  • TheAssistant

    Created in 2017
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    9 Rue des Colonnes, 75002 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 14

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    10 months, 3 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The virtual assistant for professionals

    With TheAssistant, you can now effectively delegate tasks that you had neither the time nor the desire to do to qualified French assistants supported by our technology.

    More than an assistant, TheAssistant allows companies and their employees to put their daily tasks on automatic pilot and to multiply.

    Your assistant answers all your requests!
    - Executive assistant
    - Sales assistant
    - Administrative assistant
    - HR Assistant
    - Personal assistant
    - Office manager
    - Expertise

    TheAssistant was born from a desire to simplify the daily lives of businesses by allowing them to free up time to think, create and innovate. To simply focus on the essentials.

    Sign up in 2 minutes at TheAssistant.com.

    Offer without obligation, contact us and make an appointment with the team for more information.

    personal assistant, virtual assistant, artificial intelligence, administrative management, office manager, research, meeting organization, human resources, Administrative, sales assistant, marketing assistant, HR assistant, executive assistant, digital assistant, virtual assistant, and online assistant

  • Original language

    L'assistant virtuel des professionnels

    Avec TheAssistant, vous pouvez désormais déléguer efficacement les tâches que vous n'aviez ni le temps ni l'envie de faire à des assistants qualifiés et français appuyés par notre technologie.

    Plus qu’un assistant, TheAssistant permet aux entreprises et à leurs salariés de mettre leurs tâches du quotidien en pilotage automatique et de se démultiplier.

    Votre assistant répond à toutes vos requêtes !
    - Assistant de direction
    - Assistant commercial
    - Assistant administratif
    - Assistant R.H
    - Assistant Personnel
    - Office manager
    - Expertises

    TheAssistant est né d’une volonté de simplifier le quotidien des entreprises en leur permettant de se dégager du temps pour penser, créer et innover. Pour tout simplement se concentrer sur l’essentiel.

    Inscription en 2 minutes sur TheAssistant.com.

    Offre sans engagement, contactez-nous et prenez rendez-vous avec l'équipe pour plus d'infos.

    assistant personnel, assistant virtual, intelligence artificielle, gestion administrative, office manager, recherche, organisation de réunions, ressources humaines, Administratif, assistant commercial, assistant marketing, assistant RH, assistant de direction, assistant digital, assistant virtuel, and assistant en ligne

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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