  • Value proposition

    MyNI creates & shares content from government & other organisations to benefit people living and working in N.I.

    MyNI is a collaborative online project where different organisations work together with a common purpose; for the benefit of the people of Northern Ireland. It is currently in a Beta phase.

    MyNI has been built to help people find the information and services relevant to them, and let you give feedback on what you want in order to help make NI a better healthier and happier place to live.

    business, health, environment, agriculture, and travel

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
UK Atomic Energy Authority
UK Atomic Energy Authority
Research, National and local authorities
UK Atomic Energy Authority
Research, National and local authorities
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

8 Jun 2018

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs

2 Feb 2021

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Social network dynamics