  • RunMotion Coach

    Created in 2017
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    242 390 4,408
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    All. du Lac de Garde, 73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac, France

    Le Bourget-du-Lac


  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 10


  • Engaged corporates

    5 4
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] We support runners of all levels in achieving their goals through personalised digital coaching

    RunMotion Coach is the reference application for running coaching (road & trail). Available in English, French and Spanish, the application is acclaimed by more than 600,000 runners đŸ“± who are looking to progress, achieve their goals or take care of themselves.

    RunMotion Coach was created in the Alps by high-level coaches and runners. For us, running has been a great tool for personal development.

    Thanks to its artificial intelligence, RunMotion Coach allows each runner to benefit from a personalized training plan, regardless of their level, experience, goals and availability. The support is complete thanks to the content on nutrition, physical preparation, mental preparation and specific advice.

    Do you want to help your friends, clients, colleagues in their running practice? Let's talk about it 😉

    application, running, course Ă  pied, marathon, trail, alps, annecy, and coach

  • Original language

    We support runners of all levels in achieving their goals through personalised digital coaching

    RunMotion Coach est l'application de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour le coaching en course Ă  pied (route & trail). Disponible en anglais, français et espagnol, l'application est plĂ©biscitĂ© par plus de 600 000 coureurs đŸ“± qui cherchent Ă  progresser, rĂ©ussir leurs objectifs ou prendre soin d'eux.

    RunMotion Coach a été créée dans les Alpes par des coachs et coureurs de haut-niveau. Pour nous, le running a été un formidable outil de développement personnel.

    Grùce à son intelligence artificielle, RunMotion Coach permet à chaque coureur de bénéficier d'un plan d'entrainement personnalisé, quel que soit son niveau, expérience, objectifs et disponibilités. L'accompagnement est complet grùce aux contenus nutrition, préparation physique, préparation mentale et conseils spécifiques.

    Vous voulez aider vos amis, clients, collaborateurs dans leur pratique de la course à pied ? Parlons-en 😉

    application, running, course Ă  pied, marathon, trail, alpes, annecy, and coach

  • RunMotion Coach : application course Ă  pied, plan entrainement personnalisĂ© running

    RunMotion Coach est une application de course à pied créée par des coachs et coureurs passionnés. Découvre ton plan d'entraßnement personnalisé running et trail

  • https://run-motion.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
RĂ©seau Initiative Grand Annecy
RĂ©seau Initiative Grand Annecy
Startup accelerator & VC
RĂ©seau Initiative Grand Annecy
Startup accelerator & VC

7 Aug 2024

Incubateur Savoie Technolac Incubateur Savoie Technolac

21 Nov 2023

Le Village by CA
Le Village by CA
Startup accelerator & VC, Business Consulting and Services
Le Village by CA
Startup accelerator & VC, Business Consulting and Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

18 Jul 2019

Telecoms, Law Practice, Telecommunications
Telecoms, Law Practice, Telecommunications
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

25 Mar 2019

BFM Business
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

5 Jun 2020

La French Tech Alpes
La French Tech Alpes
Government Administration, French Tech
La French Tech Alpes
Government Administration, French Tech
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

25 Jul 2019

29 Nov 2022

Media, Software Development
Media, Software Development
Not partnership
Not event

22 Sep 2020

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Social network dynamics