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Entity types
Eichenstraße 26, 82290 Landsberied, Germany
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 6
Engaged corporates
0Added in Motherbase
1 year, 10 months agoSoftware, die passt - maßgeschneidert für Ihren Erfolg.
We are IT professionals, witch developes individual concepts to meaningful, effective marketing and sales use on the Internet and Integrates synthesis into individual software: such as online shops, ordering platforms or e-commerce software. The integration is based on the newest standards. With over 10 years of experience we advise our clients on the topics of web marketing, e-commerce and e-business applications and develope together individual Approaches to meaningful concepts.
eCommerce Software, Internet, Onlineshop Software, Software Entwicklung, Webdesign, ki-anwendungen, and Unternehmenssoftware
Schnell, günstig und professionell. Wir konzeptionieren und entwickeln Software und betreiben Anwendungen.