  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Since 1992 we provide our clients with first-to-market technology and award-winning, tailored solutions.

    Boston Servers & Storage Solutions GmbH (Boston Germany) was founded in April 2010. The company is based in Feldkirchen near Munich. As an innovative manufacturer and solution provider of servers & Storage systems, high-performance workstations, integrated remote access solutions, and complete cloud computing solutions, the company is the preferred partner of resellers, system integrators and distributors. The Boston portfolio includes servers, storage, workstations.

    Boston Germany is part of the Boston Group and, as a solution factory, is Supermicro's most important partner. Boston Germany's customers primarily include research and teaching institutions, universities as well as data center operators, public clients, industrial customers (medical technology, automotive) and OEMs. The sales area includes Germany, Austria, Switzerland as well as the southern and eastern European countries.

    The focus of our award-winning product range is workstations, servers with Intel, AMD or ARM SoC processor technology, standard or tiered storage systems, GPU solutions (graphics processing units), high performance computing (HPC), backup and connectivity. We also have unique liquid-cooled solutions for maximum energy optimization. We offer our customers services such as installation and on-site service, training, support and individual advice. Sales partners benefit from certifications, project partnerships, marketing and PR support as well as individual financial services.

    Storage, HPC, GPU Computing, Cloud Computing, Deep Learning, Data Center, Open Source, OpenStack, Infiniband, NVMe, SDN, Scale Out, Artificial Intelligence, Server, Compute, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Object Storage, File Storage, Block Storage , Supermicro, NVIDIA, AMD, INTEL, 2CRSi, and OCP

  • Original language

    Since 1992 we provide our clients with first-to-market technology and award-winning, tailored solutions.

    Bos­ton Ser­ver & Sto­rage Solu­ti­ons GmbH (Bos­ton Deutsch­land) wurde im April 2010 gegrün­det. Sitz des Unter­neh­mens ist Feld­kir­chen bei Mün­chen. Als inno­va­ti­ver Her­stel­ler und Lösungs­an­bie­ter von Ser­ver & Sto­rage Sys­te­men, hoch­per­for­man­ten Work­sta­tions, inte­grier­ten Remote Access Lösun­gen, und kom­plet­ten Cloud Com­pu­ting Lösun­gen, ist das Unternehmen bevorzugter Partner von Resellern, Sys­tem­in­te­gra­to­ren und Dis­tri­bu­to­ren. Das Bos­ton Port­fo­lio umfasst Ser­vers, Sto­rage, Work­sta­tions.

    Bos­ton Deutsch­land ist Teil der Bos­ton Gruppe und damit als Solu­tion Fac­tory der wich­tigste Part­ner von Super­mi­cro. Zu den Kunden von Boston Deutschland zäh­len vor allem Ein­rich­tun­gen aus dem Bereich For­schung und Lehre, Uni­ver­si­tä­ten sowie Rechen­zen­trumsbetreiber, öffent­li­che Auf­trag­ge­ber, Indus­trie­kun­den (Medizintechnik, Automotive) und OEMs. Das Ver­triebs­ge­biet umfasst Deutsch­land, Öster­reich, Schweiz sowie die süd- und ost­eu­ro­päi­schen Staaten.

    Die Schwer­punkte unse­rer mehr­fach aus­ge­zeich­ne­ten Pro­dukt­pa­lette sind Work­sta­tions, Ser­ver mit Intel, AMD oder ARM SoC Pro­zes­sor Tech­no­lo­gie, Stan­dard oder Tie­red Sto­rage Sys­teme, GPU Lösun­gen (Gra­phics Pro­ces­sing Units), High Per­for­mance Com­pu­ting (HPC), Backup und Con­nec­tivity. Ebenso haben wir ein­zig­ar­tige flüs­sig­keits­ge­kühlte Lösun­gen für maxi­male Ener­gie Opti­mie­rung. Unseren Kunden bieten wir Dienst­leis­tun­gen wie Installations- und Vor­ort­ser­vice, Schu­lun­gen, Sup­port und indi­vi­du­elle Bera­tung. Vertriebspartner profitieren von Zer­ti­fi­zie­run­gen, Pro­jekt­part­ner­schaf­ten, Marketing- und PR-Unterstützung sowie individuellen Finanz-Dienstleistungen.

    Storage, HPC, GPU Computing, Cloud Computing, Deep Learning, Datacenter, Open Source, OpenStack, Infiniband, NVMe, SDN, Scale Out, Artificial Intelligence, Server, Compute, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Object Storage, File Storage, Block Storage, Supermicro, NVIDIA, AMD, INTEL, 2CRSi, and OCP

  • Willkommen bei Boston Server & Storage Solutions Homepage

    Boston ist Hersteller und Lösungsanbieter für maßgeschneiderte Server- und Speichersysteme bis hin zu komplexen Cloud Computing Lösungen.

  • https://www.boston-it.com/de/
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