  • Happy Capital HRM

    Created in 2018
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    929 53 1,465
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    1019 Amsterdam, Netherlands



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 20

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] HR and Recruitment advice | Inflow, throughflow and outflow

    Happy Capital HRM: The solution for all your HR and recruitment issues.
    Hiring an HR/Recruitment professional? You can do that with us.

    We are not specialized in one specific sector. Yet we know very well what each individual sector needs. How is that possible? Within our team of specialists, each interim HR professional or recruitment specialist brings her own experience within a sector.

    You can expect our interims to fully use their experience when we get to work for you.

    Our recruiters and HR experts all have their own affinity with a specific sector. That makes us happy. And we find it incredibly important to be happy with your work. Happy is in our DNA and is contagious. Our Expertise, your success!

    Are you curious about what Happy Capital HRM can do for you? Then we would like to get in touch with you.

    Recruitment, Organizational advice, Employer branding, Talent development, Strategic personnel planning, Performance management, interim HRM, recruiting, online branding, social media, recruitment advice, non-profit, recruitment management, labor market communication, public sector, HRM, Interim, Subscriptions, Learning development, Service, and Strip card

  • Original language

    HR en Recruitment advies | In- door- en uitstroom

    Happy Capital HRM: Dé oplossing voor al jouw HR- en recruitment vraagstukken.
    Een HR/Recruitment professional inhuren? Dat kan bij ons.

    Wij zijn niet gespecialiseerd in één specifieke branche. Toch weten we heel goed wat elke afzonderlijke branche nodig heeft. Hoe dat kan? Binnen ons team van specialisten brengt elke interim HR-professional of recruitment specialist haar eigen ervaring binnen een branche mee.

    Je mag van onze interimmers verwachten dat ze hun ervaring volledig inzetten als we voor je aan de slag gaan.

    Onze recruiters en HR-experts hebben allemaal hun eigen affiniteit met een bepaalde branche. Daar worden we happy van. En blij worden van je werk vinden we ongelofelijk belangrijk. Happy zit in ons DNA en is aanstekelijk. Onze Expertise, jouw succes!

    Ben je benieuwd wat Happy Capital HRM voor jou kan betekenen. Dan komen we graag met je in contact.

    Recruitment, Organisatieadvies, Employer branding, Talent development, Strategische personeelsplanning, Performance management, interim HRM, recruiting, online branding, social media, wervingsadvies, non profit, recruitment management, arbeidsmarktcommunicatie, publieke sector, HRM, Interim, Abonnementen, Learning development, Service, and Strippenkaart

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Human ressources, Software Development
Human ressources, Software Development

2 May 2016

Insurance, Financial Services
Insurance, Financial Services

15 Feb 2017

Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking

25 Sep 2014

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