  • Weborama

    Created in 1998
  • BETA

    Trend leader (A+)
    Existing signals make this entity one of the most dynamic startups
  • Social networks

    2,037 1,003 79 6,489 285 285
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    36 Rue Raspail, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 201-500, 2-10

    Estimated: 158


  • Engaged corporates

    5 39
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    The Data Intelligence Platform

    Pioneer AdTech player in semantic artificial intelligence in France and Europe, Weborama answers to the new technological challenges faced by agencies, publishers and advertisers in the digital advertising market while guaranteeing a respectful relationship with Internet users.

    Its contextual targeting tools, developed over ten years ago, provide a granularity in the observation of consumer behavior and expectations that no other technology can provide in a cookieless world.

    Technologies: the Marketing Platform (DMP/CDP Hybrid) to collect and organize its data by fully using all the cookieless functionalities and interconnection to increasingly complex ecosystems. This Marketing Platform new generation makes it possible to increase the potential of its 1st party data and to sustainably improve the performance of its digital advertising campaigns.

    Data & Insights: Weborama's Data Scientists and Strategists rely on semantic artificial intelligence to create value through precise knowledge of its audience. Weborama identifies emerging market trends, detects signals triggering consumer decisions and defines actionable insights to increase the volume and engagement of Internet users and conquer new market shares.

    Media Activation: Weborama's Activation Experts create semantic, personalized and activable contextual segments thanks to a precise analysis of the context of web pages read by Internet users and thus implement high value 100% data-driven targeting strategies added to maximize the results of programmatic campaigns (branding, traffic, visibility & performance)

    Technology, Data, Media Activation, Digital Advertising, DMP, CDP, Data insights, Media optimization, AdTech, Cookieless, IDless, Consentless, and InVideo

  • Original language

    The Data Intelligence Platform

    A PROPOS DE WEBORAMA, The Data Intelligence Platform

    Centré sur le management et la valorisation des données clients, Weborama a développé et connecté un ensemble de technologies (dans les domaines de IA, l’intelligence artificielle sémantique et comportementale, le data lake, la data clean room, la data science, les insights...) qui permettent aux annonceurs, aux agences et aux éditeurs d’acquérir, de retenir et de valoriser leurs audiences et d’activer des publicités ciblées, consistantes et pertinentes dans le nouvel univers cookieless, IDless et multi-devices. Weborama opère en Europe et aux Etats-Unis.

  • Weborama - AdTech pionnière de l’IA sémantique

    Weborama identifie les tendances émergentes du marché, détecte les signaux déclencheurs de décision et définit des insights activables.

  • https://weborama.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Advertising, Advertising Services
Advertising, Advertising Services

30 May 2013

9 Feb 2025

HUB Institute  (conferences, networking, training, insights) HUB Institute (conferences, networking, training, insights)
Research Services
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

18 May 2022

7 Jun 2024

La Banque Postale
La Banque Postale
Bank, Banking
La Banque Postale
Bank, Banking

17 May 2022

Software Development
Software Development
Not capitalistic

21 Dec 2022

30 Nov 2022

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