  • Diabetes Ireland

    Created in 1967
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    5,578 2,640
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Unit 14, Northwood House, Northwood Cres, North Wood, Dublin 9, Ireland



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 27

  • Engaged corporates

    2 6
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Providing support, education, and information to those living with diabetes in Ireland

    Diabetes Ireland (formerly Diabetes Federation of Ireland) is the National Charity for People with Diabetes in Ireland. We are dedicated to supporting and advocating for people living with Diabetes. We are working to prevent the spread of Type 2 with our Workplace Wellness programmes.

    We have a team of health professionals who are strategically positioned in regional areas to ensure maximum effectiveness in all communities. Our two Care Centres, located in Dublin and Cork, offer essential preventative services for those in the low-to-moderate risk categories such as footcare, counselling, and eye screening.

    Throughout Ireland, our branch network of parents and volunteers organize and support various sporting and educational events to fundraise for diabetes. Our Fundraising team collaborates with companies and individuals to generate funds for our education and prevention campaigns.

    Our medical professionals write and produce informative content for the web, books, and consumer and professional magazines. They also provide expert comments on diabetes-related topics to the Irish media. This vital information is distributed through our website, HSE centres, GPs, and meetings.

    Our advocacy team campaigns for good and fair healthcare services in all communities and strives to eliminate discrimination against those with diabetes.

    Our mission is to provide a high-quality service that improves the lives of people affected by diabetes. We also work with others to prevent and ultimately cure diabetes.

    Charity Number: CHY 6906

    Patient Support, Information, Advocacy, Health Promotion, Fundraising and Events, Education, Awareness, Networking, Lifestyle, Support, and Diabetes

  • Home - Diabetes Ireland : Diabetes Ireland

    Diabetes Ireland is the only national charity in Ireland dedicated to helping people with diabetes. We provide support, education and motivation to everyone affected by diabetes.

  • https://www.diabetes.ie/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Telecoms, Law Practice, Telecommunications
Telecoms, Law Practice, Telecommunications

14 Sep 2015

Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Animal Health
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Animal Health

6 Aug 2015

Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin
Research, Higher Education
Trinity College Dublin
Research, Higher Education

20 Feb 2017

National and local authorities, Civic & Social Organization
National and local authorities, Civic & Social Organization

21 Sep 2022

Novo Nordisk
Novo Nordisk
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Novo Nordisk
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

10 Feb 2022

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