Entreprise spécialisée dans les travaux en hauteur et d’accès difficiles en Bretagne." title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="2908" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="VERTICA"> 29 8,016
Entity types
Studsgade 29, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark
Scale: 51-200
Estimated: 188
Engaged corporates
3Added in Motherbase
6 years, 4 months ago[Automatic translation follows] A dedicated e-commerce house
Vertica is a dedicated e-commerce house with 130 employees. We have been around for more than 20 years, and together with Denmark's most ambitious companies, we innovate and develop award-winning e-commerce solutions for B2B and B2C.
We strengthen our customers' business and make IT and business merge into a higher unity. We do this by combining business understanding, user insight, technical development, good project management and integration with existing IT systems.
We are drivers in the field of Unified Commerce, where the broad business focus supports and executes a winning omnichannel strategy for our customers.
Vertica has offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus, where we house everything from strategic advisors and structured project managers to creative digital designers, certified developers and experienced integration consultants.
Among our customers are Bolia.com, Coop, Søstrene Grene, Brødrene Dahl, Hørkram and Louis Poulsen. You can read more about our customers here:
We would be happy to have a non-binding chat about how you can best optimize your digital business. Call or email Lars Christensen on tel. 27 79 60 22 or lch@vertica.dk. You can also read more at www.vertica.dk.
E-commerce, Integration, Mobile e-commerce, E-commerce, BizTalk, Mobile, User Experience, Apps, Responsive, EPiServer Commerce, Sitecore Commerce, Umbraco Commerce, uCommerce, M-commerce, .NET, Mobile Commerce, Conversion Optimization, Phonegap, Native Apps, and Hybrid Apps
Et dedikeret e-handelshus
Vertica er et dedikeret e-handelshus med 130 medarbejdere. Vi har eksisteret i mere end 20 år, og sammen med Danmarks mest ambitiøse virksomheder nytænker og udvikler vi prisvindende e-handelsløsninger til B2B og B2C.
Vi styrker vores kunders forretning og får it og forretning til at gå op i en højere enhed. Det gør vi ved at kombinere forretningsforståelse, brugerindsigt, den tekniske udvikling, god projektledelse og integration til eksisterende it- systemer.
Vi er drivere inden for feltet Unified Commerce, hvor det brede forretningsfokus understøtter og eksekverer en vindende omnichannel-strategi for vores kunder.
Vertica har kontorer i København og Aarhus, hvor vi huser alt fra strategiske rådgivere og strukturerede projektledere til kreative digitale designere, certificerede udviklere og erfarne integrationskonsulenter.
Blandt vores kunder er Bolia.com, Coop, Søstrene Grene, Brødrene Dahl, Hørkram og Louis Poulsen. Du kan læse mere om vores kunder her:
Vi tager gerne en uforpligtende snak om, hvordan I bedst kan optimere jeres digitale forretning. Ring eller mail Lars Christensen på tlf. 27 79 60 22 eller lch@vertica.dk. Du kan også læse mere på www.vertica.dk.
E-handel, Integration, Mobil e-handel, E-commerce, BizTalk, Mobile, User Experience, Apps, Responsive, EPiServer Commerce, Sitecore Commerce, Umbraco Commerce, uCommerce, M-commerce, .NET, Mobile Commerce, Konverteringsoptimering, Phonegap, Native Apps, and Hybrid Apps
Vertica er et dedikeret e-handelshus med over 20 års erfaring. Læs mere om vores innovative løsninger her.
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