Expert in Speech Technology, Market Research and Contact Centre Solutions" title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="18497" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="MyForce"> 85 220
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Hundelgemsesteenweg, 9820, Belgium
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 11
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
6 years, 1 month agoExpert in Speech Technology, Market Research and Contact Centre Solutions
MyForce is specialised in developing, implementing and supporting high-end, innovative ICT-solutions for the Contact Centre- and Market Research market. More specifically, we offer:
- Voice biometrics solutions
- Speech technology for automated quality assurance
- contact center telephony solutions for inbound, outbound and monitoring
- dashboarding and reporting portals
- survey software
Our key values are: flexibility and openness, dedication, and unprecedented customer service. Come check us out at !
call center, market research, contact center, speech technology, voice biometrics, dashboarding, system integration, dashboard building, authentication solutions, customer care, quality assurance, and voice bots
MyForce. Expert in speech technology, contact centre solutions and market research. Passionate about technology. How can we help you?