  • nearcare

    Created in 2022
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 1

  • Engaged corporates

    1 10
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Startup Innovation in care organization ▏ The all-in-one platform that gives caregivers time ✨

    🏥 Healthcare establishments are struggling to make themselves attractive, recruit and retain caregivers.
    More than two out of three caregivers mention a lack of recognition, organizational problems and unsuitable working conditions.

    ⚡️ The observation is clear, caregivers are suffering and healthcare services are losing their meaning.

    🤗 Founded by a healthcare professional, nurse then care director, and an IT professional, multi-entrepreneur in Tech, Nearcare is a start-up created in 2022 which aims to revolutionize the organization of care 🤩 .

    Nearcare is the publisher of an all-in-one platform at the forefront of technological innovation that helps establishments rethink the organization of their care services.

    ✨ Modern and fun, adapted to connected caregivers as well as patients, it streamlines all the actions of a care service and provides a differentiating QVCT. As a result, caregivers are much more fulfilled and happy in their work.

    ✨ Nearcare offers numerous features that break the codes of previous practices in terms of management, organization, communication and control of healthcare establishments

    Contact us for a demo, you will love it!

    📩 contact@nearcare-app.com


    digital, e-health, hospital, caregivers, care pathway, care services, mobile application, patient relations, health establishments, ESPIC, APHP, Private health group, QVT, Organization, Resource optimization, quality approach, Suffering at work, health data, monitoring, and inclusive management

  • Original language

    Startup Innovation organisation des soins ▏ La plateforme tout-en-un qui redonne du temps aux soignants ✨

    🏥 Les établissements de santé peinent à se rendre attractifs, à recruter et à fidéliser les soignants.
    Plus de deux soignants sur trois évoquent un manque de reconnaissance, des problèmes d’organisation et des conditions de travail inadaptées.

    ⚡️ Le constat est sans appel, les soignants sont en souffrance et les services de soins sont en perte de sens.

    🤗 Fondé par une professionnelle de santé, infirmière puis directrice de soins, et un professionnel de l'IT, multi-entrepreneur dans la Tech, Nearcare est une start-up créée en 2022 qui a pour ambition de révolutionner l'organisation des soins 🤩 .

    Nearcare est éditrice d'une plateforme tout-en-un à la pointe de l'innovation technologique qui aide les établissements à repenser l'organisation de leurs services de soins.

    ✨ Moderne et ludique, adaptée aux soignants connectés comme aux patients, elle rationalise l’ensemble des actions d’un service de soins et apporte une QVCT différenciante. Résultat, les soignants sont bien plus épanouis et heureux dans leur travail.

    ✨ Nearcare offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités qui cassent les codes des pratiques antérieures en termes de management, d’organisation, de communication et de pilotage des établissements de soins

    Contactez nous pour une démo, vous allez adorer!

    📩 contact@nearcare-app.com


    digital, e-santé, hôpital, soignants, parcours de soins, services soins, application mobile, relation patients, établissements de santé, ESPIC, APHP, Groupe de santé privé, QVT, Organisation, Optimisation ressources, démarche qualité, Souffrance au travail, données de santé, pilotage , and management inclusif

  • La plateforme qui révolutionne l'organisation des services de soins

    Sonnette digitale pour répartir les interventions à la bonne équipe, donnée patients centralisée, messagerie sécurisée, parcours soins, QVT

  • https://nearcare-app.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Digital Pharma Lab
Digital Pharma Lab
Pharmaceutical, Health, Business Consulting and Services
Digital Pharma Lab
Pharmaceutical, Health, Business Consulting and Services

24 Jan 2024

Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

19 Jan 2024

Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking

24 Jan 2024

Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP
Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP
Health, Hospitals and Health Care
Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP
Health, Hospitals and Health Care

13 Dec 2023

Hopital Foch
Hopital Foch
Health, Hospitals and Health Care
Hopital Foch
Health, Hospitals and Health Care

13 Dec 2023

Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild
Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild
NGO, Think Tank, Hospitals and Health Care
Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild
NGO, Think Tank, Hospitals and Health Care

13 Dec 2023

IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

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Pierre Fabre Group
Pierre Fabre Group
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pierre Fabre Group
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

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Ville de Paris
Ville de Paris
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Ville de Paris
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Health, Hospitals and Health Care
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