Sensors for in-situ control of water quality, based on diamond nanocrystals, a material that pushes the limits of durability without maintenance, while maintaining an affordable price. Under the combined effect of global warming and demographic pressure, it is necessary to continuously monitor water quality at many points, before and after use. The large majority of sensors used for this task are electrochemical sensors, yet their large-scale deployment is limited by their purchase price, not to mention the maintenance costs (cleaning and recalibration), which can double the purchase price. DIAMSENS relies on the unique properties of diamond to develop and manufacture sensors that are both efficient and robust – “forever” even, some would say. A process patented by CEA-Leti, which consumes little energy, allows self-cleaning of submerged analysis surfaces. The sensor remains in as-new conditions, and the initial accuracy of the measurements is kept. This avoids frequent manual recalibrations and the associated maintenance costs. As for the price of the sensor itself, the solution is to use conventional microelectronics and electronics equipment to massively and quickly manufacture sensor arrays at an affordable price. DIAMSENS will successively serve the markets of the swimming pool water treatment, then agriculture - with the control of fertilizers - and finally the drinking water treatment associated with wastewater treatment." title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="238439" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#0077b5" tabindex="0" data-original-title="DIAMSENS"> 325
Entity types
29 Chem. du Vieux Chêne, 38240 Meylan, France
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 4
911925006Engaged corporates
10Added in Motherbase
9 months, 1 week agoSMART DIAMOND SENSORS
Sensors for in-situ control of water quality, based on diamond nanocrystals, a material that pushes the limits of durability without maintenance, while maintaining an affordable price. Under the combined effect of global warming and demographic pressure, it is necessary to continuously monitor water quality at many points, before and after use. The large majority of sensors used for this task are electrochemical sensors, yet their large-scale deployment is limited by their purchase price, not to mention the maintenance costs (cleaning and recalibration), which can double the purchase price. DIAMSENS relies on the unique properties of diamond to develop and manufacture sensors that are both efficient and robust – “forever” even, some would say. A process patented by CEA-Leti, which consumes little energy, allows self-cleaning of submerged analysis surfaces. The sensor remains in as-new conditions, and the initial accuracy of the measurements is kept. This avoids frequent manual recalibrations and the associated maintenance costs. As for the price of the sensor itself, the solution is to use conventional microelectronics and electronics equipment to massively and quickly manufacture sensor arrays at an affordable price. DIAMSENS will successively serve the markets of the swimming pool water treatment, then agriculture - with the control of fertilizers - and finally the drinking water treatment associated with wastewater treatment.
electrochemical sensors for in-situ water quality controls, diamond sensors, sensors, IIoT, water treatment, and wastewater treatment
Capteurs pour le contrôle in-situ de la qualité des eaux, à base de nanocristaux de diamant, matériau permettant de repousser les limites de durabilité sans maintenance tout en maintenant un prix abordable.
Sous l’effet conjugué du réchauffement climatique et de la pression démographique, il est nécessaire de surveiller la qualité des eaux en permanence et en de nombreux points, avant et après utilisation. Les capteurs électrochimiques sont largement majoritaires pour cette tâche, mais leur déploiement à grande échelle est limité par leur prix d’achat et des coûts de maintenance (nettoyage et recalibration), qui peuvent doubler le prix d’achat.
DIAMSENS s’appuie sur les propriétés uniques du diamant, pour développer et fabriquer des capteurs à la fois performants et robustes – « éternels » même auraient dit certains.
Un procédé breveté par le CEA-Leti, peu gourmand en énergie, permet un auto-nettoyage des surfaces d’analyse immergées. Le capteur reste à l’état neuf, et la précision initiale des mesures est maintenue. On évite ainsi les recalibrations manuelles fréquentes, et les coûts de maintenance associés.
Quant au prix du capteur lui-même, la solution consiste à utiliser les équipements classiques de la microélectronique et de l’électronique pour fabriquer massivement et rapidement des matrices de capteurs à un prix abordable.
DIAMSENS servira successivement les marchés du traitement des eaux de piscines, puis de l’agriculture avec le contrôle des engrais et enfin le marché historique du traitement de l’eau potable associé à l’assainissement des eaux usées.
DIAMSENS repousse les limites de la durabilité des capteurs électrochimiques pour le contrôle in-situ de la qualité des eaux grâce au diamant. En savoir +
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