  • Value proposition

    Ultra-accurate wind and solar power forecasts with artificial intelligence

    meteo*swift leverages state of the art artificial intelligence innovations to generate high quality wind and solar power forecasts.


    ✔️ Traders, to optimize transactions on energy markets
    ✔️ Power producers, to maximize assets profitability
    ✔️ Off-grid systems operators, to optimize EMS (Energy Management System) strategies
    ✔️ Grid operators, to better manage the integration of renewable energies


    ✔️ By generating short term production forecasts (intraday, day-ahead, weeks-ahead)
    ✔️ To simulate the power production curve of renewable assets and associated revenues
    ✔️ With a precise, secure and reliable Data As A Service (DAAS) solution, easy to scale up and adapt to your existing information system

    More information at https://www.meteoswift.fr/en/

    Wind power forecast, Solar power forecast, Power forecast, Renewable energy forecasting, Power trading, Renewable energy integration, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Power forecasts for EMS, Power forecasts for hybrid systems, Power forecast for offgrid systems, Power forecast for trading, and Power forecast for asset management

  • Original language

    Prévisions de production éolienne et solaire ultra précises grâce à l'intelligence artificielle

    meteo*swift utilise l'intelligence artificielle pour fournir des prévisions de production éolienne et solaire de haute précision.

    Pour qui ?

    ✔️ Traders -> Optimiser vos transactions sur les marchés de l'électricité
    ✔️ Producteur -> Maximiser la rentabilité de vos actifs
    ✔️ Systèmes off-grid -> Mieux piloter vos systèmes hybrides
    ✔️ Opérateurs de réseau -> Garantir l'équilibre des réseaux électriques

    Comment ?

    ✔️ En générant des prévisions de production solaire ou éolienne intraday (+15min), day-ahead, weeks-ahead
    ✔️ En fournissant des simulations de la production d'actifs et les revenus associés
    ✔️ Grâce à une solution Data As A Service (DAAS) sécurisée, fiable, flexible et facile à passer à l'échelle

    Plus d'info sur https://www.meteoswift.fr/

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
La French Tech Toulouse
La French Tech Toulouse
French Tech, International Trade and Development
La French Tech Toulouse
French Tech, International Trade and Development
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

7 Oct 2016

Consulting, IT Services and IT Consulting
Consulting, IT Services and IT Consulting
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

17 May 2019

Environmental Services
Environmental Services
Not capitalistic

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