  • In Person

    Created in 1999
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    848 4,141
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    M. H. Tromplaan 1, 7511 JJ Enschede, Netherlands



  • Employees

    Scale: 201-500

    Estimated: 147

  • Engaged corporates

    0 3
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] In Person is a specialist in the field of flexible labor. Happy customers and flexible workers are central to everything we do. Together with more than 20,000 flex workers, we help our customers perform better and grow. In Person is one of the Best Employers in the Netherlands (Effectory & Intermediair) and one of the best growers in the Netherlands (FD Gazellen and High Growth Awards). Our wonderful customers include PostNL, DHL, Koninklijke Maison van den Boer, RAI Amsterdam, Timberland, Efteling, Apollo Vredestein and Spotta.

    Outsourcing, In House, Broadcasting, Hospitality, Recruitment & Selection, HBO+, Technology, Food, Logistics, and Payroll

  • Original language

    In Person is specialist op het gebied van flexibele arbeid. In alles wat wij doen staan gelukkige klanten en flexkrachten centraal. Samen met ruim 20.000 flexkrachten helpen we onze klanten beter te presteren én te groeien. In Person behoort tot de Beste Werkgevers van Nederland (Effectory & Intermediair) en tot de beste groeiers van Nederland (FD Gazellen en High Growth Awards). Tot onze schitterende klanten behoren onder andere PostNL, DHL, Koninklijke Maison van den Boer, RAI Amsterdam, Timberland, de Efteling, Apollo Vredestein en Spotta.

    Outsourcing, In House, Uitzenden, Hospitality, Werving & Selectie, HBO+, Techniek, Food, Logistics, and Payroll

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
EY Pythagoras
EY Pythagoras
IT Services and IT Consulting
EY Pythagoras
IT Services and IT Consulting

16 Nov 2016

Deutsche Post und DHL
Deutsche Post und DHL
Logistics, Truck Transportation
Deutsche Post und DHL
Logistics, Truck Transportation

19 Mar 2015

footwear, Retail
footwear, Retail
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

25 Jul 2016

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