  • ChainCraft

    Created in 2010
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Location

    Basisweg 68, 1043 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 44

  • Engaged corporates

    2 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    Turning chemistry circular

    ChainCraft develops and exploits proprietary fermentation processes to produce biochemicals from organic waste. The first product range, Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA), can be used in existing and new applications in animal feed, lubricants, plasticizers, polymers, coatings and flavours and fragrances. The main product, the C6 fatty acid Caproic Acid, can serve as an important intermediate for a C6 chemistry platform.
    ChainCraft uses open mixed culture fermentation as technology. This non-GMO, non-sterile, continuous type fermentation leads to several operational and cost advantages. Due to the nature of the technology, a wide range of low grade feedstocks like food waste, agricultural residues or the organic fraction of municipal solid waste can be used.
    ChainCraft was founded in 2010 as spin-off from Wageningen University. In 2013 a first investment round was closed with SHIFT Invest and Horizon 3 as investors. In 2015 ChainCraft successfully completed its pilot phase. In 2016 new funding was attracted from the City of Amsterdam (AKEF), Port of Amsterdam and Province of Noord Holland (PDENH). In 2017/2018 a commercial demonstration plant was engineered and realized in the Port of Amsterdam. This plant is operational since Q4 2018 and has an annual production capacity of 2.000 tonnes of fatty acids.
    For a full scale flagship plant with an annual capacity of >20.000 tonnes of MCFA, ChainCraft is looking for upstream partners and downstream partners to co-develop innovative and sustainable product applications.

    Biobased Chemicals, Biobased Economy, Environmental Technology, Fermentation, Organic waste, Biotechnology, Down Stream Processing, Separation Technology, Product Development, Business Development, Fatty Acids, Mixed Culture Fermentation, and Open Culture Fermentation

  • ChainCraft - Turning chemistry circular

    We are ChainCraft! We envision an industry in which all chemistry is circular and are on a mission to provide sustainable chemicals to improve our daily lives.

  • https://chaincraft.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
SHIFT Invest
SHIFT Invest
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
SHIFT Invest
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals

8 Dec 2023

Sofinnova Partners
Sofinnova Partners
Financial Services
Sofinnova Partners
Financial Services

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