  • Germain Maureau

    Created in 1849
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    697 10,500 10,500
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    75008 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 110


  • Engaged corporates

    3 24
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Intellectual

    Germain Maureau, consulting firm in independent industrial property and reference in Europe

    Protect, enhance and defend your intellectual property rights

    We advise you and support you as part of a global strategy for protecting your intellectual heritage, as well as in the fight against counterfeiting and unfair competition.

    With more than 120 employees, including around fifty highly skilled experts, we meet the expectations and problems of very varied customers (startups, SMEs, SMIs and large groups) in France and abroad.

    Completely independent office, we guarantee our customers an objective approach, based on a relationship of trust without compromise on our values ​​of excellence, agility, and pragmatism, for strategic support and a valuation of their intangible heritage.


    Germain Maureau, an independent and leading industry property Consulting firm in Europe.

    OUR Mission: Protect, Enhance, and Defend Your Intellectual Property
    We advise and support you on strategies that protect your intellectual property and fight against infringement and unfair competition.

    With Over 120 Members in the Firm, of Whom Over 50 Are Highly Qualified Experts, WE Exceed the Requirements of our Customers (from start-ups, Small and Medium-Sized Companies, to Major International Corporations) in France and Abroad.

    As an independent firm, we ensure our customers an objective approach tailored to their needs, without compromising our values ​​of excellence, agility, and pragmatism, to provide strategic support and enhanced value of their intangible assets.

    Industrial property advice, patents, brands, drawings and models, copyright, software, AI, blockchain, and domain names

  • Original language

    Intellectual Property

    Germain Maureau, Cabinet de Conseils en Propriété Industrielle indépendant et de référence en Europe

    Protéger, valoriser et défendre vos droits de propriété intellectuelle

    Nous vous conseillons et vous accompagnons dans le cadre d’une stratégie globale de protection de votre patrimoine intellectuel, ainsi que dans la lutte contre la contrefaçon et la concurrence déloyale.

    Avec plus de 120 collaborateurs, dont une cinquantaine d’experts hautement qualifiés, nous répondons aux attentes et problématiques de clients très variés (startups, PME, PMI et Grands Groupes) en France et à l’international.

    Cabinet totalement indépendant, nous garantissons à nos clients une approche objective, basée sur une relation de confiance sans compromis sur nos valeurs d'excellence, d’agilité, et de pragmatisme, pour un accompagnement stratégique et une valorisation de leur patrimoine immatériel.


    Germain Maureau, an independent and leading Industrial Property Consulting Firm in Europe.

    Our mission: protect, Enhance, and Defend Your Intellectual Property
    We advise and support you on strategies that protect your intellectual property and fight against infringement and unfair competition.

    With over 120 members in the firm, of whom over 50 are highly qualified experts, we exceed the requirements of our clients (from start-ups, small and medium-sized companies, to major international corporations) in France and abroad.

    As an independent firm, we ensure our clients an objective approach tailored to their needs, without compromising our values of excellence, agility, and pragmatism, to provide strategic support and enhanced value of their intangible assets.

    Conseil en Propriété Industrielle, brevets, marques, dessins et modèles, droit d'auteur, logiciels, IA, Blockchain, and noms de domaine

  • Germain Maureau | Propriété Intellectuelle

    Germain Maureau est l’un des leaders européens de la Propriété Intellectuelle (marques, brevets, dessins et modèles, droits d’auteur, noms de domaine).

  • https://germainmaureau.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
La French Tech Clermont Auvergne
La French Tech Clermont Auvergne
NGO, Think Tank, French Tech, Non-profit Organizations
La French Tech Clermont Auvergne
NGO, Think Tank, French Tech, Non-profit Organizations

6 Feb 2025

Technopôle Brest-Iroise
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
Business Consulting and Services
Technopôle Brest-Iroise
Business Consulting and Services

19 Sep 2024

Région Bretagne
Région Bretagne
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Région Bretagne
National and local authorities, Government Administration

23 Feb 2024

Cour de cassation
Cour de cassation
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Cour de cassation
National and local authorities, Government Administration

2 Nov 2023

Government Administration
Government Administration

9 Oct 2023

Grenoble-Alpes Métropole
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole
Government Administration, French metropolis
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole
Government Administration, French metropolis

4 Jul 2023

Viva Technology
Viva Technology
Trade show, IT Services and IT Consulting
Viva Technology
Trade show, IT Services and IT Consulting

26 May 2023

La French Tech Rennes St Malo
La French Tech Rennes St Malo
Public business cluster, French Tech, Software Development
La French Tech Rennes St Malo
Public business cluster, French Tech, Software Development

10 May 2023

Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Government Administration
Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique
Public business cluster, French Cluster, Government Administration

10 Feb 2025

La Tribune
La Tribune
Media, Newspapers
La Tribune
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Not capitalistic
Not partnership

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