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Keolis Group Keolis Group

More ways, more life | Plus de mobilités, plus de vie Keolis is one of the world’s leading public transport operators. The company is majority owned (70%) by the French state railway SNCF, the other shareholder being Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ). Present in 13 countries (France, UK, Sweden, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Canada, India, United Arab Emirats, Qatar, USA and China) the Group has a turnover of 7.0 billion euros and employs more than 68,100 people (2023 figures). Keolis develops tailored mobility solutions (automatic metros, tramways, trains, buses, coaches, ferries, self-service bicycles) adapted to local environments. …

819 554 280
Tours Métropole Val de Loire Tours Métropole Val de Loire

[Automatic translation follows] Every day, by your side. Made up of 22 municipalities, Tours Métropole is an active and dynamic French metropolis of nearly 300,000 inhabitants. It is the 1st employment area in the Centre-Cal de Loire Region, the 1st university center in the region, and has 5 study and research centers, 1 CHRU, 6 listed monuments, and of course... the Loire listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. Furthermore, an international airport (Tours Val de Loire), as well as 30 TGV connections per day from or to Paris, make the Tours area very accessible. These infrastructures allow Tours Métropole …

Sectors: French metropolis

625 366 273
Eurométropole de Metz Eurométropole de Metz

[Automatic translation follows] Find us on our website or on our other social networks Find us on our website: but also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Sectors: French metropolis

273 227 38
Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL) Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL)

[Automatic translation follows] Public Establishment for Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI) serving 95 municipalities for more than a million inhabitants. The European Metropolis of Lille, a public establishment for intermunicipal cooperation, brings together more than a million inhabitants and 95 municipalities. Its territory is both rural and urban, made up of large cities and villages. It exercises its skills in 19 essential areas serving users such as planning, roads, sanitation, transport, culture, tourism, housing, economic development, etc. MEL services include more than 2,800 agents and more than 100 professions. Supported by an ambitious continuing training policy, they open up attractive professional development …

Sectors: French metropolis

1237 965 220
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole Grenoble-Alpes Métropole

2ème Métropole d'Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - 450 000 hab. - Au pied des massifs du Vercors, de Chartreuse et de Belledonne. Grenoble-Alpes Métropole is the global Grenoble administration in charge of transportation, waste, economy & development, environment management.

Sectors: French metropolis

722 570 109
Brest Métropole Brest Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Ready to give meaning to your career at the tip of Brittany? At the heart of a living area of ​​90 municipalities and 300,000 inhabitants, Brest metropolis oceane constitutes the anchor point of western Brittany. Created on a voluntary basis in 1973, the Brest Urban Community, today Brest Ocean Metropolis, brings together the eight founding municipalities, or 210,000 inhabitants.

Sectors: French metropolis

423 347 42
Bordeaux Métropole Bordeaux Métropole

1 métropole au service de ses 28 communes et de ses 815 000 habitants. Bordeaux Métropole (formerly the Urban Community of Bordeaux), is the intercommunal structure gathering the city of Bordeaux (France) and some of its suburbs.

Sectors: French metropolis

968 848 89
Groupe Safer Groupe Safer

[Automatic translation follows] Land development and rural settlement companies Safer (Land development and rural settlement companies) are public limited companies, non-profit (without distribution of profits), with missions of general interest, under the supervision of the Ministries of Agriculture and Finance. They cover mainland French territory and 3 overseas territories. Resulting from the agricultural orientation laws of 1960 and 1962, they now have more than 60 years of experience in the field. Their actions come under the jurisdiction of the judicial courts (high courts, courts of appeal and Court of Cassation). In France, we have 64,400,000 hectares of possibilities under our …

85 36 58
Nantes Métropole Nantes Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Nantes Métropole, territory of inspirations! Nantes and its metropolis have the ambition to invent a new development model to respond to the democratic, ecological, digital transitions... of our time. It draws on the strengths of a united, collaborative, daring, creative and “completely Western” territory! The Nantes Métropole social networks are spaces open to all and aim to keep you informed of current events in the Nantes metropolis. Nantes Métropole reserves the right to delete all publications that are abusive, contrary to public order or good morals, violent, racist, revisionist, promoting war crimes, insulting or crude, contrary to …

Sectors: French metropolis

974 818 126
France Stratégie / Services du Premier ministre France Stratégie / Services du Premier ministre

[Automatic translation follows] Evaluate - Anticipate - Debate - Propose France Stratégie's mission is to inform collective choices. Its action is based on four professions: evaluating public policies; anticipate future changes in the economic, societal or technical fields; debate with French and international experts and stakeholders; propose recommendations to national, territorial and European public authorities. To enrich its analyzes and refine its proposals, France Stratégie strives to dialogue with social partners and civil society. France Stratégie focuses on transversality by leading a network of eight organizations with specialized skills. Economy - Finance, Sustainable Development, Social Issues, Work - Employment, Debate, …

311 231 77
Cullettività di Corsica - Collectivité de Corse Cullettività di Corsica - Collectivité de Corse

[Automatic translation follows] The Corsican Community exercises extensive skills in the service of the development of the island. The Corsican Community, established on January 1, 2018, exercises extensive powers at the territorial level in the service of the development of the island. The Executive Council of Corsica directs its action in around forty sectors. The Corsican Community defines and implements territorial public policies in the following areas: solidarity and health, social, attractiveness of the territory, culture, heritage, sport, youth, community life, tourism, economy, education, training, lingua corsa, environment, energy transition and waste, transport and mobility, agriculture, water policy, international relations. …

162 114 38

CONSEIL DEPARTEMENTAL DE MAYOTTE is a government administration company based out of 8 RUE DE L HOPITAL-101, Mamoudzou, Mayotte, France.

62 35 27

[Automatic translation follows] Third place and pre-incubator for startups on the Rangueil Campus The Catalyst is a third place and a project pre-incubator. Its main activity consists of training and supporting students and young graduates in their entrepreneurial projects. The Catalyst also carries out scientific and technical mediation with the general public. The Catalyst project aims to bring together students, researchers, teachers, and entrepreneurs under the same space with the aim of creating and developing an entrepreneurial project together. To achieve this, Le Catalyseur has four distinct spaces: a coworking space, a fablab, a showroom, and a conviviality space. Follow …

163 25 142

[Automatic translation follows] INRAE, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment INRAE, the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, is a major player in research and innovation created on January 1, 2020. Finalized research institute resulting from the merger between the Inra and Irstea, INRAE ​​brings together a community of 12,000 people, with just over 200 research units and around forty experimental units located in 18 centers throughout France. The institute is positioned among the very first world leaders in agricultural and food sciences, in plant and animal sciences, and ranks 11th in the world …

Sectors: Research

1267 1068 89

BATIMAT connecte les Pros à l'innovation / A show built by RX (Reed Exhibitions) BATIMAT is the building industry's leading multi-specialist international trade show. It is where decision-makers and industry professionals come together to choose innovative solutions for current and future buildings. It is the forum for promoting or exclusively unveiling innovations to specialist decision-makers from French and international markets. architecture , construction, conception, rénovation, innovation, enr, construire positif, matériaux biosourcés, solutions constructives, construction tech, habitat, bâtiment du futur, smart building, smart home, and smart grid

Sectors: Construction Event

451 251 197
Villes de France Villes de France

[Automatic translation follows] 🇫🇷 Pluralist association of elected officials that brings together cities with 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants and their groups. Villes de France is a pluralist association of elected officials that brings together cities with 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants and their groups from the national territory, a group that is the living environment of nearly half of the French population (30 million inhabitants). Since 2022, Gil Avérous, mayor of Châteauroux, president of Châteauroux Métropole, has been president of Villes de France and Jean-François Debat, mayor of Bourg-en-Bresse, president of the CA of Grand Bourg Agglomération, is its deputy president. …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

386 166 144
Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité

[Automatic translation follows] The AMF stands alongside mayors and intercommunal presidents to respect local freedoms. A force of proposal and representation Created in 1907, recognized as being of public utility since 1933, the AMF works alongside mayors and intercommunity presidents, respecting the values ​​and principles that have prevailed since its creation: defense of local freedoms, concrete support and permanent to elected officials in daily management, loyal but demanding partnership with the State to always better preserve the interests of communities and their groups. Nearly 35,000 mayors and presidents of EPCI are now members. Strong legitimacy The history of the AMF …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

978 805 20
Intercommunalités de France Intercommunalités de France

Intercommunalités de France est la fédération nationale des élus de l'intercommunalité "Intercommunalités de France" is a national association of local authorities created in 1989. AdCF represents 1000 groupings of territorial authorities, including 235 metropolitean and urban areas. These groupings of local authorities gather 80% of the French population. "Intercommunalités de France" is their spokesman with national public authorities (French Government and Parliament) and contributes to the debates on French territorial organization and exercise of the decentralized public policies : spatial planning, economic development, housing, public transport and mobilities, waste management... Collectivités locales, Politiques publiques, Urbanisme, Finances locales, Développement économique territorial, …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

490 252 186
Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPT) Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPT)

[Automatic translation follows] When talent grows, communities progress The National Center for the Territorial Civil Service (CNFPT) is a French public administrative establishment which intervenes in the management of the territorial civil service. It is a national establishment to the extent that its jurisdiction extends over the entire national territory, except Paris and certain overseas communities, but contrary to the principle of attachment, it is not attached to any community in particular. The CNFPT carries out general administration, consultancy, recruitment and training missions. training and employment

667 465 125

[Automatic translation follows] Consultor is an online information site, approved by the Ministry of Culture and Communication. The strategy consulting media read by 100,000 students, consultants and clients each month: news, surveys, job offers, preparation for interviews... strategy consulting, consulting, management consulting, and Journalism

Sectors: Media

186 22 181
Clermont Auvergne Métropole Clermont Auvergne Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Clermont Auvergne Métropole is a public establishment for intermunicipal cooperation (E.P.C.I.), made up of 21 municipalities. Economic, university, cultural and sporting capital, the Clermont metropolis brings together 21 municipalities and 300,000 inhabitants. Territory, living and dynamic, within an exceptional natural setting, our Metropolis is teeming with projects and overflowing with energy. Clermont Auvergne Métropole intends to strengthen its role as a locomotive for the development of Auvergne, in the second most dynamic region in France. To meet the challenges of tomorrow, we rely on the commitment of our 2,300 agents and we regularly seek new skills. Economic …

Sectors: French metropolis National and local authorities

606 414 139
Cerema Cerema

[Automatic translation follows] Cerema, Climate & Territories of tomorrow: planning, mobility, infrastructure, risks, environment, sea, coastline Cerema provides expertise, research and innovation at the service of the State and communities, as well as economic players: > Expertise and territorial engineering > Mobility > Buildings > Transport infrastructure > Environment and natural hazards > Sea and coastline A public administrative establishment (EPA), under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Cerema develops close relationships with the local authorities which are present in its governance bodies. It promotes innovation in the regions, and develops partnerships with communities and businesses. This is …

Sectors: National and local authorities

1011 791 172
La Tribune La Tribune

[Automatic translation follows] Share the economy. Associating the expertise of a historical title to the agility of digital, the Tribune has operated for several years its transformation, deploying at the heart of the uses of its audience: website, digital daily, mobile applications, social networks, butAlso a field presence to animate its audience via the organization of 80 events per year.Its territorial anchor makes the tribune the economic media of metropolises with editions in regions and Africa with the African gallery, fueling an editorial line focused on the real economy (innovation, digital, territories ...) and enhance thecompanies that boost their ecosystem.

Sectors: Media

4561 3380 958
Google Google

A problem isn't truly solved until it's solved for all. Googlers build products that help create opportunities for everyone, whether down the street or across the globe. Bring your insight, imagination and a healthy disregard for the impossible. Bring everything that makes you unique. Together, we can build for everyone. Check out our career opportunities at search, ads, mobile, android, online video, apps, machine learning, virtual reality, cloud, hardware, artificial intelligence, youtube, and software

Sectors: IT services

17288 13787 655
Région Pays de la Loire Région Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] The Pays de la Loire region brings together 5 departments: Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe and Vendée. It has 3.7 million inhabitants spread across 1,357 municipalities. It is a territory balanced between rural areas and urban areas, organized around 7 large urban areas (Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Angers, Cholet, Le Mans, Laval and La-Roche-sur-Yon) and 1,108 municipalities of less than 1,000 inhabitants. Bordered by 450 km of coastline and crisscrossed by the Loire, the region has the first port on the Atlantic coast. Its economic dynamism is a real strength which allows it to have the lowest unemployment rate in …

Sectors: National and local authorities

2288 1590 309
Région Normandie Région Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] Normandy, a Region open to the world and the future. Do you want to work within the Region's services or in our educational establishments in Normandy? The Region regularly publishes job offers corresponding to vacancies in its various services.

Sectors: National and local authorities

1003 837 111
Région Grand Est Région Grand Est

[Automatic translation follows] The strength of a whole! Dynamic, competitive and innovative, the Grand Est Region is at your side and at your service. Priorities → #Employment #Digital #Youth #Territories #Mobility #Europe Find us on Also follow the news on our social networks: - Twitter: @regiongrandest - Facebook: @regiongrandest - Instagram: @laregiongrandest local community

Sectors: National and local authorities

1462 1163 180
Centre-Val de Loire Region Centre-Val de Loire Region

[Automatic translation follows] Activity, employment, environment, solidarity at the heart of the Centre-Val de Loire Region's challenges for the future A flagship location for creation, innovation and the art of living, the Centre-Val de Loire region has, since the Renaissance, been the one that best embodies the Nature-Culture and Heritage DNA. Strongly marked by its agriculture, the Centre-Val de Loire region is one of the leading cereal-producing regions in Europe. They are also renowned for their internationally renowned competitiveness clusters: Cosmetic Valley (perfumery and cosmetics), the Electrical Energy Sciences and Systems cluster (renewable energies, intelligent buildings and electrical equipment and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

1445 992 231
Région Bretagne Région Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] The official page of the Brittany Region on LinkedIn An assembly elected by the Bretons, the Regional Council intervenes in most areas which concern daily life and the future of Brittany: training, transport, economic development, regional planning, culture, sport, environment...

Sectors: National and local authorities

2390 1731 179
Pôle Hippolia Pôle Hippolia

[Automatic translation follows] The national network of innovative players in the French equine industry. The Hippolia Center is an association approved as a “competitiveness center” by the French State, the only one dedicated to the equine industry. Follow the latest innovations in the sector on this page! Network, Equine sector, Communication, Innovation, Marketing, Economic intelligence, Project support, Animation, Promotion, and Market study

Sectors: French Cluster Public business cluster

188 51 170

Operating across every dimension of commercial real estate, CBRE sees more so you can do more. Commercial Real Estate Services, Consulting Services, Valuations & Advisory, Retail Services, Industrial Services, Project Management, Agency & Brokerage Services, Facilities Management, Asset Services, Corporate Services, Research and Consulting, and Capital Markets

Sectors: Real Estate

972 708 217
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] #auvergnerhonealpes With 4 departments (Allier, Cantal, Haute-Loire and Puy de Dôme) and 1310 municipalities, the Auvergne Region manages a budget of more than 600 million Euros. Education, Transport, Vocational Training and Apprenticeship are the largest expenses in the Auvergne Region. Youth, Digital, Transport, Economy, Training, Territories, leisure, Europe, High schools, International, Employment, Agriculture, Learning, Culture, Businesses, Innovation, Higher education, Research, Health, Security, Sport, and Tourism

Sectors: National and local authorities

2992 2398 446
Business France Business France

Business France is the national agency for the internationalization of the French economy. It is responsible for the international development of companies and their exports, as well as prospecting for and welcoming international investments in France. It promotes the attractiveness and business image of France, its companies and its territories. It manages and develops the V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise). Created on January 1, 2015, Business France is a merger of UBIFRANCE and the AFII (French Agency for International Investments). Business France has 1,500 employees located in France and in 70 countries. It relies on a network of public and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

3398 1872 1666
Transdev North America Transdev North America

As an operator and global integrator of mobility, Transdev – The mobility company – empowers freedom to move every day thanks to safe, reliable and innovative solutions that serve the common good. We are proud to deliver safe, efficient, easy to use and environmentally-friendly transportation services that connect people and communities. Our approach is rooted in long-term partnerships with businesses and public authorities, and in the relentless pursuit of the safest and most innovative mobility solutions. We are a team of people serving people, and mobility is what we do. In the US, we operate multiple modes such as bus, …

Sectors: Transport

1307 863 184
Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region. The Regional Council makes up the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region with the Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council. Its regional assembly has 183 regional councilors, a permanent commission and sectoral commissions. Business, Professional training, Youth, Transport, Ecological transition, Europe, and Land use planning

Sectors: National and local authorities

2256 1715 498

[Automatic translation follows] The Ecological Transition Agency! ADEME in brief The Ecological Transition Agency participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It makes its expertise and advisory capabilities available to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, material savings raw materials, air quality, the fight against noise, the transition to the circular economy and the fight …

Sectors: National and local authorities

4412 3908 175
Asociación Nacional de CEEIs Españoles Asociación Nacional de CEEIs Españoles

[Automatic translation follows] ANCES, the National Association of CEEI - European Business and Innovation Centers - Spanish, was established in 1994 with a national scope of action. It is a non-profit association with its own legal personality that emerged with the idea of ​​promoting economic and industrial development through the CEEI, contributing its experience in the creation of new SMEs, based on innovative elements with development potential.

Sectors: Environment

45 15 23
Agence Française de Développement Agence Française de Développement

[Automatic translation follows] The French Development Agency (AFD) group finances and accelerates transitions towards a more sustainable world A public establishment, the French Development Agency (AFD) has been working for seventy years to combat poverty and promote development in the countries of the South and overseas. It implements the policy defined by the French Government. Present on four continents where it has a network of 70 agencies and representative offices around the world, including 9 in Overseas Territories and 1 in Brussels, AFD finances and supports projects that improve the living conditions of populations, support economic growth and protect the …

Sectors: International development

2191 1346 560
Irstea Irstea

[Automatic translation follows] HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) certified institute Irstea – National Institute for Research in Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and Agriculture – is a research organization (public scientific and technical establishment - EPST) placed under the dual supervision of the ministries in charge of research and 'agriculture. He focuses his research on water, eco-technologies and land use planning. Based on a “finalized” research model, it aims to respond to the environmental and societal challenges of today and tomorrow. It has been labeled “Institut Carnot” since 2006. Environmental research, Natural risks, Ecotechnology, Territories, and Waters

Sectors: Environment

335 140 129
Eurostat Eurostat

High quality statistics and data on Europe. Lawful good. EUROSTAT is the statistical office of the European Union. Our mission is to provide high quality statistics and data on Europe. Our values: Show respect for our staff, partners and users Strive for excellence in everything we do Drive innovation in official statistics Promote service orientation Uphold professional independence ESS partnership Eurostat produces European statistics in partnership with National Statistical Institutes and other national authorities in the EU Member States. This partnership is known as the European Statistical System (ESS). It also includes the statistical authorities of the European Economic Area …

Sectors: European Union

7702 5822 747
The World Bank The World Bank

The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Our vision is to create a world without poverty on a livable planet. We are not a bank in the common sense; we are made up of two unique development institutions owned by 189 member countries: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). Each institution plays a different but collaborative role in advancing the vision of inclusive and sustainable globalization. The IBRD aims to reduce poverty in middle-income and creditworthy poorer countries, while IDA focuses …

Sectors: International development

1648 1323 189
Groupe Caisse des Dépôts Groupe Caisse des Dépôts

[Automatic translation follows] Together, let’s make France grow! The Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is a long-term investor and contributes, while respecting its financial interests, to the development of businesses. Article L. 518-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code (amended by the economic modernization law of 2008) Support for public policies, Investment, Pensions and Savings Funds, and Territorial Development

Sectors: Finance

1331 1095 118

[Automatic translation follows] Water sector center - South / Occitanie The Aqua-Valley Cluster brings together a network of 230 members (large companies, ETIs, SMEs/VSEs, research and training organizations, associations) mainly located in the Occitanie/Pyrénées-Médiranée and Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur regions. Their skills and know-how cover all professions and the water cycle. Aqua-Valley aims to promote all sectors of the water sector, and in particular to enable the development of VSEs and SMEs-SMIs with a view to contributing, for example through the implementation of collective actions , the animation of networks of actors and the pooling of resources, regional economic development and thus creating …

Sectors: Public business cluster

219 99 145
Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] Public establishment of the state, financier of projects to preserve the #quality of water in the #Seine basin. The Seine-Normandie water agency implements the basin's water policy by financing the projects of local stakeholders: local authorities, industrialists, artisan farmers or associations, thanks to fees collected from all users. These projects help improve the quality of water resources, rivers and aquatic environments. They preserve and promote the life cycles of a wide variety of species and therefore biodiversity. Adaptation to climate change is the common thread of the 2019-2024 “Water and Climate” program, developed and adopted by the …

Sectors: Environment

236 175 34
Association AMORCE Association AMORCE

[Automatic translation follows] 1st Network of Territorial Authorities and Local Actors for Waste, Energy and Water Management Bringing together more than 1,100 members for 60 million inhabitants represented, AMORCE constitutes the first French network for information, sharing of experiences and support for communities (municipalities, intercommunities, departmental councils, regional councils) and other local actors (companies, associations, professional federations) in terms of energy transition, territorial waste management and sustainable water management. An independent source of proposals and a privileged interlocutor for public authorities (ministries, state agencies and Parliament), AMORCE is today the main representative of territories engaged in the ecological transition. A …

Sectors: Environment

397 240 190
Egis Egis

Egis is an international player active in the consulting, construction engineering and mobility service sectors. We design and operate intelligent infrastructure and buildings capable of responding to the climate emergency and helping to achieve more balanced, sustainable and resilient territorial development. With operations in 120 countries, Egis places the expertise of its 19,500 employees at the disposal of its clients and develops cutting-edge innovation accessible to all projects. Improving people’s quality of life and supporting communities in their social and economic development, whilst drastically reducing carbon emissions and achieving vital 2050 net zero targets, that’s our purpose. Egis shareholders consist …

Sectors: Environment

1015 627 225

Creating Cycles. For Life. 💧♻️ SUEZ is the trusted partner for circular solutions in #water and #waste #CreatingCyclesForLife

Sectors: Environment

2636 1391 1094
Bpifrance Bpifrance

[Automatic translation follows] Account of Bpifrance, the Public Investment Bank. Bpifrance, a public investment bank, supports companies, from start-up to stock market listing, from credit to equity. A privileged contact, Bpifrance offers financing or investment solutions in each region adapted to each stage of the life of companies. As a partner bank for entrepreneurs, Bpifrance supports them over the long term to support their growth and competitiveness. The teams are at the heart of the regions, throughout the territory, through more than 50 regional locations. Financing SMEs, Business Creation, International Development, Investment, Creation/Transmission, Innovation, Support, Acceleration, and Export Guarantee

Sectors: Bank

9898 7753 1149
Sanofi Sanofi

We are Sanofi, an innovative global healthcare company. We chase the miracles of science to improve people’s lives. Our team, across some 100 countries, is dedicated to transforming the practice of medicine by working to turn the impossible into the possible. We provide potentially life-changing treatment options and life-saving vaccine protection to millions of people globally, while putting sustainability and social responsibility at the center of our ambitions. Interactions with this account must comply with the Terms: vaccines, rare diseases, rare blood disorders, neurology, immunology, oncology, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and consumer healthcare

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Pharmaceutical

2158 1588 464
Ipsos France Ipsos France

[Automatic translation follows] You act better when you are sure At Ipsos, we are passionately curious about people, markets, brands and society. We help our customers navigate a rapidly changing world faster and more easily. We provide them with the inspiration they need to make strategic decisions. We provide them with security, speed, simplicity and substance. We are GAME CHANGERS. Marketing Studies, Market Research, Advertising, Media, content and new technologies, Opinion, Customer relations and satisfaction, CRM, Manager and employee engagement, Omnibus, Access Panels, Large Surveys, Quality Studies, and Product and service innovation

Sectors: Polling institute

1757 1245 424
Artelia Artelia

Créer des solutions pour une vie positive Artelia is an international multidisciplinary consultancy, engineering and project management group specialising in mobility, water, energy, building and industry. Artelia is offering a full range of engineering from technical expertise through to complex project delivery: consulting, master planning & feasibility, design & engineering, construction & project management, asset & facility management, turnkey solutions. Our Raison d’être: Designing solutions for a positive life We are united by a common passion, exercising a profession that combines the art of designing with ingenuity and building with commitment. Artelia is wholly-owned by its staff and managers. We …

Sectors: Construction Environment

820 437 370
United Nations United Nations

Official account of the United Nations. For peace, dignity & equality on a healthy planet. Founded at the end of the Second World War, the United Nations is an international organization made up of 193 Member States committed to maintaining international peace and security. Every day the UN works to tackle global challenges and deliver results for those most in need. Giving life-saving support to populations hit by humanitarian crises, helping build and keep the peace in conflict-ridden areas, supporting governments and their citizens to advance development and fight poverty, and promoting human rights worldwide are the core pillars of …

Sectors: International development

10489 8629 399