Sovato is fueled by a profound mission to create unprecedented access to high-quality surgical care by enabling access to remote robotic surgery. Sovato's remote surgery platform will expand scarce surgical resources to new markets and new patients –transcending the geographic boundaries that exist with surgery today. Our comprehensive solution brings together the people, systems, tools, data, and business model in an integrated ecosystem – addressing the full range of requirements to ensure a safe, scalable, and sustainable remote surgery program. " title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="242135" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="SOVATO"> 1,035
Entity types
Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Santa Barbara
United States of America
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 28
Engaged corporates
1Added in Motherbase
6 months, 2 weeks agoSovato exists to make high-quality surgical care accessible anywhere.
Sovato is fueled by a profound mission to create unprecedented access to high-quality surgical care by enabling access to remote robotic surgery.
Sovato's remote surgery platform will expand scarce surgical resources to new markets and new patients –transcending the geographic boundaries that exist with surgery today. Our comprehensive solution brings together the people, systems, tools, data, and business model in an integrated ecosystem – addressing the full range of requirements to ensure a safe, scalable, and sustainable remote surgery program.
Healthcare, Remote Surgery, Telesurgery, Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Health IT, Virtual Care, Medical Education, Telementoring, Health Tech, Med Tech, Digital Health, and Clinical Workflows
Create access to high-quality and lower-cost surgical care for all by enabling and orchestrating the remote surgery care journey.