  • MōōV Consulting

    Created in 2018
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

    340 271 535
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Pl. Viarme, 44000 Nantes, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 1


  • Engaged corporates

    0 5
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Observe, advise, act: training and facilitation for individual and collective transformation (Qualiopi)

    Qualiopi certification by delegation (support for your training by your approved center OPCA)

    We are a consulting firm in transformation of communication organizations and strategy, led by a collective of experts on the national territory.

    On a daily basis, we support managers in change management by offering an intra -business course or à la carte workshops. This project makes it possible to place employees in builders of their talents. We rehabilitate action, innovation, creativity through personal development and very operational solutions.

    Mōōv Consulting has a global approach that takes into account men (employees, consumers, users ...), the organization and all the integrated supports or to be integrated into the communication strategy.

    Observe advisor to act

    For the record, Mōōv Consulting is inspired by the word emotion = emovère = move / movement.

    We are certified:
    - Design Thinking
    - Glorious 2030 workshop guide
    - Body language decryption
    - neuroscience applied to organizations

    Non -verbal communication, communication strategy, facilitation, conference, training, scanvideo, posture, advice, marketing, design thinking, graphic facilitation, workshops, reversed mentoring, mentoring, audit, coaching of posture, coaching, recruitment, congruence, analyst no Verbal, visual thought, conference, seminar, conduit of change, individual transformation, collective transformation, facilitation, neuroscience, neuromation, event, CNV, codev, synergology, management 3.0, visual management, graphic facilitation, pitch, posture, speaking, speaking, Strategia, Managery Strategia, Organization Strategy, Communication Strategy, Collective Intelligence, Design Thinking, and Glorious

  • Original language

    Observer, Conseiller, Agir : Formation et Facilitation pour la transformation individuelle et collective (QUALIOPI)

    Certification QUALIOPI par délégation (prise en charge de vos formations par votre centre agréé OPCA)

    Nous sommes un cabinet conseil en transformation des organisations et stratégie de communication, animé par un collectif d'experts sur le territoire national.

    Au quotidien, nous accompagnons les dirigeants dans la conduite du changement en proposant un parcours intra entreprise ou des ateliers à la carte. Ce projet permet de placer les collaborateurs en bâtisseurs de leurs talents. Nous réhabilitons l'action, l'innovation, la créativité à travers du développement personnel et des solutions très opérationnelles.

    MōōV Consulting a une approche globale qui tient compte des Hommes (collaborateurs, consommateurs, utilisateurs ...), de l'organisation et de l’ensemble des supports intégrés ou à intégrer dans la stratégie de communication.


    Pour la petite histoire, MōōV Consulting est inspiré du mot Emotion = Emovère = se mouvoir / le mouvement.

    Nous sommes certifiés :
    - Design thinking
    - Guide des ateliers 2030 Glorieuses
    - Décryptage du langage corporel
    - Neurosciences appliquées aux organisations

    Communication Non verbale, Stratégie de Communication, Facilitation, Conférence, Formation, ScanVidéo, Posture, Conseil, Marketing, Design thinking, Facilitation Graphique, Ateliers, Reverse Mentoring, Mentoring, Audit, Coaching de posture, Coaching, Recrutement, Congruence, Analyst Comm Non Verbale, Pensée Visuelle, conférence, séminaire, conduit du changement, transformation individuelle, transformation collective, Facilitation, neurosciences, neuromanagement, Evènement, CNV, CODEV, SYNERGOLOGIE, MANAGEMENT 3.0, MANAGEMENT VISUEL, FACILITATION GRAPHIQUE, PITCH, POSTURE, PRISE DE PAROLE, STRATEGIE, STRATEGIE MANAGERIALE, STRATEGIE DES ORGANISATIONS, STRATEGIE DE COMMUNICATION, INTELLIGENCE COLLECTIVE, DESIGN THINKING, and 2030 Glorieuses

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Nantes Métropole
Nantes Métropole
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Nantes Métropole
Government Administration, French metropolis

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Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Nantes St-Nazaire
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Chamber of commerce, Government Administration
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Not partnership
Not event

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National and local authorities, Government Administration
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

24 Oct 2018

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Events Services
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Events Services

10 Oct 2018

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Not capitalistic
Not partnership

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