  • Value proposition

    Power. Safety. Life.

    Lithium Werks designs, engineers and manufactures lithium iron phosphate batteries ranging from cells to custom battery modules. Our lithium ion batteries provide high capacity, long life, and an excellent safety profile.

    We serve a wide variety of industries including:
    - medical
    - motive
    - marine
    - industrial & material handling
    - military & government
    - energy storage & UPS

    Lithium Werks is a global organization with offices and facilities throughout the world to serve our world-wide customers and global markets.

    Our products and services are branded under these names:
    * Lithium Werks
    * Nanophosphate®

    Lithium Ion, batteries, batteries, large format battery, Lithium Ion Phosphate, Marine batteries, Medical batteries, Robot batteries, AGV battery, Material Handling battery, Lithium Ion Phosphate cells, and Battery Management System

  • Lithium Battery Manufacturer | Lithium Batteries | Lithium Werks

    The highest quality Lithium ion technology, combined with smart software, we will change the way people, goods and energy are being transported.

  • https://lithiumwerks.com/
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