  • Orisha Construction | Onaya

    Created in 1977
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

    291 1,335
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    4 Av. Henry le Châtelier, 33700 Mérignac, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 23


  • Engaged corporates

    0 4
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Onaya is an IT publisher of management solutions dedicated to construction companies, all trades: Structural work, Secondary work, Public works, Green spaces, Carpentry, etc.

    Its business revolves around 5 main areas: the design, development, marketing, deployment and maintenance of its software.

    The company has built its reputation and established itself as one of the market leaders with the ONAYA range of software (Price studies, Invoicing, Site monitoring, Planning, Accounting, Payroll) and ONAYA web (Production reports). construction sites, dashboards).

    The company's total workforce is 40 employees, grouped into 3 departments: Research & Development, Sales and Marketing, Customer Service.

    The head office is located in Mérignac (33), and brings together the R&D department, Customer Service, Marketing, administrative services, management and the team which manages the France South-West geographical sector.

    3 regional agencies in Nantes, Paris and Lyon complete this organization and ensure a commercial and technical presence throughout France.

    ONAYA, BTP ERP, Building management software, BIM, site monitoring, site reports, construction software, price study, invoicing, accounting, payroll, CRM, planning, construction digitalization, construction digitalization, and construction monitoring application construction site

  • Original language

    Onaya est éditeur informatique de solutions de gestion dédiées aux entreprises du BTP, tous corps d’états : Gros-œuvre, Second-œuvre, Travaux Publics, Espaces verts, Menuiserie…

    Son métier s'articule autour de 5 grands axes : la conception, le développement, la commercialisation, le déploiement et la maintenance de ses logiciels.

    L’entreprise a bâtie sa notoriété et s'est imposée en tant qu’un des leaders du marché avec la gamme de logiciels ONAYA (Etudes de prix, Facturation, Suivi de chantiers, Planning, Comptabilité, Paye) et ONAYA web (Rapports de chantiers, Tableaux de bord).

    L'effectif global de la société est de 40 salariés, regroupés en 3 départements : Recherche & Développement, Commercial et Marketing, Service Client.

    Le siège social est implanté à Mérignac (33), et regroupe le département R&D, le Service Clients, le Marketing, les services administratifs, la direction et l'équipe qui assure la gestion du secteur géographique France Sud-Ouest.

    3 agences régionales à Nantes, Paris et Lyon complètent cette organisation et assurent une présence commerciale et technique sur toute la France.

    ONAYA, ERP BTP, Logiciel gestion bâtiment, BIM, suivi de chantier, rapports de chantier, logiciel du BTP, étude de prix, facturation, comptabilité, paie, CRM, planning, numérisation du btp, digital du btp, and application de suivi de chantier

  • Logiciel BTP : Onaya BTP - Suivi de chantiers ERP Bâtiment

    Logiciel BTP devis et factures complet, Pilotage de chantiers, appel offre BTP. Maitrisez vos budgets, devis, pilotez vos chantiers, facture.

  • https://construction.orisha.com/onaya/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
BFM Business
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
BFM Business
Media, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

28 Oct 2023

IT services, Software Development
IT services, Software Development
Not capitalistic
Not event

19 Dec 2019

Construction, Event
Construction, Event
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

28 Nov 2019

Not capitalistic

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