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![]() | French Proptech The movement of the Proptech and Constructch française. The French Proptech is a movement that brings together tech and innovation players that seek to reinvent the city, a city centered on man and uses. A city where life is good, work and have fun. A city where you feel "good". Our conviction is that digital will make it possible to imagine a city by and for users while taking up the challenges of a constantly more complex city: vertical development / constant mutation of uses / heterogeneous communities / environmental impacts. Yes, the innovations represented within French Proptech are great … Sectors: | 376 |
![]() | Real Estech Real Estech has several objectives but only one goal: to bring out real estate start-ups. At the crossroads of several disciplines, real estate has not yet experienced the major general disruption in progress in other sectors. The current synergy of groups of innovators may well change this faster than we imagine. Sectors: | 537 |
![]() | Open Law, le droit ouvert Digital at the service of law, the right to digital service Developed as part of the opening of French legal data, in partnership with DILA, the ETALAB mission, NUMA and OPEN World Forum, the association "Open Law, Open Law" was launched in October 2014. On the occasion of the Dila award ceremony, in the presence of Mr. Thierry Mandon Secretary of State for State Reform and Simplification, with the Prime Minister, the community has gathered during various co-creation events. Successful and unprecedented, this collaboration between the public and private sector has enabled 17 projects for the said price. The association … Sectors: | 121 |
![]() | Cercle Montesquieu For a greater place in law in our society and our economy. The Cercle Montesquieu is an association which brings together great professionals of law in the company (legal directors, general secretaries ...) whose main missions are: - Promote the legal director and his function. - Promote professional and friendly exchanges between legal directors. - Be recognized as a reference contact for business law. - Contribute to the training of the legal directors of tomorrow. Follow the current Circle Montesquieu! Legal directors, professional network, and business law Sectors: | 221 |
![]() | Congrès des notaires de France A space for reflection and proposal for the notarial profession for 130 years. Association Congres des Notaires de France, a notarial body at the service of the General interest An institution aimed at producing a legal annual reflection of general interest resulting from notarial practice, in daily contact with citizens. Each year, the concrete result of this research work is delivered to the company in several forms: • A largely disseminated substantial work, which draws up an assessment of the law applicable to the theme chosen, considered as a mine of legal information on societal themes. • A series of … Sectors: | 199 |
![]() | inovallée, Grenoble Alpes Technopole Tech, Human, Engagedd Inovallée is a technopole of 380 companies and 12,000 jobs, pole of excellence in digital technologies, located in the municipalities of Meylan and Montbonnot, around Grenoble. Located by an association of business leaders at the service of business leaders, Inovallée supports its managers on a daily basis to develop their activity and create employment on its territory. With more than 25 services to business and employees, more than 200 professional events organized each year, and two nurseries that house around thirty start-ups, Inovallée is a key player in the Grenoble innovation community. Technopole, Innovation, Technology, Digital, Start-up, … Sectors: | 348 |
![]() | Société d'Economie Politique et Sociale de Lyon (SEPL) Institution of reflections created in 1866 for the economic and social development of the great Lyon region. Agitator of ideas, Think Thank, Lobby or Circle of Reflection, all these qualifiers characterize the activities of the Society of Political and Social Economy of Lyon (SEPL) which, for more than 150 years, has never ceased to bring together great personalities from the economic, academic or political world, around major subjects for local development. Sectors: | 502 |
![]() | Société des Neurosciences Our mission: to promote the development of research in neuroscience. Coordinator of the #SemaMeDourEveau The Society of Neuroscience is a non -profit scientific association, governed by the law of 1901. Its purpose is - to promote the development of research in all areas of neuroscience. - to promote interactions between researchers from all walks of life. - to contribute to the animation and development of scientific activity, the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the context of education, training young researchers and public information. The Neuroscience Society supports young researchers by awarding them a number of prices. She coordinates brain week … Sectors: | 135 |
![]() | Cédants et Repreneurs d'Affaires Votre projet, notre accompagnement Management consultancy of merger and acquisition of small companies, advising buyer and seller, non profit organization with 70 offices all over France. Conferences, seminars, organizing bi-monthly working groups of potential buyers, assisting sellers in preparing the companies for divestment, selection of potential buyers according to the determined criteria. Transmission d'entreprise, Accompagnement dans la démarche de cession d'entreprise, Accompagnement dans la démarche de reprise d'entreprise, Repreneuriat, Mentoring, PME, and TPE Sectors: | 150 |
![]() | Villes de France 🇫🇷 Pluralist association of elected officials which brings together cities from 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants and their groups. Cities of France is a pluralist association of elected officials which brings together cities of 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants and their national territory groups, together which is the living environment of almost half of the French population (30 million inhabitants). Since 2022, Gil Avérous, mayor of Châteauroux, president of Châteauroux Métropole, has been president of Cities of France and Jean-François Debat, mayor of Bourg-en-Bresse, president of the CA of Grand Bourg Agglomeration, is the deputy president. Local authorities Sectors: | 525 |
![]() | Notaires au Cœur des Familles Protect your loved ones thanks to the advice of a notary expert in family law. The national network of notaries specializing in family law. Our goal: to make family law accessible to the greatest number while continuing to strengthen our expertise family, notary, notaries, real estate, and law Sectors: | 19 |
![]() | Les Scop Grand Est #Fiers to be in cooperative The Regional Union of SCOP Grand Est is rich in an experience of almost 40 years in the creation and cooperative business monitoring. The members of our team are recognized as real multidisciplinary experts to support all types of cooperative projects. Beyond the support, we networked the territory cooperatives, making possible the creation of a synergy and the sharing of experiences between them. Business creation, business transmission to employees, company takeover by employees, business transformation, legal expertise, financial tools, employee training, social economics, advice, cooperative, scop, and scic Sectors: | 73 |
![]() | J'aime les Startups Discover the best of French startups and tips to mount your box! Why "Jaimelesstartups.fr"? Passionate about creation, business and entrepreneurship, we opened this site in January 2012 to publicize startups in France and promote exchanges between project leaders, potential investors and all connoisseurs who can express themselves freely here. Analyze everything, dissect, from business model to CSS. As it should be, we will talk here about everything that makes the life of a startup: the initial idea and the business model, innovation and creativity, benchmark and the development plan but also men and women who choose to embark on this … Sectors: | 145 |
![]() | IMA - Innovation Makers Alliance Consortium of French Technology Departments: IT, Data, Digital, Innovation, Transformation, R&D, Business Lines The Innovation Makers Alliance (IMA) is the French consortium grouping all Technology departments from all French corporates, mid-caps and public organisations - 130 member companies, including 75% of the CAC40. The IMA brings together all French technology executives to accelerate and federate technology projects. Created in June 2015, the IMA represents more than 8,000 Tech decision-makers (CIOs, Innovation, Digital, Data, Transformation, R&D, Business Lines), from more than 130 Large Groups and Administrations (75% of the CAC 40 and Ministries), to federate and develop technological transformations. The IMA … Sectors: | 246 |
![]() | Handicap.fr Handicap.fr, information and services, from disability to autonomy! Our commitment: - Inform all the people concerned by disability - Promote the employment of disabled people thanks to their digital fairs Hello-handicap.fr and its job section. http://pro.hello-handicap.fr - contribute to the full recognition of people with disabilities as a citizen The site was opened on September 2, 2002. Handicap, technical assistance, employment, information, diversity, and autonomy Sectors: | 401 |
![]() | Grand Est Numérique Gather, reflect, promote, develop, put in relation The Grand Est Digital Association (Gen) is a non -profit association (1908 law) created on January 24, 2013 by 12 entrepreneurs. In 2017, more than 200 members (entrepreneurs, executives, employees, students, companies, associations, communities) had already joined them, as well as several permanent employees. Our action extends over the Grand Est region (Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne, Lorraine) and on the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our seat is installed in Metz. Missions: Talking about one voice, having an entity representative of the sector to promote and promote the acceleration of the digital ecosystem, and be active … Sectors: | 198 |
![]() | MJN Sectors: | 14 |
![]() | Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild Head and Neck Expertise. Created in 1905 in the 19th district of Paris, the Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital is a private health institution of collective interest (ESPIC) specialized in all pathologies of the head and neck for adults and children. This university hospital offers excellent care at a conventional rate (non-profit) and treats nearly 300,000 patients every year. Providing the continuum of care, research and training, the Rothschild Foundation Hospital pilots 125 clinical research studies each year, publishes nearly 300 scientific articles and trains nearly 700 students. The services of the Rothschild Foundation Hospital regularly appear at the top … Sectors: | 241 |
![]() | Fondation Valentin Haüy All entrepreneurs of a better future for visual deficient! Foundation created in 2012 by the Valentin Haüy association, it aims to raise funds from patrons and philanthropists to contribute to its mission to the blind and the visually impaired. Recognized of public utility by decree of the Ministry of the Interior dated July 27, 2012, Valentin Haüy - Foundation at the service of the blind and the visually impaired has been active since January 1, 2013. It is empowered to receive donations and legacies. She is also a foundation shelter of foundations and endowment funds related to her missions. Sectors: | 100 |
![]() | ANEM - Association Nationale des Elus de la Montagne The National Association of Elected Mountain elected officials brings together elected officials from all levels of local community (mayors, community advisers, departmental, regional, deputies and senators) with mountain areas on their territory. It defends economic, social, cultural, environmental and legal interests through legislative and regulatory provisions. It leads to a permanent dialogue with the public authorities to take into consideration the specificity of the mountain. Sectors: | 86 |
![]() | AFJE AFJE, a French association of business lawyers, is the professional organization of corporate lawyers in France. Its flagship mission for more than 50 years is the promotion of the profession of corporate lawyer and legal departments. With more than 7000 members, the AFJE brings together 28% of France's business lawyers. Join the AFJE network! Sectors: | 367 |
![]() | Association des Petites Villes de France Carry the voice of the mayors of small cities The association of small towns in France has been awarded small towns since 1990 from 2,500 to 25,000 inhabitants since 1990 to promote their specific role in regional planning. Today, it has nearly 1,200 members, present in all the departments of Metropolitan France and Overseas. Find the @Petitesvilles on Twitter: https://x.com/petitesvilles Sectors: | 344 |
![]() | Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité The AMF is alongside mayors and inter -municipal presidents for respect for local freedoms. A force of proposal and representation Created in 1907, recognized as a public utility in 1933, the AMF is alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunality, in compliance with the values and principles that have prevailed since its creation: defense of local freedoms, concrete and permanent support for elected officials in daily management, loyal partnership but demanding with the State to always better preserve the interests of communities and their groups. Nearly 35,000 mayors and presidents of EPCI are now members. Strong legitimacy The history of the … Sectors: | 1323 |
![]() | ACE - Avocats, Ensemble Defend our profession & amp; Bring our destiny! Created in 1992, the Association of Business Councils lawyers represents the entire French affairs bar, bringing together business consulting firms of all dimensions, French and international. Building on its technical commissions involved in all areas of law, its international section and its young lawyers section (ACE-JA), ACE has elected officials in all institutions and technical organizations representative of the profession (National Council of Barreaux, Orders, CARPA, ...). She was able to promote her innovative ideas, effectively contributing to forging the profession of modern lawyers and preparing her future. The ACE has been … Sectors: | 193 |
![]() | Assemblée des Départements de France Created in 1946, the Assembly of the Departments of France (ADF) is a pluralist association which brings together the presidents of the 102 members, including 95 departments and 7 local authorities with departmental skills. The ADF fulfills five major missions: ‣Reepresent departments with national and European public authorities; ‣Sonstitting a resource center for departments; ‣ Offer a place of exchange of experiences and good practices for elected officials and departmental technicians; ‣ Being a place of confrontation of ideas and developing common positions on major national files; ‣Anate the role and action of departments with citizens. The ADF also maintains … Sectors: | 552 |
![]() | Intercommunalités de France Intercommunalités de France est la fédération nationale des élus de l'intercommunalité "Intercommunalités de France" is a national association of local authorities created in 1989. AdCF represents 1000 groupings of territorial authorities, including 235 metropolitean and urban areas. These groupings of local authorities gather 80% of the French population. "Intercommunalités de France" is their spokesman with national public authorities (French Government and Parliament) and contributes to the debates on French territorial organization and exercise of the decentralized public policies : spatial planning, economic development, housing, public transport and mobilities, waste management... Collectivités locales, Politiques publiques, Urbanisme, Finances locales, Développement économique territorial, … Sectors: | 721 |
![]() | Association des Maires Ruraux de France - AMRF The association of rural mayors of France federates, informs and represents the mayors of municipalities of less than 3,500 inhabitants throughout France. The AMRF is committed to the daily local level as national to defend and promote the specific challenges of rurality. Created in 1971, the AMRF thus brings together nearly 10,000 rural mayors, grouped in a friendly and united network of departmental associations, independently of political powers and parties. His motto: "Mayors at the service of mayors". In a few years, the AMRF has established itself as the specific representative of the rural world with decision -makers as major … Sectors: | 428 |
![]() | Alsace Digitale Alsace Digitale is an association of local law which aims to facilitate the emergence of innovative projects in the field of digital economy in the Alsace region. It tends to promote coworking of the self -employed, entrepreneurs, artistic platforms, alternative places, competitiveness clusters, innovation support structures, specialized research laboratories, schools and universities. Our values: openness, transparency, ethics, European, sharing, participation, involvement. The association deploys its activity within the digital beach, third parties open to all: small businesses, auto-entrepreneurs, designers, graphic designers, artists, etc., can benefit from a space to work and associated common services. Sectors: | 247 |
![]() | Agefiph Open employment to disabled people In the service of disabled and private companies, the Agefiph mission is to promote the integration, maintenance and professional development of disabled people in private sector companies. AGEFIPH is the privileged interlocutor of all private companies, whatever their size, who wish to develop an opening policy for disability. We support their actions intended to recruit, maintain and develop people with disabilities. & gt; Agefiph informs, advises and supports companies & gt; Agefiph facilitates the development of cooperation & GT; Agefiph provides financial aid and services & gt; Agefiph sensitizes, fight against prejudices and discrimination Access … Sectors: | 1440 |
![]() | MEDEF Act together for responsible growth. MEDEF is the first network of entrepreneurs in France. He defends and promotes businesses of all sizes and all sectors of activity. A privileged interlocutor of decision -makers and public authorities In all transparency, the MEDEF conducts a permanent lobbying action with all decision -makers at local, regional, national and European levels, in order to assert the company's point of view And to lighten your tax and regulatory burden: reform of professional tax, apprenticeship, business transmission, conventional rupture ... An essential partner of social dialogue Actual by law to negotiate on behalf of all companies … Sectors: | 2903 |
![]() | Régions de France The news of our 18 regions and local authorities, metropolitan and overseas Regions of France has brings together the regions and regional communities of metropolitan and overseas since 1998. Network of influence made up of very high level experts, regions of France built, nourishes, carries, distributes and enriches the regional political project. Transpartisan, this project is that of a really decentralized France at the service of our fellow citizens. It covers all regional policies in their 3 dimensions: development of human capital, economic and ecological dynamics, cohesion of local territories. Regions of France acts at the national and European level, … Sectors: | 666 |
![]() | CRESS GRAND EST Social and solidarity economy, an economy that has meaning The Regional Chamber of Social and Solidarity Economy brings together companies and networks of the Grand Est in all areas of activity. It is the voice of ESS at the regional level and pursues the objective of supporting, developing and promoting the social and solidarity economy. It is the privileged interlocutor of communities which engage in favor of the development of SSE in the territories. It brings together associations, cooperatives, mutuals, foundations and ESS business enterprises: all the structures that choose to undertake by integrating into their functioning principles of democracy, … Sectors: | 248 |
![]() | GRENOBLE ALPES INITIATIVE ACTIVE Let's make sense of the economy At the service of the territory since 1998, GAIA aims to support and give the means to act to those who carry out initiatives in favor of a local and meaningful economy in Isère. We offer complete and personalized solutions for individual projects, socially useful, innovative collective projects and territorial projects: financing, support, training, connection and territorial cooperation. Our association relies on a team of 16 employees and more than 70 volunteers. The Association: - represents the France Active and Initiative France networks - carries the local support system - carries the dynamic Start … Sectors: | 102 |
![]() | IEFP - La finance pour tous The educational site on money and finance The lafinancepourtous.com site is published by the Institute for Public Financial Education (IEFP), a general interest association, eligible for patronage and approved by the Ministry of National Education. The IEFP was created to help everyone acquire the necessary knowledge bases for: • Feel more comfortable with financial issues; • Understand the economic issues of the world in which we live; • Make the decisions that concern us with full knowledge. Our goals As part of its educational and informative vocation, the Institute has set four priorities: • Encourage financial education at school; • … Sectors: | 162 |
![]() | Lab OuiSharexChronos Exploring New Urban & Amp;Community Lifestyles.Support cities & amp;#Territoires in their service innovation approaches.#Masn #Millelieux #capnum #Datacity Sectors: | 117 |
![]() | Le Club des juristes First French legal tech tank. Live and particularly changing matter, the law is omnipresent in the political, economic and social debate. Created in 2007, the club of lawyers is an independent place for debates and legal proposals. It brings together professionals from professionals from various backgrounds. Magistrates, lawyers, notaries, teachers and representatives of companies, together conduct a prospective reflection around the most salient legal problems. First French legal tech tank, the jurist club was formed around two major objectives: - Encourage legal debate and innovate - Strengthen the place of law in public debate and improve understanding of legal issues … Sectors: | 70 |
![]() | La French Tech Clermont Auvergne La French Tech Clermont Auvergne is an association of entrepreneurs, organizations and local government bodies who support entrepreneurship & innovation. The association leads La French Tech initiative launched by the French State, on the Auvergne region. Its main missions are to: - Federate and animate the entire entrepreneurship & innovation ecosystem within the territory; - Develop the necessary tools for the growth of startups and scaleups, and support them in their growth phase; - Develop the local and international visibility of young businesses of the territory. Sectors: | 206 |
![]() | Greenpeace Global campaigning network with 25 independent national/regional entities, and a coordinating entity, GP International. Greenpeace is comprised of 25 independent national/regional organisations in over 55 countries across Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, as well as a co-ordinating body, Greenpeace International. We work directly with communities on the frontlines as they protect the environments they call home. Greenpeace is an equal opportunity employer with a longstanding commitment of providing a work environment that respects the dignity and worth of each individual. We recognise and value the benefits and strengths that diversity brings to our employees and the whole … Sectors: | 1546 |
![]() | Fab City Foundation We're taking cities from Product-In, Trash-Out to Data-In, Data-Out with the productive power of their citizens. Fab City started as a challenge for a city to produce (almost) everything it consumes. The provocation has grown into a global movement, which is facilitated by the Fab City Foundation, a Network of 41 cities and a Collective of experts. The Fab City Foundation supports the Fab City global initiative through the development of projects and educational programs that are focused on building the capacity of cities and their communities. Based in e-Estonia, the Foundation is location independent and supports distributed programs and … Sectors: | 97 |
![]() | Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) Built a network of 64000 partners in 175 countries. #34 Top NGOs in the world. Completed our mission in December 2019. We did it! We created the Movement we had always hoped to create for the financial inclusion and financial education of young people. 70 countries have changed policies. 175 countries took part in Global Money Week in which over 40 million children and youth were reached, and 63,000 organizations have been involved. In ten short years we disrupted the financial ecoystem and created a new status quo, earning us a place as #34 in the top NGOs of the … Sectors: | 137 |
![]() | AQT The Most Active Tech Community in Quebec The AQT is a business network dedicated to the growth and visibility of the Quebec technology sector. We foster and represent Quebec's tech community by promoting digital transformation, facilitating business opportunities among members, and providing access to industry best practices. Affaires technos, Numérique, Technologies, Affaires, PME, PDG, Croissance, Gestion, Marketing et ventes, Capital Humain, Réseautage, Innovation, Contenu techno, Événements, Accompagnement, Stratégie d'affaires, Finances, Affaires publiques, and Nouvelles tendances Sectors: | 283 |
![]() | ADRIQ ----Association for the Development of Research and Innovation of Quebec---- Accompany. Assemble. Transform. The Association for the Development of Research and Innovation of Quebec (ADRIQ) and its Technology and Innovation Consulting Network (RCTi) lead an ecosystem of companies and institutions dedicated to research and innovation. . It is a unique and influential grouping that fosters partnerships and collaborations to accelerate commercialization. The ADRIQ addresses the main concerns and conveys the opportunities for these research and innovation players in order to bring together favorable conditions conducive to their success. More information here: www.adriq.com Juridique, Droit des agents de marque de commerce, … Sectors: | 178 |