  • Value proposition

    Conjuguer Éthique et Performance

    ADHERE RH specializes in providing companies with formal framework and methodologies to identify problems or efficient ways of performing business and human resources tasks. ADHERE RH is a strong supporter and advocate for business leadership in corporate social responsibility (CSR).

    ADHERE RH aims at business executives with a commitment to making their business successful in a socially responsible manner. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.

    We provide employers with training programmes on how to facilitate the employment of people with disabilities within their organisations, to breakdown the negative preconceptions that may exist. We believe it is imperative for companies to mainstream disability throughout their organisations, through their HR functions and their recruitment practices.

    The workplace is one of the front-lines in fight against discrimination on the basis of gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, background and other qualities.

    RSE, Recrutement, Ressources humaines, Project management, Communication, leadership, Diversité, Strategy, Handicap, Cross-cultural communication, Optimisation des coûts, management , Développement durable , Conduite du changement, Adaptation au changement , Stratégie digitale , Techniques de négociation, Risques psychosociaux , Organisation , and Coaching cadres & dirigeants

  • Original language

    Conjuguer Éthique et Performance

    RSE; recrutement; management; stratégie; communication; numérique; diversité; handicap; audit; diagnostic; études; enquêtes; gestion des risques; réduction des coûts; numérique; développement durable; gestion de la performance; ressources humaines; gestion des talents; gestion des compétences; comex; accompagnement du codir; management de projet; changement; leading change; transmission d'entreprise; csr; sustainability; disability;

    ADHERE-RH est un Cabinet de Conseil Expert dont le cœur de métier est le Management des Ressources Humaines et le Développement Durable.

    ADHERE-RH intervient dans la conception et la mise en œuvre de solutions globales en Conseil, Ingénierie, et Formation.

    Notre mission est l’accompagnement des entreprises dans la mise en place d’un Management des Ressources Humaines Socialement Responsable.

    Pôle de Compétences et Réseau d’Experts RH au service des entreprises, ADHERE RH est un Cabinet fondé et dirigé par Sylvie PAYOUX et Constant CALVO.

    Expertises principales:
    Conseil en Stratégie – Recrutement - RSE – Management - Diversité & Handicap – Organisation – Communication – Conduite de Projet – Enquêtes, Études, Diagnostics - transmission d'entreprise -

    ADHERE-RH est signataire de la « Charte de la Diversité », du « Manifeste de l’Entreprise Responsable », de la « Charte des Réseaux, Internet, Vie Privée et Recrutement » et a publié en 2012 sa « Charte d’Engagement Sociétal ».

    Livre Blanc : « Les Enjeux Ressources Humaines de la RSE » octobre 2013
    Livre Blanc : « Développement Durable et RSE - Les Enjeux de la Communication Responsable » décembre 2014
    Livre Blanc : « RSE & Management du Handicap » septembre 2015

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IER Group
IER Group
Real Estate, Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
IER Group
Real Estate, Industrial Machinery Manufacturing

7 Apr 2015

La Banque Postale
La Banque Postale
Bank, Banking
La Banque Postale
Bank, Banking

13 Jul 2016

Insurance, IT Services and IT Consulting
Insurance, IT Services and IT Consulting

13 Mar 2021

Schoolab | Mission-driven company
Schoolab | Mission-driven company
Business Consulting and Services
Schoolab | Mission-driven company
Business Consulting and Services

6 Mar 2022

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