  • Value proposition

    Global leader in miniaturization technologies enabling smart, energy-efficient and secure solutions for industry.

    CEA-Leti, a technology research institute at CEA, is a global leader in miniaturization technologies enabling smart, energy-efficient and secure solutions for industry. Founded in 1967, CEA-Leti pioneers micro-& nanotechnologies, tailoring differentiating applicative solutions for global companies, SMEs and startups. CEA-Leti tackles critical challenges in healthcare, energy and digital migration.
    From sensors to data processing and computing solutions, CEA-Leti’s multidisciplinary teams deliver solid expertise, leveraging world-class pre-industrialization facilities. With a staff of more than 2,000 talents, a portfolio of 3,200 patents, 11,000 sq. meters of cleanroom space and a clear IP policy, the institute is based in Grenoble, France, and has offices in Silicon Valley, Brussels and Tokyo.

    CEA-Leti has launched 76 startups and is a member of the Carnot Institutes network.
    Follow us on www.leti-cea.com and @CEA_Leti.

    Technological expertise
    CEA has a key role in transferring scientific knowledge and innovation from research to industry. This high-level technological research is carried out in particular in electronic and integrated systems, from microscale to nanoscale. It has a wide range of industrial applications in the fields of transport, health, safety and telecommunications, contributing to the creation of high-quality and competitive products. For more information: www.cea.fr/english

    @CEA | @CEATech | @CEA-List | @CEA-Liten

    microelectronics, innovation, Cybersecurity, Optics & Photonics, Quantum , Sensors, Medical Devices, microsystems , cleanroom, design, 5G, Artificial intelligence, Power Electronics, R&D, Research, Carnot, Computing, nanotechnology, prototyping, semiconductor, edgeIA, Lidar, Clinatec, cea, FDSOI, CMOS, Embedded Systems, Nanocharacterization, circuits design, Foundries, Startup, Smart Cities, Smart Manufacturing, IoT, Smart Health, Transport, Smart Energy, Defense & Space, and Smart Mobility

  • Original language

    Global leader in miniaturization technologies enabling smart, energy-efficient and secure solutions for industry.

    CEA-Leti, a technology research institute at CEA, is a global leader in miniaturization technologies enabling smart, energy-efficient and secure solutions for industry. Founded in 1967, CEA-Leti pioneers micro-& nanotechnologies, tailoring differentiating applicative solutions for global companies, SMEs and startups. CEA-Leti tackles critical challenges in healthcare, energy and digital migration.
    From sensors to data processing and computing solutions, CEA-Leti’s multidisciplinary teams deliver solid expertise, leveraging world-class pre-industrialization facilities. With a staff of more than 2,000 talents, a portfolio of 3,200 patents, 11,000 sq. meters of cleanroom space and a clear IP policy, the institute is based in Grenoble, France, and has offices in Silicon Valley, Brussels and Tokyo.

    CEA-Leti has launched 76 startups and is a member of the Carnot Institutes network.
    Follow us on www.leti-cea.com and @CEA_Leti.

    Technological expertise
    CEA has a key role in transferring scientific knowledge and innovation from research to industry. This high-level technological research is carried out in particular in electronic and integrated systems, from microscale to nanoscale. It has a wide range of industrial applications in the fields of transport, health, safety and telecommunications, contributing to the creation of high-quality and competitive products. For more information: www.cea.fr/english

    @CEA | @CEATech | @CEA-List | @CEA-Liten

  • Leti (english) - Welcome

    Homepage - Official website for Leti's Center for Research and Specialized Technology in micro and nanotechnologies. Grenoble, Isère (38), France

  • https://www.leti-cea.fr/cea-tech/leti
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Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

28 Jul 2020

2 Dec 2023

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