! Je suis Heek, le robot qui crée des sites Internet. J'accompagne les petites entreprises et les entrepreneurs indépendants dans la construction de leur présence en ligne. Pas besoin d'expérience, il suffit de discuter avec moi pour commencer à créer votre site !

    Je donne des conseils et outils pour gérer votre communication en ligne sur mon blog et mes réseaux sociaux :
    - 🇫🇷Blog : https://blog.heek.com/
    - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/heek.me
    - Twitter : https://twitter.com/
    - Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/heek_me/

    Mon kit de presse ? C'est par ici -> https://fr.heek.com/presse

    Un partenariat? C'est par lĂ  -> https://fr.heek.com/partenaires

    Small and medium business, Website Editor, Startup, website building, Chatbot, Intelligence Artificielle, Création de sites , Entreprenariat, SEO, Réseaux sociaux, Communication digitale, TPE/PME, Freelances, Indépendants, and UX

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    Profitez d’une plateforme d’outils et de services à chaque étape de votre activité de freelance :administratif, protection sociale, formations sur-mesure, missions.

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