  • xfive

    Created in 2011
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    51 784
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    7890 Ellezelles, Belgium



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 5

  • Engaged corporates

    0 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] We help individuals, teams, organizations & territories to undertake their transformation challenges

    Innovation is our means,
    Your development, our end.

    We help individuals, teams, organizations and territories to undertake their human, technical and environmental challenges through 3 areas of intervention:

    - the design and animation of participatory dynamics
    - strategic consulting
    - innovation and development

    xfive is a team that gets involved in your projects, that helps you reinvent yourself: dare new things, innovate, move up a gear, that supports you in the realization of your ideas!

    Innovation is not an end in itself: it is a means to accomplish new possibilities for your organization.

    Focus on your business, we'll take care of the rest.

    It's all in the x

    Problem Analysis, Problem Solving, Creative Insight, Inventive Design, Prototyping, From Need to Market, Innovation, Open Innovation, TRIZ, QFD, Systematic Creativity, Technological Industries, Plastics, Energy, Life Sciences, Green Technologies, Medical Devices, Business value, Business development, Design thinking, Change management, Circular economy, Collective intelligence, Tourism engineering, Hackatons, and Facilitation

  • Original language

    Nous aidons les individus, les équipes, les organisations & les territoires à entreprendre leurs défis de transformation

    L’innovation est notre moyen,
    Votre développement, notre finalité.

    Nous aidons les individus, les équipes, les organisations et les territoires à entreprendre leurs défis humains, techniques et environnementaux à travers 3 pôles d'interventions:

    - la conception et l'animation de dynamiques participatives
    - la consultance stratégique
    - l'innovation et le développement

    xfive, c'est une équipe qui s'implique dans vos projets, qui vous aide à vous réinventer: oser de nouvelles choses, innover, passer un cap, qui vous soutient dans la concrétisation de vos idées!

    L’innovation n’est pas une fin en soi : elle est un moyen pour accomplir de nouveaux possibles pour votre organisation.
    Concentrez-vous sur votre métier, on se charge du reste.

    It's all in the x

    Problem Analysis, Problem Solving, Creative Insight, Inventive Design, Prototyping, From Need to Market, Innovation, Open Innovation, TRIZ, QFD, Systematic Creativity, Technological Industries, Plastics, Energy, Life Sciences, Green Technologies, Medical Devices, Business value, Business development, Design thinking, Change management, Circular economy, Intelligence collective, Tourism engineering, Hackatons, and Facilitation

  • xfive / It's all in the — x

    L’innovation est notre moyen. Votre développement, notre finalité.

  • https://xfive.be/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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