  • Mindology.fr - Groupe Novex

    Created in 2021
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 6


  • Engaged corporates

    3 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 months, 1 week ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] 😊 Mental well-being, let's talk about it?
    ☀️ Concrete advice and tips for everyday life

    Mindology's mission is to reduce the use of sleeping pills and anxiolytics by supporting the population most at risk from the dangers of these molecules: women during menopause.

    We integrate new research on the science of the psychobiome into our natural cures to effectively relieve anxiety, insomnia and menopausal disorders.

    Mindology surrounds itself with expert psychiatrists, naturopaths and psychologists to offer comprehensive daily support.

    Menopause care is about change.

    Mindology combines new research on psychobiome with digital support, bringing relief to women through menopause.

    Our mission is to reduce the consumption of benzodiazepines and create a new sustainable approach to mental health.

    well-being, menopause, mental health, and psychobiome

  • Original language

    😊 Le bien-être mental, on en parle ?
    ☀️ Des conseils et astuces concrètes au quotidien

    Mindology a pour mission de réduire la prise de somnifères et d'anxiolytiques en soutenant la population la plus à risque face aux dangers de ces molécules : les femmes lors de la ménopause.

    Nous intégrons les nouvelles recherches sur la science du psychobiome à nos cures naturelles pour soulager l'anxiété, l'insomnie et les troubles de la ménopause efficacement.

    Mindology s'entoure d'experts psychiatres, naturopathes, psychologues pour proposer un accompagnement complet au quotidien.

    Menopause care is about to change.

    Mindology combines new research on psychobiome with digital support, bringing relief to women through menopause.
    Our mission is to reduce the consumption of benzodiazepines and create a new sustainable approach to mental health.

    bien-être, menopause, santé mental, mental health, and psychobiome

  • Compléments alimentaires pour la ménopause - MINDOLOGY

    Cures naturelles efficaces face au signes de la ménopause. Solution de phytothérapie construite avec des médecins. Livraison rapide.

  • https://mindology.fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Réseau Entreprendre Alsace
Réseau Entreprendre Alsace
Startup accelerator & VC
Réseau Entreprendre Alsace
Startup accelerator & VC

11 Dec 2023

Start in Saclay
Start in Saclay
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Start in Saclay
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

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